Wolfgang Muff

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Wolfgang Muff (1880 – 1947) was a general in the Wehrmacht during the time of Nazi Germany.

From 1 March 193030 September 1931, Muff was an Oberst for Infanterie-Regiment 13 of the Reichswehr in Ludwigsburg.

By early 1938 Muff was a lieutenant general serving as the military attaché (1933-1938)in Vienna of Franz von Papen while he was German ambassador to Austria. According to Papen, documents approved by Rudolf Hess indicate that Adolf Hitler considered having Papen or Muff murdered in early 1938; Hitler would then blame the deaths on Austrians to provide an excuse for Germany to intervene in Austrian affairs. On March 11, 1938, Muff brought a German ultimatum threatening an invasion to Wilhelm Miklas, but the Austrian president refused to yield. Arthur Seyss-Inquart, however, forged a telegram requesting German intervention in Austria which led to the Anschluss of Austria into Nazi Germany the following day.

After the Anschluss, Muff headed the so-called Muff Commission which determined which Austrian officers would be transferred from the Bundesheer into the Wehrmacht.

Muff was General of Infantry for Wehrkreis XI in Hanover from September 1, 193928 February 1943.

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