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Aree protette della Tasmania - Wikipedia

Aree protette della Tasmania

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Lista delle aree protette della Tasmania

La Tasmania è un piccolo stato, ma ha un notevole numero di aree protette distinte, che coprono il 32.23% del territorio (2.203.383 ettari), 19 di queste sono Parchi Nazionali (20,94%, 1.403.762 ettari).


[modifica] Aree di conservazione

Coles Bay, Great Oyster Bay
Coles Bay, Great Oyster Bay
  • Adamsfield
  • Alpha Pinnacle
  • Ansons Bay
  • Arthur-Pieman
  • Asbestos Range
  • Badger Corner
  • Bay Of Fires
  • Bernafai Ridge
  • Boltons Beach
  • Bouchers Creek
  • Briggs Islet
  • Brougham Sugerloaf
  • Burnie Fernglade
  • Calverts Lagoon
  • Cape Portland
  • Cat Island
  • Central Plateau
  • Chalky Island
  • Chuckle Head
  • Clifton Beach
  • Coles Bay
  • Coswell Beach
  • Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair
  • Cressy Beach
  • Deal Island
  • Denison Rivulet
  • Detention Falls
  • Double Sandy Point
  • Douglas-Apsley
  • Eaglehawk Bay-Flinders Bay
  • Egg Beach
  • Egg Islands
  • Foochow Inlet
  • Fossil Bluff
  • Four Mile Creek
  • George Town
  • Goose Island
  • Granite Point
  • Granite Tor
  • Great Western Tiers
  • Gull Island
  • Harry Walker Tier
  • Heazlewood Hill
  • Hunter Island
  • Judbury
  • Kelvedon Beach
  • Lackrana
  • Lagoons Beach
  • Lake Beatrice
  • Lake Dulverton
  • Lees Point
  • Lillico Beach
  • Little Beach
  • Little Boobyalla River
  • Little Green Island
  • Little Quoin
  • Logan Lagoon
  • Low Head
  • Maatsuyker Island
  • Mayfield Bay
  • Medeas Cove
  • Mile Island
  • Millingtons Beach
  • Mole Creek Karst
  • Mount Bethune
  • Mount Direction
  • Mount Faulkner
  • Mount Roland
  • Mount Rumney
  • Musselroe Bay
  • Night Island
  • Oyster Rocks
  • Pardoe Northdown
  • Parnella
  • Peggs Beach
  • Perkins Island
  • Peter Murrell
  • Pieman River
  • Port Cygnet
  • Port Sorell
  • Ralphs Bay
  • Randalls Bay
  • Raspins Beach
  • Redbill Point
  • Reef Island
  • River Derwent
  • Roaring Beach
  • Sandspit River
  • Scamander
  • Sensation Gorge
  • Seymour
  • Sister Islands
  • South Arm
  • Southport Lagoon
  • Southwest
  • Spiky Beach
  • St Clair Lagoon
  • St Helens
  • Stanley
  • Strickland
  • Surveyors Bay
  • Swansea
  • Table Cape
  • Table Mountain
  • Tamar River
  • Tathams Lagoon
  • Tatlows Beach
  • The Steppes
  • Three Hummock Island
  • Tiger Rise
  • Truganini
  • Tunbridge Tier
  • Vale Of Belvoir
  • Waddles Creek
  • Waterhouse
  • West Inlet
  • Wingaroo
  • Wright And Egg Islands
  • Wybalenna Island

[modifica] Riserve Forestali

  • Andersons Creek
  • Apslawn
  • Arm River
  • Arthur River
  • Arve Loop
  • Avenue River
  • Badger River
  • Balfour Track
  • Bells Marsh
  • Big Sassy Creek
  • Black Creek
  • Black Jack Hill
  • Blue Tier
  • Boco Creek
  • Bond Tier
  • Bonneys Tier
  • Borradaile
  • Boyd
  • Break O'day
  • Bridgenorth
  • Brookerana
  • Brown Mountain
  • Brushy Rivulet
  • Burns Peak
  • Buxton River
  • Caroline Creek
  • Castle Cary
  • Chicks Perch
  • Christmas Hills
  • Coppermine Creek
  • Crayfish Creek
  • Cygnet River
  • Dalgarth
  • Dans Hill
  • Deep Gully
  • Den Hill
  • Den Ranges
  • Denison Ridge
  • Derby
  • Dial Range
  • Dickies Ridge
  • Dip Falls
  • Dip River
  • Dismal Range
  • Doctors Peak
  • Dogs Head Hill
  • Dove River
  • Drys Bluff
  • Duck River
  • Eastern Tiers
  • Emu Ground
  • Emu River
  • Esperance River
  • Evercreech
  • Fisher Tier
  • Fletchers Hill West
  • Flowerdale River
  • Fords Pinnacle
  • Franklin Rivulet
  • Frome
  • German Town
  • Gravelly Ridge
  • Griffin
  • Hardings Falls
  • Hatfield River
  • Henty
  • Hollybank
  • Hopetoun
  • Huntsmans Cap
  • Huskisson River
  • Jackeys Creek
  • Jean Brook
  • John Lynch
  • Joy Creek
  • Julius River
  • Kenmere Creek
  • Kohls Falls
  • Lady Binney
  • Lady Nelson
  • Lake Binney
  • Lake Chisholm
  • Lanes Tier
  • Laurel Creek
  • Lawrence Rivulet
  • Lefroy
  • Liffey
  • Lizard Hill
  • Lobster Rivulet
  • Long Hill
  • Long Ridge
  • Lost Falls
  • Lovells Creek
  • Lower Marsh Creek
  • Luncheon Hill
  • Lutregala Creek
  • Mackintosh
  • Maggs Mountain
  • Martins Hill
  • Mathinna Falls
  • Meander
  • Meetus Falls
  • Mersey River
  • Mersey White Water
  • Midday Hill
  • Milkshake Hills
  • Millers Bluff
  • Montagu River
  • Montagu Swamp
  • Mount Arthur
  • Mount Bruny
  • Mount Careless
  • Mount Dromedary
  • Mount Foster
  • Mount Horror
  • Mount Kershaw
  • Mount Mangana
  • Mount Maurice
  • Mount Midway
  • Mount Morrison
  • Mount Ponsonby
  • Mount Puzzler
  • Mount Stronach
  • Mount Thunderbolt
  • Mount Victoria
  • Mount Wedge
  • Nicholas Range
  • North Esk
  • North Scottsdale
  • Nunamara
  • Old Park
  • Oldina
  • Ouse River
  • Oxberry Plains
  • Paradise Plains
  • Parangana Sugerloaf
  • Peaked Hill
  • Pepper Hill
  • Pipers River
  • Plains Creek
  • Porcupine Hill
  • Promised Land
  • Prossers
  • Pruana
  • Quamby Bluff
  • Rayners Hill
  • Rebecca Creek
  • Reedy Marsh
  • Remarkable Rock
  • Rimons Hill
  • Ringarooma River
  • River Hill
  • Roaring Magg Hill
  • Royal George
  • Sandspit River
  • Sawmill Creek
  • Sawpit Ridge
  • Scamander
  • Shakespeare Hills
  • Snow Hill
  • Snowy River
  • South Esk
  • South Weld
  • Spinning Gum
  • Springfield
  • Staverton
  • Stringybark
  • Sumac
  • Swan River
  • Tahune
  • Tanina Bluff
  • Tarraleah
  • Teds Flat
  • Teepookana
  • The Dog Kennels
  • Tippogoree Hills
  • Tombstone Creek
  • Tooms Lake
  • Trowutta
  • Tungatinah
  • Upper Natone
  • Virginstow
  • Warra Creek
  • Warrawee
  • Wayatinah
  • Weavers Creek
  • Welcome Swamp
  • Wentworth Creek
  • Wes Beckett
  • Wild Bee
  • Winterbrook Falls
  • Yellow Bluff Creek

[modifica] Parchi

  • Actaeon Island
  • Bird Island
  • Bruny Island Neck
  • Farm Cove
  • Lake Tiberias
  • Little Dog Island
  • Moulting Lagoon
  • New Year Island
  • North East River
  • Petrel Islands
  • Stack Island

[modifica] Siti storici

  • Batchelors Grave
  • Callington Mill
  • Coal Mines
  • Currie Lightkeepers Residence
  • D'entrecasteaux Monument
  • D'entrecasteaux Watering Place
  • Eaglehawk Neck
  • Entally House
  • George III Monument
  • Highfield
  • Kangaroo Bluff
  • Lyons Cottage
  • Macquarie Harbour
  • Mount Direction
  • Old Trinity Church-Criminal Courts
  • Port Arthur
  • Richmond Gaol
  • Ross Female Convict Station
  • Shot Tower
  • Strahan Customs House
  • Sydney Cove
  • Tasman Monument
  • The Female Factory
  • Toll House
  • Waubadebar's Grave
  • Yorktown

[modifica] Aree protette indigene

  • Oyster Cove
  • Risdon Cove
  • Preminghana

[modifica] Riserve marine

  • Governor Island
  • Ninepin Point
  • Tinderbox

[modifica] Parchi Nazionali

  • Ben Lomond
  • Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair
  • Douglas Apsley
  • Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers
  • Freycinet
  • Hartz Mountains
  • Kent Group
  • Maria Island
  • Mole Creek Karst
  • Mount Field
  • Mount William
  • Narawntapu
  • Rocky Cape
  • Savage River
  • South Bruny
  • Southwest
  • Strzelecki
  • Tasman
  • Walls of Jerusalem

[modifica] Aree Naturali

  • Briant Hill
  • Coningham
  • Gordons Hill
  • Hope Island
  • Humbug Point
  • Kate Reed
  • Knopwood Hill
  • Lake Barrington
  • Meehan Range (Mt. Direction)
  • Meehan Range (Redgate)
  • Recherche Bay
  • Rosny Hill
  • Snug Falls
  • South Arm

[modifica] Riserve Naturali

  • Albatross Island
  • Bass Pyramid
  • Betsey Island
  • Big Green Island
  • Black Pyramid Rock
  • Cape Bernier
  • Cape Deslacs
  • Chappell Islands
  • Christmas Island
  • Clarke Island
  • Coal River Gorge
  • Curtis Island
  • Dennes Hill
  • Devils Tower
  • Diamond Island
  • Dismal Swamp
  • Duckholes Lagoons
  • East Kangaroo Island
  • East Risdon
  • Foster Islands
  • George Rocks
  • Green Island
  • Green Point
  • Hawley
  • Hospital Creek
  • Ile Des Phoques
  • Isabella Island
  • Judgement Rocks
  • Kentford Forest
  • Lake Johnston
  • Lavinia
  • Lime Bay
  • Long Spit (private)
  • Low Islets
  • Moriarty Rocks
  • Native Point
  • North East Islet
  • Penguin Islet
  • Peter Murrell
  • Pitt Water
  • Reid Rocks
  • Rodondo Island
  • Sith Cala
  • Tenth Island
  • The Doughboys
  • Three Hummock Island
  • Three Sisters-Goat Island
  • Tom Gibson
  • Township Lagoon
  • West Moncoeur Island
  • Wingaroo
  • Wright Rock

[modifica] Aree Protette

  • Seven Mile Beach

[modifica] Riserve Regionali

  • Mount Dundas
  • Mount Murchison
  • Savage River

[modifica] Parchi Statali

  • Four Springs
  • Meehan Range

[modifica] Riserve Statali

  • Alum Cliffs
  • Bradys Lookout
  • Derwent Cliffs
  • Devils Gullet
  • Eaglehawk Bay
  • Eugenana
  • Fairy Glade
  • Ferndene
  • Forest Vale
  • Forth Falls
  • Gunns Plains Cave
  • Hastings Caves
  • Hellyer Gorge
  • Henty Glacial Moraine
  • Holwell Gorge
  • Ida Bay
  • Junee Cave
  • Kimberley Springs
  • Liffey Falls
  • Little Beach
  • Little Peggs Beach
  • Lookout Rock
  • Marriotts Falls
  • Mount Arthur
  • Mount Barrow
  • Mount Barrow Falls
  • Mount Montgomery
  • Notley Gorge
  • Palmers Lookout
  • Pieman River
  • Pirates Bay
  • Quarantine
  • Roger River
  • Safety Cove
  • Seal Rocks
  • St Columba Falls
  • St Marys Pass
  • St Patricks Head
  • Stewarts Bay
  • Sundown Point
  • Tessellated Pavement
  • The Nut
  • The Steppes
  • Trevallyn
  • Trial Harbour
  • Trowutta Caves
  • Waterfall Creek
  • West Point
  • Wye River
  • Yellow Creek
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