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FIFA系列 - Wikipedia




FIFA系列FIFA Series)是一个非常流行的足球视频游戏,这款游戏由美商艺电(中国大陆翻译为电子艺界)旗下的EA Sports发行。自1993年末发行第一个版本《FIFA 94》以来,EA Sports每年都会在欧洲各国联赛开始前发行新版本,逢有世界杯欧锦赛的年份,还会发行世界杯和欧锦赛游戏。与EA Sports的其他游戏,如NFL系列和NHL系列等不同的是,FIFA系列是它所在的游戏领域的后来者,《FIFA 94》刚发行时,足球游戏市场中已经有了Sensible SoccerKick Off和Matchday Soccer等自1980年代后期就开始占据市场的知名游戏。不过在此时,EA Sports已经意识到了FIFA系列将会成为他们的又一个摇钱树。


[编辑] 历史

电子艺界(EA)对游戏的大规模宣传着重于场地的等角投影视角(当时其他同类游戏使用俯视、侧视或鸟瞰的视角),细致的图像和动作,当然还有FIFA的认可(虽然它没有使用真实球员的名字). 游戏在1993年的圣诞节上市,命名为FIFA国际足球,并在当时的主流平台发行。

FIFA95仅仅添加了俱乐部比赛项目,而FIFA96则大有创新。 PC、世嘉32位机和世嘉土星版本的游戏首次使用真实球员的名字和电子艺界的虚拟球场引擎,创造了2D的球员和3D的球场。FIFA97开始用粗糙的多角模型制作球员并添加了室内比赛项目,但真正的成功是由FIFA98:通住世界杯之路创造的。FIFA98拥有改进的图像、带有资格赛的完整的世界杯赛程(包括了在FIFA注册的所有国家队)和改良的游戏性。 几个月过后, 98世界杯, 作为EA公司官方认可首个联赛游戏, 改进了对Direct3D的支持, 给每支队伍配备了各自的工具箱,打破了 1986 年US Gold公司的世界杯嘉年华到Gremlin公司的96欧洲杯所沿袭的联赛游戏的次序。

接下来几年的游戏发行遭到了不同程度的批评: 玩家开始抱怨游戏中的AI, 从没被更正过的程序缺陷, 售后服务质量及对游戏上一代的太少的改进. 所有这些使游戏的受欢迎度下降不少, 但是支持者每年仍然愿意给EA公司 tabula rasa 的称号。随着 模拟器和游戏平台市场的扩展, FIFA 遭到了其它品牌游戏的冲击(例如Konami公司的职业进化足球 —在美国和日本被称为胜利十一人。 EA公司决心致力于 FIFA 2003的制作, 一年之后, 新游戏包括了 (Football Fusion) 模式,使玩家能够使用TCM 2004(同样使用了FIFA的引擎)中的球队来进行游戏。随着Konami 公司宣布 PES3将会发行PC版本, EA公司开始加倍努力进行FIFA系列的复兴计划。. 现在,FIFA系列在大部分游戏机平台上不如Konami公司的职业进化足球流行。但是,因为FIFA系列对硬体要求较低和足球联盟特性的吸引力,它仍然是PC市场的领头羊。

[编辑] 游戏系列

[编辑] FIFA国际足球 (FIFA '94)

  • 口号: "FIFA International Soccer has it all... experience sheer brilliance."
  • 包装: David Platt 在带球,他代表 英格兰 与 波兰打比赛; Pat Bonner punching the ball away from Ruud Gullit in Netherlands vs. Republic of Ireland.
  • 平台: Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Master System, Mega CD, Game Gear, SNES, DOS, Amiga, 3DO. Game Boy

Released weeks before Christmas 1993, this greatly hyped football title broke with traditional 16-bit era games by presenting a isometric view rather than the usual top-down view (KickOff), side view (European Club Soccer) or bird's-eye view (Sensible Soccer). It only included national teams. The Mega CD version included some features from the next title, and is a highly polished version of the original version.

[编辑] FIFA Soccer '95

  • Tagline: "The best console football can get."
  • Cover: Eric Thorstvedt (Tottenham Hotspur) flying for the ball, Alexei Lalas heading the ball in a Norway vs. USA match.
  • Released for: Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, FamiCom (Pirated only),DOS. Game Gear

Using the same engine only with minor retouches, the game featured more teams (now with 8 club leagues), faster gameplay and more animations.

[编辑] FIFA Soccer '96

  • Tagline: "Next Generation Soccer."
  • Cover: Ronald De Boer chasing Jason McAteer in Republic of Ireland vs. Netherlands.
  • Released for: Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Sega 32X, SNES, DOS, Sega Saturn, PSX, Game Boy.

1996 was the year that saw the dawn of the first 32-bit systems, giving developers the power required to work with more complex 3D designs. Although there were several 3D football games released before (mainly on the SNES), those were usually sluggish and confusing. FIFA '96 for the 32-bit systems still relied on 2D sprites for players in a 3D stadium (the engine was called Virtua Stadium), but was much more fluid than any other preceding game (except the Actua games by Gremlin Software). The 2D versions had improved player sprites, and for many the game reached its 2D peak with this game. The CD versions had commentary from John Motson for the first time.

[编辑] FIFA '97

The biggest change was the inclusion of 6-a-side indoor soccer mode and polygonal players, with motion capture assured by David Ginola. This game features a then unprecedented number of playable leagues from England, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany and even features the Malaysian league for the first time with complete team rosters. The gameplay in the PC and 32-bit consoles, however left a lot to be desired and was very sluggish for a soccer game.

[编辑] FIFA '98: Road To World Cup FIFA '98 世界杯之路

  • 其他语言的名称: Rumbo a la Copa Mundial (Spanish), En Route Pour La Coupe du Monde (French), Die WM-Qualifikation (German)
  • 宣传语: "晋级:你的唯一目标"
  • 封面: 游戏的包装有好几个封面,其中有: 贝克汉姆, 慕拿, 劳尔 及 真路拿 were featured.
  • 平台: SNES and Sega Mega Drive (仅用于PAL模式), Windows, Sega Saturn, PSX, Nintendo 64.

此款FIFA游戏被许多人认为是FIFA系列中最优秀的一集。它拥有优化过的图形引擎,用户定制球员和球队的选项,16座真实的体育场,更高的AI以及受欢迎的“世界杯之路”模式和所有在国际足联注册的国家队。The most ambitious of the entire series, it even features many accurate team rosters with even national reserves for national callup when playing in the round robin qualification modes. It was also the first FIFA game to contain an ingame player/team editor

英国乐队Blur为这个游戏创作了那首著名的歌, "Song 2" 。 美国乐队Crystal Method也为这个游戏创作了4首曲子,分别是, More, Now Is The Time, Keep Hope Alive和Busy Child.

[编辑] FIFA '99

  • Tagline: "All The Clubs, Leagues and Cups"
  • Covers: Dennis Bergkamp (Main), Rui Costa (Portugal)
  • Released for: Windows, PSX, Nintendo 64

This title was probably the last good one in terms of quality in the series. The indoor mode was not revived, the gameplay, although with increased fluidity, was generally frustrating, but the increasing number of websites dedicated to the game and a larger number of leagues (which came to a problem when the Portuguese League rights' owners tried to pull the game out of the shelves locally) ensured good sale. Graphically, it was a major improvement over FIFA '98, with the inclusion of basic facial animations. Fatboy Slim's "Rockafella Skunk" was the music used in the intro.

[编辑] FIFA 2000

  • Alternate titles: FIFA 2000 - Major League Soccer (US).
  • Covers: 蘇.甘保 (Main), 施馬奧 (葡萄牙), 樸比 (美國), 史高爾 (德國)
  • Released for: Windows, PSX, Nintendo 64 in beta release only.

Although graphically slightly superior than older versions, the gameplay was an unrealistic portrayal of the sport. The gameplay was fast, simple and had a clear arcade feeling which failed to keep hardcore fans happy, especially with rival games such as ISS: Pro Evolution gaining in reputation. The leagues also featured many unlicensed teams, which substituted their real names for that of their home cities. Not surprisingly, this title was one of the most poorly received of the entire series. For the first time, U.S. Major League Soccer clubs were included.

Robbie Williams provided the theme song with "It's Only Us", after doing the same for Actua Soccer 3 (released a year earlier) with "Let Me Entertain You."

[编辑] FIFA 2001

This title had a new graphics engine, which allowed each team to have its own kit, and for some players, their own face. Slighly tweakable physics made the game a modding favorite for its fan community, which grew immensely at the time of this game. Despite the improved engine and the inclusion of 17 leagues, it still did not please many fans. With the release of more powerful hardware and emulators capable of running PlayStation games, by 2001 FIFA started to lose market to Konami's ISS: Pro Evolution series, a series only native to the PSX format.

[编辑] FIFA 2002








[编辑] FIFA 2003

With the series clearly trailing in both market and fan / critic appreciation, EA completely revamped the outdated DirectX 7 graphics used in FIFA 2001 and FIFA 2002 and introduced new T&L graphics, faturing more detailed stadia, players and kits. An Elite league composed of the best european teams was also inluded (this feature was first present in FIFA 99), but the gameplay was more rigid and frustrating than most other games on the market.

[编辑] FIFA 足球 2004

本系列FIFA除了增加了游戏的流畅性以外,并未对游戏引擎做太多修改。最大的新特性是增加了世界范围内的二级联赛。也就是说允许玩家使用一支二流乃至三流球队参加世界顶级联赛和欧洲冠军联赛。游戏有一个被称做“离球控制一”,即在某些情况下需要玩家同时操纵两个球员以完成一些花样。虽然理论上这个概念看起来很诱人,(用游戏手柄控制第二个球员),这个操作还是太烦琐,以至于玩家很难将它运用得很好。如果没有带方向杆的手柄,这样的操作甚至根本没办法完成(which gives a slight indication on how console-oriented the gameplay was). 在线游戏的提升被认为是这个游戏的主要特征。and it alone helped the game climb to the top of the charts. Another key feature was the Football Fusion, which allowed owners of both FIFA 2004 and TCM 2004 to actually play games from the management sim'.

[编辑] FIFA 足球 2005

此款FIFA足球游戏改进了生涯模式。FIFA2005在推出之前做了大量的宣传,并且比以往FIFA系列发行的日期十月下旬提早了很多发行,以避免和Pro Evolution Soccer 4以及EA的新作FIFA街头足球(FIFA Street)的发行撞车。大多数评论家都认为,FIFA系列的游戏性不如Konami的实况足球系列。但受到公认的是,自从FIFA2003以来,FIFA系列已经有很大改善,并且更易于上手,更有利于在线游戏以及新手游戏。此款游戏的一个特性是重新引入了创作球员的模式,以及改进的生涯模式。

[编辑] FIFA 足球 2006

  • Tagline: "The total soccer experience" / "You Play. They Obey."
  • Cover: Wayne Rooney, Ronaldinho & Jared Borgetti (Main); Freddy Adu, Ronaldinho & Omar Bravo (North America); Wayne Rooney, Lukas Podolski & Ronaldinho (Brazil), Wayne Rooney and Ronaldinho (U.K., Australia & Brazil)
  • Released for: Windows, PS2, PSP, GameCube, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile

Developers of the FIFA series made a complete overhaul of the game's engine for the 2006 installment of the game, asserting it has dramatically increased the control of play, having rewritten more than half the programming code for the game which was released in October 6, 2005. In addition to a renovation of the game play engine which discards the "Off the ball" system, developers boast a significantly more involved career mode and the introduction of “team chemistry” which will determine how well teams play together. This installment will break with a long tradition of commentating from John Motson and (more recently) Ally McCoist, replaced by ITV's Clive Tyldesley and Sky pundit Andy Gray (who has already worked in the series as guest commentator in FIFA 98).

Like NHL 06, the game also has a classic 16-bit game in the PS2 version - FIFA International Soccer

[编辑] FIFA世界盃足球賽2006

[编辑] FIFA2007

主條目:FIFA 2007

[编辑] Other titles

Outside the yearly series, but also from EA Sports:

  • Zico Soccer and Tactical Soccer, two Super Famicom titles released only in Japan where the player does not control the players directly, but gives orders to them.
  • FIFA 64 (first FIFA game released on the Nintendo 64 in late 1997 and similar to FIFA 97)
  • World Cup 98 and 2002 FIFA World Cup
  • Euro 2000 and Euro 2004
  • Stars series (2000 and 2001)
  • Champions League 2004-2005
  • FIFA Street released in 2005, part of EA's 'Street' series of console video games.

Management games

  • FIFA Soccer Manager (1997)
  • Total Club Manager (also known as Fussball Manager) series
  • Premier League Manager '99, 2000

[编辑] 外部链接

FIFA Football Fan Websites

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Project Gutenberg

Encyclopaedia Britannica 1911

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Static Wikipedia (June 2008)

Static Wikipedia (March 2008)

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Static Wikipedia (2006)

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ZIM Files for Kiwix

Other Websites:

Bach - Goldberg Variations

Lazarillo de Tormes

Madame Bovary

Il Fu Mattia Pascal

The Voice in the Desert

Confessione d'un amore fascista


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