Zam Wesell

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Star Wars character
Zam Wesell

Position Bounty Hunter
Homeworld Unknown
Species Clawdite
Gender Female
Height 1.68 meters
Affiliation Mercenary, Confederacy of Independent Systems
Portrayed by Leeanna Walsman

Zam Wesell (52 - 22 BBY) is a fictional character from the Star Wars universe, played by Leeanna Walsman. She was a shapeshifting Clawdite from the planet Zolan, and occasionally partnered with Jango Fett. Though her original form was a green-skinned reptile, Zam often changed her appearance into that of a beautiful woman with short reddish-blonde hair, a tight-fitting purple bodysuit and a veil over her face. This turned out to be the case in Attack of the Clones.


[edit] Early life

Zam was born on Zolan, a member of the changeling Clawdite race that was constantly at war with the native Zolanders, a race similar to the Clawdites but lacking their chameleon abilities. Zam was trained in the ways of the Mabari, an ancient order of warrior-knights from Zolan. She left Zolan at a young age to work as a corporate security officer on Denon, an ecumenopolis second only to Coruscant. She rose from officer to sergeant to executive bodyguard in short time before she decided that she didn't earn enough and became a professional bounty hunter.

[edit] Partnership with Jango Fett

One of Zam's earliest missions was the capture of Bendix Fust, a smuggler wanted by Malastarian Dug crime lord Sebolto. Fust was an inmate at the infamous Oovo IV asteroid prison, but that didn't stop Zam from breaking in, capturing him, and staging a riot in order to cover her escape. Unfortunately, the notorious Jango Fett had also broken in at the same time, for the same target. Their mutual interference botched their respective plans and they were forced to work together to escape. Zam cost Jango his ship and he was forced to steal a prototype Firespray Patrol Craft, which he would eventually call the Slave I.

They continued to collaborate after Fust was turned in to Sebolto. Jango had been working a larger job, tracking Komari Vosa, a former Jedi who had become the leader of the Bando Gora cult. After Sebolto's clues led Jango and Zam to Tatooine, Zam was forced to betray Jango to save herself from Gardulla the Hutt. Nevertheless, Jango escaped certain death and found what he needed from Gardulla, killing her as a favor to Jabba the Hutt. For her treason, Jango left Zam in Gardulla's dungeon.

Somehow, she managed to escape and track Jango to one of the moons of Bogden, headquarters of the Bando Gora. Jango was captured by Komari Vosa and only Zam's timely interference saved him, though her blasts were deflected by Vosa's twin lightsabers. Before Vosa could finish her, Zam blasted the bonds holding Jango, allowing him to rush for his weapons. Startled, Vosa fled, but not before Jango reached her and after a long battle, defeated her.

Though both Zam and Jango preferred working alone, they would team up from time to time over a period of ten years.

One of these times was when Zam and Jango teamed up to stop General Ashar Khorda, who intended to use a religious idol to destroy Coruscant. Tracking down Khorda, they fought in one of Coruscant's reactor relays, Zam killing some of the terrorists while Jango and the Jedi Master Yarael Poof killed the others. Zam saved Coruscant by saving the idol when it fell off the relay. Yarael Poof then volunteered to disable it. Zam was the quickest to trust the Jedi Master, and let him disable it, even though it cost him his life. She tipped off the Jedi Council about the death of Yarael Poof before she and Jango took the idol back to its rightful place. After returning to Kamino with Jango, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, before disappearing again.

[edit] Death

Around ten years after they first met, Jango was hired by Count Dooku and Nute Gunray to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala. To conceal ties to Darth Tyranus, Jango sub-contracted the job to Zam. Initially, she planted explosives on the senator's landing platform, resulting in the death of a well-placed decoy but ultimately missing the senator. For the second attempt, Jango provided her with poisonous Kohoun worms, which she loaded into her assassin droid, ASN-1. The droid successfully inserted the worms into the senator's bedroom, but Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi sensed their presence and squash them. As Zam escaped in her speeder, the two Jedi chased her through the skies of Coruscant until she crash-landed near a seedy bar. Concealed by the bar patrons, she attempted to sneak up on Obi-Wan, suffering a severed hand from the Jedi's lightsaber strike. Just as Zam was about to succumb to Anakin's pressing her to reveal who had hired her, Jango Fett killed Zam from afar with a toxic Kaminoan saber dart.

[edit] Appearances

Her appearances include the video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, the one-shot comics Jango Fett and Zam Wesell, the children's books Jango Fett vs. the Razor Eaters, The Shape Shifter Strikes, Warlords of Balmorra, and Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive, and Attack of the Clones. She was going to be an unlockable character in Lego Star Wars: The Video Game, but was taken out as the level she was to appear in was cut.

[edit] Trivia

[edit] External links

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Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Characters: Padmé Amidala | Battle Droid | Jar Jar Binks | C-3PO | Clone Trooper | Count Dooku | Boba Fett | Jango Fett | Nute Gunray | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Owen Lars | Bail Organa | Palpatine | R2-D2 | Sandpeople | Darth Sidious | Anakin Skywalker | Shmi Skywalker | Captain Typho | Zam Wessell | Beru Whitesun | Mace Windu | Yoda

Events: Courtship and Marriage of Padmé Amidala | Battle of Geonosis

Planets: Coruscant | Kamino | Naboo | Tatooine | Geonosis

Cities: Coruscant | Tipoca City | Theed | Mos Espa

Starships: AA-9 Coruscant Freighter | Geonosian Solar Sailer | Geonosian Starfighter | Jedi Starfighter | Naboo N-1 Starfighter | Naboo Royal Cruiser | Naboo Yacht | Neimoidian Shuttle | Republic Assault Ship | Slave I | Trade Federation Battleship | Trade Federation Droid Control Ship

Vehicles: Airspeeder | AT-TE | Coruscant Air Taxi | Flash Speeder | Gian Speeder | Kamino KE-8 Enforcer | Podracer | Republic Gunship (LAAT) | Sandcrawler | SPHA-T | STAP | Swoop Bike | V-35 Landspeeder