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16 Æfterra Gēola - Wikipedia

16 Æfterra Gēola

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16 Æfterra Gēola is se siextēoða dæg þæs gēares on þǣre Gregoriscan gerīmbēc. Heonan sind 349 belīfendra daga (350 in hlīepgēarum).

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[ādihtan] Belimpas

  • 27 BC - Se Romanisc Senatus giefþ tō Gaius Octavius þone tītule Augustus.
  • 1362 - A great storm tide in þǣm Norþsǣ destroys the Þēodisc īeg Strand and the city of Rungholt.
  • 1412 - Medici family made official bankers of the Papacy.
  • 1456 - Painter Filippo Lippi elopes with Lucrezia Buti, a young nun from the convent of Saint Margherita.
  • 1492 - Man presents the first grammar of a modern language, in Spēonisc tō cwēne Isabella.
  • 1547 - Ivan se Gryrelic is swā Tsar Russlandes gebēagod.
  • 1556 - Philip II wierþ cyning Spēonlandes.
  • 1572 - The Duke of Norfolk is tried for treason for his part in the Ridolfi plot to restore Catholicism in Englaland.
  • 1581 - Englisc Parliament outlaws Roman Catholicism.
  • 1605 - Se ǣrost bōc Don Quixote, El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha be Miguel de Cervantes, is in Madrid, Spēonland ābenþ.
  • 1761 - Britisc capture Pondicherry, India from the Frencisc.
  • 1777 - Vermont declares its independence from New York.
  • 1780 - American Revolution: Battle of Cape St. Vincent.
  • 1795 - Frencisc occupy Utrecht, Niðerlands.
  • 1809 - Peninsular War: The Britisc defeat the Frencisc at the Battle of La Coruña.
  • 1847 - John C. Fremont is appointed Governor of the new California Territory.
  • 1883 - The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, establishing the United States Civil service, is passed.
  • 1900 - The United States Senate accepts the Anglo-Þēodisc treaty of 1899 in which the Geānlǣht Cȳnedōm renounced its claims to the Samoan islands.
  • 1909 - Ernest Shackleton's expedition finds the magnetic South Pole.
  • 1917 - Þēodisc Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann sends the Zimmermann Telegram to Mexico, proposing a Þēodisc-Mexican alliance wiþ þā Geānlǣhtan Underrīca
  • 1919 - Temperance movement: The 18th Amendment, authorizing Prohibition, was passed by the Congress of the United States. It went into effect one year later, on January 16th, 1920.
  • 1938 - Benny Goodman plays Carnegie Hall.
  • 1945 - Adolf Hitler moves into his underground bunker, the so-called Führerbunker.
  • 1956 - Gamal Abdal Nasser, foresittend Ægyptes, vows to reconquer Palestine.
  • 1957 - The Cavern Club opens in Liverpool.
  • 1961 - Mickey Mantle becomes the highest paid baseball player by signing a $75,000 contract.
  • 1964 - The first musical version of Hello, Dolly! opens at New York City's St. James Theatre.
  • 1966 - The Metropolitan Opera House opens at Lincoln Center in New York City.
  • 1969 - Czech student Jan Palach commits suicide by self-immolation in Prague, in protest against the Soviets' crushing of the Prague Spring the year before.
  • 1970 - Buckminster Fuller receives the Gold Medal award from the American Institute of Architects.
  • 1970 - Curt Flood files suit, stating that major league baseball had violated the American anti-trust laws.
  • 1977 - The Marx Brothers were inducted into the Motion Picture Hall of Fame.
  • 1979 - The Shah of Iran flees Iran with his family and relocates tō Ægypte.
  • 1988 - Sports commentator Jimmy 'the Greek' Snyder is fired by CBS a day after publicly stating that African Americans had been bred to produce stronger offspring during slavery.
  • 1991 - Gulfgūþ: Operation Desert Storm onginnþ.
  • 1991 - US serial killer Aileen Wuornos confesses to the murders of six men.
  • 1992 - El Salvador officials and rebel leaders sign the Chapultepec Peace Accords in Mexico City that ends a 12-year ingefeoht that claimed at least 75,000.
  • 1997 - Ennis Cosby, the only son of actor Bill Cosby, is killed by a gunman while changing a flat tire in Los Angeles, California.
  • 1998 - NASA announces that John Glenn will return to space when Space Shuttle Discovery blasts off in Winterfylleþ 1998.
  • 2000 - In Sacramento, California a commercial truck carrying evaporated milk is driven into the state capitol building killing the driver.
  • 2001 - Congolisc foresittend Laurent-Dēsirē Kabila is assassinated by one of his own bodyguards.
  • 2002 - A student shoots 6 people at the Appalachian School of Law. Three of those shot die.
  • 2002 - John Ashcroft announces that so-called "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh would be tried in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Underrīcum.
  • 2002 - The UN Security Council unanimously establishes an arms embargo and the freezing of assets of Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaida, and the remaining members of the Taliban.
  • 2003 - Space Shuttle Columbia takes off for mission STS-107 which will be its final one. Columbia disintegrates 16 days later on re-entry.
  • 2004 - Þæt Crīstesmæsse Īeg Registry shuts down Goatse.cx.

[ādihtan] Byrda

  • 1821 - John C. Breckenridge, Kentucky Senator 1861-1861, Confederate General (d. 1875)
  • 1838 - Franz Brentano, Þēodisc philosopher and psychologist (d. 1917)
  • 1874 - Robert W. Service, poet (d. 1958)
  • 1881 - Sir Arthur Percy Morris Fleming, radio pioneer
  • 1898 - Margaret Booth, film editor (d. 2002)
  • 1902 - Eric Liddell, Scottisc runner (d. 1945)
  • 1909 - Ethel Merman, singer, actress (d. 1984)
  • 1910 - Dizzy Dean, Baseball Hall of Famer (d. 1974)
  • 1912 - Franz Tumler, Ēastrīcisc narrator (d. 1998)
  • 1918 - Stirling Silliphant, wrītere, producer (d. 1996)
  • 1922 - Ernesto Bonino, Italianisc sangere
  • 1924 - Katy Jurado, actress (d. 2002)
  • 1928 - William Kennedy, author
  • 1931 - Johannes Rau, Foresittend Þēodisclandes
  • 1932 - Dian Fossey, zoologist (d. 1985)
  • 1934 - Marilyn Horne, Americanisc mezzo-soprano
  • 1935 - Udo Lattek, football coach
  • 1935 - A.J. Foyt, automobile racer
  • 1943 - Brian Ferneyhough, composer
  • 1944 - Jim Stafford, sangere
  • 1946 - Kabir Bedi, actor
  • 1946 - Ronnie Milsap, sangere
  • 1946 - Katia Ricciarelli, opera sangere
  • 1947 - Laura Schlessinger, psychiatrist, radio talk show host
  • 1948 - John Carpenter, director
  • 1948 - Dalvanius, Nīwe Sǣland entertainer (d. 2002)
  • 1948 - Cliff Thorburn, Canadisc snooker player
  • 1950 - Debbie Allen, actress, dancer, choreographer
  • 1950 - Caroline Munro, actress
  • 1959 - Sade, singer
  • 1962 - Julie AutumnCook, Bookmobile Woman
  • 1969 - Roy Jones Jr., boxer
  • 1974 - Kate Moss, supermodel
  • 1979 - Aaliyah, singer (d. 2001)
  • 1980 - Albert Pujols, baseball player
  • 1980 - Michelle Wild, Hungarian pornstar
  • 1981 - Ana Rita

[ādihtan] Dēaðas

  • 1747 - Barthold Heinrich Brockes, Þēodisc poet (b. 1680)
  • 1794 - Edward Gibbon, stǣrmann (b. 1737)
  • 1806 - William Pitt the Younger, Forma Minister þæs Geānlǣhtan Cȳnedōmes (b. 1759)
  • 1876 - Edmund H. Sears, composer
  • 1917 - George Dewey, Admiral (b. 1837)
  • 1936 - Albert Fish, serial killer (electrocuted) (b. 1870)
  • 1942 - Carole Lombard, actress (b. 1908)
  • 1957 - Arturo Toscanini, conductor (b. 1867)
  • 1962 - Ivan Meštrović, sculptor (b. 1883)
  • 1982 - Red Smith, sports columnist
  • 1986 - Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God
  • 1995 - Eric Mottram - poet, teacher, critic, editor (b. 1924)
  • 2001 - Laurent-Dēsirē Kabila, foresittend þæs Democratic Republic of the Congo (assassinated; death officially confirmed on 18 Æfterra Gēola)
  • 2002 - Michael Bilandic, mayor of Chicago, IL (b. 1923)
  • 2002 - Eddie Meduza
  • 2002 - Bobo Olson, American boxer
  • 2002 - Ron Taylor, American actor

[ādihtan] Symbeldagas and observances

15 Æfterra Gēola - 17 Æfterra Gēola - 16 Gēolmōnaþ - 16 Solmōnaþ -- Getalu ealra daga

Mōnþas þæs gēares
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