World Naked Bike Ride

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The York Naked Bike Ride passing in front of York Minster in June 2006
The York Naked Bike Ride passing in front of York Minster in June 2006
Protesters gathered outside a courthouse on 17 Feb 2005 to protest against the arrest of Simon Oosterman (second from left), Auckland's 2005 WNBR organiser.
Protesters gathered outside a courthouse on 17 Feb 2005 to protest against the arrest of Simon Oosterman (second from left), Auckland's 2005 WNBR organiser.

World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) is an international event in which participants plan, meet and ride together en masse on human-powered transport (the vast majority on bicycles, and fewer on skateboards, roller blades, roller skates) to "protest oil dependency and celebrate the power and individuality of our bodies".[1]

WNBR is a clothing-optional bike ride. The dress code motto is "Bare As You Dare"[2]. Full and partial (especially topfree) nudity is encouraged, but not mandatory, on all rides. Requiring partial cover-up is strictly forbidden and is a distinguishing feature of WNBR versus other cycling events.

Creative expression is also encouraged to create a fun and immersive atmosphere during the ride, to capture the attention and imagination of passers-by and the media, and to make the experience more personalized and fulfilling for the riders. Body art (such as body painting) are common forms of creative expression, as well as costumes, art bikes, portable sound reinforcement systems (such as public address systems/bullhorns, and boomboxes), musical instruments as well as other types of noisemakers.

Pre-ride parties for WNBR have become events unto themselves featuring musical bands, DJs, bodypainting, temporary structures/installation art, political tabling, and catering. In addition to simply being able to ride clothes-free on community streets, some rides have established precedent by having body-painting parties, often involving numbers of naked riders and artists, in high-visibility municipal parks.

This distinctive form of Critical Mass and Critical Ass is often described or categorized as a form of political protest, street theatre, party-on-wheels, streaking, public nudity and clothing-optional recreation and thus attracts a wide-range of participants.


[edit] History

The World Naked Bike Ride concept was created by Conrad Schmidt in 2003. Prior to WNBR, Conrad had organized the Naked Bike Rides of the group Artists for Peace/Artists Against War (AFP/AAW)[3] which took place in the early part of the same year, as well as other high-profile political/media events leading to the creation of The Work Less Party of British Columbia.

WNBR rapidly started to come to life through collaborations with many different activist groups and individuals around the world. The first WNBR event took place in June of 2004 and was a collaboration between the WNBR group which rode on June 12 and Manifestación Ciclonudista in Spain which rode on June 19. Since that time rides have also taken place in February and March (mainly in the Southern Hemisphere). A smaller number of rides have taken place at other times of the year, often at special events, such as Burning Man.

Prior to the first World Naked Bike Ride event in June of 2004, there were two independent organizations organizing very similar political events with virtually identical messages of protesting oil dependency. These organizations were AFP/AAW and Manifestación Ciclonudista. Despite having similar political messages neither of these groups knew of the existence of the other until until collaboration began many months before the first WNBR event.

The first year of WNBR in 2004 saw events in 28 cities, in 10 countries, on four continents.[1]

[edit] Issues

[edit] Sharing the road

Some are opposed to large Critical Mass-type events in general because they claim the events interfere with automobile traffic.

WNBR participants, like those in Critical Mass counter "We are not STOPPING traffic, we ARE traffic!" Critical Mass and other biketivist groups promote awareness of cyclists, they feel, out of necessity — many cyclists are seriously injured and killed by careless drivers. That includes commuters, students, children, police officers on bicycles — all cyclists are at risk. Participants advocate living streets and bicycle-friendly communities.

[edit] Health, efficiency and sustainability

Participants believe that many communities were not designed to take advantage of the world's most efficient means of personal transport, the bicycle. Instead, they believe, society has subordinated common sense and community values to the requirements of large, expensive, dangerous, loud, and polluting vehicles. Oil has become a treasured commodity despite its inherent evils, the costs of war, climate change, and innocent lives.

Like Critical Mass, WNBR aims to promote bicycle transportation, renewable energy, recreation, walkable communities, and environmentally-responsibile, sustainable solutions to living in the twenty first century. Participants celebrate the many benefits of a car-free lifestyle: free of emissions, free parking, and an overall free feeling.

[edit] WNBR approach

Some cycling activists criticize the event for trivializing the issues of oil dependency, cyclists' access to roads, and car culture. Organizers argue that having fun and doing public outreach are not mutually exclusive goals. Creative advocacy stimulates people to contemplate the issues. They argue that by immersing themselves in lanes intended for cars and not for bicycles, by tossing their clothes and rejecting body shame, they are protesting a way of life which needs to abandoned. They believe that by getting people to laugh and smile is a great way to connect and share ideas in a non-threatening way.

[edit] Body positive values, body image and offense

The ride has been criticized by some because WNBR often involves participants who are naked or topfree. Some people who are offended by nudity or topfreedom believe that it should take place in designated areas and/or times only. People who feel WNBR participants are going out of their way to get attention by using their uncovered bodies may argue that they are being exhibitionists or expressing sexually-deviant intent.

Others say that participants should not be naked unless they conform to their own ideals of physical attraction. Some label riders as not being sexually-attractive.

Others do not feel comfortable participating because they are shameful of their body, because someone may photograph them, or because of moral objections to appearing nude in public.

Participants claim that non-sexualized, colorful and creative nakedness in uptight societies is a refreshing way to remind people of some of the fundamental freedoms of life that people have collectively handed over, without really thinking of the consequences. They claim that it is about body-positive values: living a healthy life in tune with, not against, the environment; respecting the natural beauty and diversity of human bodies; and establishing and projecting a positive self image and rejecting shame. Organizors feel that WNBR is not just a ride against oil dependency, it is a ride for self-empowerment.

[edit] Legality of public nudity

Some events have been accompanied by a police presence. In some cases they are on hand to monitor the event, in other cases the police have attempted to stop the ride, in other instances police intimidated riders to wear some level of clothing.

[edit] Arrests and charges

Arrests during WNBR events are rare. There have been arrests in Auckland (13 February 2005), North Conway (11 June 2005), and Chicago (11 June 2005). Two male riders were arrested during WNBR North Conway 2005 and were charged with "indecent exposure and lewdness". The two riders agreed to having the charges reduced to "disorderly conduct" and pay a $300 fine, a major portion of which was paid for by the WNBR Legal Defense Fund.[4] Six male riders were charged with "public indecency" during the 2005 WNBR Chicago ride and later prosecuted with sentences ranging from fines and non-expungable conviction to three months court supervision.[5]

[edit] WNBR's successful cultural and legal precedent

The reason the majority of WNBR events have encountered few problems is fairly simple.

(1) The laws on nudity, for the most part are incredibly vague and difficult to enforce. As WNBR is clothing-optional, organizers urge those who are uncomfortable going completely naked or are afraid of any legal scuffles to simply not go completely naked. One probably does not not need to cover up much to be legal. Participants have used body paint, liquid latex, a strategically placed sock, underwear, and duct tape. As an example, flesh-colored body suits with exaggerated body parts were used in 1999 by Fremont Arts Council members to spoof the Solstice Cyclists in the Summer Solstice Parade in Seattle. Creativity and imagination are strongly encouraged whether the partipants goes fully bare or not.

(2) Some cities have restrictions on nudity in public areas, and some cultures have harsh restrictions on nudity in public (such as Saudi Arabia). However, in most progressive societies, laws are written to discourage activities which are intended to shock or offend. Many laws on nudity hinge on something called "indecent exposure". Most participants believe that there is nothing indecent about a naked body and counter that the only thing that is indecent are the laws on indecent exposure. Many contend that the shame is on those who demand coverups, not on those who can go without.

Simon Oosterman, organizor of the Auckland 2005 WNBR, and the first ever to be arrested during a WNBR event, is credited with going further and refocusing the issue on oil-dependency. He urged "Stop the indecent exposure to vehicle emissions!"[6] Oosterman later defended a charge of indecent exposure in the Auckland District Court in 2006 and after hearing evidence the Judge dismissed the charge.

"I have had many fun encounters with police officers, one of the most interesting was when this grumpy police officer came up to me and told me that he thought that what I was wearing was indecent. I looked him straight in the eye and told him that I thought his opinion was indecent. I was right —and no— I was not arrested." - Conrad Schmidt, Vancouver, BC

Organizers believe that there are many indecent laws that citizens of the world have to stand up to, such as those that are infringing on personal freedoms.

(3) Police do not want to be seen confronting a large group of peaceful naked people. It is too embarrassing. Attempted police/city crackdowns on popular nude events have met with popular backlash. As an example, the City of Seattle threatened to withdraw a permit to the Fremont Arts Council in 2001 for the Summer Solstice Parade due to an increasing amount of naked cyclists. The controversy made the cyclists even more popular, especially after they agreed to participate within the spirit of the event with costumes, bodypaint, and bike decorations.

(4) Participants who encounter police or any other aggression are urged not reciprocate the aggression, to keep it light, and to use humor as a weapon. It is tough getting angry at a colorful naked person on a bicycle. Anger and aggression only returns anger and aggression.

Riders are encouraged to ride loud and be proud. Organizers only allow rides to be organized in public areas for maximum outreach, not in established or ghettoized areas such as nudist/naturist clubs. Events promoted at the grassroots level, often using internet resources such as discussion groups, web sites, blogs, online journals and also by placing advertisements in local, non-mainstream newspapers and progressive journals.

[edit] Making Waves: Backlash vs Blowback

Some believe that public nudity may threaten clothing-optional freedoms such as at-home nudity, naturist/nudist clubs or resorts, free beaches, or may result in legislation further restricting other activities involving nudity or partial nudity. However, there has been no documented backlash due to any WNBR event. Some riders feel secure and empowered in their belief that they are part of a popular blowback effect after living in a restrictive society and feeling that their concerns have not been taken seriously.

This year, William and Edward Stevens participated in the WNBR as part of their Tall Bike Tour Britain ride around Britain on tall bikes. Though the pair were in the Scottish borders at the time they sent a pack of postcards down to the London event illustrating their participation.

[edit] Further reading

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] Official links

[edit] Footnotes

  1.   a  Official WNBR global web site circa June 2004
  2.   Artists for Peace/Artists Against War, a non-profit group in Vancouver popularized the motto "Bare as you Dare" and "Naked Bicycle people power" during their Naked Bike Rides in 2003 that lead up to and became early models for WNBR.
  3.   Artists for Peace/Artists Against War's archived web page is currently hosted by The Work Less Party of British Columbia
  4.   More information about the case can be found at WNBR North Conway website
  5.   Information obtained directly from Joseph Lawrence, on of those charged in the WNBR Chicago 2005 ride.
  6.   Simon Oosterman printed this on a protest banner as documented on Enzyme's WNBR web site
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