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-{zh-cn:V字仇杀队;zh-hk:V煞;zh-tw:V怪客}-(V for Vendetta)

IMDB Image:4 out of 5.png 8.2/10 (50,439票)
導演 詹姆斯·麦克特格(James McTeigue)
監製 乔·西佛(Joel Silver)
沃卓斯基兄弟(The Wachowski Brothers)
作者 沃卓斯基兄弟(The Wachowski Brothers)
演出 娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)
雨果·维文(Hugo Weaving)
斯蒂芬·雷(Stephen Rea)
约翰·赫特(John Hurt)
斯蒂芬·弗莱(Stephen Fry)
音樂 达里奥·马里亚内利(Dario Marianelli)
片長 132分钟
語言 英语
預算 5400万美元[1]
All Movie Guide -{zh-cn:信息;zh-tw:資訊}-(英語)
IMDb -{zh-cn:信息;zh-tw:資訊}-(英語)

-{zh-cn:V字仇杀队;zh-hk:V煞;zh-tw:V怪客}-V for Vendetta)是一部2006年上映的动作—惊悚电影。影片的场景设置在不久之后的伦敦,主角是一位名叫V(雨果·维文(Hugo Weaving)饰)的自由斗士。他试图通过一系列所谓的恐怖行动来实现——不仅是个人复仇,更重要的是推动影片中反乌托邦的英国发生社会政治上的重大变化——两大目标。影片改编自艾伦·摩尔(Alan Moore)和大卫·劳埃德(David Lloyd)的连环漫画《-{zh-cn:V字仇杀队;zh-hk:V煞;zh-tw:V怪客}-》。本片由詹姆斯·麦克特格(James McTeigue)执导,而制片人则是乔·西佛(Joel Silver)和沃卓斯基兄弟(The Wachowski Brothers)。而沃卓斯基兄弟同时负责了影片剧本的写作。因此影片显示出浓重的沃卓斯基兄弟风格。娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)在影片中饰演女主角艾薇·哈蒙德(Evey Hammond),斯蒂芬·雷(Stephen Rea)饰演检察员芬奇(Inspector Finch)。影片中的头号反派角色沙特勒长官(Chancellor Sutler)则由约翰·赫特(John Hurt)扮演。




[编辑] 情节梗概

這故事在講約2038的英國, when Britain is ruled by a totalitarian regime called Norsefire. It follows Evey Hammond (Natalie Portman), a young woman who, at the start of the film, is rescued from state police by a masked vigilante known as "V" (Hugo Weaving). After rescuing her, V takes Evey to a rooftop location to witness his spectacular destruction of the Old Bailey. The regime explains the incident to the public as a planned demolition, but this is shown to be a lie when V takes over the state-run TV station the next day. V broadcasts a message urging the people of Britain to rise up against the oppressive government on November 5, one year from that day. V implies that on that date he will destroy the Houses of Parliament.

Evey, who works at the TV station, helps V to escape. V brings Evey to his lair, where she is told that she must stay in hiding with him for her own safety. Upon learning that V is killing government officials, she is horrified, but eventually realizes that some actions taken are for the best. She briefly explains her past to V and then inquires as to whether there is anything that she could do to help. Later, he devises a plan to infiltrate the monastery where a corrupt priest is found, requiring Evey's assistance. After V appears, Evey escapes to the home of one of her superiors, Gordon Dietrich (Stephen Fry). However, the state police raid Gordon's home shortly afterwards, and Evey is captured.她is incarcerated and tortured for days, finding solace only in the notes left by another prisoner. Evey is eventually told that she will be executed unless she reveals V's whereabouts. An exhausted Evey says she would rather die, and, surprisingly, is then released. Evey discovers that she has been in V's lair all along, and that her imprisonment was staged by V. By forcing Evey to experience what he had gone through long ago, V hoped that Evey would understand that our integrity, "the very last inch of us", can be more important than our lives. Evey initially hates V for what he has done, but comes to realize that having faced her own death, she can now live without fear. She leaves V, promising to return before November 5.

V and Evey Hammond in the Shadow Gallery. Evey is taken there after their escape from the BTN.

Meanwhile, Inspector Finch (Stephen Rea), through his investigation of V, learns how Norsefire came to power, and about V’s origins. Fourteen years previously, Britain had suffered from war and terrorism (supposedly, the War on Terror spiralled out of control). The ultra-conservative Norsefire party led a reactionary purge to restore order; so-called enemies of the state disappeared during the night. The country was deeply divided over the loss of freedom until a bioterrorist attack occurred, killing about 100,000 people. The fear generated by the attack allowed Norsefire to silence all opposition and win the next election by a landslide. A cure for the virus was discovered soon afterwards. With the silent consent of the people, Norsefire turned Britain into a bigoted totalitarian order, with their leader Adam Sutler (John Hurt) as High Chancellor.

然而, the viral catastrophe had actually been engineered by Norsefire as a ploy to gain power. The virus had been engineered through deadly experimentation on "social deviants" and political dissidents at Larkhill detention center. V had been one of the prisoners, but instead of being killed by the experiments, he had gained heightened mental and physical abilities. V eventually destroyed the center and escaped, vowing to take revenge on Norsefire's regime. As November 5 nears, V's various schemes cause chaos in Britain, as the population grows more and more intolerant and subversive towards government authority. On the eve of November 5, V is visited again by Evey, and shows her a train which he has filled with explosives in order to destroy Parliament through an explosion in the abandoned London Underground. He delegates the destruction of Parliament to Evey, believing that the ultimate decision should not come from him. He then leaves to meet Party leader Creedy who, as part of an earlier agreement, has agreed to bring V the Chancellor in exchange for V's surrender. Creedy kills the Chancellor in front of V, but V does not surrender, instead killing Creedy and his men. V, mortally wounded in the fight, returns to Evey. He thanks her, and then dies. His body is placed upon the train with the explosives, in a type of Viking funeral.

Evey is about to send the train down the track when she is discovered by Inspector Finch. Finch, having learned much about the corruption of the Norsefire regime, allows Evey to proceed. Meanwhile, thousands of Londoners, all wearing Guy Fawkes masks, march on Parliament to watch the event. Because Creedy and the Chancellor are dead, the military stands down in the face of a civil rebellion. Parliament is destroyed by the explosion. On a nearby rooftop Evey and Finch watch the scene together and hope for a better tomorrow. Template:Endspoilers

[编辑] 改编过程

The film was made by many of the same filmmakers involved in the Matrix films. In 1988, producer Joel Silver acquired the rights to two of Alan Moore's texts: V for Vendetta and Watchmen.[2] The Wachowski brothers were fans of V for Vendetta and in the mid-1990's, before working on The Matrix, wrote a draft screenplay that closely followed the graphic novel. During the postproduction of the second and third Matrix films, the Wachowski brothers revisited the screenplay and offered the director's role to James McTeigue. All three were intrigued by the themes of the original story and found them to be relevant to the current political landscape. Upon revisiting the screenplay, the Brothers set about making revisions to condense and modernize the story, while at the same time attempting to preserve its integrity and themes.[3]

Moore explicitly disassociated himself from the film, continuing a series of disputes over film adaptations of his work. He ended cooperation with his publisher, DC Comics, after its corporate parent, Warner Bros., failed to retract statements about Moore's supposed endorsement of the film. Moore said that the script contained plot holes[4] and that it ran contrary to the theme of his original work, which was to place two political extremes (fascism and anarchism) against one another. He argues his work had been recast as a story about "current American neo-conservatism vs. current American liberalism".[5] As per his wishes, Moore's name does not appear in the film's closing credits. Meanwhile, co-creator and illustrator David Lloyd supports the film adaptation, commenting that the script is very good and that Moore would only ever be truly happy with a complete book-to-screen adaptation.[2]

[编辑] 制作

V for Vendetta was filmed in London, UK and in Potsdam, Germany at Babelsberg Studios. Much of the film was shot on sound stages and indoor sets, with location work done in Berlin for three scenes: the Norsefire rally flashback, Larkhill, and Bishop Lilliman’s bedroom. The scenes that took place in the abandoned London Underground were filmed at the disused Aldwych tube station. Filming began in early March, 2005, and principal photography officially wrapped in early June of 2005.[2] V for Vendetta is the final film shot by noted cinematographer Adrian Biddle, who died of a heart attack on December 7 2005.

The film was designed to have a future-retro look, with a heavy use of grey tones to give a dreary, stagnant feel to totalitarian London. The largest set created for the film was the Shadow Gallery, which was made to feel like a cross between a crypt and an undercroft.[6] The Gallery is V's home as well as the place where he stores various artifacts forbidden by the government. Some of the works of art displayed in the gallery include The Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck, Bacchus and Ariadne by Titian, a Mildred Pierce poster, and The Lady of Shalott by John William Waterhouse.

One of the major challenges in the film was how to bring V to life from under an expressionless mask. Thus, considerable effort was made to bring together lighting, acting and Weaving's voice to create the proper mood for the situation. In order to prevent the mask from muffling Weaving's voice, a microphone was placed in his hairline to aid post-production, when his entire dialogue was re-recorded.[7]

To film the final scene at Westminster, the area from Trafalgar Square and Whitehall up to Parliament and Big Ben had to be closed for three nights from 12–5 a.m. This was the first time the security-sensitive area (home to 10 Downing Street and the Ministry of Defence) had ever been closed to accommodate filming.[7] Prime Minister Tony Blair's son Euan Blair worked on the film's production and is said (through an interview with Stephen Fry) to have helped the filmmakers obtain the unparalleled filming access. This drew criticism for Blair from MP David Davis due to the content of the film. However, the makers of the film deny Euan Blair's involvement in the deal,[8] stating that access was acquired through nine months of negotiations with 14 different government departments and agencies.[7]

[编辑] 演员

  • 娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)饰演艾薇·哈蒙德(Evey Hammond):导演詹姆斯·麦克特格是在《星球大战II:克隆人的进攻》的片场第一次见到她的,当时麦克特格是这部影片的助理导演。为了准备饰演这个角色,波特曼还特地向一位方言学家求教,以求锻炼出一口如角色本人一般的标准英格兰口音英语。此外为拍摄本片,她还研究了梅纳赫姆·贝京(Menachem Begin)的自传以及《地下气象》(The Weather Underground)等电影。[3]波特曼的片酬是本片所有演员中最高的,她也是剧组中唯一一个美国人。
  • 雨果·维文(Hugo Weaving)饰演V怪客: 本来担任V怪客一角的是詹姆斯·普尔佛伊(James Purefoy),但是由于面具不合适而换成由曾在《黑客帝国》里扮演“史密斯探员”的雨果·维文担任此一角色。 However, parts of the film still contain scenes from Purefoy with only a voiceover from Weaving. When taking into account the stuntmen who also played V, there were actually several people who played V in the film.[9]
  • Stephen Rea as Eric Finch: Inspector Finch's Irish background causes his loyalties to be questioned by Creedy. Actor Stephen Rea is also Irish and, interestingly, was once married to Dolours Price, a former member of the IRA, imprisoned for bombing the Old Bailey.[10]
  • John Hurt as Adam Sutler: Sutler is the chancellor (or dictator) of Britain. Playing Chancellor Sutler was a complete role reversal for John Hurt, as he played the part of Winston Smith, a victim of the state in the film adaptation of Nineteen Eighty-Four.
  • Stephen Fry as Gordon Dietrich: Talk show host Gordon Dietrich is a closeted homosexual who, due to the restrictions of the regime, has "lost his appetite" over the years. This has some parallels with Stephen Fry, who is also homosexual and had famously practiced a celibate lifestyle for over 16 years. When asked in an interview what he liked about the role, Stephen replied, "Being beaten up! I hadn't been beaten up in a movie before and I was very excited by the idea of being clubbed to death."[11]
  • Sinead Cusack as Dr. Delia Surridge: Dr. Surridge was the head physician at the Larkhill detention center. V states that the torture and death at Larkhill was only possible because of her research.
  • John Standing as Bishop Anthony James Lilliman: In regards to his role as Lilliman, Standing remarks, "I thoroughly enjoyed playing Lilliman... because he's slightly comic and utterly atrocious. Lovely to do."[3]
  • Tim Pigott-Smith as Peter Creedy: Creedy is both Norsefire's party leader and the head of Britain's Secret Police, the Finger. While Sutler is the Chancellor, the real power of the regime lies with Creedy.[3]
  • Rupert Graves as Dominic Stone: Dominic is Inspector Finch’s lieutenant in the V investigation.
  • Natasha Wightman as Valerie Page: Valerie's symbolic role as a victim of the state was received positively by many LGBT critics. Film critic Michael Jensen praised the extraordinarily powerful moment of Valerie's scene "not just because it is beautifully acted and well-written, but because it is so utterly unexpected [in a Hollywood film]."[12]
  • Roger Allam as Lewis Prothero: Lewis Prothero, "The Voice of London," has been viewed as a parody of Bill O'Reilly or Rush Limbaugh by critics and commentators.[13][14] Prior to becoming "The Voice of London", he was fabulously wealthy by being the majority stockholder of the pharmaceutical company that "developed" the cure for the St. Mary's virus. He also served in the Middle East, in nations with high political tensions.
  • Ben Miles as Roger Dascombe: Though never explicitly mentioned in the film, Dascombe is Sutler's head of propaganda.[3]
  • Clive Ashborn as Guy Fawkes: The story of Guy Fawkes is described in the beginning of the film and serves as the historical inspiration for V.

[编辑] 上映

Natalie Portman speaking at the 2005 San Diego Comic-con.
Natalie Portman speaking at the 2005 San Diego Comic-con.

The cast and filmmakers attended several press conferences that allowed them to address issues surrounding the film, including its authenticity, Alan Moore's reaction to it and its intended political message. The responses given at the conferences made it clear that the film was intended to be a departure from some of Moore's original themes. In the words of Hugo Weaving: "Alan Moore was writing about something which happened some time ago. It was a response to living in Thatcherite England... This is a response to the world in which we live today. So I think that the film and the graphic novel are two separate entities." In regards to the controversial political content in the film, the filmmakers have said that the film is intended more to raise questions and add to a dialogue already present in society, rather than provide answers or tell viewers what to think.[15] The film was also publicised with a viral video file on the internet, in which could be seen the wikipedia page War games in progress on September 11, 2001.

The film takes extensive imagery from the infamous 1605 Gunpowder Plot, where a group of Catholic conspirators plotted to destroy the Houses of Parliament in order to spark a revolution in England.[2] The film was originally scheduled for release on the weekend of November 5 2005, the 400th anniversary of the Plot, with the tagline "Remember, remember the 5th of November", taken from a traditional British rhyme memorializing the event. However, the marketing angle lost much of its value when the release date was pushed back to March 17 2006. Many have speculated that the delay was due to the London tube bombings on 7 July and 21 July. The film-makers have denied this, saying that the delays were from the need for more time in order to finish the visual effects production.[16] V for Vendetta had its first major premier on February 13 at the Berlin Film Festival.[15] It opened for general release on March 17 2006 in 3,365 theatres in the United States, the United Kingdom and six other countries.[1] Major theatres decorated the exterior of their buildings with Norsefire flags.

[编辑] 音乐

主條目:V for Vendetta (soundtrack)

The V for Vendetta soundtrack was released by Astralwerks Records on March 21 2006. The original scores from the film's composer, Dario Marianelli, make up most of the tracks on the album. The soundtrack also features three vocals played during the film: "Cry Me A River" by Julie London, "I Found A Reason" by Cat Power and "Bird Gerhl" by Antony and the Johnsons. These songs were a sample of the 872 blacklisted tracks on V's Wurlitzer jukebox that V "reclaimed" from the Ministry of Objectionable Materials. The climax of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture appears at the end of the track "Knives and Bullets (and Cannons too)". The revolutionary sounding Overture is played at key parts at the beginning and end of the film.

Three songs were played during the ending credits which were not included on the V for Vendetta soundtrack. The first was "Street Fighting Man" by the Rolling Stones. The second was a special version of Ethan Stoller's "BKAB". In keeping with revolutionary tone of the film, excerpts from "On Black Power" by black nationalist leader Malcolm X, and from "Address to the Women of America" by feminist-writer Gloria Steinem were added to the song. Gloria Steinem can be heard saying: "This is no simple reform... It really is a revolution. Sex and race, because they are easy and visible differences, have been the primary ways of organizing human beings into superior and inferior groups and into the cheap labor on which this system still depends." The final song was "Out of Sight" by Spiritualized. Also in the film were segments from two of Antonio Carlos Jobim's classic bossa nova songs, "The Girl From Ipanema" and "Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars". These songs were played during the "breakfast scenes" with V and Dietrich and were one of the ways used to tie the two characters together. Beethoven's Symphony No.5 also plays an important role in the film, with the first four notes of the song signifying the letter "V" in Morse code. Gordon Dietrich's Benny Hill-styled comedy sketch of Chancellor Sutler includes the "Yakety Sax" theme. Amusingly, Inspector Finch's alarm clock begins 5 November with the song "Long Black Train" by Richard Hawley, which contains the foreshadowing lyrics "Ride the long black train... take me home black train."

[编辑] 与原著的不同

For more information: V for Vendetta.
Alan Moore's original story is darker, with a greater emphasis on anarchist themes.

The film's story was adapted from an Alan Moore comic originally published between 1982 and 1985 in the British comic anthology Warrior. These comics were later compiled into a graphic novel and published again in the United States under DC's Vertigo imprint and in the United Kingdom under Titan Books. Even though the film is based on the graphic novel, there are several key differences between the two that make them fundamentally different from one another. For example, Alan Moore's original story was created as a response to British Thatcherism in the early 80's and was set as a conflict between a fascist state and anarchism, whereas the film's story has been changed by the Wachowskis to fit a modern political context. Alan Moore charges that in doing so, the story has turned into an American-centric conflict between liberalism and neo-conservatism, and abandons the original anarchist-fascist themes. Furthermore, in the original story, Moore attempted to maintain moral ambiguity, and not to portray the fascists as caricatures, but as realistic, rounded characters [5]. The time limitations of a film meant that the story had to omit or streamline some of the characters, details and plotlines from the original story.[3]

Template:Spoilers While V is characterized as a romantic freedom fighter in the film, he is portrayed as an anarchist with questionable tendencies in the graphic novel. He neither cooks breakfast for Evey, nor is he concerned about the loss of innocent life and is instead portrayed as something bizarre. Evey Hammond undergoes a more drastic change in the novel than she does in the film. At the beginning of the film, she is already a confident woman with a hint of rebellion in her, whereas in the graphic novel she starts off as an insecure, desperate young woman. By the end of the graphic novel, not only does she carry out V’s plans as she does in the film, but she also clearly takes on V’s identity. While the film portrays the Chancellor as a power hungry totalitarian figure, the graphic novel paints him as a sympathetic and troubled character.

The setting in Moore’s original story is much darker than the relatively secure setting of the film. In the graphic novel, a global nuclear war has destroyed Continental Europe and Africa, but has spared Britain. However, Britain stands isolated, and with a nuclear winter causing famine and massive flooding, there is a real fear that a collapse of the government would lead to disaster, making V’s efforts to destroy the regime even more questionable. In contrast to this, where the government came into power as a necessity and was sustained by the apathy that society then fell into, in the film they are presented as having orchestrated their rise to power through deceit and death, manufacturing a biological weapon which they cured, securing their victory in the election.

Norsefire in the film is largely based on present day fears of an ultra-conservative police state, whereas Norsefire in the original story is based on a fascist regime closer to that of the Nazi Party. In both stories Norsefire actively participates in the systematic elimination of racial minorities, homosexuals, and political dissidents from society. But whereas the ultra-conservative regime of tomorrow also targets Muslims, the fascist regime of yesterday is explicitly focused on the protection of racial purity. Despite playing down racial elements of the regime, the film retains the Aryan superhero Storm Saxon.

Several characters were completely omitted from the film, including Ms. Almond and Mr. and Mrs. Heyer. Also, the computer system "Fate" is completely missing from the film. (In the original story, Fate was a Big-Brother-like computer which served as Norsefire's eyes and ears and also helped explain how V could see and hear the things he did.) V's terrorist targets are different in the graphic novel, as he destroys Parliament and the Old Bailey in the beginning, and destroys 10 Downing Street for the finale. Finally, whereas the film ends in a relatively peaceful overthrow, in the graphic novel there is a violent collapse of authority.

Characters and events are changed, switched or omitted. In the film, Lewis Prothero was a radical television personality that dealt out personal opinion on a racist scale on television, inciting people to be wary of foreigners. In the graphic novel, however, Mr. Prothero, the Voice of Fate was unseen on television, leading the public to believe that his was the voice of the computer Fate.

Evey also has an affair with Gordon Dietrich in the novel, her boss and senior. In the film, he is a closet homosexual who displays interest in Evey to cover his own true identity, as he fears the backlash of the homophobic government. In both novel and film, Gordon is Evey's boss, and violates the law by smuggling and collecting banned works of human recreation.

Also in the graphic novel, Mr. Prothero was not killed in his home but was kidnapped by V and subjected to a reconstruction of Larkhill Detention facility and is driven mad by the destruction of his vast doll collection. In the film, no mention is made of his dolls, and he is killed in his home, however it is possible to see some of his dolls in the sequence in the shower.

Near the end of the film, Creedy kills Sutler and his men then fire on V. In the novel, the omitted character Rose Almond, kills the Leader (who is named Adam Susan in the novel) as he steps out of a car to speak to the public and Eric Finch mortally wounds V in a showdown in the underground.

[编辑] 主题

The film V for Vendetta can be viewed in the tradition of the other cautionary dystopian stories like It Can't Happen Here and Nineteen Eighty-Four, with the addition of some Matrix-style action elements. The story retains some of the anarchist themes of the original story and turns them into a medium for examining topics of terrorism and state control within a modern context. On a theatrical level, V for Vendetta sets the Gunpowder Plot as the V’s historical inspiration, contributing to his choice of timing, language and appearance. (For example, V’s pseudonym is Rockwood, named for Ambrose Rokewood). Evey and V’s relationship contain many of the romantic elements from the Phantom of the Opera, where the masked Phantom takes Christine Daaé to his lair in order to reeducate her. Revenge is a central motivation for V and the film makes explicit connections to similar themes in the Count of Monte Cristo. The film also incorporates the idea of V as the embodiment of an idea rather than an individual, depicting V without a past, identity or face.

The Norsefire regime takes totalitarian imagery from many sources: fictional and non-fictional.

As a film about the struggle between freedom and the state, V for Vendetta takes imagery from many classic totalitarian icons both real and fictional, including Nazi Germany and George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.[3][15] For example, Adam Sutler (who was named after Adolf Hitler)[15] primarily appears on large video screens and on portraits in people's homes, reminiscent of Big Brother. In another reference to Orwell's novel, the slogan "Strength through Unity. Unity through Faith" is displayed prominently across London, similar to "War is peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength" in Orwell's Oceania. There is also the state's Orwellian use of mass surveillance, such as closed-circuit television, on its citizens. (Britain currently has the world's highest concentration of CCTV.)[17] Valerie was sent to a detention facility for being a lesbian and then had medical experiments performed on her, similar to Nazi Germany's treatment of gays during the Holocaust.[18] The Aryan-sounding Norsefire regime also uses red and black as their party colours, similar to the Nazi party. Norsefire has also replaced St George's Cross with the Cross of Lorraine as their Nordic-style national symbol. This was a symbol used by Free French Forces during World War II, as it was a traditional symbol of French patriotism that could be used as an answer to the Nazi's Swastika. The media is also portrayed as highly subservient to government propaganda, a characteristic of totalitarian regimes in general.

[编辑] 对极权主义的反映


A flag depicted in the film, a mix of the American flag, Union Jack, and Nazi swastika.
A flag depicted in the film, a mix of the American flag, Union Jack, and Nazi swastika.

With the intention of making the film relevant to today’s audience, the filmmakers included many modern day references as well. For example, the culture of fear montage of news stories ordered by Sutler contains references to an avian flu pandemic. There is also pervasive use of biometric identification and signal-intelligence gathering and analysis by the regime. Many have also noted the numerous references in the film to events surrounding the current American administration. These include the "black bags" worn by the prisoners in Larkhill that have been seen as a reference to the black bags worn by prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Guantánamo Bay in Cuba.[19][20][21] Also London is under a yellow-coded curfew alert, similar to the U.S. Government's color-coded Homeland Security Advisory System.[22][23] One of the forbidden items in Gordon's secret basement is a protest poster with a mixed U.S.–UK flag with a swastika and the title "Coalition of the Willing, To Power." This is likely a reference to the real Coalition of the Willing that was formed for the Iraq War.[14] (At the same time, it also appears to be a reference to Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of Will to Power[24]). As well, there is use of the term "rendition" in the film, in reference to the way the regime removes undesirables from society.[21] There is even a brief scene (during the Valerie flashback) that contains real-life footage of an anti-Iraq war demonstration, with mention of President George W. Bush. Finally, the film contains reference's to "America's war" and "the war America started" as well as real footage from the Iraq War.

Much of the modern U.S. imagery is personified in the character Lewis Prothero. For example, his combat record seems to be an allusion to the war in Iraq and other parts of the Middle-East with strong political tensions ("Iraq, Kurdistan, Syria: before and after, Sudan").[25] As the talk show host “The Voice of London”, Prothero evokes the image of conservative American pundits like Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, (particularly with Prothero's and Limbaugh's drug use).[13][14] Furthermore, with his rhetoric about God, gays, and Muslims, Prothero is likely a caricature of religious right-wing commentators like Pat Robertson.[22] (Prothero mentions that the U.S. itself has collapsed due to "Godlessness").

Despite the American specific references, the filmmakers have always referred to the film as adding dialogue to a set of issues much broader than the U.S. administration.[15] When James McTeigue was asked whether or not BTN was based on Fox News McTeigue replied, "Yes. But not just Fox. Everyone is complicit in this kind of stuff. It could just as well been the British Sky News Channel."[23]

[编辑] V与5


In his battle with Creedy, V primes his daggers into the letter "V" before throwing them.

There is repeated reference to the symbol “V”, as both letter and number, throughout the film. For example, V's introductory monologue to Evey (above) begins and ends with “V”, has five sentences, and contains 49 words that begin with “V”. Also, on the subject of Evey, if you count the letters in the alphabet to "E" it is 5. Similar references are made through V's background, choice of words and action. V is held in Larkhill cell number “V”. A favorite Latin phrase of V's is from Goethe's Faust: "Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici" ("By the power of truth, I, a living man, have conquered the universe"). In a dance with Evey, the song V chooses is number five on his jukebox, though all the songs on his jukebox are numbered "5". When V confronts Creedy in his home, he plays Beethoven's "Fifth" Symphony, whose opening notes have a rhythmic pattern that resembles the letter “V” in Morse code (···–). The Symphony's opening was used as a call-sign in the European broadcasts of the BBC during World War II in reference to Winston Churchill's “V for Victory”. The film's title itself, is also a reference to “V for Victory”. In the battle with Creedy and his men at Victoria station, V forms a “V” with his daggers just before he throws them. After the battle, when V is mortally wounded, he leaves a “V” signature in his own blood. The destruction of Parliament results in a display of fireworks which form the letter “V” (just like at the beginning with Old Bailey), which is also an inverted red-on-black “A” symbol for anarchy. Like the Old Bailey and Larkhill, Parliament was destroyed on the fifth of November. Also, Big Ben shows the start of the group of Vs at 11:05 pm, creating a giant V on the clock face. V is also the fifth letter from the end in the Latin alphabet. Template:Endspoilers

[编辑] 对影片的评论及票房纪录

As of June 2006, V for Vendetta has grossed (USD) $70,500,231 in the United States and $60,900,000 internationally, for a worldwide gross of $131,400,231. The film led the United States box office on its opening day, taking in an estimated $8,350,000 and remained the number one film for the remainder of the weekend, taking in an estimated total of $25,642,340. Its closest rival, Failure to Launch, took in $15,604,892.[1] 此片的票房纪录在韩国,台湾,瑞典,与新加坡为首。The film debuted at number one in South Korea, Taiwan, Sweden, Singapore and the Philippines.[26] Despite the film taking place in the UK, the film did not reach number one at the UK box office on opening weekend; instead, The Pink Panther took the number one spot. V for Vendetta also opened in 56 IMAX theaters in North America, grossing $1.36 million during the opening three days.[27]

The critical reception of the film was mostly positive, the film review collection website Rotten Tomatoes gave the film a 76% Fresh approval.[28] Ebert & Roeper gave the film two thumbs up with Roger Ebert stating that V for Vendetta "almost always has something going on that is actually interesting, inviting us to decode the character and plot and apply the message where we will."[29] Margaret Pomeranz and David Stratton from At the Movies state that despite the problem of never seeing Hugo's face, there was good acting and an interesting plot, adding that the film is also disturbing, with scenes reminiscent of Nazi Germany. [30] Jonathan Ross from the BBC, a well-known fan of comics and Alan Moore in particular, blasted the film, calling it a "woeful, depressing failure" and stating that the "cast of notable and familiar talents such as John Hurt and Stephen Rea stand little chance amid the wreckage of the Wachowski siblings' dismal script and its particularly poor dialogue."[31] While Harry Guerin from RTÉ states the film "works as a political thriller, adventure and social commentary and it deserves to be seen by audiences who would otherwise avoid any/all of the three", adding that the film will become "a cult favourite whose reputation will only be enhanced with age".[32]

As of July 2006, V for Vendetta was listed in the top 250 films ever made, according to IMDb.[33] Currently the film is in the 150th position of the chart.

[编辑] 各派政治力量的评论

V for Vendetta deals with issues of race, sexuality, religion, totalitarianism, and terrorism. Its controversial storyline and themes have, inevitably, made it the target of both criticism and praise from different sociopolitical groups.

An anarchist group in New York City has used the film's release to gain publicity for anarchism as a political philosophy. However, the group felt that the film waters down the anarchist message from the original story in order to satisfy mass Hollywood audiences, and instead focuses on destruction without proposing any alternatives.[34] Despite the lack of acceptance by some anarchists, the film has brought renewed interest to Alan Moore's original story, as sales of the original graphic novel rose dramatically in the United States, placing the book firmly in the top sales at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com.[35]

Many libertarians, especially at the Mises Institute's LewRockwell.com see the film as a positive depiction in favor of a free society with limited government and free enterprise, citing the state's terrorism as being of greater evil and rationalized by its political machinery, while V's acts are seen as 'terroristic' because they are done by a single individual.[36] Justin Raimondo, the libertarian editor of Antiwar.com, praised the film for its sociopolitical self-awareness and saw the film’s success as "helping to fight the cultural rot that the War Party feeds on".[13]

Several conservative Christian groups were critical of the film's negative portrayal of a Christian theocracy and sympathetic portrayal of homosexuality and Islam. Ted Baehr, chairman of the Christian Film and Television Commission, called V for Vendetta "a vile, pro-terrorist piece of neo-Marxist, left-wing propaganda filled with radical sexual politics and nasty attacks on religion and Christianity".[37] Don Feder, a conservative columnist from Frontpage Magazine has called V for Vendetta "the most explicitly anti-Christian movie to date."[38] Meanwhile, LGBT commentators have praised the film for its positive depiction of gays, with writer Michael Jensen calling the film "one of the most pro-gay ever".[12]

Dave Saldana from the left-wing media group ZNet says that the regime's treachery could have “come from today's newspaper [citing] secret tribunals, secret prisons, political scapegoats 'disappeared' and tortured, a too- cozy relationship between Big Business and government, TV blowhards and corrupt religious leaders helping the government do its dirty work, and a ruthless political henchman pulling the strings.”[39] However, David Walsh from the World Socialist Web Site criticizes V's actions as "antidemocratic" and cites the film as an example of "the bankruptcy of anarcho-terrorist ideology" stating that because the people have not played any part in the revolution, they will be unable to produce a "new, liberated society."[40]

The film was forbidden for public presentation in Belarus for political reasons and possible analogies between the regime described in the film and that of Alexander Lukashenko[41].

[编辑] 注释

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 V for Vendetta (2006)- boxofficemojo.com - 於20066 May造訪。
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 V for Vendetta news- vforvendetta.com Warner Brothers - 於200631 March造訪。
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Production Notes for V for Vendetta- official webpage vforvendetta.com - 於200614 april造訪。
  4. MOORE SLAMS V FOR VENDETTA MOVIE, PULLS LoEG FROM DC COMICS comicbookresources.com - 於20055 June造訪。
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 A FOR ALAN, Pt. 1: The Alan Moore interview- MILE HIGH COMICS presents THE BEAT at COMICON.com GIANT Magazine - 於200621 March造訪。
  6. Warner Bros. (2006) V for Vendetta Unmasked [TV-Special]. United States: Warner Bros..
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 V for Vendetta - About the production- ssfworld.com - 於200622 April造訪。
  8. How E got the V in Vendetta The Guardian (March 23, 2006) - 於200613 May造訪。
  9. Rebels without a pause. Portman and Weaving fight the power in V for Vendetta- MTV.com - 於2006May 3造訪。
  10. Film Interview – Stephen Rea / ‘V For Vendetta’ - The Rea Thing- eventguide InterArt Media - 於200613 May造訪。
  11. Exclusive Interview with Stephen Fry - V for Vendetta- filmfocus.com - 於200619 April造訪。
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 V for Vendetta: A Brave, Bold Film for Gays and Lesbians- afterellen.com - 於20066 April造訪。
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Go See V for Vendetta- Antiwar.com - 於20068 April造訪。
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Debbie Schlussel - "V" for Vicious Propaganda FrontPage - 於200617 May造訪。
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 V for Vendetta Press Footage Warner Bros. - 於200630 April造訪。
  16. Natalie Portman's 'V For Vendetta' Postponed sfgate.com - 於200625 April造訪。
  17. Parenti·Christian (June 3, 2002) - DC's Virtual Panopticon The Nation - 於200613 May造訪。
  18. In 'Vendetta,' disastrous U.S. and British policymaking gives rise to terrorism -- what a shocker- sfgate.com - 於20063 May造訪。
  19. Gunpowder, treason and plot- The Age Fairfax Digital - 於200619 March造訪。
  20. Owen·Gleiberman - EW review: 'V for Vendetta,' O for OK - 於200619 March造訪。
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 David Denby - BLOWUP: V for Vendetta- The New Yorker Conde Nast - 於200613 March造訪。
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 V for Vendetta- Christianitytoday.com - 於200629 April造訪。
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Germain·David - 'V' for Victory Monterey County Herald - 於200610 April造訪。
  24. Examining V for Vendetta: Film, Graphic Novel, and Interpretation- peterjohnchen.com - 於200628 May造訪。
  25. Rainer·Peter - V for verbose vigilante- Christian Science Monitor First Church of Christ - 於200617 March造訪。
  26. ‘V’ for (international) victory Boston Herald - 於200622 March造訪。
  27. V for Vendetta Posts Strong IMAX Opening- vfxworld.com - 於200622 March造訪。
  28. V for Vendetta (2006)- rottentomatoes.com - 於20066 April造訪。
  29. Ebert·Roger - V for Vendetta- rogerebert.suntimes.com - 於200616 March造訪。
  30. V for Vendetta- atthemovies.com - 於200623 April造訪。
  31. Ross·Jonathon - Jonathan on... V For Vendetta- BBC - 於200623 April造訪。
  32. Guerin·Harry - V For Vendetta- rte.ie - 於200623 April造訪。
  33. Top 250 films ever made- IMDB.com - 於200611 July造訪。
  34. A for Anarchy deleted scenes- aforanarchy.com - 於20068 April造訪。
  35. V for Vendetta Graphic Novel is a US Bestseller- televisionpoint.com - 於20062 April造訪。
  36. Butler Shaffer - V for Vendetta- lewrockwell.com - 於200620 March造訪。
  37. Time Warner promotes terrorism and anti-Christian bigotry in new leftist movie, 'V for Vendetta' WorldNetDaily - 於20064 April造訪。
  38. The Media's War on the "War on Christians" Conference- frontpagemag - 於20066 April造訪。
  39. Dave Saldana - A Political Parable With Swordfights- Znet.com - 於20069 May造訪。
  40. Confused, not thought through: V for Vendetta- world socialist website - 於200627 March造訪。
  41. Заложники "Вендетты"- Charter '97 - 於200605 June造訪。

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