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Whizzy is the fictional telepathic 30th-Century descendant of Streaky the Supercat. Whizzy first appeared in Action Comics #287, and was created by Jerry Siegel and Jim Mooney.

In almost every way a perfect lookalike for Streaky, Whizzy is an orange cat with white lightning-bolt markings on either side of his body.

Supergirl first encounters Whizzy, who also wears a red cape like his ancestor, in April 1962 when she answers a summons from the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th Century. After defeating the Positive Man, Supergirl is addressed telepathically by a flying cat she assumes is her pet Streaky. She observes, "You have a 'W' insignia on your cape instead of an 'S'! The engraving on your collar explains everything!" True enough, emblazoned on the cat's collar is the following legend: "Whizzy, descendant of famed supercat Streaky."