William Poole

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Brooklyn Eagle, March 10, 1855 (partial)
Brooklyn Eagle, March 10, 1855 (partial)
Brooklyn Eagle, March 20, 1855
Brooklyn Eagle, March 20, 1855

William Poole, aka Bill The Butcher (July 1821 - March 8, 1855), was a member of the Bowery Boys street gang, and the U.S. political party, the Know-Nothings. He also was a known boxer in the New York area.


[edit] Birth

William Poole was born in Sussex County, New Jersey in July of 1821. His family moved from New Jersey to Manhattan in 1832 and his father opened a butcher shop in Washington Market.

[edit] Early years

Bill took over his father's shop and grew to be a respected tradesman. According to a report of his death in the Brooklyn Eagle he was of middling height. Other descriptions of him were that he had black hair, weighed about 200 pounds, and had a large mustache and athletic build. He sometimes worked with a local fire department. Around 1851 he started his own gang and did muscle work for the Know-Nothings.

[edit] Marriage and children

He married a Lozier (c1825-?) and had a son named Charles Poole (1856-?). His wife had a brother, Charles Lozier.

[edit] Attack at Florence's Hotel

The New York Daily Times reported on October 23, 1851 the following:

A Brutal Outrage in Broadway. We learn that at an early hour yesterday morning, two noted pugilists entered Florence's Hotel, corner of Broadway and Howard street, and without any provocation seized the bar-keeper and beat his face to a jelly. It appears that Thomas Hyer, William Poole, and several others entered the above hotel, and while one of the party held Charles Owens (the bar-keeper) by the hair of his head, another of the gang beat him in the face to such an extent that his left eye was completely ruined and the flesh of his cheek mangled in the most shocking manner. After thus accomplishing the heartless act, all of them made an effort to find Mr. John Florence, the proprietor of the hotel, with a view of serving him in the same manner, but not succeeding in their latter design, they found the hat of Mr. Florence and wantonly cut it into strips, and trampled it under their feet. The desperadoes then left the house, and in the meantime Mr. Owens was placed under medical attendance, and in the course of a short time he proceeded to the Jefferson Market Police, in company with Mr. Florence, where they made their affidavits respecting the inhuman outrage, upon which Justice Blakeley issued his warrants for Hyer, Poole, and such of the others who were concerned in the affair, and the same were placed in the hands of officer Baldwin for service. Since the above was written we have been reliably informed that the affray originated from the fact of the barkeeper having refused them drinks, after they had been furnished with them twice in succession.

[edit] Dispute with John Morrissey

Poole's archenemy, John Morrissey, was an Irish immigrant and enforcer for Tammany Hall. Morrissey was also a popular boxer and challenged Poole to a match. Poole beat Morrissey in the match which took place in July 26, 1854 at Amos Dock, New York. Though the two men being of different ethnic groups and political parties had a lot of grounds for dispute the precipitating cause was Poole having bet on an opposing contestant in a boxing match. ("Yankee" Sullivan vs John Morrisey Boston Four Corners October 12th, 1853) Results of the boxing match were under dispute and Poole was against Morrissey being paid.

The New-York Daily Times reported on July 28, 1854:

Subjoined we give an account of the brutal affair, furnished by a person who witnessed it. He says: "Yesterday morning, about 7 o'clock, an encounter took place between John Morrissey and William Poole on the pier at the foot of Amos Street, North River. For some time past Morrissey has entertained the idea of attaining the unenviable notoriety attached to a fighting man. He has frequently challenged Hyer to meet him in the ring and settle their animosities by a fisticuff battle. Hyer’s good judgment, however, has deterred him from participating in such disgraceful business. It appears that on Wednesday night Morrissey and Poole met in a public house on Broadway. Words ensued relative to the respective merits of Hyer and Morrissey. The latter offered a wager of fifty dollars to Mr. Poole that he dared not meet him at 7 o'clock, the next morning, he (Morrissey) giving Poole the choice of ground. Poole immediately accepted the proposition, and the money was posted. Mr. Poole, as far as regards size and weight, is much the inferior to Morrissey, but he possesses more activity, and is considered a tremendous "rough and tumble" fighter. Some time before the hour arrived for the meeting, Poole appeared on the pier with a large number of his friends, and offered to bet $3,000 with Mr. Alburtis, who was on the pier, that he could whip Morrissey or any other man in the world except Tom Hyer: that he felt in super fine condition, and if Morrissey dared to show his face he would drum him off the dock, or any one else who interfered with him. No one, however, felt disposed to accept his wager. At 6 1/2 o'clock, Morrissey was seen coming down Amos Street unattended and exclaimed, "Where is Poole?" On being answered that he was on the pier, took off his coat, without taking the precaution of unbuttoning his shirt collar, until reminded to do so by one of his friends, he immediately repaired there. Poole stood ready to meet him. Morrissey struck out - a clinch ensued - Morrissey falling heavily with Poole on top and who took advantage of his position to deal tremendous blows on Morrissey's face, and before they had fought five minutes, Morrissey cried "enough." Poole jumped into his boat, lying at the dock, and rowed away, while Morrissey, considerably chop-fallen and awfully bruised and beaten, was obliged to leave the ground amid the jeers and hooting of the assemblage. Poole also said that he intended to go on an excursion at 7 o'clock, (meaning of course the fight,) that it was the last he expected to take and was only waiting for the boat to arrive but had some doubts whether it would stop at the pier to take him, as that was the last stopping-place. The fight was of very short duration. As soon as they clinched, the crowd gathered around, and it was almost impossible for any one except those within a foot of the belligerents to witness the conflict, which was over in five minutes after the first blow was struck. Morrissey left the scene in a light wagon, without a friend to attend to him, and drove off."

According to historian Mark Caldwell, however, during the fight Poole "bit and gouged but won only when his friends joined the fight and kicked Morrissey unconscious."

[edit] The shooting

Morrissey plotted revenge and on February 25, 1855, Lew Baker, a friend of Morrisey, shot Poole at a bar on Broadway. The New York Daily Times reported on Monday, February 26, 1855 the following:

"Terrible Shooting Affray in Broadway - Bill Poole Fatally Wounded - The Morrissey and Poole Feud - Renewal of Hostilities - Several Persons Severely Wounded. Broadway, in the vicinity of Prince and Houston Streets, was the scene of an exciting shooting affair about 1 o'clock yesterday morning, which is but a repetition of a similar occurrence that transpired a few weeks ago under Wallack's Theatre between Tom Hyer, Lewis Baker, Jim Turner and several other noted pugilists. It appears that about 9 o'clock on Saturday evening, John Morrissey and a gang of ruffians entered a saloon at No. 579 Broadway, called the Stanwix Hall, where they met Bill Poole. As might be expected, an altercation took place. The proprietor of the saloon, Mr. Dean, immediately gave information of the disturbance at the Eight Ward Station-house, and a platoon of Police was forthwith sent to the house, and they succeeded in quieting the belligerents. The crowd then dispersed and went in various directions, though seemingly bent on having a row. They returned to Stanwix Hall just after midnight, where they again encountered Poole and made a murderous attack upon him. The party was headed by the notorious Californian, Jim Turner, and was followed by a butcher named Charles Van Pelt, Patrick McLaughlin, alias "Pargene," (who is now under $5,000 bail for an attempted murder the night prior to the election last Fall,) C. Linn, should fight and as Poole was pushing Pargene away, the Californian interfered, while Pargene spit in Poole's face. This was about to be resented by Poole, when Turner aimed a six-barreled revolver at his head, crying out, "Come, draw your weapon," or words to that effect. Scarcely a minute elapsed before Turner fired, but as he did so he raised his arm and received himself the full charge which was intended for Poole. He fired off another barrel at Poole, and the slug took effect in Poole's left leg, which weakened him to such a degree that he staggered and fell on the floor. At this moment Baker jumped on top of Poole, exclaiming, "I'll put you out of the way now." Baker was also seen to fire off a pistol in the crowd, but it is not known upon whom the contents took effect. Poole cried to them not to murder him, but the mob paid but little attention. He was beaten and kicked in a horrible manner. The Police finally came and attempted to arrest the offenders, but failed in the effort, and both Morrissey and Baker are still at large. Meanwhile, Poole was placed in a carriage and conveyed to his residence in Charles-street, where his wounds were examined by a surgeon, but without finding the ball. Last evening Poole was visited by Dr. Casteny, under direction of Coroner Hilton, who thought it might be necessary to hold an ante-mortem examination. The physician returned and reported that Poole was entirely out of danger. A young man named Charles Lozier received a pistol shot in the back during the affray, which will confine him to his room for several weeks. Baker, one of the assailants, was also shot in the breast, but affected his escape. About daylight Capt. Turnbull succeeded in arresting Turner, Pargene and Van Pelt, at Johnny Lyng's gambling-house, in Canal-street, and they were locked up by order of Justice Brennan. Yesterday afternoon an investigation into the facts of the affray was commenced at the Second District Police Court, where the affidavits of some dozen witnesses were taken, but none of them are of sufficient importance to publish at length. In connection with the account above given, we annex the testimony of Mr. Dean, the proprietor of Stanwix Hall, where the shooting took place. The Affidavit Of John E. Dean - John E. Dean, sworn, says: I am keeper of the saloon at No. 579 Broadway, called Stanwix Hall; about 20 minutes after 12 o'clock last night, James Turner, Patrick McLoughlin, alias Pargene, Louis Baker, Charles Van Pelt, and Cornelius Linn, came into my house at the time Poole was standing against the counter, when Pargene approached him, and asked him "Who could lick him," and continued, "Come out doors and fight him;" Poole answered, "You are not worth fighting;" Pargene then seized hold of Poole and insisted upon him to fight; at this period Turner took hold of Pargene and asked him to let go of Poole; Pargene then spit in Poole's face; Turner then pulled his pistol, and exclaimed "Draw;" Poole then stood at the end of the counter, and Pargene was squaring off; Turner then presented his pistol at Poole and fired it off; the charge entered Turner's arm and he fired again; the contents of the pistol on the second firing entered Poole's leg, and he staggered and fell upon the floor; Lewis Baker then fell on top of Poole; I sent for the police, but the fracas was all over when they got there; I saw Baker fire off a pistol, but did not see who the contents struck. Since writing the above, we understand that Morrissey was taken in custody, but afterwards released by a police officer for some unexplained cause. The Chief of Police has expressed his dissatisfaction at such a proceeding, and is determined to call the policeman to account. The Chief of Police and several of the "Shadows" were engaged in council to a late hour last night, devising ways and means for the arrest of the guilty party. Postscript - 2 1/2 A. M. - Our reporter has just returned from Poole's residence in Christopher Street. Poole is much worse than in the early part of the evening. The surgeons have not yet succeeded in extracting the ball from his chest, - they say he cannot recover.

Poole died on March 8, 1855 from the gunshot wound. He died in his home on Christopher Street. His last words were just as they were dictated in the film Gangs of New York: "I die a true American." He was buried on March 11, 1855 in Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn with no tombstone. A tombstone was added in 2004. The grave is number: 48 and 49, F/G 6(v)

Louis Baker took the brig Isabella Jewett which was headed for the Canary Islands. George Law, Sr., furnished the clipper ship Grapeshot to pursue Baker. It intercepted the Jewett on April 17, 1855. Baker was brought back and tried, but the jury failed to convict. Morrissey went on to open up several bars and accumulated $1.5 million, but was never accepted by American aristocracy. He later served as a state senator and died of pneumonia in 1878.

[edit] William Poole in fiction

He was the inspiration for the character of William "Bill the Butcher" Cutting, in Martin Scorsese's 2002 film Gangs of New York.

[edit] Timeline

  • 1821 Birth in Sussex County, New Jersey
  • 1832 Move to New York City
  • 1840 (circa) joins Red Rover Volunteer Fire Engine Company #34, Hudson & Christopher Streets
  • 1840 (circa) starts the Washington Street gang
  • 1850 US Census
  • 1851 Attack at Florence's Hotel
  • 1854 Boxing match between Poole and Morrissey on July 27
  • 1855 Living on Christopher Street in Manhattan
  • 1855 Shot at Stanwix Hall, 579 Broadway, New York City, on February 25
  • 1855 Death from bullet wound on March 8
  • 1855 Funeral at Green-Wood Cemetery on March 11
  • 2004 (circa) Tombstone added to grave

[edit] References

  • Charlton T. Lewis, Harper's Book of Facts, New York, 1906
  • Herbert Asbury, The Gangs of New York, New York, 1928
  • Mark Caldwell, New York Night: The Mystique and Its History, New York, 2005

[edit] Selected coverage in the New York Daily Times

  • New York Daily Times, Volume 1, Number 0031, Thursday, October 23, 1851, page 1 "Boxing"
  • New York Daily Times, Volume 3, Number 0646, Thursday, October 13, 1853, page 1 "hotel"
  • New York Daily Times, Volume 3, Number 0892, July 28, 1854, page 4 "Boxing teaser"
  • New York Daily Times, Volume 3, Number 0892, July 28, 1854, page 8 "Boxing"
  • New York Daily Times, Volume 4, Number 1074, Monday, February 26, 1855, page 1, "Shooting"
  • New York Daily Times, Volume 4, Number 1084, Friday, March 9, 1855, page 1, "Coroner's Inquest"

[edit] Selected coverage in the Brooklyn Eagle

  • Brooklyn Eagle, March 20, 1855, page 2, "The Poole murder"
  • Brooklyn Eagle, March 20, 1855, page 3, "The death of bully Poole"
  • Brooklyn Eagle, March 24, 1855, page 3, "Grand jury"

[edit] Selected coverage in the New York Times

The New York Times covered the events of Stanwix Hall almost every day for a month

  • New York Times, March 09, 1855, page 1, "The Pugilist's Encounter"
  • New York Times, March 10, 1855, page 1, "The Death of William Poole"
  • New York Times, March 12, 1855, page 1, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, March 12, 1855, page 4, "The Funeral of Poole"
  • New York Times, March 13, 1855, page 1, "The Poole Murder"
  • New York Times, March 17, 1855, page 1, "The Poole Murder"
  • New York Times, March 19, 1855, page 1, "The Poole Murder"
  • New York Times, March 24, 1855, page 3, "The Kissane Trial"
  • New York Times, April 16, 1855, page 3, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, May 16, 1855; page 1, "Baker Arrested!"
  • New York Times, May 17, 1855; page 4, "The Poole Murder--What is to come of it?"
  • New York Times, November 28, 1855, page 7, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, November 29, 1855, page 3, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 01, 1855, page 2, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 03, 1855, page 2, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 04, 1855, page 7, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 05, 1855, page 3, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 06, 1855, page 2, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 07, 1855, page 3, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 08, 1855, page 3, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 10, 1855, page 2, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 11, 1855, page 2, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 12, 1855, page 3, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 13, 1855, page 7, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"
  • New York Times, December 14, 1855, page 1, "The Stanwix Hall Tragedy"

[edit] See also

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