Washington State Apple Blossom Festival

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The Washington State Apple Blossom Festival is a festival held annually in Wenatchee, Washington, self-proclaimed the "Apple Capital of the World" due to the valley's many apple orchards. The Apple Blossom Festival is a two-week festival, running the last weekend in April to the first weekend in May.

The Festival includes a Grand Parade, a youth parade, an arts and crafts festival, A carnival, A food fair, and other amusements.

The Festival is estimated to bring over 100,000 visitors to Wenatchee, a town with a population of 29,022 in the 2004 census.


[edit] The Youth Parade

The last weekend in April, the youth parade is run. The parade usually includes about 100 different groups, such as middle school bands, elementary schools, and local area businesses catering to youth. Awards are given for the most creative floats, best bands and drill teams, best use of festival theme, and best overall.

[edit] The Grand Parade

The Grand Parade is held towards the end of the festivities, during the last weekend of May. During the Grand Parade, High school bands, floats from local clubs, groups and businesses, Cars driving dignitaries and the Royal Court, and many more are run down the main street of town. Spectators have been known to set up folding chairs along the sidewalks of the parade route up to two months in advance in anticipation of the festivities. Awards are given to The best floats, best bands and groups, best use of theme, and many more.

[edit] Royal Court

Each year, a Royal Court comprising a Queen and two or more Princesses is chosen from among high school senior women. Junior Royalty are selected from among area 5th-graders.

[edit] History

The Festival was started in 1919 by Mrs. E. Wagner, wife of the district's first apple shipper. The festival was first called "The Blossom Days", and Mrs. Wagner based it on festivals she had enjoyed in New Zealand during her childhood.

Previous Apple Blossom Royalty

1920 Q Fern Prowell Sipes + P Elizabeth Humphries Hamilton + P Beth Boblet Rogers +

1921 Q Florence Kratzer+ P Ruth Williams Johnson+ P Francis Faris+ P Marcu Flanagan Burton P Virginia Bird Ryan+ P Virginia Leedy Lund+

1922 Q Ruth Ella Adams Shively+ P Doris Cedargreen+ P Golda Hamilton+ P Janice Gellatly+ P Blanche Smith Sperline+ P Julia Newell+ P Helen Gauff Harris+ P Ella Newberry+

1923 Q Imogene Carpenter Sigrartsen+ P Nancy Bittick Ogan+ P Bernice Smith+ P Bernice Gellatly Green+ P Bertha Goff Barragan+ P Dorothy Zimmer Richardson+ P Marcella Steinacker+ P Mrs. Jack Tyrell+ P Mrs. N.F. Kerr+ P Latha Parsons Mowbray+

1924 Q Rowena Burns+ P Doris Ovendon Pollock+ P Betty Graham P Zelma Loudenback Batdorf+ P Marjorie Graham

1925 Q Hilma Erickson Disney+ P Bernice Burkhart Dingle P Francis Faris+

1926 Q Pauline Marler Finck+ P Lillian Welch Marler+ P Doris Cedargreen+

1927 Q Beatrice Mcgough Bearg+ P Marjorie Knapton Whiting P Ruby Dull Warren+

1928 Q Leona Watson Bommer P Nadine Stewart+ P Oretha Parkhill McKoin+

1929 Q Rosella Corle Etter+ P Oretha Parkhill McKoin+ P Shirley Foster Congdon

1930 Q Shirley Foster Congdon P Margaret Bird Gwinn P Helen Carol

1931 Q Carol McGough Congdon+ P Ovidia Lindston Blackburn+ P Jean Vermilya Cedargreen+

1932 Q Marjorie Munch Parkhill+ P Nadine Long Bartheau P Jean Vermilya Cedargreen+

1933 Q Lucille Baker Meenach P Vivian Reimer Whiteman+ P Dorothy Sampson Provo+ P Esther Barnes Roth

1934 Q Roberta Hensel Reimer+ P Lois Pfau Adams+ P Mary Jane Sistig +

1935 Q Jean Marlow+ P Isabella Haight Mutch P Mary Rose Berry+

1936 Q Jean Driver Jansen P Gertrude Webb Scroggie P Betty Fray+

1937 Q Janet Foster Conrad P Mary Armstrong Howell P Betty Keller Miller+

1938 Q Lois Joan Strong Deitrick+ P Doris Ames Hubbard+ P Susan Hilt Bryant

1939 Q Lois Ross Davidson P Dorothy Jean Smith P Kathyrn Woods Haley

1940 Q Patricia Clapp Thiele P Virginia Maus Sorley+ P Esther Mann Luehrs

1941 Q Miriam Corner Welty+ P Emma Jane Hansen P Jean Whitemore Ahlers

1942 Q Norabelle Roth Siegel P Mary Jean Stockstill Reich+ P Roberta Huffman Bulleri

1943 Q Shirley Garland Arch P Janet Martin Gadsby P Vivian Martin Elmaleh

1944 Q Clara Lee Davis Lumberg P Virginia Vandewater Bouchard P Barbara Yerxa Gilyard

1945 Q Patricia Lashinger Hauge P Ruthella Welch Skagen P Wilma O'Rear Simon P Mae McLean Hamilton P Shirley Witbeck Moore

1946 Q Elsie Beth Halvorson Maus P De De Hutchinson Stumpf P Jacquie Farrington Letts+

1947 Q Jean Olson Reems P Patricia Sugg Hellner P Lois Banghart Beall

1948 Q Jean Olson Reems P Patricia Sugg Hellner P Lois Banghart Beall

1949 Q Portia Thornton Murray P Carol Dennis Wedekind P Ruth Ann Jones Young

1950 Q Marylyle Cunningham Osborn P Drucilla Brennan Lingle+ P Joanne Brown Michael

1951 Q Lily Jo Hammans Trimble P Barbara Bell Monroe P Odetta Hamilton Molfatt+

1952 Q Virginia Click Cooney+ P Ann Ware Dutton P Jeannette Bommer Rudy+

1953 Q Carolyn Ellis Hamilton P Jean Low Ogsbury P JoAnn Heffner Derting

1954 Q Carol Jessup Peterson P Bev Shadbolt Brandt P Corinne Bellas Telford

1955 Q Sharon Kaye Redlinger Utigard P Judith Emerson P Anna Batterman Pieratt

1956 Q Jolly Ann Sachs Seyster P Trina Hansen Adams P Carol Sutton George

1957 Q Jewel Bergan Brumbaugh P Marilyn Dalvit Ash P Sande Gillette

1958 Q Ann Albertson Deal P Tonee Hansen Gwinn P Kris Whiteman Anderson

1959 Q Beverly McKoin Martin P Mary Stewart Olson P Sally Walker Pugh

1960 Q Peggy Kinney Magnuson P Kris Cedarwall Whoolery P Dae Hansen Duval

1961 Q Kathy Whiteman Chandler P Sharon Coon Lamar P Carmen Snitily Sirmon

1962 Q Polly Kinney Fields P Carolyn Billingsley Ortiz P Susan Looney Wallace

1963 Q Mary Radewan Heinz P Paula Barber P Janet Evans Johnson

1964 Q Lynn Nicholson Elmore P Nancy Conyer O' Halloran P Sheila Hildebrand Clennon

1965 Q Barbara Erickson Hepler P Kathleen Stockstill Waslenko P Amy Radewan Cunningham

1966 Q Patti Parkhill Cartmill P Sharon Wright Rietz P Janice Woods Conchuartt

1967 Q Leta (Patti) Scaman Baker P Joanie Stewart Hicks P Patty Harris Schultz

1968 Q Gail Ross Wenaweser P Rosemary Kells P Kathy Murren Mertes

1969 Q Linda Parkhill Shaughnessy P Kay Goff Law P Susan Mullen

[edit] External links