Waitangi Day

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Waitangi Day is a public holiday in New Zealand held each year on February 6 to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand's founding document, on that date in 1840.


[edit] History

The Treaty of Waitangi was signed on February 6, 1840 in a marquee erected in the grounds of James Busby's house at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands. A draft of the treaty had been presented to the local Māori chiefs the previous day and Governor William Hobson had returned to his ship, HMS Herald, anchored in the bay, expecting the Māori to discuss the treaty for a day and possibly sign it on the morning of February 7. However, Māori had debated signing the treaty later into the night and appeared to have presumed the treaty would be signed in the morning of February 6 and did not have enough food to wait another day. Hobson was called ashore to sign the treaty just after noon, still dressed in his civilian clothes and only carried his uniform hat.

[edit] Early celebrations

The first Waitangi Day was not celebrated until 1934. Prior to that date, most celebrations of New Zealand's founding as a colony were marked on 29 January, the date on which William Hobson arrived in the Bay of Islands. In 1932, Governor-General Lord Bledisloe and his wife had purchased and gifted to the nation the run-down house of James Busby, where the Treaty was signed. It was restored and the 1934 celebrations were a commemoration of the restoration, along with the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of New Zealand, which was recognised by the British government. In 1940, the Waitangi treaty house and grounds featured prominently in the Centennial celebrations and annual celebrations were held there during the 1950s.

[edit] Public Holiday

Waitangi Day was proposed as a public holiday by the Labour Party in their 1957 party manifesto. After Labour won the election they were reluctant to create a new public holiday, so legislation was first passed in 1960 making it possible for a locality to substitute Waitangi Day as an alternative to an existing public holiday. In 1963, after a change in government, Waitangi Day was substituted for Auckland Anniversary Day as the provincial holiday in Northland.

[edit] New Zealand Day

In 1971 the Labour shadow minister of Māori Affairs, Matiu Rata, introduced a private members' bill to make Waitangi Day a national holiday, to be called New Zealand Day.

After the 1972 election of a new Labour government under Norman Kirk, it was announced that from 1974 Waitangi Day would be a national holiday known as New Zealand Day. The legislation for the change was supported by the National Party, because National wanted to shift the focus away from Treaty of Waitangi problems.

For Norman Kirk, the change was simply an acceptance that New Zealand was ready to move towards a broader concept of nationhood. Diplomatic posts had for some years marked the day, and it seemed timely in view of the country's increasing role on the international stage that the national day be known as New Zealand Day. At the 1974 celebrations, the Flag of New Zealand was flown for the first time at the top of the flagstaff at Waitangi, rather than the Union Flag, and a replica of the flag of the United Tribes of New Zealand was also flown.

The re-election of the National Party in 1975 led to the day being renamed Waitangi Day, as the new Prime Minister, Robert Muldoon did not like the name "New Zealand Day"[1].

[edit] Revival

United Future New Zealand leader Peter Dunne currently has a Bill [2] before the Justice and Electoral Select Committee to consider renaming Waitangi Day again back to New Zealand Day. The proposed legislation received support from Labour, National, Act, New Zealand First and United Future but not the Māori Party and the Greens. The Bill's explanatory note says: "[c]ontemporary New Zealand is becoming an increasingly diverse nation, culturally and ethically."

Critics of the Bill argue that renaming Watangi Day would detract from the Treaty's relevance in New Zealand's contemporary society, or that a better more suitable day of national celebration could be found - such as reviving Dominion Day.

See also: Independence of New Zealand

[edit] Controversy and Protest

Although this is New Zealand's national day, the commemoration has often been the focus of protest by Māori activists, and is often marred by controversy. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Waitangi,and Waitangi Day became a focus of protest concerning treaty injustices. Groups like Nga Tamatoa claimed the "Treaty is a fraud", and Māori activists called for the holiday not to be celebrated until the treaty was "honoured".

Several hundred protestors often gather at Waitangi. Although not part of the official celebrations, Māori sovereignty activists often attempt to fly the Māori Sovereignty flag from the flagstaff. These protests are generally contained by the Police, though few arrests are normally made. Attempts at vandalism of the flagstaff are often an objective of these protests, carrying on a tradition that dates from the 19th century when Māori chopped down flagstaffs as protests to land disputes.

In 2004, protestors succeeded in flying the Māori Sovereignty flag above the other flags on the flagstaff by flying it from the top of a nearby tree. Some commentators described this gesture as audacious and bold.

[edit] Celebrations

Because of the level of protest and violence that had previously occurred at Waitangi, the new Prime Minister did not attend in 2000. The official celebrations were shifted from Waitangi to Wellington in 2001. This change was considered an insult to Māori.

In 2003 and 2004 the anniversary was again officially commemorated at the treaty house at Waitangi, where the treaty was first signed.

There has also been a tendency in recent years for emphasis to shift from the Governor-General, as representative of the Crown, to the Prime Minister, as political leader. This however is contrary to the basic nature of the commemoration, which is of a treaty between the Crown and Māori.

[edit] At Waitangi

Celebrations at Waitangi often commence the previous day, February 5, at the Ngapuhi Te Tii marae, where political dignatories are welcomed onto the marae and hear speeches from the local iwi. These speeches often deal with the issues of the day and vigorous and robust debate occurs.

On Waitangi Day itself, at dawn, the Royal New Zealand Navy raises the New Zealand Flag, Union Jack and White Ensign on the Flagstaff in the treaty grounds.

The ceremonies during the day generally include a church service and cultural displays such as dance and song. Several waka and a navy ship also re-enact the calling ashore of Governor Hobson to sign the treaty.

The day closes with the flags being lowered by the navy in a traditional ceremony.

[edit] Elsewhere in New Zealand

In recent years, communities throughout New Zealand have been celebrating Waitangi Day in a variety of ways. These often take the form of public concerts and festivals.

Some marae use the day as an open day and an educational experience for their local communities, giving them the opportunity to experience Māori culture and protocol. Other marae use the day as an opportunity to explain where they see Māori are and the way forward for Māori in New Zealand.

Another popular way of celebrating the day is at concerts held around the country. Due to the day also being Bob Marley's birthday Reggae music is especially popular. Wellington has a long running "One Love" festival that celebrates peace and unity. Another such event is Groove in the Park, held in the Auckland Domain run and organised by radio station GeorgeFM.

[edit] Elsewhere in the World

In London, United Kingdom, which has one of the largest New Zealand expatriate populations, a tradition has arisen in recent years to celebrate Waitangi Day. On the closest Saturday to February 6, Kiwis participate in a pub crawl using the London Underground's Circle Line.

Although the stated aim is to consume one drink at each of the 27 stops, most participants stop at a handful of stations, usually beginning at Paddington, and moving anti-clockwise towards Temple. At 4pm, a large-scale haka is performed at Westminster as Big Ben marks the hour. Participants wear costumes, and sing songs such as God Defend New Zealand, all of which is in stark contrast to the much more subdued observance of the day in New Zealand itself.

[edit] External links

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