Wikipedia:WikiProject Horse breeds

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Title

WikiProject Horse breeds

[edit] Scope

This WikiProject aims primarily to provide a full description of the various horse breeds. A consistent outline format will be provided, including a list of various breed characteristics.

[edit] Parentage

The parent of this WikiProject is the WikiProject Tree of Life.

[edit] Descendant Wikiprojects

No descendant WikiProjects have been defined.

[edit] Similar Wikiprojects

[edit] Participants

[edit] Structure

There currently exists an article entitled List of horse breeds, which enumerates the various recognized breeds.

The article on each breed shall include the following information:

  • a table giving basic information on other names, country of origin etc.
  • introduction: general information about the breed, brief history, description.
  • breed description
    • sub-categories of the breed
    • coat types and colors
    • temperament
  • breed history
  • known medical issues
  • more?

[edit] To-Do

To-do list for Wikipedia:WikiProject Horse breeds: edit · history · watch · refresh
This page attempts to organize and keep track of the articles on horse breeds and other horse-related subjects on Wikipedia. Each article is assigned a level of completeness according to the following scale:
Image:25PL.png - stub, a paragraph or two, completely inadequate.
Image:50PL.png - maybe a few paragraphs, but coverage is inadequate, still missing some basic information.
Image:75PL.png - Many paragraphs, covers all, or almost all, basic information, provides a bit of depth.
Image:100PL.png - Featured article status, or has gone as far as it can go, as in the case of a simple list.
When rating articles keep in mind the subject at hand. A very broad topic could be considered inadequate even if it is much longer than another article on a very narrow topic. Please update the page as you see fit.

Welcome to the horse breeds Wikiproject!

Recently added:
Please put articles here after adding and leave them for one week

Create & Translate
This section is dedicated to the creation of articles and translations from foreign-language Wikis.
To create
This section lits articles that don't exist on any wiki. If known article exists at another Wikipedia, please list in the next section

To create and translate from foreign Wikis
This section lists articles that exist on another wiki, but not on English wiki. If a stub or larger article exists on English wiki, but Greek one is larger, please list in the next section. To translate and destub/expand from another Wikipedia
This section lists articles that exists on both a foreign-language and English-language wiki, but the foreign one is better and needs to be translated into English. To translate and or destub/expand from English into another language

This section is dedicated to expansion or existing articles. See also ____ and subcategories

In Featured article candidates

To fix
To fix various problems in articles To find images Remove when several imgages added

  • None at this time.

To clean up/wikify/copyedit/etc. Remove if no tag. Add if a tag present.

[edit] Table template

Distinguishing features: ....
Alternative names: ...
Country of origin: ...
Common nicknames: ...
Breed standards
...: [... Stds]
...: [... Stds]
...: [... Stds]
...: [... Stds]
...: [... Stds]
...: [... Stds]
<!-- Begin Infobox Horse.  The text of the article should go AFTER this section. See: -->
<!-- talk:Infobox Horse -->
<!-- for full explanation of the syntax used in this template. -->
{{Infobox Horse 
|name= ...
|image= ...
|image_caption= ...
|features = ....
|altname= ... <br> ... <br>
|nickname= ... <br> ... <br>
|country= ...
|group1= ... 
|std1= ...
|group2= ... 
|std2= ...
|group3= ... 
|std3= ...
|group4= ... 
|std4= ...
|group5= ... 
|std5= ...
|group6= ... 
|std6= ...
|notrecognized= ...
|extinct= ...
|note= ...
<!-- End Infobox Horse info. Article Begins Here -->

For usage information, see Template talk:Infobox Horse.

Example: American Paint Horse

Pink is used as the background colour to tie in with the Animalia category in the Tree of Life WikiProject.

Minor independent organizations with separate breed standards should be in a final section of the article titled "External Links".

In other languages