


51区-{Area 51}-),又被称做水城-{Watertown}-),梦境-{Dreamland}-),天堂农场-{Paradise Ranch}-),农场-{The Farm}-),盒子-{The Box}-),马夫湖-{Groom Lake}-),和发展计划董事会区-{The Directorate for Development Plans Area}-),是美国联邦政府位于内华达州南部偏远的一大片区域,那里有一個空軍基地,很显然是用來秘密进行新的空軍飞行器的開發和测试。這個地方因為許多人相信它與众多的不明飞行物阴谋论而闻名。


[编辑] 地理

51区是一个大约155平方公里的地區,位于美国内华达州的林肯郡。它是廣大Nellis Air Force Range(NAFR,美國空軍訓練設施)的一部分(12139平方公里),也是Emigrant山谷的一大部分。51區的北方是Groom山脈、南方是Papoose山脈,東方是Jumbled Hills。在整個盆地的中央是Groom Dry湖(座標北緯37°16′05″西經115°47′58″),這個湖是一個直徑約5公里的乾燥沙地。一個大型空軍基地就位於該湖的西南角(座標北緯37度14分、西經115度49分),它有兩條水泥跑道,至少有其中一個跑道延伸進入沙湖之中,另外還有兩條未準備的跑道直接建造在沙湖之上。

51區旁就是內華達測試基地(Nevada Test Site,NTS),它位於亞卡台地(Yucca Flats)上,與51區使用同一個行政劃分線。它是美國能源部測試核武的地方,而亞卡山的核武儲存設施就位於大約Groom Lake西南方64公里處。


這個區域的道路連結到NTS內部的道路網路中,兩條道路都可通向Mercury,它們一條通往亞卡台地的西北方、一條通往西方。而在湖邊一條道路通往東北方,也就是Groom Lake路(一條稍寬並且狀況良好的泥土路)穿過Jumbled Hills,這條路原本用來連接Groom盆地的礦坑,但礦坑關閉以後這條路便做了些改善。要走這條路進入得先通過一個管哨站,不過實際上受管制的區域要更往東邊(有勇無謀的冒險者通常在他們到的了這個哨站的幾哩之前,就被位於路旁Jumbled Hills上的斥候發現)。在離開管制區後(標誌寫著“禁止拍照”、“政府可使用致命武力驅離”),Groom Lake路通往更東方的Tikaboo Valley,然後通過幾個小牧場之後便會和內華達的375號州際道路(State Route)相連,它位於內華達的瑞吉兒城(Rachel)的南方。

[编辑] 马夫湖的軍事活動

马夫湖不是一个传统的空军基地,普通的人員或設施不會被分派到這裡。它明顯是,更恰當的說成是用來開發、測試新型飛機並訓練新人員的基地,假如新機種被美國空軍所接納的話,那麼這型飛機就會全部被轉移到普通的空軍基地進行任務。但馬夫湖(格鲁姆·德赖(Groom Dry))也被報導為幾架小數量的前蘇聯所設計飛機的永久放置地(由不同方式所獲得)。這些飛機被認為用來作分析和訓練用途。


[编辑] “大趨勢”與U-2計劃

马夫湖在二战期间曾被用作炸弹及火炮练习场,但是之后就被废弃直到1955年,被洛克希德公司的Skunk Works團隊选为即将实验的U-2间谍飞机的理想场所。那里乾燥的湖床被用作测试秘密飞行器的理想临时跑道,而Emigrant Vally和NTS地域的管制也讓秘密飞行器免于被探知。




[编辑] 黑鳥計劃


在馬夫湖,開發出了所有黑鳥的主要機種:包括A-10、A-11、A-12、RS-71(後來由美國空軍參謀長Curtis LeMay改名為SR-71,與傳聞不同的,這並非是個行政上的錯誤)。另外還有流產的YF-12A攻擊機、和多災多難的D-21計劃(基於黑鳥的無人駕駛機)。

[编辑] Have Blue(F-117)計劃

第一個Have Blue計劃所開發出來的匿蹤戰機的原型機(也就是F-117夜鷹的前身)在1977年稍後首飛。一系列高機密的原型飛機在那邊測試,直到1981年中期測試終止並且開始生產F-117匿蹤戰機。除了飛機的測試,馬夫湖也進行了雷達剖析(radar profiling)、F-117武器的測試,並且是第一批美國空軍F-117飛行員的訓練地。在其之後,F-117飛機的活動(仍然是高度機密)被轉移至附近的Tonopah Test Range,然後最終轉移至Holloman空軍基地。

[编辑] 稍後的活動


在馬夫湖被測試過的謠傳中的飛機,包括了D-21 Tagboard無人駕駛機、小型匿蹤垂直起降人員運輸機、匿蹤巡弋飛彈、還有假想性質的Aurora超音速間諜機。

[编辑] 51區的通勤者


承包商EG&G在拉斯維加斯的麥卡倫國際機場經營一個私人的航站,以一些沒有記號的飛機提供每天的通勤服務,運輸乘客從拉斯維加斯到內華達州南邊由聯邦政府所控制的土地。這些飛機據報使用“JANET”的無線電呼號(例如“JANET 6”),是“-{Joint Air Network for Employee Transportation}-”(專供雇員運輸的聯合空中網路)的縮寫,或者常被開玩笑的稱作“-{Just Another Non-Existent Terminal}-”(另一個不存在的航站)。

EG&G在拉斯維加斯媒體上刊登廣告招募有經驗黯熟的飛機駕駛員,并要求申请者必须有资格通过政府的安全保密测试,并且成功的申请者会经常在拉城过夜。這些飛機有著紅白外裝(曾經是西方航空專用外裝),機型是波音737和一些比較小型的飛機,它們機尾上的編號毫不意外的註冊給了幾家民間空頭公司。據報這些飛機的目的地是馬夫湖的Tonopah試驗場,或NAFR和NTS中的其他地點,以及美國海軍空中武器China Lake站。由觀察麥卡倫國際機場的EG&G私人停車場的進出人數指出,每天大約有幾千人通過“JANET”通勤。

另外有一條巴士路線經由Groom Lake Road,負責人數較少的通勤服務,這些人住在NTS的衛星沙漠地帶(不過不清楚這些人是受僱於馬夫湖或者NTS中其他的機構)。巴士從Groom Lake Road一路開下來,會停在Crystal Springs、Ash Springs和Alamo。

[编辑] 美国政府对51区的立场


美国政府没有明确的回应马夫湖实验室的存在,也不否认。不同于NELLIS的大部分地区, 这一湖边地区从未对居民甚至是常规的军用飞机开放过,它受到雷达站和地下传感器的保护,任何的不速之客都将遭遇直升机以及地面武装卫队的驱逐。即便是他们误闯入这个包围着马夫湖的“盒子”,甚至是美国空军军方飞行员训练也要详细地报告给军方情报机构。

这一地区没有出现在美国政府的地图上;美国地质勘探局对于这一地区的拓扑地图也仅仅显示了早已被遗弃的马夫矿;内华达州民用航空图标明了大片的限制飞行区域, 但是却把它归于NELLIS的禁飞区。类似地,国家ATLAS地图上也没有把马夫湖地区核NELLIS地区的其它部分区分开来。 federal lands in Nevada 尽管这是官方隐瞒的地区,政府获取的克罗娜 间谍卫星 在60年代拍摄的原始影象已经在解密前被修改;应信息自由的诉求,政府回应说这些照片上的修改处应该被损坏了。 in answer to freedom of information queries, the government responds that these exposures (which map to Groom and the entire NAFR) appear to have been destroyed (Corona image). Terra satellite images (which were publicly available) were removed from webservers (including Microsoft's "Terraserver") in 2004 (Terraserver image), and from the monochrome 1 m resolution USGS datadump made publicly available. NASA Landsat 7 images are still available (these are used in the NASA World Wind program and are displayed by Google Maps). Non-U.S. images, including high-resolution photographs from Russian satellites and the commercial IKONOS system, are also easily available (and abound on the Internet).

In response to environmental and employee lawsuits (including a class-action lawsuit brought by employees of the base for toxic waste exposure), a Presidential Determination is issued annually, exempting the Air Force's Operating Location Near Groom Lake, Nevada from environmental disclosure laws (2000 determination, 2002 determination, 2003 determination). This (albeit tacitly) constitutes the only formal recognition the U.S. Government has ever given that Groom Lake is more than simply another part of the Nellis complex.


内华达州政府,recognizing the folklore surrounding the base might afford the otherwise neglected area some tourism potential, officially renamed the section of Nevada Highway 375 near Rachel "The Extraterrestrial Highway", and posted fancifully illustrated signs along its length.

Interlopers discovered on (or, some say, near) the restricted area are generally detained by armed private security guards (reportedly employees of defense contractor EG&G) and are then handed over to the Lincoln County sheriff. Modest fines (of around $600) seem to be the norm, although some visitors and journalists report receiving follow-up visits from FBI agents.

Although federal property within the base is exempt from state and local taxes, facilities owned by private contractors are not. One researcher has reported that the base only declares a taxable value of $2 million to the Lincoln County tax assessor, who is unable to enter the area to perform an assessment. Some Lincoln County residents have complained that the base is an unfair burden on the county, providing few local jobs (as most employees appear to live in or near Las Vegas) and imposing an iniquitous burden of land sequestration and law enforcement costs.

[编辑] 关于51区的不明飞行物和阴谋论


  • 对坠毁的外星人飞船的试验、逆向工程设计和保存( 其中包括据信在洛斯威尔中找到的材料),对其中的乘员( 活着的和死了的)的研究还有就是用外星人的技术制造飞行器。鲍伯·拉扎声称自己曾参与过这些活动。
  • 与地外生物会面或合作。
  • 研发气象武器或特异能量武器( 为SDI)的应用或其他方面)。
  • 与一个臆想中的世界政府有关的活动。

有人称:有人在马夫湖( 或附近的婴儿湖)建起一座巨大的地下设施来进行这些活动。但又有人称:之前在马夫湖进行的最为机密的工作已经在二十世纪九十年代转移到犹他州的达格威试验场了,现在在马夫湖进行的秘密活动只不过是转移公众视线而已。 Its secretive nature and undoubted connection to classified aircraft research, together with reports of unusual phenomena, have led Area 51 to become a centerpiece of modern UFO and conspiracy theory folklore. Some of the unconventional activities claimed to be underway at Area 51 include:

  • the storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft (including material supposedly recovered at Roswell), the study of their occupants (living and dead), and the manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology. Bob Lazar claimed to have been involved in such activities.
  • meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials.
  • the development of exotic energy weapons (for SDI applications or otherwise) or means of weather control.
  • activities related to a supposed shadowy world government.

Some claim an extensive underground facility has been constructed at Groom Lake (or nearby Papoose Lake) in which to conduct these activities. Others, however, claim that the most secret work previously done at Groom was quitely moved to Dugway Proving Ground in Utah in the mid 1990s, and that the continued secrecy around Groom is largely an attempt at misdirection.

[编辑] 大眾文化中的51区

The base is featured in episodes of the television series The Simpsons, Futurama, The X-Files, Taken, Seven Days, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Kim Possible, Megas XLR (as Area 50), and Stargate SG-1, the movies Groom Lake and Independence Day, and in the computer games Area 51, Deus Ex, Tomb Raider III, Perfect Dark, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Twisted Metal 3, 俠盜獵車手:聖安德烈斯 (叫作69区), Destroy All Humans! (called Area 42). Half-Life, which is set mostly in and around the fictional Black Mesa Research Facility, is generally considered to be modeled after Area 51. It also features in several novels by Dale Brown and a series of novels by Robert Doherty which take place after Area 51 scientists make contact with extraterrestrials.

51区作为一个情节元素被用在了数个角色扮演类游戏(RPG)中。在游戏Conspiracy X中, it is a safe facility and base of operations for the players' counter-extraterrestrial operations. On the flip side, in the Call of Cthulhu modern day conspiracy supplement Delta Green, the base is the site of a foolish conspiracy's laboratory facilities for studying and intercepting otherworldly beings for study.

Area 51 is the name given to a variety of unrelated products and companies, including a range of computers built by Alienware, the development area for the phpBB forum software, one of the areas of the Geocities web hosting service, and numerous science-fiction bookstores and bulletin boards.

The tiny town of Rachel, Nevada (the nearest settlement to the base) enjoys minor celebrity status as being "the official home of Area 51". Located three hours from Las Vegas by car, Rachel receives a modest number of visitors year-round, and several small businesses offer food and lodging to visitors, together with aerospace and "alien" themed merchandising. The visitor numbers are swelled yearly with aviation enthusiasts hoping to catch a glimpse of the Red Flag exercises. A small museum sells maps, photographs, badges, and other Area 51 material, and a local inn, aptly named "The Little A'le'Inn" proudly displays a time capsule received from the production crew of Independence Day.

[编辑] 外部链接


[编辑] 参考书目

  • Rich, Ben; Janos, Leo. (1996) Skunk Works. Little, Brown & Company, ISBN 0316743003
  • Darlington, David. (1998) Dreamland Chronicles. Henry Holt & Company, ISBN 0805060405