White Tree of Gondor

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In J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy universe of Middle-earth, the White Tree of Gondor stood as a symbol of Gondor in the Court of the Fountain in Minas Tirith. The White Tree also appears as a motif upon Gondor's flag.


[edit] History

[edit] First White Tree

The first White Tree of Gondor came from a fruit that Isildur, at great personal risk, managed to steal from Nimloth the Fair, the White Tree of Númenor, before that one was destroyed at Sauron's insistence. He suffered many wounds at this mission, and he came near death, but when the first leaf opened in the spring, Isildur was healed of his wounds.

This sapling was brought to Middle-earth on Isildur's ship, and it was eventually planted in Minas Ithil before the house of Isildur. But when Sauron returned to Middle-earth, he launched a sudden attack that captured Minas Ithil, and he destroyed the White Tree.

[edit] Second White Tree

Isildur escaped the capture of Minas Ithil, taking with him a sapling of the White Tree to Minas Anor where it was planted in the courtyard of the White Tower.

[edit] Third White Tree

A third sapling is planted in T. A. 1640 by King Tarondor. This one lasts until the year 2852 and the death of the Ruling Steward Belecthor II.

At this time no seedling of the tree could be found. As a result it was left standing after its death.

[edit] Fourth White Tree

When Aragorn becomes king he discovers (with Gandalf's help) a sapling of the White Tree upon the slopes of Mindolluin, high above the city, which he reverently plants in its place. The dead tree is removed from the court but is placed in the Tombs of the Kings with all the honour that would normally be accorded a fallen monarch. In June of T. A. 3019 the sapling blooms.

[edit] Genealogy

     Galathilion of Tirion upon Túna
   made by Yavanna in the image of Telperion,
       the Silver Tree of Valinor
        Celeborn of Tol Eressëa
      Nimloth the Fair of Númenor
     First White Tree of Minas Ithil
     planted by Isildur, Second Age
    Second White Tree of Minas Anor
    planted by Isildur, TA. 2- TA. 1636
   Third White Tree of Minas Tirith
         TA. 1640- TA. 2852
   Fourth White Tree of Minas Tirith
      Planted by Aragorn, TA. 3019

[edit] Film

The finding of the sapling is not seen in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003). However, in the film we momentarily see a single blossom of "hope" on the previously dead tree during the Siege of Gondor and the imminent arrival of Aragorn on the Black Ships. At the time of the crowning of Aragorn the previously dead tree has fully recovered and is in full blossom.

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