Talk:William Edgar Borah

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Elected in 1906 for the 1907-13 term. A member of the Republican National Committee in 1908-12, he denounced Taft's nomination in 1912.

Senator Borah opposed the policy of President Wilson in regard to the League of Nations.

He opposed the Four-Power Treaty, too.

In 1922, he influenced the Senate by attacking the plan to give a financial loan to the Negro Republic of Liberia. Passage of the loan failed in the Senate in September, 1922, in spite of President Harding's approval.

The Liberians exulted.

Along with Senator Barry M. Goldwater and a few others, Senator Borah was one of the most active U. S. Senators of the 20th century. 16:06, 14 July 2005 (UTC)

The Navy appropriation bill of June 1, 1921 contains his proposal that disarmament ought to be enacted (he had proposed the adoption of a Constitutional amendment). 06:40, 15 July 2005 (UTC)