Wu Pak Chiu

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[edit] Maestro Gregorio Wu Pak-Chiu

Graduated from Shanghai College of Music in 1937.

Was the pupil of the world famous vocalist Professor Lu Cha Zhi.

In December 1946, he went to Italy and was in the Rome Conservatory of Santa Cecilia as a 4th year student;

In November 1947, he sang and was heard by Beniamino Gigli;

Graduated from Rome Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in 1948;

After Gigli heard him sing, he said he had discovered a diamond in a black coal mine;

Immediately, he invited him to his house and asked his daughter to play the piano to accompany his singing;

Gigli never had private students but made an exception in his case and asked him to be a private pupil and godson;

He commented that "this young tenor not only was his best pupil, he was also his godson.

He not only had a natural, lovely voice but he was also intelligent and worked hard.

His future was unlimited"

Three important events:

1.1952, Sezze Romano, he sang with Gigli and Gigli's daughter before the President of Italy and more than 50 ambassadors;

At the end of the concert, Gigli said to him "You have sung all my songs, I have no more songs to sing";

( 1953, the Spanish government invited him to Madrid and the largest newspaper "ABC" reported and commented "he is a Chinese treasure";

In the same year, he was invited to Paris and also he undertook some recordings.)

2.On November 19, 1953 more than 50 tenors competed at the Conservatory Saint Cecilia to have the honour of singing in the opening performance of the 21st Century Music Performances.

3.In April 4, 1954, in Rome in the Argentine Theatre, the 21 st Century Music Performances, Professor Wu had won the competition to be the first tenor to open the Conference and sang Bela Bartok "Cantata Priana".

At that time, there were music critics, composers, and musicians from 25 countries. There was a 300 person orchestra. There were 12 days of performances. This was organized by Geneva European Cultural Centre. More than 20 countries were represented by the best musicians and they formed the Advisory Group and Igor Stravinsky was the Chief Advisor.

Maestro Wu was then invited to sing and tour in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, and England.

In 1966, he returned to Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Maestro Wu Pak Chiu passed at the age of 61 on March 31, 1974

Also Visit WuPakChiu Website to hear samples of singing[1]