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[edit] Consolidated Steel Shipyard, Orange, Texas

While working in DeRidder, Louisiana I drove down to Orange, Texas to visit the site of the WW II Consolidated Steel Shipyard or so I thought... As it turned out, it was a little harder than I imagined because Consolidated has been out of business for quite some time, as has every other shipyard in Orange. Today, the town is home to manufacturers of sea-going oil derricks and platforms and small ship repair companies. I drove around the water's edge until and noticed a large number of WW II era Quonset huts and buildings. With street names like "Destroyer Drive", "Farragut Avenue", and "Turret Road" I knew I was close. About to give up, I noticed a guard shack and stopped to ask the guard for directions. Typical of southern hospitality, he gave me a cold soda (it was during the heat wave and the temperature outside was 109 degrees) and we sat down in his air-conditioned building for a lengthy talk about Orange history (he talked, I listened). He had been born and raised in Orange before joining the Army, serving 23 years and retiring.

During WW II, the Consolidated Steel Shipyard was a major player in the shipbuilding business and won several contracts to manufacture battleships and warships, to include Destroyer Escorts. Immediately, Consolidated needed 5,000 skilled welders and laborers to fulfill the orders. Unfortunately for Orange, there weren't 5,000 extra people sitting around counting flies.

At the time, most of the American men were serving in armed forces. The nearest large pool of labor was Beaumont, Texas, about 60 miles away, but few of them had cars to drive. Those that did were subject to gas rationing and couldn't afford to drive the 60 mile round-trip. For those of you that recall, category-A coupons only authorized you to 3-gallons per week! Given the condition of the roads and the inefficiency of gasoline engines, the trip would have required 5-6 gallons of gas per day.

Beaumont is about 60 miles from Orange, TX

Consolidated was determined. After all, there was money to be made. As it happened, a train was procured and carried several thousand workers, mostly women, back and forth between Orange and Beaumont. Each morning the train pulled in and parked along West Front Street (see map above right). When the whistle blew at night, the train took them all home. Many people, families mostly, moved to Orange in search of work and found it at the shipyard. There was not enough housing to handle the sudden influx of so many people, so most of them lived in tents or shacks for most of their time in Orange. At the end of WW II, the Navy canceled many outstanding contracts and most of the wartime workforce moved away, leaving Orange a virtual ghost town.

As I mentioned, many thousands of the shipbuilding workforce were women. At first, the government was hesitant to entrust shipbuilding, welding, riveting and other traditionally "male tasks" to an unproven female workforce. Before long, however, the women proved themselves more than capable. In fact, many of the female welding crews had established reputations for high quality work. For a time following the war Consolidated tried to stay in business by building warships for foreign governments. As the story goes, a representative from Turkey came to Orange to negotiate for construction of a new ship. During the negotiations, the representative insisted that a specific all-female crew perform all welding on the hull and put this contingency into the contract. Since the women specified had long-since quit at the end of the war, they had to be rehired (at greatly increased wages) to perform the work. Talk about a good reputation! A foreign government requesting female welders by name!

After my "history lesson" my guard friend agreed to take me on an "unauthorized" tour of the old shipyard, hence my inability to name him. I was not allowed to take pictures of any modern facility as the oil rig industry apparently has many trade secrets about construction techniques. The piers for "final fitting" were north of Front Street in the gray area (on the map above right). The hulls were assembled on sloped ramps on top of wood skids and "splashed" sideways off the peninsula south of Front Street (in the picture above, it was near the word "Sabine" in the river). While building the Destroyer Escorts, Consolidated tried to launch a ship every Saturday! The entire town turned out to watch the "splashing" of a new ship. What a site it must have been! Just prior to each launch, a woman with a bucket full of pig fat would smear it on each of the skids to help the ship slide into the Sabine river. Now you know the origin of the phrase "grease the skids." The ships were launched as little more than an empty hull. No sooner had the water settled from the launch than a tug hooked up and towed it to the nearby piers for final fitting out. The piers, unfortunately, are long gone but the signs indicating the pier numbers remain to this day.

There is only one ramp left at the old Consolidated Steel Shipyard. At the end of each ramp was the ship foreman's & engineer's office. What an efficient use of space!

This is the bottom of the ramp with the wood skids still visible at the waterline. Imagine what the EPA would say about contaminating the Sabine river with pig fat...

The only remaining concrete pad is covered with junk. I am told it is 325 feet wide the DEs were 306 feet long. The DEs were built at the top next to the railroad track supply line (not the one visible at the right). Once complete, they slid the length of the pad into the river. Ever wonder how many pigs it took to get enough grease to launch 546 DEs?

The inside of the huge workshop visible in the picture above. The train tracks run down the right side and delivered pre-constructed components (like pilothouses, smokestacks, etc) directly from hundreds of subcontractors.  DE construction was probably one of the first projects to use Just-In-Time (JIT) construction techniques, a method the Japanese adopted from us in the 60s.

[edit] Consolidated Steel Corp., Ltd., Wilmington CA

Record of WWII Shipbuilding

Consolidated Steel built a wholly new shipyard in Wilmington in 1941, with 4 ways, in the second wave of shipbuilding expansion, with $13mm invested by the USMC. Its 4 ways were increased to 8 in the third wave of shipbuilding expansion. At its peak, Consolidated Steel's Wilmington shipyard employed 12,000 people. The shipyard also built landing craft. After the war the facility was liquidated: its site was roughly where the automobile terminal at Berths 196 and 197 of the Port of Los Angeles is now.

Hull #

Original Name Type MC # Delivered

Disposition 156 Agwimonte C1-B 75 Sep-41

Torpedoed and lost off South Africa 1943 157 Agwiprince C1-B 76 Nov-41

Troopship 1944, scrapped 1965 158 Alcoa Pennant C1-B 77 Dec-41

Scrapped 1965 159 Alcoa Polaris C1-B 78 Feb-42

Troopship 1944, scrapped 1965 206 Doyen P1-S2-L2 181 May-43

To USN 1943 as APA 1, to Mass. Maritime 1961 as Bay State, to NDRF 1973 207 Feland P1-S2-L2 182 Jun-43

To USN 1943 as APA 11, scrapped 1964 222 Mormachawk C1-B 263 Dec-42 Troopship 1943-46, scrapped 1964 223 Mormacwren C1-B 264 Dec-42 Troopship 1943-46, scrapped 1965 224 Mormacdove C1-B 265 Dec-42 Troopship 1943-46, scrapped 1965 225 Mormacgull C1-B 266 Feb-43 Scrapped 1970 226 Mormaclark C1-B 486 Feb-43 Scrapped 1970 227 Mormactern C1-B 487 Feb-43 Scuttled with surplus ammo 1968 228 Nancy Lykes C1-B 488 Feb-43 Scrapped 1972 229 Jean Lykes C1-B 489 Feb-43 Scrapped 1972 230 Fred Morris C1-B 490 Feb-43 To USN 1944-46 as Arlington (AP 174), scrapped 1965 231 Solon Turman C1-B 491 Feb-43 Scrapped 1972 232 Alcoa Planter C1-B 492 Mar-43 Burnt 1963, CTL, scrapped 233 Alcoa Partner C1-B 493 Mar-43 To USN 1943-46 as Auriga (AK 98), scrapped 1970 234 Alcoa Pilgrim C1-B 494 Mar-43 Scrapped 1965 235 Alcoa Puritan C1-B 495 Mar-43 Scrapped 1965 236 Alcoa Pointer C1-B 496 Apr-43 Scrapped 1966 237 Alcoa Pegasus C1-B 497 Apr-43 Scrapped 1968 238 Cape Trinity C1-B 498 May-43 Scrapped 1972 239 Cape San Martin C1-B 499 Apr-43 Scrapped 1974 240 Cape Romain C1-B 500 Apr-43 Scrapped 1975 241 Cape May C1-B 501 May-43 Scrapped 1975 242 Cape Newenham C1-B 502 Apr-43 Troopship 1943-46, scrapped 1965 243 Cape Perpetua C1-B 503 May-43 Troopship 1943-46, scrapped 1965 244 Cape Cleare C1-B 504 May-43 Troopship 1943-46, scrapped 1965 245 Cape Mendocino C1-B 505 Jun-43 Troopship 1943-46, scrapped 1965 246 Cape Ann C1-B 506 Jun-43 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1968 247 Cape Johnson C1-B 507 May-43 To USN 1944-46 as troopship (AP 172), scrapped 1963 248 Cape Elizabeth C1-B 508 Jun-43 Scrapped 1978 249 Cape San Juan C1-B 509 Jun-43 Troopship 1943, torpedoed and lost near Fiji 1943 250 Cape Meares C1-B 510 Jun-43 Troopship 1943-46, scrapped 1965 251 Cape Greig C1-B 511 Jun-43 Scrapped 1978 276 Cape Stephens C1-B 698 Jun-43 Scrapped 1974 277 Cape Sandy C1-B 699 Jul-43 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1970 278 Cape Friendship C1-B 700 Aug-43 Scrapped 1970 279 Cape Meredith C1-B 701 Sep-43 Sold private 1948, scrapped 1969 331 Hope C1-B 1015 Aug-43 To USN as AH 7, to USA 1946, to NDRF 1949, scrapped 1975 332 Cape Orange C1-B 1016 Mar-43 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1970 333 Cape Cumberland C1-B 1017 Apr-43 Sold private 1948, scrapped 1971 334 Cape Martin C1-B 1018 May-43 Scrapped 1975 335 Cape John C1-B 1019 May-43 Scrapped 1972 336 Cape Lambert C1-B 1020 Jun-43 Scrapped 1970 337 Comfort C1-B 1021 Aug-43 To USN 1943 as AH 6, to USA 1946, to NDRF 1949, to Maine Maritime 1955 as State of Maine, scrapped 1967 338 Mercy C1-B 1022 Aug-43 To USN 1943 as AH 8, to USA 1946, to NDRF 1949, to NY Maritime 1956 as Empire State III, scrapped 1971 339 Cape Georgia C1-B 1023 Jul-43 Sold private 1949, scrapped 1972 340 Cape Constance C1-B 1024 Jul-43 Sold private 1947, wrecked and abandoned 1947 341 Cape Victory C1-B 1025 Jul-43 Troopship 1944-46, scrapped 1964 342 Cape Isabel C1-B 1026 Aug-43 Scrapped 1968 343 Cape Alexander C1-B 1027 Aug-43 Sold private 1948, scrapped 1970 344 Cape Chalmers C1-B 1028 Aug-43 Sold private 1948, scrapped 1971 345 Cape Berkeley C1-S-AY1 1029 Oct-43 To Britain as Empire Battleaxe, to RN 1944 as HMS Donovan (F 161), laid up 1948, scrapped 1966 346 Cape Compass C1-S-AY1 1030 Nov-43 To Britain as Empire Cutlass, to RN as HMS Sansovino (F 162), laid up 1948, sold private 1960 as Hai Ou, scrapped 1970 347 Cape Gregory C1-S-AY1 1031 Nov-43 To Britain as Empire Halberd, to RN 1944 as HMS Silvio (F 160), laid up 1948, scrapped 1966 348 Cape Marshall C1-S-AY1 1032 Dec-43 To Britain as Empire Broadsword, mined and sunk off Normandy 1944 349 Cape Pine C1-S-AY1 1033 Dec-43 To Britain as Empire Lance, to RN 1944 as HMS Sir Hugo (F ___), laid up 1949, scrapped 1966 350 Cape St. Roque C1-S-AY1 1034 Dec-43 To Britain as Empire Mace, to RN 1944 as HMS Galiteemore (F 171), to Egypt 1947 as pilgrim ship Misr, scrapped 1984 351 Cape Turner C1-S-AY1 1035 Dec-43 To Britain as Empire Rapier, to RN 1944 as HMS Sir Visto (F ___), laid up 1948, scrapped 1966 352 Cape Argos C1-S-AY1 1036 Jan-44 To Britain as Empire Anvil, to RN 1944 as HMS Rocksand (F 184), laid up 1948, sold private 1960 as Hai Ya, scrapped 1974 353 Cape Lobos C1-S-AY1 1037 Jan-44 To Britain as Empire Javelin, torpedoed and sunk in the English Channel 1944 354 Cape Girardeau C1-S-AY1 1038 Jan-44 To Britain as Empire Spearhead, to RN 1944 as HMS Ormonde (F 172), laid up 1948, scrapped 1966 355 Cape St. Vincent C1-S-AY1 1039 Jan-44 To Britain as Empire Arquebus, to RN 1944 as HMS Cicero (F 170), to Egypt 1946 as pilgrim ship Al Sudan, scrapped 1984 356 Cape Comorin C1-S-AY1 1040 Jan-44 To Britain as Empire Gauntlet, to RN 1944 as HMS Sefton (F 123), laid up 1947, scrapped 1964 357 Cape Washington C1-S-AY1 1041 Jan-44 To Britain as Empire Crossbow, to RN 1944 as HMS Sainfoin (F 183), laid up 1948, scrapped 1964 358 Cape Domingo C1-B 1042 Feb-44 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1968 359 Cape Kildare C1-B 1043 Mar-44 Sold private 1948, scrapped 1968 360 Cape Kumukaki C1-B 1044 Mar-44 Sold private 1948 as Flying Enterprise, wrecked and sunk 1952 519 Long Beach S2-S1-AQ1 1445 8-Sep-43

PF 34, to USSR 1945 as EK-2, to Japan 1953 as Shii (PF 17), scrapped 1970 520 Belfast S2-S1-AQ1 1446 24-Nov-43

PF 35, to USSR 1945 as EK-3, lost 1948 521 Glendale S2-S1-AQ1 1447 1-Oct-43

PF 36, to USSR 1945 as EK-4, to Thailand 1951 as Tachin (F 1), scrapped 1977 522 San Pedro S2-S1-AQ1 1448 23-Oct-43

PF 37, to USSR 1945 as EK-5, to Japan 1953 as Kaya (PF 288), sunk as target 1979 523 Coronado S2-S1-AQ1 1449 17-Nov-43

PF 38, to USSR 1945 as EK-6, to Japan 1953 as Sugi (PF 285), scrapped 1970 524 Ogden S2-S1-AQ1 1450 20-Dec-43

PF 39, to USSR 1945 as EK-7, to Japan 1953 as Kusu (PF 281), scrapped 1977 525 Eugene S2-S1-AQ1 1451 15-Jan-44

PF 40, weather ship 1944, to Cuba 1957 as Jose Marti (F 301), hulked 1976 526 El Paso S2-S1-AQ1 1452 1-Dec-43

PF 41, weather ship 1944, scrapped 1947 527 Van Buren S2-S1-AQ1 1453 17-Dec-43

PF 42, weather ship 1944, scrapped 1947 528 Orange S2-S1-AQ1 1454 1-Jan-44

PF 43, weather ship 1944, scrapped 1947 529 Corpus Christi S2-S1-AQ1 1455 29-Jan-44

PF 44, weather ship 1944, scrapped 1947 530 Hutchinson S2-S1-AQ1 1456 3-Feb-44

PF 45, weather ship 1944, to Mexico 1947 as General Hermenegildo Galeono, later Golfo de California, scrapped 1964 531 Bisbee S2-S1-AQ1 1457 15-Feb-44

PF 46, to USSR 1945 as EK-18, to Colombia 1952 as Capitan Tono (FG 12), scrapped 1962 532 Gallup S2-S1-AQ1 1458 29-Feb-44

PF 47, to USSR 1945 as EK-19, to Thailand 1951 as Prasae (F 2), inactive 1972 533 Rockford S2-S1-AQ1 1459 6-Mar-44

PF 48, to USSR 1945 as EK-20, to Korea 1950 as Apnok (F 62), sunk as target 1953 534 Muskogee S2-S1-AQ1 1460 16-Mar-44

PF 49, to USSR 1945 as EK-21, to Korea 1950 as Du Man (F 61), scrapped 1972 535 Carson City S2-S1-AQ1 1461 24-Mar-44

PF 50, to USSR 1945 as EK-22, to Japan 1953 as Sakura (PF 290), hulked 1966 536 Burlington S2-S1-AQ1 1462 3-Apr-44

PF 51, to USSR 1945 as EK-23, to Colombia 1953 as Almirante Brion (FG 14), scrapped 1968 537 Cape Catoche C1-B 1693 Mar-44 Scuttled with obsolete ammo 1969 538 Cape Archway C1-B 1694 Mar-44 Sold private 1949, scrapped 1974 539 Cape Saunders C1-B 1695 Aug-44 Scrapped 1970 720 Gilliam S4-SE2-BD1 1850 Jul-44

To USN 1944 as APA 57, sunk at Bikini 1946 721 Appling S4-SE2-BD1 1851 Aug-44

To USN 1944 as APA 58, scrapped 1969 722 Audrain S4-SE2-BD1 1852 Aug-44

To USN 1944 as APA 59, scrapped 1972 723 Banner S4-SE2-BD1 1853 Sep-44

To USN 1944 as APA 60, scuttled off Kwajalein 1946 724 Barrow S4-SE2-BD1 1854 Sep-44

To USN 1944 as APA 61, scuttled off Kwajalein 1946 725 Berrien S4-SE2-BD1 1855 Oct-44

To USN 1944 as APA 62, scrapped 1968 726 Bladen S4-SE2-BD1 1856 Oct-44

To USN 1944 as APA 63, scrapped 1960 727 Bracken S4-SE2-BD1 1857 Oct-44

To USN 1944 as APA 64, scuttled off Kwajalein 1946 728 Briscoe S4-SE2-BD1 1858 Oct-44

To USN 1944 as APA 65, scuttled off Kwajalein 1946 729 Brule S4-SE2-BD1 1859 Oct-44

To USN 1944 as APA 66, scuttled off Kwajalein 1946 730 Burleson S4-SE2-BD1 1860 Nov-44

To USN 1944 as APA 67, scrapped 1968 731 Butte S4-SE2-BD1 1861 Nov-44

To USN 1944 as APA 68, scuttled off Kwajalein 1946 732 Carlisle S4-SE2-BD1 1862 Nov-44

To USN 1944 as APA 69, sunk at Bikini 1946 733 Carteret S4-SE2-BD1 1863 Nov-44

To USN 1944 as APA 70, sunk as target 1948 734 Catron S4-SE2-BD1 1864 Nov-44

To USN 1944 as APA 71, scuttled off Kwajalein 1946 735 Clarendon S4-SE2-BD1 1865 Dec-44

To USN 1944 as APA 72, scrapped 1963 736 Cleburne S4-SE2-BD1 1866 Dec-44

To USN 1944 as APA 73, scrapped 1965 737 Colusa S4-SE2-BD1 1867 Dec-44

To USN 1944 as APA 74, scrapped 1965 738 Cortland S4-SE2-BD1 1868 Dec-44

To USN 1944 as APA 75, scrapped 1966 739 Crenshaw S4-SE2-BD1 1869 Jan-45

To USN 1944 as APA 76, scrapped 1965 740 Crittenden S4-SE2-BD1 1870 Jan-45

To USN 1944 as APA 77, scuttled off San Francisco 1947 741 Cullman S4-SE2-BD1 1871 Feb-45

To USN 1944 as APA 78, scrapped 1965 742 Dawson S4-SE2-BD1 1872 Feb-45

To USN 1944 as APA 79, scuttled off Kwajalein 1946 743 Elkhart S4-SE2-BD1 1873 Feb-45

To USN 1944 as APA 80, scrapped 1964 744 Fallon S4-SE2-BD1 1874 Feb-45

To USN 1944 as APA 81, scuttled off Kwajalein 1946 745 Fergus S4-SE2-BD1 1875 Feb-45

To USN 1944 as APA 82, scrapped 1965 746 Fillmore S4-SE2-BD1 1876 Mar-45

To USN 1944 as APA 83, scrapped 1966 747 Garrard S4-SE2-BD1 1877 Mar-45

To USN 1944 as APA 84, scrapped 1963 748 Gasconade S4-SE2-BD1 1878 Mar-45

To USN 1944 as APA 85, sunk as target 1948 749 Geneva S4-SE2-BD1 1879 Mar-45

To USN 1944 as APA 86, scrapped 1974 750 Niagara S4-SE2-BD1 1880 Mar-45

To USN 1944 as APA 87, scrapped 1950 751 Presidio S4-SE2-BD1 1881 Apr-45

To USN 1944 as APA 88, scrapped 1965 752 Cape Lilibeo C1-B 2073 Mar-44 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1970 753 Cape Tryon C1-B 2074 Apr-44 Sold private 1947, scuttled with obsolete ammo 1969 754 Cape Possession C1-B 2075 May-44 Sold private 1949, scrapped 1971 755 Cape Junction C1-B 2076 Apr-44 Scrapped 1970 756 Cape San Diego C1-B 2077 Aug-44 Scrapped 1978 757 Cape Edmont C1-B 2078 Sep-44 Scrapped 1975 758 Cape Spear C1-B 2079 Nov-44 Sold private 1948, scrapped 1971 1219 Diamond Knot C1-M-AV1 2314 Dec-44 In collision and sunk 1947 1220 Timber Hitch C1-M-AV1 2315 Jan-45 To USAF 1963, to USN 1964 as T-AGM 17, to NDRF 1968 1221 Clove Hitch C1-M-AV1 2316 Jan-45 Scrapped 1972 1222 Turk's Head C1-M-AV1 2317 Feb-45 Sold private 1957, scrapped 1968 1223 Star Knot C1-M-AV1 2318 Feb-45 Sold private 1948, wrecked and scrapped 1967 1224 Lanyard Knot C1-M-AV1 2319 Feb-45 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1971 1225 Jumper Hitch C1-M-AV1 2320 Mar-45 Scrapped 1972 1226 Square Knot C1-M-AV1 2321 Mar-45 Sold private 1956, scrapped 1970 1227 Snug Hitch C1-M-AV1 2322 Mar-45 Sold private 1957, scrapped 1970 1228 Maiden's Eye C1-M-AV1 2323 Apr-45 To USA 1947 as COL William J. O'Brien, to USN 1950 as AK 246, converted to heavy-lift ship 1954, scrapped 1973 1229 Sailor's Splice C1-M-AV1 2324 Apr-45 Scrapped 1972 1230 Half Hitch C1-M-AV1 2325 May-45 Sold private 1948 1231 Spar Hitch C1-M-AV1 2326 May-45 Sold private 1948, sunk 1975 1232 Bowline Knot C1-M-AV1 2327 Jul-45 Scrapped 1971 1233 Cat's Paw C1-M-AV1 2328 Jul-45 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1970 1234 Long Splice C1-M-AV1 2329 Sep-45 To USA 1947 as PVT Frank J. Petrarca, to USN 1950 as AK 250, NDRF 1973 1235 Crossing Hitch C1-M-AV1 2330 Sep-45 Sold private 1948, scrapped 1971 1236 Crown Knot C1-M-AV1 2331 Oct-45 Sold private 1947, wrecked and sank 1974 1307 Sheepshank C1-M-AV1 2461 May-45 Sold private 1947, wrecked and sank 1961 1308 Boatswain's Hitch C1-M-AV1 2462 May-45 Sold private 1957, scrapped 1971 1309 Reef Knot C1-M-AV1 2463 May-45 Sold private 1974 1310 Short Splice C1-M-AV1 2464 May-45 To USN 1950 as AK 249, converted to heavy-lift ship 1954, scrapped 1973 1311 Masthead Knot C1-M-AV1 2465 May-45 Sold private 1957, caught fire and sank 1969 1312 Sword Knot C1-M-AV1 2466 May-45 To USAF 1963, to USN 1964 as T-AGM 13, scrapped 1973 1313 Anchor Hitch C1-M-AV1 2467 Jun-45 Scrapped 1972 1314 Hook Hitch C1-M-AV1 2468 Jun-45 Sold private 1947, scrapped 1969 1315 Fisherman's Bend C1-M-AV1 2469 Jun-45 Sold private 1947, wrecked and abandoned 1965 1316 Hickory Knoll C1-M-AV1 2470 Jun-45 To Britain 1945-47, disposition unknown 1317 Hickory Ghyll C1-M-AV1 2471 Jun-45 To Britain 1945-47, sold private 1948, scrapped 1968 1318 Hickory Brook C1-M-AV1 2472 Jun-45 To Britain 1945-47, scrapped 1970 1319 Hickory Crest C1-M-AV1 2473 Jun-45 To Britain 1945-47, sold private 1948, wrecked 1963, repaired, scrapped 1974 1320 1321 Hickory Glen C1-M-AV1 2563 Jul-45 To Britain 1945-47, sold private 1947, wrecked and abandoned 1970 1322 Hickory Mount C1-M-AV1 2564 Jul-45 To Britain 1945-47, sold private 1948, scrapped 1972 1323 Hickory Isle C1-M-AV1 2565 Jul-45 To Britain 1945-47, sold private 1947, scrapped 1974 1324 Hickory Stream C1-M-AV1 2566 Jul-45 To Britain 1945-47, sold private 1948, scrapped 1968 1325 Hickory Dale C1-M-AV1 2567 Jul-45 To Britain 1945-47, sold private 1956, wrecked 1958, repaired 1326 Hickory Burn C1-M-AV1 2568 Jul-45 To Britain 1945-47, sold private 1947, scrapped 1970 1327 Hickory Bay C1-M-AV1 2569 Sep-45 Completed as Coastal Viking, scrapped 1970 1328 Hickory Coll C1-M-AV1 2570 Sep-45 Completed as Coastal Delegate, sold private 1952, converted to laker 1952 1329 Hickory Cape C1-M-AV1 2571 Sep-45 Completed as Coastal Scout, sold private 1947, scrapped 1330 Hickory Tor C1-M-AV1 2572 Sep-45 Completed as Coastal Skipper, sold private 1947, sank 1971 1331 Hickory Brae C1-M-AV1 2573 Sep-45 Completed as Coastal Adventurer, scrapped 1971 1332 Hickory Bourne C1-M-AV1 2574 Sep-45 Completed as Coastal Navigator, sold private 1969, converted to drill ship Navigator 1333 Hickory Dell C1-M-AV1 2575 Sep-45 Completed as Coastal Champion, sold private 1948, scrapped 1970 1334 Hickory Cairn C1-M-AV1 2576 Oct-45 Completed as Coastal Conqueror, sold private 1956, scrapped 1970 1335 Hickory Dyke C1-M-AV1 2577 Oct-45 Completed as Coastal Rider, sold private 1949, scrapped 1969 1336 Hickory Tarn C1-M-AV1 2578 Oct-45 Completed as Coastal Nomad, scrapped 1972 1337 Hickory Lake C1-M-AV1 2579 Oct-45 Completed as Coastal Buccaneer, sold private 1948, scrapped 1968 1338 Hickory Beck C1-M-AV1 2580 Nov-45 Completed as Coastal Cadet, sold private 1948, wrecked and scrapped 1969 1339 Coastal Rambler C1-M-AV1 2581 Nov-45 Scrapped 1972 1340 Coastal Monarch C1-M-AV1 2582 Nov-45 Scrapped 1972 1341 Coastal Charger C1-M-AV1 2583 Nov-45 Sold private 1948, disposition unknown 1342 Coastal Courser C1-M-AV1 2584 Nov-45 Sold private 1948, wrecked and scrapped 1973 1343 Coastal Monitor C1-M-AV1 2585 Nov-45 Sold private 1947, disposition unknown 1344 Coastal Telegrapher C1-M-AV1 2586 Dec-45 Sold private 1948, disposition unknown 1345-1346 C1-M-AV1 2587-2588 Cancelled 1352-1357 R2-S-BV1 2811-2816

Cancelled 1358 Messenger C2-S-B1 2817 Feb-46

Sold private 1946, scrapped 1969 1359 Spitfire C2-S-B1 2818 Feb-46

Sold private 1948, wrecked and scrapped 1975 1360 Ocean Rover C2-S-B1 2819 Mar-46

Sold private 1946, wrecked and scrapped 1971 1361 National Eagle C2-S-B1 2820 Apr-46

Sold private 1946, scrapped 1978 1362 Mountain Wave C2-S-B1 2821 Apr-46

Sold private 1946, scrapped 1972 1363 Carrier Dove C2-S-B1 2822 May-46

Sold private 1946, scrapped 1969 1364 Twilight C2-S-B1 2823 May-46

Sold private 1946, scrapped 1973 1365 Wild Ranger C2-S-B1 2824 Jun-46

Sold private 1947, scrapped 1970 1366 Crest of the Wave C2-S-B1 2825 Jul-46

Sold private 1947, scrapped 1970 1367 Golden Light C2-S-B1 2868 Jul-46

Sold private 1946, scrapped 1970

[edit] Consolidated Steel Corp. Ltd., Orange TX

Record of WWII Shipbuilding

USS Orleck (DD 886) is being restored. Visit her at her berth on Front Street, in downtown Orange, Texas, or on the web at

Consolidated Steel had a small fabrication yard in Orange in 1940 when the Navy contracted with them to expand it into a yard capable of building surface combatants. At its peak, Consolidated's Orange yard employed 20,000 people. After the war the yard reverted to being a fabricator and was for many years a division of U.S. Steel. It is now a shipyard again, as a division of Signal International. Name Navy Type or MC Design Pennant # or MC Hull # FY Keel Laid Launched Delivered Days on Ways Days in Water Total Days Disposition Aulick DD 569 1940 5/14/41 3/2/42 10/27/42 292 239 531 To Greece as Sfendooni (D 85) 1959, struck 1991 Charles Ausburne DD 570 1940 5/14/41 3/16/42 11/24/42 306 253 559 To Germany as Zerstorer 6 1960, scrapped 1968 Claxton DD 571 1940 6/25/41 4/1/42 12/8/42 280 251 531 To Germany as Zerstorer 4 1960, to Greece for spares 1981, struck 1991 Dyson DD 572 1940 6/25/41 4/15/42 12/30/42 294 259 553 To Germany as Zerstorer 5 1960, to Greece for spares 1982, struck 1991 Harrison DD 573 1940 6/25/41 5/7/42 1/25/43 316 263 579 To Mexico as Cuauhtemoc (E 01) 1968, struck 1982 John Rodgers DD 574 1940 6/25/41 5/7/42 2/9/43 316 278 594 To Mexico as Cuitlahac (E 2) 1968, active Mckee DD 575 1940 3/2/42 8/2/42 3/31/43 153 241 394 Scrapped 1974 Murray DD 576 1940 3/16/42 8/16/42 4/20/43 153 247 400 Scrapped 1966 Sproston DD 577 1940 4/1/42 8/31/42 5/19/43 152 261 413 Scrapped 1971 Wickes DD 578 1940 4/15/42 9/13/42 6/16/43 151 276 427 Sunk as target 1974 William D. Porter DD 579 1940 5/7/42 9/27/42 7/6/43 143 282 425 Sunk by kamikaze off Okinawa 1945 Young DD 580 1940 6/15/42 10/11/42 7/31/43 118 293 411 Sunk as target 1970 Edsall DE 129 1942 7/2/42 11/1/42 4/10/43 122 160 282 Scrapped 1969 Jacob Jones DE 130 1942 6/26/42 11/29/42 4/29/43 156 151 307 Scrapped 1973 Hammann DE 131 1942 7/10/42 12/13/42 5/17/43 156 155 311 Scrapped 1974 Robert E. Peary DE 132 1942 6/30/42 1/3/43 5/31/43 187 148 335 Scrapped 1967 Pillsbury DE 133 1942 7/18/42 1/10/43 6/7/43 176 148 324 Scrapped 1966 Pope DE 134 1942 7/14/42 1/12/43 6/25/43 182 164 346 Scrapped 1973 Flaherty DE 135 1942 11/7/42 1/17/43 6/26/43 71 160 231 Scrapped 1966 Frederick C. Davis DE 136 1942 11/9/42 1/24/43 7/14/43 76 171 247 Sunk by u-boat in the North Atlantic 1945 Herbert C. Jones DE 137 1942 11/30/42 1/19/43 7/21/43 50 183 233 Scrapped 1973 Douglas L. Howard DE 138 1942 12/8/42 1/24/43 7/29/43 47 186 233 Scrapped 1974 Farquhar DE 139 1942 12/14/42 2/13/43 8/5/43 61 173 234 Scrapped 1974 J. R. Y. Blakely DE 140 1942 12/16/42 3/7/43 8/16/43 81 162 243 Scrapped 1973 Hill DE 141 1942 12/21/42 2/28/43 8/16/43 69 169 238 Scrapped 1974 Fessenden DE 142 1942 1/4/43 3/9/43 8/25/43 64 169 233 Sunk as target 1967 Fiske DE 143 1942 1/4/43 3/14/43 8/25/43 69 164 233 Sunk by u-boat in the North Atlantic 1944 Frost DE 144 1942 1/13/43 3/21/43 8/30/43 67 162 229 Scrapped 1966 Huse DE 145 1942 1/11/43 3/23/43 8/30/43 71 160 231 Scrapped 1974 Inch DE 146 1942 1/19/43 4/4/43 9/8/43 75 157 232 Scrapped 1974 Blair DE 147 1942 1/19/43 4/6/43 9/13/43 77 160 237 Scrapped 1974 Brough DE 148 1942 1/23/43 4/10/43 9/18/43 77 161 238 Scrapped 1966 Chatelain DE 149 1942 1/25/43 4/21/43 9/22/43 86 154 240 Scrapped 1974 Neunzer DE 150 1942 1/29/43 4/27/43 9/27/43 88 153 241 Scrapped 1973 Poole DE 151 1942 2/13/43 5/8/43 9/29/43 84 144 228 Scrapped 1974 Peterson DE 152 1942 2/28/43 5/15/43 9/29/43 76 137 213 Scrapped 1974 Harveson DE 316 1942 3/9/43 5/22/43 10/12/43 74 143 217 Sunk as target 1967 Joyce DE 317 1942 3/8/43 5/26/43 9/30/43 79 127 206 Scrapped 1973 Kirkpatrick DE 318 1942 3/15/43 6/5/43 10/23/43 82 140 222 Scrapped 1975 Leopold DE 319 1942 3/24/43 6/12/43 10/18/43 80 128 208 Sunk by u-boat south of Iceland 1944 Menges DE 320 1942 3/22/43 6/15/43 10/26/43 85 133 218 Scrapped 1972 Mosley DE 321 1942 4/6/43 6/26/43 10/30/43 81 126 207 Scrapped 1973 Newell DE 322 1942 4/5/43 6/29/43 10/30/43 85 123 208 Scrapped 1971 Pride DE 323 1942 4/12/43 7/3/43 11/13/43 82 133 215 Scrapped 1974 Falgout DE 324 1942 5/24/43 7/24/43 11/15/43 61 114 175 Sunk as target 1977 Lowe DE 325 1942 5/24/43 7/28/43 11/22/43 65 117 182 Scrapped 1969 Thomas J. Gray DE 326 1942 6/15/43 8/21/43 11/27/43 67 98 165 To Tunisia as Pres. Bourguiba (E 7) 1973, non-operational 1992 Brister DE 327 1942 6/14/43 8/24/43 11/30/43 71 98 169 Scrapped 1971 Finch DE 328 1942 6/29/43 8/28/43 12/13/43 60 107 167 Scrapped 1974 Kretchmer DE 329 1942 6/28/43 8/31/43 12/13/43 64 104 168 Scrapped 1974 O'Reilly DE 330 1942 7/29/43 10/5/43 12/28/43 68 84 152 Scrapped 1972 Koiner DE 331 1942 7/26/43 10/10/43 12/27/43 76 78 154 Scrapped 1969 Price DE 332 1942 8/24/43 10/30/43 1/12/44 67 74 141 Scrapped 1975 Strickland DE 333 1942 8/23/43 11/2/43 1/10/44 71 69 140 Scrapped 1974 Forster DE 334 1942 8/31/43 11/13/43 1/25/44 74 73 147 To Vietnam as Tran Khanh Du (HQ 04) 1971, struck 1995 Daniel DE 335 1942 8/30/43 11/16/43 1/24/44 78 69 147 Scrapped 1974 Roy O. Hale DE 336 1942 9/13/43 11/20/43 2/3/44 68 75 143 Scrapped 1975 Dale W. Peterson DE 337 1942 10/25/43 12/22/43 2/17/44 58 57 115 Scrapped 1972 Martin H. Ray DE 338 1942 10/27/43 12/29/43 2/28/44 63 61 124 Scrapped 1967 John C. Butler DE 339 1942 10/5/43 12/11/43 3/31/44 67 111 178 Sunk as target 1971 O'Flaherty DE 340 1942 10/4/43 12/14/43 4/8/44 71 116 187 Scrapped 19673 Raymond DE 341 1942 11/3/43 1/8/44 4/15/44 66 98 164 Sunk as target 1974 Richard W. Suesens DE 342 1942 11/1/43 1/11/44 4/26/44 71 106 177 Scrapped 1973 Abercrombie DE 343 1942 11/8/43 1/14/44 5/1/44 67 108 175 Sunk as target 1968 Oberrender DE 344 1942 11/8/43 1/18/44 5/11/44 71 114 185 Sunk as target 1945 Robert Brazier DE 345 1942 11/16/43 1/22/44 5/18/44 67 117 184 Sunk as target 1969 Edwin A. Howard DE 346 1942 11/15/43 1/25/44 5/25/44 71 121 192 Scrapped 1973 Jesse Rutherford DE 347 1942 11/22/43 1/29/44 5/31/44 68 123 191 Sunk as target 1968 Key DE 348 1942 12/14/43 2/12/44 6/5/44 60 114 174 Scrapped 1972 Gentry DE 349 1942 12/13/43 2/15/44 6/14/44 64 120 184 Scrapped 1973 Traw DE 350 1942 12/19/43 2/12/44 6/20/44 55 129 184 Sunk as target 1968 Maurice J. Manuel DE 351 1942 12/22/43 2/19/44 6/30/44 59 132 191 Sunk as target 1966 Naifeh DE 352 1942 12/29/43 2/29/44 7/4/44 62 126 188 Sunk as target 1966 Doyle C. Barnes DE 353 1942 1/11/44 3/4/44 7/13/44 53 131 184 Scrapped 1973 Kenneth M. Willett DE 354 1942 1/10/44 3/7/44 7/19/44 57 134 191 Sunk as target 1974 Jaccard DE 355 1942 1/25/44 3/18/44 7/26/44 53 130 183 Scrapped 1968 Lloyd E. Acree DE 356 1942 1/24/44 3/21/44 8/1/44 57 133 190 Scrapped 1973 George E. Davis DE 357 1942 2/15/44 4/8/44 8/11/44 53 125 178 Scrapped 1974 Mack DE 358 1942 2/14/44 4/11/44 8/16/44 57 127 184 Scrapped 1973 Woodson DE 359 1942 3/7/44 4/29/44 8/24/44 53 117 170 Scrapped 1966 Johnnie Hutchins DE 360 1942 3/6/44 5/2/44 8/28/44 57 118 175 Scrapped 1974 Walton DE 361 1942 3/21/44 5/20/44 9/4/44 60 107 167 Sunk as target 1969 Rolf DE 362 1942 3/20/44 5/23/44 9/7/44 64 107 171 Scrapped 1973 Pratt DE 363 1942 4/11/44 6/1/44 9/18/44 51 109 160 Scrapped 1973 Rombach DE 364 1942 4/10/44 6/6/44 9/20/44 57 106 163 Scrapped 1972 McGinty DE 365 1942 5/3/44 8/5/44 9/25/44 94 51 145 Scrapped 1969 Alvin C. Cockrell DE 366 1942 5/1/44 8/8/44 10/7/44 99 60 159 Sunk as target 1969 French DE 367 1942 5/1/44 6/17/44 10/9/44 47 114 161 Scrapped 1973 Cecil J. Doyle DE 368 1942 5/12/44 7/1/44 10/16/44 50 107 157 Sunk as target 1967 Thaddeus Parker DE 369 1942 5/23/44 8/26/44 10/25/44 95 60 155 Scrapped 1968 John L. Williamson DE 370 1942 5/22/44 8/29/44 10/31/44 99 63 162 Scrapped 1973 Presley DE 371 1942 6/6/44 8/19/44 11/7/44 74 80 154 Scrapped 1970 Williams DE 372 1942 6/5/44 8/22/44 11/11/44 78 81 159 Sunk as target 1968 William C. Lawe DE 373 1942 Cancelled Lloyd Thomas DE 374 1942 Cancelled Keppler DE 375 1942 Cancelled Kleinsmith DE 376 1942 Cancelled Henry W. Tucker DE 377 1942 Cancelled Weiss DE 378 1942 Cancelled Francovich DE 379 1942 Cancelled

   DE      380     1942                                                    Cancelled
        DE      381     1942                                                    Cancelled

Yokes DE 668 1942 8/22/43 11/27/43 12/18/44 97 387 484 Transferred from Dravo, scrapped 1965 Pavlic DE 669 1942 9/21/43 12/18/43 12/29/44 88 377 465 Transferred from Dravo, scrapped 1968 Odum DE 670 1942 10/15/43 1/19/44 1/12/45 96 359 455 Transferred from Dravo, to Chile as Serrano (F 26) 1966, struck 1984 Jack C. Robinson DE 671 1942 11/10/43 1/8/44 2/2/45 59 391 450 Transferred from Dravo, to Chile as Orella (F 27) 1966, struck 1984 Bassett DE 672 1942 11/28/43 1/15/44 2/23/45 46 405 451 Transferred from Dravo, to Colombia as Almirante Tono (DT 04) 1967, struck 1977 John P. Gray DE 673 1942 12/18/43 3/18/44 3/15/45 91 363 454 Transferred from Dravo, scrapped 1968 Joseph M. Auman DE 674 1942 11/8/43 5/2/44 4/25/45 176 358 534 Transferred from Dravo, APD 117, to Mexico as Tehuantepec (B 05) 1963, struck 1989, Don O. Woods DE 721 1942 12/1/43 2/19/44 5/28/45 81 464 545 Transferred from Dravo, to Mexico as Usumacinta (B 06) 1963, active Beverly W. Reid DE 722 1942 1/5/44 3/4/44 6/25/45 58 478 536 Transferred from Dravo, scrapped 1975 Tatum DE 789 1942 4/22/43 8/7/43 11/22/43 107 107 214 APD 81, scrapped 1961 Borum DE 790 1942 4/28/43 8/14/43 11/30/43 108 108 216 Scrapped 1966 Maloy DE 791 1942 5/10/43 8/18/43 12/13/43 100 117 217 APD 83, scrapped 1966 Haines DE 792 1942 5/17/43 8/26/43 12/27/43 101 123 224 APD 84, scrapped 1961 Runels DE 793 1942 6/7/43 9/4/43 1/3/44 89 121 210 APD 85, scrapped 1961 Hollis DE 794 1942 7/5/43 9/11/43 1/24/44 68 135 203 APD/LPR 86, scrapped 1975 Gunason DE 795 1942 8/9/43 10/16/43 2/1/44 68 108 176 Sunk as target 1974 Major DE 796 1942 8/16/43 10/23/43 2/12/44 68 112 180 Scrapped 1973 Weeden DE 797 1942 8/18/43 10/27/43 2/19/44 70 115 185 Scrapped 1969 Varian DE 798 1942 8/27/43 11/6/43 2/29/44 71 115 186 Scrapped 1974 Scroggins DE 799 1942 9/4/43 11/6/43 3/30/44 63 145 208 Scrapped 1967 Jack W. Wilke DE 800 1942 10/18/43 12/18/43 3/7/44 61 80 141 Scrapped 1974 Hawkins DD 873 1943 5/14/44 10/7/44 2/10/45 146 126 272 To Taiwan as Tsu Yang (D 930) 1979, struck 1995 Duncan DD 874 1943 5/22/44 10/27/44 2/25/45 158 121 279 Sunk as target 1980 Henry W. Tucker DD 875 1943 5/29/44 11/8/44 3/12/45 163 124 287 To Brazil as Marcilio Diaz (D 25) 1973, struck 1995 Rogers DD 876 1943 6/3/44 11/20/44 3/26/45 170 126 296 To Korea as Jeong Ju (D 925) 1980, active Perkins DD 877 1943 6/19/44 12/7/44 4/4/45 171 118 289 To Argentina as Comodoro Py (D 27) 1973, struck 1984 Vesole DD 878 1943 7/3/44 12/29/44 4/23/45 179 115 294 Sunk as target 1983 Leary DD 879 1943 8/11/44 1/20/45 5/7/45 162 107 269 To Spain as Langara (D 64) 1973, struck 1992 Dyess DD 880 1943 8/17/44 1/26/45 5/21/45 162 115 277 To Greece for parts 1981 Bordelon DD 881 1943 9/9/44 3/3/45 6/5/45 175 94 269 To Iran for parts 1977 Furse DD 882 1943 9/23/44 3/9/45 7/10/45 167 123 290 To Spain as Gravina (D 62) 1972, struck 1991 Newman K. Perry DD 883 1943 10/10/44 3/17/45 7/26/45 158 131 289 To Korea as Kyong Kai (D 923) 1981, active Floyd B. Parks DD 884 1943 10/30/44 3/31/45 7/31/45 152 122 274 Scrapped 1974 John R. Craig DD 885 1943 11/17/44 4/14/45 8/20/45 148 128 276 Sunk as target 1980 Orleck DD 886 1943 11/28/44 5/12/45 9/15/45 165 126 291 To Turkey as Yucetepe (D 345) 1982, memorial in Orange TX 1999 Brinkley Bass DD 887 1943 12/20/44 5/26/45 10/1/45 157 128 285 To Brazil as Mariz e Barros (D 26) 1973, struck 1995 Stickell DD 888 1943 1/5/45 6/16/45 10/31/45 162 137 299 To Greece as Kanaris (D 212) 1972, struck 1994 O'Hare DD 889 1943 1/27/45 6/22/45 11/9/45 146 140 286 To Spain as Mendez Nunez (D 63) 1973, struck 1992 Meredith DD 890 1943 1/27/45 6/28/45 10/31/45 152 125 277 To Turkey as Savastepe (D 347) 1979, scrapped 1995

   DD      815     1943                                                    Cancelled 1945
        DD      816     1943                                                    Cancelled 1945

Corry DD 817 1943 4/5/45 7/28/45 2/26/46 114 213 327 To Greece as Kreizis (D 217) 1981, struck 1994 New DD 818 1943 4/14/45 8/18/45 4/5/46 126 230 356 To Korea as Taejon (D 919) 1976, active Holder DD 819 1943 4/23/45 8/25/45 5/18/46 124 266 390 To Ecuador as Presidente Eloy Alfaro (D 01) 1976, struck 1991 Ric DD 820 1943 5/16/45 10/5/45 7/3/46 142 271 413 Scrapped 1979 Johnston DD 821 1943 6/5/45 10/19/45 8/23/46 136 308 444 To Taiwan as Chen Yang (D 928) 1981, active Robert H. McCard DD 822 1943 6/20/45 11/9/45 10/26/46 142 351 493 To Turkey as Kilic Ali Pasa (D 349) 1980, struck 1998 Samuel B. Roberts DD 823 1943 6/27/45 11/30/45 12/20/46 156 385 541 Sunk as target 1971 Basilone DD 824 1943 7/21/45 12/22/45 7/21/49 154 1307 1461 Sunk as target 1982 Carpenter DD 825 1943 7/30/45 12/28/45 12/15/49 151 1448 1599 To Turkey as Anitepe (D 347) 1981, struck 1997

   DD      894-895         1945                                                    Cancelled 1945
        DD      917-926         1945                                                    Cancelled 1945
        LCI(L)  61-95   1942                    12/42-2/43                              For details, see the LCI(L) page
        LCI(L)  943-1012        1943                    3/44-6/44                               For details, see the LCI(L) page
        DPC     453-469                                                                 For details, see the US Army Barges page
        DPC     563-569                                                                 For details, see the US Army Barges page


Orange, Texas is the location of a small fabrication yard operated by Consolidated Steel Corporation of Texas before World War II. In 1940, as part of a crash program to build more destroyers, the Navy contracted with the company to expand the yard.

    The first ships laid down and launched (all in 1942) were DesRon 23’s Aulick, Charles L. Ausburne, Claxton and Dyson. The yard eventually completed 12

Twelve Fletcher-class destroyers were built at Orange, followed by a destroyer escort building program, then twenty-seven Gearing-class destroyers. Of these, DDs 873–890 were completed before DDs 817–825. Keels for all of these ship were laid and thirteen—Hawkins through John R. Craig—were delivered before the end of World War II. Basilone and Carpenter were not delivered until 1949. Gray indicates ship commissioned after World War II. Fletcher-class destroyers, followed by 102 destroyer escorts; then by 27 Gearing-class ships, 14 of which were delivered to the Navy after VJ Day.

    At its peak, the Orange yard employed 20,000 people. After the war, it reverted to fabrication and for many years was a division of U.S. Steel. Today, a division of Signal International, it builds offshore drilling rigs.
    On 11 August 2000, Consolidated ’s 14th Gearing-class destroyer, Orleck (DD 886), returned under tow from Turkey after having been in commission in the United States and Turkish Navies since 15 September 1945. Orleck is now being restored at a berth on Front Street in downtown Orange by the Southeast Texas War Memorial & Heritage Foundation.Link: Consolidated Steel Corp. Ltd., Orange TX, including destroyer production record.

[edit] bikini wrecks