Wild Rover Productions

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Wild Rover Productions is a television production company located in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was started by Philip Morrow in 1999 and has since become one of the UK's most successful regionally based entertainment companies.

Wild Rover mainly produces entertainment, comedy, and pop-factual TV programmes. It currently produces Just for Laughs, a weekly hidden-camera comedy show for BBC1. This UK version is created by Wild Rover as a UK sister version of the Canadian show Just for Laughs Gags, produced by CBC.

Other productions from Wild Rover include Would You Pass The 11+, hosted by Eamonn Holmes, which was the BBC's first "red-button" interactive regional opt-out. It sought to help prepare children and inform parents of the skills needed to pass the 11+ test. Wild Rover also produced All Mixed Up, the UK's most successful regional ITV game show, and McKeever, a sketch-comedy show starring Northern Irish comedienne Nuala McKeever.

In 2005, BBC Northern Ireland committed monetary and in-kind support to Wild Rover as part of its network entertainment development strategy. NIFTC/Invest NI has committed £90,000 from the Company Development Fund and Wild Rover itself is also investing a sizeable amount in the growth strategy.

In 2006, Wild Rover produced the BBC1 interactive show Get Smarter in a Week, which offers tips and strategies for improving intelligence.

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