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Whateley23, whose birth name is C. Lee Vermeers, has a special interest in Celtic, and specifically Gaelic, matters and religions. in addition, he enjoys Steampunk, Transhumanism, and European Martial Arts. My Dear Fellow Whateley, you ask me whether there was a purpose behind reverting the Mabon link on Celtic polytheism to the neopagan festival (Mabon) instead of the Welsh mythological character (Mabon ap Modron)(Whateley23 00:19, 22 July 2005 (UTC)). I am not aware of such a confusion of links and I am upset that browsers may well confuse the embodiment of young masculine vitality with a festival held in the honour thereof as a result of this apparent overlapping. I trust that I can rely on your handsome self to rectify this oversight. Yours lovingly, GeoffMGleadall 08:40, 22 July 2005 (UTC).