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Portrait of Zul'jin from Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Gender Male
Race Forest Troll
Character class
Affiliation The Horde
Occupation Forest Troll Leader

In the fictional Warcraft Universe, Zul'jin (pronounced zool-jinn) is a ferocious Forest Troll leader known for his strange love of scarves. Zul'jin was helpful in instrumenting and coordinating attacks against the Alliance on Azeroth.

Zul'jin was a Troll leader who, for many years, coordinated daring raids and attacks against the Elves of Quel'Thalas. He was known for his daring raids on guarded Elven Villages and was responsible for uniting many of the Nomadic Troll Parties into a formidable fighting force. This notoriety and Zul'jin's prestige eventually gave way to the belief that he was the Trolls' undisputed leader and almost all Trolls followed his leadership unconditionally.

After the first war, Orgrim Doomhammer tried to forge an alliance with Zul'jin but he turned down the offer as the Trolls did not wish to be tied into an agreement that involved War. However, after the High Elves joined the Alliance, Zul'jin reluctantly agreed to help Doomhammer in order to save the Trolls from being destroyed.

After the second war ended in defeat for the Horde, Zul'jin and his cadre were put into an Alliance internment camp. After the third war began no record exists of what happened to Zul'jin. Most of the Trolls returned to their Nomadic lifestyle once they were freed from the internment camps and lived mainly in small villages on the fringes of forests, away from Humans and other denizens of the land. Some have speculated that Zul'jin is now a merchant, while others believe he is missing, dead or living alone. However, these are all unfounded theories and are pure speculation.

  • Troll Headhunters in Warcraft III, after their training is over, say: "Vengeance for Zul'jin". It may be assumed that Zul'jin was killed by The Alliance, possibly during the attacks on the internment camps.
  • In the game World of Warcraft, if the player visits the island off the coast of Stranglethorn Vale, two Trolls have a dialogue that suggests Zul'jin might be alive. "Zul'jin? Missing... probably dead". There is really no conclusive information about his whereabouts or of his current status.
  • In World of Warcraft, if the player visits Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands, one of the Trolls mentions "If Zul'jin were here..." It could be thought that the Revantusk know something about the whereabouts of their leader.
  • Another troll in the village says that the Revantusks is keeping the forest troll population intact, and that they are holding their position until their leader (Zul'jin) returns one day.

It should be noted that in WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness and WarCraft II: Battle.net Edition, as well as the WarCraft II manual, Zul'jin was originally spelled "Zuljin."

Blizzard acconted not too long ago that Zul'jins own tribe was the Amani Tribe, that live in Eversong Forest. More fact about this will be released with the upcoming expansion The Burning crusade.

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