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Neopets - Simple English Wikipedia


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Neopets is a website that lets its members create personal pets, and take care of them. It has been around since November 15 1999, and has millions of members. The website is currently owned by Viacom. Most pets available are not real animals, but are based upon real animals. Neopets features story plots, chat boards, and different activities that you can engage in with your pets. It draws in quite a following. Many people of many different ages join Neopets free of charge. They have added a new program that allows for there to be no banner ads, a "portal" to make navigation easier and more! Unfortunately there is a small fee for this, but some people feel it is worth it. The site also has many games you can play and no pop up ads. Along with the story plots they also have many friendly help sites made by actual individuals. However Neopets does not own, or co-own or even advertise these sites; but they are very simple to find. Simply type "Neopets help site" into any search engine and you'll pull up millions of sites. Neopets itself has a help section that anyone can use to find answers to even the simplest of questions.


[edit] Avatars

Avatars are small, animated 50x50 pixel boxes. You can use them on chat boards and guilds to advertise your personality, skills, or mood. There are three types of avatars: Clickables, Defaults, and avatars that you earn. To change your avatar, go to the Boards page. Once there, there will be a row of blue, bold text. At the end of the first row will be text that reads "Chat Preferences". Click on it, and it will bring you to a page where you can change many showy preferences for your use around the site.

[edit] Clickables

Clickable avatars are the second easiest avatar to get. To earn a Clickable, the only amount of skill involved is to go to a certain page neccesary to earn the avatar, and voila! Instant avatar.

[edit] Defaults

Default avatars are the easiest type of avatar to get. Once you create an account on Neopets, they are automatically added to your file. Default avatars feature mostly the varied pets you can own around the site, and certain fairies. (Spelled faerie on the site, due to British traces).

[edit] Avatars you can earn

The avatars that people covet most. These avatars are the hardest to get. Their difficulty level ranges from simply buying a specific item and using it, to earning over 11 million neopoints (Currency used in the game). If you are new to the game, try going to an avatar help site-Sunnyneo.com or avatar.starried.net are extremely useful sites to help you out.

[edit] External link

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