Walia Ibex

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iWalia Ibex
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Capra
Species: C. walie
Binomial name
Capra walie
Rüppell, 1835

The Walia Ibex (Capra walie) is a species of Ibex that is critically endangered. Threats against the species include habitat loss, poaching, and restricted range. Only 500 individuals are surviving and can only be found in the mountains of Ethiopia.


[edit] Anatomy

These animals have a chocolate-brown to chestnut-brown coat coloration, greyish-brown muzzle and a lighter grey in the eyes and legs. The belly and insides of the legs are white, and black and white patterns stretch upon the legs of these animals. The males have very large horns which curve backwards, reaching lengths up to 110 cm. These horns are used for dominance disputes between males. The males also have distinguished black beards. Females also have horns but they are shorter and thinner. Females are smaller in body size and lighter in color.

[edit] Habitat & Ecology

The Walia Ibex lives in very steep rocky, cliff areas around 2,500 and 4,500 m high. Habitat is mountain forest, sub-alpine grasslands and scrub. They are grazers. Their diet includes bushes, herbs, lichens, shrubs, grass, and creepers. Often seen standing on its hind legs to get to young shoots of giant heath. Most active in the morning and evening and will rest in the sun on rock ledges. Males live in bachelor groups and females live in groups with their offspring. Mating season is at summit from March to May. Males compete for females by ramming their horns with amazing force. Gestation period occurs around 150–165 days. They reach sexual maturity at one year of age.

[edit] Population and Threats

This species is only found in the northern mountains of Ethiopia. Only 150-200 animals were surviving in 1963 but now the population has increased to 500 indiviuals. They have been hunted extensivley for meat and horns. The horns are used as mugs and as trophies. Habitat loss is another major threat against the species. Encroaching settlement, livestock grazing and cultivation are all problems. Road construction is also fragmenting the habitat. Luckily the Semien National Park which was established in 1969 has really helped the speices. Although they are still in alot of trouble and need some more conservation measures to help protect them.

[edit] References


