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University of Sannio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

University of Sannio

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

University of Sannio
Università degli Studi del Sannio
Logo of the University of Sannio
Established 1998
Type State-supported
Rector Prof. Aniello Cimitile
Location Benevento, Italy
Sports teams CUS Benevento
Website www.unisannio.it/

The University of Sannio (Italian: Università degli Studi del Sannio, UNISANNIO) is a university located in Benevento, Italy. It was founded in 1998 and is organized in 4 Faculties.


[edit] History

The University of Sannio began as a part of the University of Salerno. Initially, it was included in the four year plan 1986-90. Through Rectorial decrees on September 10th 1990 the following departments were set up: the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (now Faculty of Economics) with the degree courses of Banking Economics, Financial Economics, Insurance Economics, and Statistics, the Faculty of Engineering with a degree course in Computer Engineering. In the three year plan 1991-93, the Faculty of Science was set up with additional degree courses in Biology and Geology.

The Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences was managed by a Technical committee until October 31st 1994. The Faculty of Engineering was managed by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Salerno. Since November 1st 1994 both Faculties have had an autonomous Faculty Board.

The Consortium for the Promotion of Culture and University Studies has contributed to the implementation of the University in Benevento and is still playing a major part in its promotion. This organisation was established in 1987 by the Chamber of Commerce, the Province of Benevento and the Town Hall of Benevento. Successively, other public Institutions have joined the Consortium. With the Ministerial Decree n.1524, of December 29th 1997, the University of Sannio was officially recognized and became autonomous as from January 1st, 1998.

The Faculty Economics includes the degree courses in Economia e commercio, Scienze statistiche ed attuariali, Giurisprudenza and the diploma courses in Operatore giuridico d'impresa, in Economia e amministrazione delle imprese, in Commercio estero and in Consulente del lavoro. These courses are located in Benevento; while the diploma course in Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici is located at Buonalbergo (Benevento).

The Faculty of Engineering includes the degree courses in Ingegneria Informatica, in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, and diploma courses in Ingegneria delle Infrastrutture and in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni.

The Faculty of Sciences includes degree courses in Scienze Biologiche and in Scienze Geologiche, and diploma courses in Biotecnologie, in Geologia per la protezione dell'ambiente and in Scienze Ambientali.

[edit] Organization

These are 4 faculties in which the university is divided into:

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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