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For other usages of the term Wotan see Wotan (disambiguation)

Wotanism is the name of a racial religion promulgated by David Lane. Wotan is the German name for the Germanic god known in Norse as Odin. Lane's Wotanism is distinctly different and separate from Odinism which is one of the names for Germanic neopaganism.

Based on the essay entitled Wotan by Carl Jung, the term Wotanism in modern times heavily emphasizes white supremacy and National Socialism (NS). W.O.T.A.N. is an acronym for Will Of The Aryan Nation, used by some Wotanists.[1] Unlike Germanic neopagans, most Wotanists emphasize dualism and view the Gods as Jungian archetypes.[2]

Wotanist groups include the Gambanreidi Statement, WotansVolk and the Temple of Wotan. WotansVolk and the Temple of Wotan were both founded under the direct influence of David Lane, by his wife Katuscha Maddox (or Katja Lane) and Ron McVan, a former high ranking member of the World Church of the Creator.

The Temple of Wotan organization was inspired by the book Temple of Wotan. Lane recently authored a short story entitled KD Rebel, a fictional account of a colony of Wotanists who live up in the mountains and kidnap young girls and women from urban areas and force them into polygamy as breeding stock.

Currently, it is not known whether David Lane is involved with the Temple of Wotan organization, which seems to have distanced itself from the emphasis on racial and violent ideologies.


[edit] Distinctions from Germanic neopaganism

From the beginning, Wotanism has been distinctly different from, and even antagonistic to Germanic neopaganism. Adherents of Asatru and Odinism have rejected what they perceive as an attempt to appropriate their religion for political and racial ends. Lane explains:

"So, I first chose the name Wotanism over Odinism. First because W.O.T.A.N. makes a perfect acronym for Will Of The Aryan Nation. Secondly because he was called Wotan on the European continent and only called Odin in Scandinavia. Therefore Wotan appeals to the genetic memory of more of our ancestors. And finally because a split had to be made with the game players, deceivers and universalists who had usurped the name Odin."[3]

Ron McVan and Katja Lane have also repeatedly stated their antipathy for Germanic neopaganism, and stated that they reject even the "folkish" Asatru as not being militant enough.[1]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Focus Fourteen, Issue #2008
    Katja:Universalist anti-White pagans, and even some so-called "folkish" Asatruars, attack you because you embrace - indeed deem holy - the 14 Words: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children."
    Ron:Yes, we have heard them whimper, "But, we only want to be spiritual and preserve our folk religion". To these hypocrites and cowards I ask, "So, you want to preserve our religious heritage for those who survive our racial extinction?" It was apparent from the beginning that contemporary Odinism/Asatru was not necessarily representative of true ancestral and folkish tradition. It was precisely for this reason that we use the Teutonic name Wotansvolk (meaning the folk of Wotan, Odin or Woden) to make a clear distinction between universalists, hobbyists and new age hippie-dippie wiccans, all of whom reduce our religion to parlor games and play-acting. It is utterly shocking that our own racial kin and fellow pagans (as allies of the destroyers of our culture and murderers of our race) attempt to marginalize Wotansvolk. With no substance for vilification, they resort to name-calling, such as "Nazi racists" and other irrelevant and derogatory buzzwords.
    Katja:But, these same self-proclaimed "spiritualists" whine that politics and religion do not mix, which defines, I suppose, "resistance to genocide" as "politics". It, also, wrongfully asserts by implication that a political activist by nature cannot be spiritually profound. This is obviously inane error, Ron, as reading your books is concrete proof to the contrary.
    Ron:All religions must be political to survive. Every religion and race is, by nature, self-promoting and self-preserving, that is except today's White race. The success of the pogrom of racial annihilation of Aryans is inevitable if there is not resistance. The laws of Nature demand that Aryans fight for their very survival. To preserve our history or spiritual legacy has no value without preserving our gene pool. Extinction is not an option, but it is a certainty if we deny the political reality.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • McVan, Ron, David & Katja Lane (1997). Creed of Iron - Wotansvolk Wisdom. 14 Word Press. ISBN 0-9678123-0-5.
  • Serrano, Miguel, Ron McVan, Katja Lane (2000). Temple of Wotan - Holy Book of the Aryan Tribes. 14 Word Press. ISBN 0-9678123-3-X.
  • Gardell, Matthias (2003). Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism. Duke University Press, 269-283. ISBN 0-8223-3071-7.
  • Lane, David (2004) KD Rebel (2004) fiction - direct link to .rtf file
  • Focus Fourteen, Issue #2008 (2000) - direct link to .doc file