WAMPAS Baby Stars

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The "WAMPAS Baby Stars" of 1932. Rear row : Toshia Mori, Boots Mallory, Ruth Hall, Gloria Stuart, Patricia Ellis, Ginger Rogers, Lilian Bond, Evalyn Knapp, Marian Shockley. Front row: Dorothy Wilson, Mary Carlisle, Lona Andre, Eleanor Holm, Dorothy Layton
The "WAMPAS Baby Stars" of 1932. Rear row : Toshia Mori, Boots Mallory, Ruth Hall, Gloria Stuart, Patricia Ellis, Ginger Rogers, Lilian Bond, Evalyn Knapp, Marian Shockley. Front row: Dorothy Wilson, Mary Carlisle, Lona Andre, Eleanor Holm, Dorothy Layton

The WAMPAS Baby Stars was a promotional campaign sponsored by the Western Association of Motion Picture Advertisers in the United States, which honored thirteen young women each year who they believed to be on the threshold of movie stardom. They were selected from 1922 to 1934 and honored at a party called the "WAMPAS Frolic". Those selected were given extensive media coverage.

The awards were not given in 1930 and 1933 and ended after 1934 due to objections from the movie studios because of its independence.

[edit] List of WAMPAS Baby Stars

[edit] Further reading

The Wampas Baby Stars: A Biographical Dictionary, 1922-1934 (ISBN 0-7864-0756-5) includes biographies of every actress selected, including lists of films in which she appeared.

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