William Phips

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Sir William Phips (1651-1695)
Sir William Phips (1651-1695)

Sir William Phips (or Phipps) (February 2, 1651 or 1650February 18, 1694 or 1695), colonial governor of Massachusetts, was born at Woolwich, Maine, near the mouth of the Kennebec River.


[edit] Military career

Phips was the twenty-sixth child in his family, and was a poor shepherd until he was eighteen, and then a ship carpenter's apprentice in Maine for four years. [1] He worked at his trade in Boston, Massachusetts for a year where he learned to read and write. With his wife's property he established a shipyard on the Sheepscot river in Maine, but soon abandoned it because of clashes with the Native Americans, in which the settlement was burned to ground after everyone escaped in a ship that had been built. In 1684-1686, with a commission from the British Crown, he searched vainly for a wrecked Spanish treasure ship of which he had heard while on a voyage to the Bahamas; he found this vessel in 1687, and from it recovered £300,000.

Of this amount much went to the Duke of Albemarle, who had fitted out the second expedition. Phips received £16,000 as his share, was knighted by James II, and was appointed sheriff of New England under Sir Edmund Andros. Poorly educated and ignorant of law, Phips could accomplish little, and returned to England. In 1689 he returned to Massachusetts, found a revolutionary government in control, and at once entered into the life of the colony.

He joined Cotton Mather's, North Church in Boston, and was appointed by the General Court commander of an expedition against the French in Canada. The expedition sailed in April of 1690 and captured Port Royal, Nova Scotia. A much larger expedition led by Phips in July against Quebec and Montreal ended disastrously. Phips generously bought at their par value, in order to give them credit in the colony, many of the colony's bills issued to pay for the expedition.

[edit] England

In the winter of 1690 he returned to England, vainly sought aid for another expedition against Canada, and urged, with Increase Mather, the colonial agent, a restoration of the colony's charter, annulled during the reign of Charles II. The Crown, at the suggestion of Mather, appointed him the first royal governor under the new charter.

[edit] Salem witch trials

On reaching Boston in May 1692, Phips found the colony in a disordered condition, and though honest, persevering and disinclined to further his own interests at the expense of the people, he was unfit for the difficult position. He appointed a special commission to try the witchcraft cases, but did nothing to stop the witchcraft mania, and suspended the sittings of the court only after great atrocities had been committed.

In defending the frontier he displayed great energy, but his policy of building forts was expensive and therefore unpopular. Having the manners of a 17th-century sea captain, he became involved in many quarrels, and engaged in a bitter controversy with Governor Benjamin Fletcher of New York. Numerous complaints to the home government resulted in his being summoned to England to answer charges.

[edit] Death

While in London awaiting trial, he died on February 18, 1695. He was buried in London in the yard of the Church of St. Mary Woolnoth.

[edit] References

See Cotton Mather's Life of His Excellency Sir William Phips (London, 1697; republished in his Magnalia Christi Americana in 1702); Francis Bowen's "Life of Sir William Phips," in Jared Sparks's American Biography, 1st series, vol. vii. (New York, 1856); William Goold's "Sir William Phips," in Collections of the Maine Historical Society, series I, vol. ix. (Portland, 1887); Ernest Myrand's Sir William Phipps--devant Quebec (Quebec, 1893); Thomas Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts (2 vols, Boston; 3rd ed., 1795); and JG Palfrey's History of New England (5 vols., Boston, 1858-1890).

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Nash, Gary B. and Julie Roy Jeffrey. The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society. 5th ed. New York: Longman. 2001. 87.
Preceded by:
Simon Bradstreet
Governors of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Succeeded by:
William Stoughton
Salem witch trials
Authorities Thomas Danforth | John Hale | Increase Mather | Samuel Parris | William Phips | William Stoughton
Accusers Elizabeth Hubbard | Mercy Lewis | Betty Parris | Ann Putnam, Jr. | Susannah Sheldon | Mary Walcott | Abigail Williams
Accused John Alden | Edward Bishop | Sarah Bishop | Mary Black | Mary Bradbury | Sarah Cloyce | Rebecca Eames | Mary English | Phillip English | Abigail Faulkner | Dorcas Good | William Hobbs | Mary Lacy | Sarah Morey | Benjamin Proctor | Elizabeth Proctor | Sarah Proctor | William Proctor
Confessed and Accused Others Dorcas Hoar | Abigail Hobbs | Deliverance Hobbs | Margaret Jacobs | Tituba | Mary Warren
Executed Bridget Bishop | George Burroughs | Martha Carrier | Martha Corey | Mary Eastey | Sarah Good | Elizabeth Howe | George Jacobs, Sr. | Susannah Martin | Rebecca Nurse | Alice Parker | Mary Parker | John Proctor | Ann Pudeator | Wilmot Redd | Margaret Scott | Samuel Wardwell | Sarah Wildes | John Willard
Died in Prison Lydia Dustin | Ann Foster | Sarah Osborn | Roger Toothaker

Died During Interrogation

Giles Corey
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