Workers Party of Scotland

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The Workers Party of Scotland, also known as the Workers Party of Scotland (Marxist-Leninist) was a small Marxist-Leninist political party based in Scotland. It was founded in 1967 and campaigned for Scottish independence. Many of its founder members had previously belonged to the Committee to Defeat Revisionism, for Communist Unity. The party published the Scottish Vanguard until at least 1980.

The party stood in a few by-elections before three party members including Matt Lygate were convicted in 1972 of armed robbery of the Royal Bank of Scotland to raise party funds. The four individuals received long jail sentences. Party activity declined as a result, although the party continued its work. Lygate left the party on his release, but rejoined for a time in the mid-1980s.

While there is no evidence of recent activity, it is unclear whether the party has been formally disbanded.

[edit] References

  • Peter Barberis, John McHugh and Mike Tyldesley, Encyclopedia of British and Irish Political Organizations