Talk:Young Religious Unitarian Universalists

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[edit] Cooperation

Is anyone else here a UU? I'd like to start working together with someone, on this. HellaNorCal 01:02, 14 May 2006 (UTC)

I would love to.--Wubrgamer 16:18, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
First step: ? HellaNorCal 22:37, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
One thing that needs to be done is the creation of stubs for all the districts. And I'm going to try to make a YRUU or UU stub tag to use. HellaNorCal 02:17, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
The Template {{UU stub}} is now available for use.

hey, me again, I am also the webmaster of

check it outWubrgamer 04:21, 11 July 2006 (UTC)

I'm one of 2 "moderators" for . Hella. HellaNorCal 03:00, 12 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] ConCon

ConCon is still an entity. It has not been irrevocably done away with. In fact, there is a requirement for ConCon to take place in YRUU's ByLaws:

ARTICLE IV Annual Conference Section 1. There shall be an annual conference of YRUU. This conference shall be held in the summer months at a time when schools are generally not in session. It shall be held at different locations around the continent from year to year. Section 2. A General Meeting shall be held at the Annual Conference, open to all conference participants. The purpose of this meeting is to allow any participant in the conference to hear reports and ask questions of the organization's leadership.

Youth Office Website

ConCon not being held is a temporary measure, because the last ConCon wasn't safe. HellaNorCal 06:26, 5 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] more concon

I wouldn't say it's a temporary measure, nor was it solely a matter of the safety of the last ConCon in particular. There are a host of reasons why ConCon isn't being supported by the UUA, including the fact that it's really expensive (a very inefficient use of funds) and generally caters only to people with privilege. Granted, a little bit more money spent might yield enough for substantial scholarships to mitigate the burden on folks without the means to drop 500 bucks on a week of summer camp, but... that money isn't in Uncle U's wallet at the moment, for whatever reason. In fact, I'll refrain from speculating further, and point to the relevant document from the youth office explaining the ConCon decision. There are other relevant documents, including a letter distributed by the Youth Office responding to peoples' reactions to their decision, but I'm not sure where that can be found.

However, I believe that if a group of youth came up with some means to independently fund and then accountably organize a continental YRUU gathering, it wouldn't be inconceivable for it to be endorsed by the UUA, provided that there was substantial oversight. I would guess that's the only chance ConCon has of happening again.

[edit] District Differences

So, if your district is has different names for things, just add it as an alternative naming, don't delete things that are already there. Someone deleted "Youth Council," and replaced it with "District Youth Steering Committee." I know CMWD and others use DYSC, but PCD uses Youth Council, and others do too. Let's be inclusionary! HellaNorCal 02:06, 27 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Deletion

User:Andrew Levine has taken to speedy deleting all of our district-level YRUU articles, and attempted to delete all of our other district-level UUA articles, though the AFD saved them. He's now trying to delete the District-level YRUU template, and your help would be appreciated in stopping this. See this TfD page. HellaNorCal 06:48, 12 September 2006 (UTC)