
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are my userboxes. There are a bunch of them and I didn't want them cluttering my main page.

These are customized boxes to be categorized later...

amor This user believes that love conquers all.
This user supports the troops, but does not believe that they should be in the Middle East.
colour This user is an American who prefers to spell things the British way.

These boxes NEED to be organized somehow:

en This user is a native speaker of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
sgn-1 This user can communicate at a basic level in ASL.
BS This user can speak Bullshit.
... This user would like to be able to speak more languages.
<html> This user can write HTML.
they This user considers singular they substandard English usage.
infin¦itive This user chooses to sometimes split infinitives.
... in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which this user will not put.
whom This user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever he sees.
which & that This user knows how to use which and that correctly.
A, B, and C This user prefers the serial comma.
its/it's It's really not that hard to use each word in its proper manner.
This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately….
YA This user is a young adult.
This user is male.
This user is of English ancestry.
This user is of French ancestry.
This user is of Italian ancestry.

This user is of Polish ancestry.
This user is of
Teutonic and Celtic ancestry.
This user is of multiple ancestries.
This user is a thespian, and shouldn't be wished "good luck".
This user pumps their own gas.
This user begrudgingly observes Daylight Saving Time.
This user's time zone is UTC-5.
hs This user is a high school student.
This user's favourite subject is Chemistry.
This user comes from the
United States of America.
This user is from the State of Michigan.
This user lives in or hails from Detroit.

Template:User pyro

This user is nearsighted.
This user does not smoke.
This user is right-handed.
This user is skeptical of superstitions such as the Zodiac.
This user is a Scorpion.
This user was born in the year of the Dragon.
This user is opposed to online censorship.
This user is drug-free.
This user supports the use of wind power, solar power, and electric vehicles.
This user supports recycling.
This user is interested in politics.
lib This user is a liberal.
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote.
= This user supports the Make Trade Fair campaign.
This user opposes all forms of racism and admires Nelson Mandela.
This user is interested in religion.
' This user is pissed off that 95% of beliefs-related userboxes have been deleted, and is open to bitching about it.
This user supports and encourages the practice of safe sex.
This user supports the inclusion of sex education in school systems.
This user is heterosexual.
This male user supports feminism.
This user is an ally of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans community.
This user is interested in the Renaissance period.
This user is interested in his or her family history.
This user enjoys singing.
This user prefers warm weather.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user enjoys reading anything.
This user believes that "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players".
Big Brother is watching this user.
R This user is a Ravenclaw.
O This user's favourite colour is orange.
This user's AOL Instant Messenger screenname is dramaticbassx.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user uses Wikipedia as his or her primary point of reference.
This user uses Yahoo! Mail as a primary email service.
This user uses LimeWire
IE This user contributes using
Internet Explorer.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user contributes using a laptop.
This user is a cereal killer.
This user eats bagels.
This user loves pancakes.
This user loves spaghetti.
This user eats salad.
This user eats potatoes.
This user practically inhales jalapeños.

Template:User apples

This user eats bananas.
This user loves oranges.
This user loves to eat pineapples.
If they had their little way, this user would eat peaches every day.
Pear This user eats pears.
This user eats raspberries.
This user eats strawberries.
This user eats watermelon.
This user eats cheese.
This user eats fries, or chips.
This user loves to eat pizza.
This user eats quesadillas.
This user eats candy corn.
This user eats chocolate.
This user eats cookies.
This user likes pie.
This user eats popcorn.
This user eats potato chips.
This user eats Swedish Fish.
This user drinks coffee.
This user drinks green tea.
Coke This user believes Pepsi is no match for Coca-Cola. Not even close. Pepsi
S This user believes Surge is the best soft drink in the history of forever.
This user drinks milk.