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Charmed - Simple English Wikipedia


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Charmed is an American television show. It is about three sister witches known as the Charmed Ones who battle demons and warlocks. Charmed was on television for 8 seasons from 1998 until 2006. Charmed ended production April 2006. Its last episode 'Forever Charmed aired on 21 May, 2006.


[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: The text below is about a plot or ending.

It begins when Phoebe stumbles on the Book of Shadows after seeing the word ATTIC spelled out on the spirit board. She reads out an incantation which gives them their powers. They remained a threesome until their sister, Prudence (Prue), dies fighting the demon Shax. Shortly after Prue dies, Piper casts a To Find A Lost Soul spell and finds that they has a younger half-sister, Paige Matthews. The triad or Power of Three is once again complete. This continues until the seventh season. After vanquishing the demon Zankou and an astral projection form of themselves everyone believes that they died. They give up magic to have normal lives. But the magic is still alive. They are sought out to help a young new witch named Billie who is a college student wanting to fight demons. Paige is first drawn to her because she is Billie's Whitelighter.

[edit] The Sisters

Prue Halliwell: Prue was the oldest sister of the Charmed Ones. She had the powers to move objects with her mind (Telekinesis) and Astral Projection. She died at the end of season 3.

Piper Halliwell: Piper was the middle child before Prue died, but now she is the oldest.She has a husband, Leo. Leo used to be the Charmed Ones' Whitelighter. Piper also has two children: Wyatt and Christopher. Piper has the power to blow things up and to freeze things.

Phoebe Halliwell: Phoebe was the youngest before Prue died, but now she is the middle child. Phoebe was married to a demon. His human name is Cole Turner, but his demon name is Belthazor. Phoebe has the power to see the past and the future, ability to levitate, and being able to read others feelings/thoughts.

Paige Mathews: Paige is the half-sister to the Halliwell sisters. She is the youngest of the sisters. She is the daughter of Patricia "Patty" Halliwell (Mother of the Halliwell sisters) and Sam Wilder (Patty's Whitelighter). She came into Charmed when Prue died. She has Prue's power of telekinetics but it is changed because she is part Whitelighter. Prue only had to think about something to move it, Paige must reach out to it and call for it. She also has the Whitelighter abilities of Orbing and healing

[edit] Their Husbands

Leo Wyatt: Piper's husband. Leo started out on the show as the Charmed Ones' Whitelighter. Leo died during World War II. He was a medic in the military. After being the Whitelighter for the Charmed Ones for several years, Leo was elevated to the position of Elder. He later joined a group of beings called The Avatars. By the end of the show, he had all his powers stripped from him and he was made mortal once again to live out his life with Piper.

Cole Turner: Phoebe's ex-husband also known as the demon Balthazar. He was half human/half demon. His demon side was strongest until he met and fell in love with Pheobe. As a demon, he couldn't help hurting the sisters. He asked Phoebe to strip (remove) his powers. After he helped vanquish the Source of All Evil, he became the new Source. In spite of Phoebe's love for Cole, she and her two sisters vanquish him, or so they thought. Cole cames back and helped the sisters many times. Cole was eventually vanquished for good.

Coop: Phoebe's husband Coop is a Cupid. He was sent to Pheobe by the Elders to help her find love. He realizes that he loves her and he wants to be with her. Phoebe does not feel the same way until the series finale.

Henry: Paige's husband. He is a human. He worked as a parole officer.

[edit] Demons

Demons are vicious creatures with powers that try to kill the charmed ones. Demons work for the Source. The Source is a very powerful demon who rules the Underworld. The charmed ones have killed the Source 3 times. There will be a lot more demons to fight in the future, But when Piper is killed Cole comes back to help her and help her realise what will happen if she is not careful.

[edit] The Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows is the Charmed One's magical book. It contains spells, potions and information of various magical creature such as demons. The Book of Shadows has been around since beginning of the family line. The book has its own defensive power. Whenever evil tries to touch the book, it jumps away. Each generation has added to the Book of Shadows making it more and more powerful. For example, in the final episode, each of the sisters adds all that they have learned so that future generations of Halliwell witches can learn from their experiences.

[edit] Main cast

  • Phoebe Halliwell - Alyssa Milano (seasons 1-8)
  • Piper Halliwell - Holly Marie Combs (seasons 1-8)
  • Prue Halliwell - Shannon Doherty (seasons 1-3)
  • Paige Mathews - Rose McGowan (seasons 4-8)
  • Billie Jenkins - Kaley Cuoco (season 8)
  • Leo Wyatt - Brian Krause (seasons 2-8)
  • Dan Gordon - Greg Vaughn (season 2)
  • Cole Turner - Julian McMahon (seasons 3-8)
  • Darryl Morris - Dorian Gregory (seasons 1-7)
  • Andy Trudeau Ted King in season 1

[edit] External Links

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