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Unix shell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unix shell

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Screenshot of a sample Bash session, taken on Gentoo Linux.
Screenshot of a sample Bash session, taken on Gentoo Linux.

A Unix shell, also called "the command line", provides the traditional user interface for the Unix operating system and for Unix-like systems. Users direct the operation of the computer by entering command input as text for a shell to execute. Within the Microsoft Windows suite of operating systems the analogous program is command.com, or cmd.exe for Windows NT-based operating systems.

The most generic sense of the term shell means any program that users use to type commands. Since in the Unix operating system users can select which shell they want to use (which program should execute when they login), many shells have been developed. It is called a "shell" because it hides the details of the underlying operating system behind the shell's interface (contrast "kernel", which refers to the lowest-level, or 'inner-most' component of an operating system). Similarly, graphical user interfaces for Unix, such as GNOME and KDE, are occasionally called visual shells or graphical shells. By itself, the term shell is usually associated with the command line. In Unix, any program can be the user's shell; users who want to use a different syntax for typing commands can specify a different program as their shell.

The term shell also refers to a particular program, namely the Bourne shell, sh. The Bourne shell was the shell used in early versions of Unix and became a de facto standard; every Unix-like system has at least one shell compatible with the Bourne shell. The Bourne shell program is located in the UNIX file hierarchy at /bin/sh. On some systems, such as BSD, /bin/sh is a Bourne shell or equivalent, but on other systems such as Linux, /bin/sh is likely to be a link to a compatible, but more feature-rich shell, such as Bash. POSIX specifies the standard shell as a strict subset of the Korn shell.

The Unix shell was unusual when first created, since it is both an interactive command language and the language used to script the system; it is a scripting programming language. Many shells created for other operating systems since offer rough equivalents to Unix shell functionality.

On systems using a windowing system, some users may never use the shell directly, though on Unix systems, the shell is still the implementation language of system startup scripts, including the program that starts the windowing system, the program that dials into the Internet, and many other essential functions.

On MS-DOS, OS/2, and Windows, equivalents to Unix system scripts are called batch files, and have either a ".bat" or ".cmd" extension. A newer CLI, codenamed Monad and to be released as the Windows PowerShell, will replace the existing NT command line, cmd.exe; it has many features derived from Unix shells, though it uses a somewhat different syntax.

Many regular users of a UNIX system still find a modern command line shell much more convenient for many tasks than any GUI application.

Due to the recent movement in favor of open source, most Unix shells have at least one version that is open source.


[edit] Unix shells

Unix shells can be broadly divided into four categories: Bourne-like, C Shell-like, nontraditional, and historical.

Tip: On most if not all modern Unix-like systems you can use the following command to determine which shell you are using:

echo $SHELL

. However, if the user has started a different shell after logging in, the value of $SHELL will not indicate the current shell.

[edit] Bourne shell compatible

[edit] C shell compatible

[edit] Other/Exotic

A list of various shells may be found at www.freebsdsoftware.org.

[edit] Historic

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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