Wikipedia:WikiProject Emo music/Discussion

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[edit] Bands Under Discussion

[edit] Title

WikiProject On Emo Music - The Used

[edit] Positive

Here goes discussion about The Used being related to Emo Music in any form

[edit] Negative

Here goes discussion about The Used NOT being related to Emo Music in any form

[edit] Conclusion

The result of the debate

[edit] Title

WikiProject On Emo Music - My Chemical Romance

[edit] Positive

Here goes discussion about My Chemical Romance being related to Emo Music in any form

Im sorry but to me they sound emo and look emo. Also there are sources, look at VH1s site All music guide, MTV, MTV2. And i believe but an not sure that they have been listed as emo in magasines such as Rolling Stone and Blender


 Please note im putting a copy of this post in the For catigory because it is empty despite people who share my views posting

According to this, MCR may, IMO, meet these qualifactions as an emo band;

  • In Emo music extreme emphasis is placed on raw emotion, which is conveyed through heartbroken and sometimes angry lyrics and through emotionally-charged chord progressions and high-energy beats [1].
  • The music is designed to be highly dramatic, taking the listener through a series of powerful ups and downs with constant lyrical reminders of the heartbreak and pain the music is meant to reflect. Harmony is used alot in emo, particularly to accent certain words and concepts, and emo music on the whole tends to emphasize melody and lyricism [2].
  • drastic change from soft slow melodies into heavy guitarworks (with an increasing temp) and then back to the original quiet part [3].
  • Epic-length songs that build up very slowly to a climax where vocal style resembles crying. Songs of this type can be extremely powerful and moving (definetly in their first album) [4].
  • alternately loud and quiet musical parts, and shifty dynamics also known as "time changes" [5].
  • most of these bands play extremely fast, and introduce the "chaos" concept to hardcore [6].
  • Lyrics tend toward somewhat abstract poetry, and are usually low in the mix and hard to decipher. Record inserts have lyrics, but often so disorganized and haphazard that they're very difficult to read [7].

Feel free to debate. íslenskur fellibylur #12 (samtal) 01:51, 16 November 2006 (UTC)

The only think I would have to say is that some of those sources I would not say are reliable. I am not saying what you are saying is wrong, but rather I don't know if some of the sources could be trusted, especially the Angelfire ones. Also, I am not sure if this discussion should be going on anymore since we are now doing the sourced method for the subgenres as Emo is not the main genre of My Chemical Romance (and emo is listed as a possible sub genre). Also, I do not think that the lyrics in any of the albums could be described as "crying" or anything like that but rather desperation and maybe anger. There is intensity in some of their lyrics. Anyways those are just my thoughts. Orfen User Talk | Contribs 05:44, 18 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Negative

Here goes discussion about My Chemical Romance NOT being related to Emo Music in any form

[edit] Band MySpace

The bands myspace [8] lists then as Rock/Metal and I aggree to this somewhat. There music is metal influanced in the same way that Queen was, and theres also some punk in their as well.--Lotrgamemast 17:10, 15 October 2006 (UTC)

Comment- A band's MySpace cannot truly be trusted, however, I do probably agree with what you say. Orfen User Talk 21:39, 16 October 2006 (UTC)
Whatever genre a band says they are, that's straight from the horse's mouth info, and really only elitists would dispute it. For example, I am bohemian, but many elitists would try to dispute this because I don't live in an East Village style loft, am not part of any countercularal resistance movements, and do not have an Abbie Hoffman-esque desire to crusade against "injustice." But those elitists would be wrong (and full of crap), I know what I am better than they do. See where I am going with this?

[edit] Lack of Emo Sources

There are no reliable sources calling My Chemical Romance emo. Most are editorials and the fact that the title of one of My Chemical Romance's singles is called "I'm Not Okay". Also people are calling them emo because of their image and not for their music. My Chemical Romance's image and music genre are two different things and we are looking for a consensus on their genre not the style of clothes they wear or the way they look. For My Chemical Romance's genre I would suggest Alternative Rock, Post-hardcore, Punk rock, and Horror rock. But mention the term emo and metal somewhere within the article. Orfen User Talk 21:39, 16 October 2006 (UTC)

Thing is, their image isn't emo either. Rock musicians have had dark hair and makeup since the time of Syd Barret and David Bowie, and no sane person could call either of them emo. 25 October 2006
Im sorry but to me they sound emo and look emo. Also there are sources, look at VH1s site All music guide, MTV, MTV2. And i believe but an not sure that they have been listed as emo in magasines such as Rolling Stone and Blender


 Please note im putting a copy of this post in the For catigory because it is empty despite people who share my views posting
They seem emo to you because you're an elitist. They are supposed to look dark, to fit the songs they sing. They are NOT emo because they have a sense of humor, emo doesn't. Emo is all about whiny candyasses complaining about their life. Those trades you mention list Evanescence as "metal" or "gothic rock" but that doesn't make that true either.

[edit] Conclusion

The result of the debate