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Gænt - Wikipedia


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Þes tramet is ymbe þā Belgiscan burg. For ōðrum stōwum gehāten Gænt sēo Gænt (scīrung).

Þis gewrit hæfþ wordcwide on Nīwum Englisce.

Mǣgþ: Ēast Flandra
Læppa: Ghent
Mearc: 156.18 km²
Lēodrǣden: 229.344 (2004)
Lēodrǣdenne þiccnes: 1468.45 /km²

Gænt (Gent on Niðerlendisce, Gand on Frencisce, nū Ghent and gēo Gaunt in Nīwum Englisce) is burgscipe in Flandrum, þe is sum þāra þrēora dǣla Belgalandes, and in þǣre Flandriscan mǣgðe‏ Ēastflandrum and hit is hire hēafodburg. Gæntes middan is æt þǣm gemȳðum þāra ēana Scheldt and Lys. Hit ligþ æt twiwege þāra Europiscra wega E17 and E40.

In þǣm burgscipe sind Gænt ceaster and þā ceastra Afsnee, Desteldonk, Drongen, Gentbrugge, Ledeberg, Mariakerke, Mendonk, Oostakker, Sint-Amandsberg, Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Sint-Kruis-Winkel, Wondelgem, and Zwijnaarde. On 1 dæge Æfterran Gēolan 2005, 230,951 wunode in Gænte. And þǣrinne sind 156.18 km² landes, þ‏e getācnaþ lēodrǣdenne þiccnes 1468.5 wunienda be km². Be lēodrǣdenne is þis Belgies ōðer-mǣsta burgscipe, and is Belgies fēorðmǣste bestryðung.


[ādihtan] Stǽr

Se scéat Gænt wæs gebún in Celtiscum tídum. Se nama "Gænt" cymþ of þǽm Celtiscan worde 'ganda', þe mǽnþ mētung t.b. twégra éana (Scheldt and Lys). Ne sind gewritene gemyndas þǣre Rōmāniscan tīde, ac fyrngemyndleornunge geondsmēagung āsēðeþ þæt se eard Gæntes wæs forþ gebūen.

Hwonne þā Francas onwōdon þā Rōmāniscan landrīcu (of þǣm ende þæs 4an gēarhundredes and wel oþ þǣm 5an gēarhundrede) and brōhton hīe hira sprǣce mid him and Gænt wearþ folde, hwǣr Celtisc and Lǣden wurdon gehworfen fram (ealdorlicum) Niðerlendisce.

Oþ þǣm 7oðan gēarhundrede, in Gænte wǣron twā (important) mynster: Sint-Pieters (625-650) and Sint-Baafs (650). Gænt weaxode of manigfealdum frumum and þǣm mynstrum and cēapungstede. Ymb gēar 800, Gænt wæs (important), for þǣm þe Louis the Pious, sunu Charlemagnes lagode þæt Einhard sie abbod bēgra mynstra. Einhard wrāt līfwrītunge Charlemagnes cynunges Francrīces.

Þā ēa flēowon in foldan hwǣr fela landes wæs hwīlum oferflēded mid gōde gærse, and scylc land ion Flandrisce hātte meersen, þe segþ "hammas", and þæt word meers is cynn þæs wordes "mærsc", ac þēos meersen ne sind ā under wætre. Þis land wæs swīðe gōd for scēapum þe macodon wull for cláðum. Sōþlīce wæs Gænt in Middelre Ielde sēo hefigoste burg for clāðe.

Oþ þǣm 13oðan gēarhundrede Gænt wæs sēo mǣste ceaster būton Parise and ceastrum in Italiam. Binnan his weallum wunode 60,000 oððe 65,000. Hit wæs grēatora þonne Lunden and Köln and Moscow. In his middan sind gīet manigfealde grēate torras: se belletorr and þā ōðre torras þæs mynstres and Sint-Niklaas cyricean are just a few examples of what could be called the 'Manhattan of the Middle Ages'.

Gænt wæs burg, hwǣr sēo wull-bīsgung, frumlīce gestaðelod æt Bricge, scōp þone ǣrestan Europiscan bīsgungeodor in þǣre Hēan Middelielde; the mercantile zone was so highly-developed that wool had to be imported from England. Þis wæs ān þāra raca for Flanderes gōdum sibbe mid Englalande.

[ādihtan] Glīwsīðung

Belfry of Ghent. Behind it the Saint Nicholas church is visible.
Belfry of Ghent. Behind it the Saint Nicholas church is visible.

Much of the city's medieval architecture remains intact and is remarkably well preserved. Its center is the largest carfree area in Belgium. Interesting highlights are the Saint Bavo Cathedral with the Ghent Altarpiece, the belfry, the gravensteen, and the Graslei. The city is host to some big cultural events such as the Gentse Feesten, I Love Techno, Flanders International Film Festival Ghent and Festival van Vlaanderen. Night bus services (weekends only) are free of charge.

In Gænte is wid hȳþ and þǣrtō scytt Ghent-Terneuzen Canal wæterweg of Terneuzen ceastre þe is on sǽriman Westerschelde flēotes.

In Gænte wearþ ācenned Charles V and he wearþ Hálig Rōmisc Cāsere and Cyning Hispaniae. and þǣr ēac wearþ ācenned John of Gaunt, Dux Lonceastres. Þǣr man underseglode se Treaty of Ghent and hit in ǣwe endode þā Gūðe Gēares 1812 betwēox Brytene and þǣm USA.

[ādihtan] Sēo ēac

  • Ghent University
  • Bruges, Antwerp, Hasselt

[ādihtan] Ūtanwearde bendas

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