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Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Excalibur Special Edition #1 (1987)
Created by Chris Claremont and Alan Davis
Scarper, Popsie, Jacko, Ducks, Bowzer

The Warwolves are fictional characters in the Marvel Universe. They were originally a group of extradimensional agents of Mojo as part of his Wildways. Mojo originally engineered the Warwolves as a pack of six lupine servants, artificially created through genetic engineering. The Warwolves have the power to drain the life essence of a victim, and wear the actual skin and clothing of the victim to masquerade as that person, altering their skape to resemble the prey perfectly.

The Warwolves first appeared on Earth when Phoenix escaped from captivity by Mojo, and came to Earth to recapture her. The Warwolves and the Technet fought over Rachel and during the fight, the original Ferro was killed. When Captain Britain, Meggan, Nightcrawler, and Shadowcat helped Rachel defeat the Warwolves, they formed together as a team and called themselves Excalibur for the first time.

Later, when Roma perceived Franklin Richards to be a threat, not only to his home reality (Earth-616) but to all of reality; she dispatched the Warwolves, Gatecrasher and her Technet to kidnap him. When her plan was being opposed by the Fantastic Four and Alyssa Moy, who was babysitting Franklin at the time, Roma teleported them all to Otherworld to face the full fury of the entire Corps.