White Star

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White Star

A White Star firing weapons.
First appearance Matters of Honor
Affiliation Interstellar Alliance
Launched 2260
General Characteristics
Fighters Nial fighters
Armaments Quantum discharge cannon
Pulsed neutron cannons
Pulsed fusion cannons
Defences Self healing bio-armour
Tractor beams
Vorlon shields
Minbari stealth device
Power Quantum gravitic reactor
Fusion reactors

The White Star is a fictional, medium-sized combat spacecraft type employing a mix of Vorlon and Minbari technology in the science fiction television series Babylon 5. The sleek design intentionally differs from traditional Minbari and Vorlon craft to keep its identity secret.

The White Star commanded by John Sheridan was thought to be unique until near the end of the third season, where it was revealed that the first wave of 40-50 White Stars had entered duty. White Stars continued to be built and they were used extensively thereafter.


[edit] History

The White Star-class Monitor was designed and built through a collaborative effort between the Minbari religious caste and the Vorlon Empire. With the reorganization and revitalization of the Rangers as a force with which to fight the Shadows, it was imperative that they be provided with a warship that would not be inherently recognized as either Human or Minbari. As such, the ship was designed and built in secret and in large numbers by the Minbari worker caste. These vessels proved devastating during the Shadow War and the subsequent Earth Alliance Civil War. After the dust had settled, they served as a vital part of the Interstellar Alliance's military assets.

The original White Star was vaporized as Sheridan crashed it into the largest city on Z'ha'dum whilst detonating two 500-megaton nuclear warheads.[1]

[edit] Design

A White Star resembles a flying bird with outstretched wings. It's equipped with Minbari stealth systems and an advance gravitic drive that manipulates gravity, giving it great speed and maneuverability. The crew has artificial gravity and a holographic viewsystem. While armed with Minbari weapons only, it packs more punch than an Earth Alliance Omega class destroyer.

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Since each White Star uses Vorlon bio-mechanic armor and control systems, the ship is actually a living entity that thinks and learns and adapts from experience. After several years of service no two White Stars are the same. The organic armor is very tough and can repair itself. It also adapts to enemy fire to provide better protection against weapons that it already "knows". To boot each White Star is equipped with a Vorlon gravitic-deflection shield system that deflects the explosive energy of a weapons blast away from the ship, leaving only the physical impact of the blast itself. Little energy actually touches the hull; in order to damage or destroy a White Star, an attack or attacks must generate enough power to overwhelm the total defensive output of the shields.

Like all Minbari warships, the Whitestars also are equipped with a Minbari cloak. This stealth device creates a jamming field that absorbs incoming sensor beams or refracts/deflects the sensor beams away from the transmitter, thus shielding the ship from many forms of targeting sensors and the scanners of almost all the younger races. This is not to say that the stealth device makes the ship truly invisible to the naked eye however, rather invisible to scanners. More advanced sensors can pick up a Minbari ship through the stealth field, but the sensor echo is extremely small.

[edit] Legacy

The heavy losses suffered in the conflicts of the Shadow War and subsequent liberation of Earth led to the design of the larger and more powerful Victory class destroyer as an Earth-Minbar joint project taking after Vorlon designs. The first results were two prototypes complete five years after the events of the television series.

[edit] References

[edit] External links