White-eye (birds)

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Zosterops palpebrosus
Zosterops palpebrosus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Zosteropidae


The white-eyes are small passerine birds native to tropical and sub-tropical Africa, southern Asia and Australasia. They also inhabit most of the islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Many white-eye species are endemic to single islands, and the brown-backed species only occur on islands, but some have a very wide distribution. The Silvereye, Zosterops lateralis, naturally colonised New Zealand, where it is known as the "Wax-eye" or Tauhau, from 1855. The genus Apalopteron, formerly treated in the Meliphagidae, has recently been transferred to the Zosteropidae on genetic evidence.

The birds of this group are mostly of undistinguished appearance, the plumage above being generally either mouse-coloured or greenish olive, but some species have a white or bright yellow throat, breast or lower parts, and several have buff flanks. They have rounded wings and strong legs. The size ranges up to 15cm (6 inches) in length.

All the species of white-eyes are sociable, forming large flocks which only separate on the approach of the breeding season. They build tree nests and lay 2-4 unspotted pale blue eggs.

Though mainly insectivorous, they eat nectar and fruits of various kinds. The Silvereye can be a problem in Australian vineyards, through piercing the grape allowing infection or insect damage to follow.

The scientific name of the group derives from the Greek for girdle-eye, and refers to the ring of white feathers round the eyes, which is very conspicuous in many species.

[edit] Species in taxonomic order

  • Black-capped Speirops, Speirops lugubris
  • Cameroon Speirops, Speirops melanocephalus
  • Fernando Po Speirops, Speirops brunneus
  • Principe Speirops, Speirops leucophoeus
  • African Yellow White-eye, Zosterops senegalensis
  • Broad-ringed White-eye, Zosterops poliogaster
  • White-breasted White-eye, Zosterops abyssinicus
  • Cape White-eye, Zosterops pallidus
  • Pemba White-eye, Zosterops vaughani
  • Chestnut-sided White-eye, Zosterops mayottensis
  • Madagascar White-eye, Zosterops maderaspatanus
  • Comoro White-eye, Zosterops mouroniensis
  • Sao Tome White-eye, Zosterops ficedulinus
  • Annobon White-eye, Zosterops griseovirescens
  • Mascarene White-eye, Zosterops borbonicus
  • Reunion White-eye, Zosterops olivaceus
  • Mauritius Olive White-eye, Zosterops chloronothos
  • Seychelles White-eye, Zosterops modestus
  • Sri Lanka White-eye, Zosterops ceylonensis
  • Chestnut-flanked White-eye, Zosterops erythropleurus
  • Oriental White-eye, Zosterops palpebrosus
  • Japanese White-eye, Zosterops japonicus
  • Lowland White-eye, Zosterops meyeni
  • Enggano White-eye, Zosterops salvadorii
  • Bridled White-eye, Zosterops conspicillatus
  • Caroline Islands White-eye, Zosterops semperi
  • Plain White-eye, Zosterops hypolais
  • Black-capped White-eye, Zosterops atricapillus
  • Everett's White-eye, Zosterops everetti
  • Yellowish White-eye, Zosterops nigrorum
  • Mountain White-eye, Zosterops montanus
  • Christmas Island White-eye, Zosterops natalis
  • Javan White-eye, Zosterops flavus
  • Yellow-bellied White-eye, Zosterops chloris
  • Ashy-bellied White-eye, Zosterops citrinellus
  • Great Kai White-eye, Zosterops grayi
  • Little Kai White-eye, Zosterops uropygialis
  • Sulawesi White-eye, Zosterops consobrinorum
  • Black-ringed White-eye, Zosterops anomalus
  • Yellow-spectacled White-eye, Zosterops wallacei
  • Black-crowned White-eye, Zosterops atrifrons
  • Sangihe White-eye, Zosterops nehrkorni
  • Seram White-eye, Zosterops stalkeri
  • Cream-throated White-eye, Zosterops atriceps
  • Black-fronted White-eye, Zosterops minor
  • White-throated White-eye, Zosterops meeki
  • Black-headed White-eye, Zosterops hypoxanthus
  • Biak White-eye, Zosterops mysorensis
  • Capped White-eye, Zosterops fuscicapillus
  • Buru White-eye, Zosterops buruensis
  • Ambon White-eye, Zosterops kuehni
  • New Guinea White-eye, Zosterops novaeguineae
  • Australian Yellow White-eye, Zosterops luteus
  • Louisiade White-eye, Zosterops griseotinctus
  • Rennell White-eye, Zosterops rennellianus
  • Banded White-eye, Zosterops vellalavella
  • Ganongga White-eye, Zosterops splendidus
  • Splendid White-eye, Zosterops luteirostris
  • Solomon Islands White-eye, Zosterops kulambangrae
  • Kulambangra White-eye, Zosterops murphyi
  • Yellow-throated White-eye, Zosterops metcalfii
  • Grey-throated White-eye, Zosterops rendovae
  • Malaita White-eye, Zosterops stresemanni
  • Santa Cruz White-eye, Zosterops santaecrucis
  • Large Lifou White-eye, Zosterops inornatus
  • Green-backed White-eye, Zosterops xanthochrous
  • Small Lifou White-eye, Zosterops minutus
  • Lord Howe White-eye, Zosterops tephropleurus
  • Slender-billed White-eye, Zosterops tenuirostris
  • White-chested White-eye, Zosterops albogularis
  • Layard's White-eye, Zosterops explorator
  • Silvereye, Zosterops lateralis
  • Yellow-fronted White-eye, Zosterops flavifrons
  • Samoan White-eye, Zosterops samoensis
  • Dusky White-eye, Zosterops finschii
  • Grey White-eye, Zosterops cinereus
  • Yap White-eye, Zosterops oleagineus
  • Truk White-eye, Rukia ruki
  • Long-billed White-eye, Rukia longirostra
  • Golden White-eye, Cleptornis marchei
  • Rufescent White-eye, Tephrozosterops stalkeri
  • Rufous-throated White-eye, Madanga ruficollis
  • Javan Grey-throated White-eye, Lophozosterops javanicus
  • Streak-headed White-eye, Lophozosterops squamiceps
  • Grey-hooded White-eye, Lophozosterops pinaiae
  • Mindanao White-eye, Lophozosterops goodfellowi
  • White-browed White-eye, Lophozosterops superciliaris
  • Dark-crowned White-eye, Lophozosterops dohertyi
  • Pygmy White-eye, Oculocincta squamifrons
  • Flores White-eye, Heleia crassirostris
  • Timor White-eye, Heleia muelleri
  • Mountain Black-eye, Chlorocharis emiliae
  • Bare-eyed White-eye, Woodfordia superciliosa
  • Sanford's White-eye, Woodfordia lacertosa
  • Giant White-eye, Megazosterops palauensis
  • Cinnamon White-eye, Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus
  • Bonin White-eye, Apalopteron familiare (formerly Bonin Honeyeater)

[edit] External links