Whole Terrain

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Whole Terrain is a journal of "reflective environmental practice" published by Antioch University New England. It has been published approximately once a year since its inception in 1992.

Whole Terrain prides itself on publishing new writers alongside established nature writers on a wide array of topics. Each issue is themed and addresses an aspect or aspects of human relation to the environment. Whole Terrain is highly regarded in the field of nature writing and works to promote the field.

[edit] Topics from Previous Issues

Celebration and Ceremony (Volume 14 2005/2006)

Risk (Volume 13 2004/2005)

Resilience (Volume 12 2003/2004)

Gratitude and Greed (Volume 11 2002/2003)

Surplus and Scarcity (Volume 10 2001/2002)

Serious Play (Volume 9 2000/2001)

Legacy and Posterity (Volume 8 1999/2000)

Transience, Permanence and Commitment (Volume 7 1998/1999)

Creative Collaborations (Volume 6 1997/1998)

Research as Real Work (Volume 5 1996/1997)

Exploring Environmental Stereotypes (Volume 4 1995/1996)

Environmental Ethics at Work (Volume 3 1994)

Spirituality, Identity and Professional Choices (Volume 2 1993)

Environmental Identity and Professional Choices (Volume 1 1992)

[edit] Contributors

Contributors to Whole Terrain include:

Rick Bass

Thomas Berry

Kenneth Boulding

David Brower

John Elder

Bernd Heinrich

bell hooks

Sabine Hrechdakian

Lewis Hyde

Daniel Kemmis

Michael Klare

Thomas McGrath

Patricia Monaghan

Thomas Moore

Gary Nabhan

Howard Nelson

Janisse Ray

Pattiann Rogers

Paul Slovic

Terry Tempest Williams

[edit] References