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Quang Ninh Province - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quang Ninh Province

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quảng Ninh
Location of Quảng Ninh Province
Provinces of Vietnam
People's Council Chair
People's Committee Chair
Capital Hạ Long
Region Northeast
Area 5,899.6 km²
 • Density
Ethnicities Vietnamese, Tày, Dao, Sán Chay, Sán Dìu, Hoa
Calling code 33
ISO 3166-2 VN-13
Website www.halong.com

Quảng Ninh pronunciation  is a large province located along the northeastern border of Vietnam.


[edit] Geography

It has the shape of an oblique rectangle inclined in a north-east to south-west direction. To the west, the province borders an extended forest and mountain region. To the east, it is adjacent to the Gulf of Bắc Bộ. It features a meandering coastline, numerous estuaries and tidal flats and more than 2,000 large and small islands. Exactly 1,030 of these have been named. Quảng Ninh's coordinates are longitude 106º25' to 108º25' east and latitude 20º40' to 21º40' north. Its width from east to west is 195 km (at the widest part).

The total length from north to south is 102 km. The northernmost point is in mountain range at Mo Toòng village (Hoành Mô Commune, Bình Liêu District). The southernmost point is in Hạ Mai Island (Ngọc Vừng Commune, Vân Ðồn District). The westernmost point is in Vàng Chua River (Bình Dương and Nguyễn Huệ communes, Ðông Triều District). The easternmost point is inland at Got Cape, northeast of Trà Cổ Commune, Mong Cai Town.

Quảng Ninh has a common national border with the People's Republic of China. Inland, north of province (Bình Liêu, Hải Hà districts and Mong Cai borders Fang Cheng District and Ðông Hưng Town in Guangxi Province, PRC with the borderline of 170 km. To the east, it adjuncts to Bắc Bộ Gulf. The province also borders Lạng Sơn, Bắc Giang and Hải Dương provinces to the west, and the city of Hải Phòng to the south. The coastal line is 250 km. The total area of Quảng Ninh is 8,239.243 km², of which 5,938 km² is mainland. The area of islands, bays and sea is a tremendous 2,448.853 km². The total area of the islands is 619.913 km².

[edit] Topography

Quảng Ninh is a mountainous and coastal province, with more than 80% of its area being made up of mountains and hills. The 2,000 some islands are also considered mountains. The mountainous zone can be divided into two parts: the eastern mountainous region extending from Tiên Yên through Bình Liêu, Hải Hà, Ðầm Hà and Móng Cái; and the western zone ranging from Tiên Yên through Ba Chẽ and Hoành Bồ, north of Uông Bí Town. The former is a continuation of the Thâp Van Ðai Son range in China. There are two main chains: Quang Nam Châu 1,507 m and Cao Xiêm 1,330 m. The western zone features smooth and curved mountains called Ðông Triều with Yên Tu Mount 1,068 m in Uông Bí region and Am Váp Mount 1,094 m in Hoành Bồ District.

The midland and coastal plains include a low range of hills weathered by both wind and water; forming fields and river basins. They include the zones of Ðông Triêu, Uông Bí, northern Yên Hưng, southern Tiên Yên, Hải Hà and some of Móng Cái. In the estuaries, alluvial soil is deposited, creating low tidal flats. This can be found in the areas of southern Uông Bí, southern Yên Hưng (Hà Nam Island), eastern Yên Hưng, Ðông Rui (Tiên Yên), southern Ðầm Hà and Mong Cai, southeastern Hải Hà. The midlands and plains of the coastline are extremely favourable for agriculture and transport. It has become a densely populated area of the province.

The sea and island zone of Quảng Ninh has a unique terrain. There are more than 2,000 islands, making up two thirds of the country’s islands. They extend along the coast for more than 250 km and divide into numerous layers. The largest islands are Cái Bâu and Ban Sen, while the smallest are just like rocks in a garden. Vân Ðôn and Cô Tô are island districts. There are thousand of islands on Hạ Long Bay and Bái Tu Long Bay, many of which contain caves. Besides areas of alluvial deposits, there are also white sand zones which have built up from tidal action. Some places have formed white sand mines producing materials for the glass industry (Vân Hai), or have developed into wonderful tourism spots (Trà Cô, Quan Lan, Minh Châu, Ngoc Vung).

The sea bottom terrain of Quảng Ninh isn't smooth, and has an average depth of 20 m. There are the remnants of ancient streams and underwater rocky banks. The streams from the mainland connect to deep drains along the sea-floor; creating a series of waterways, canals and harbours along the coast.

[edit] Hydrography

In Quảng Ninh, there are numerous rivers and springs, but most are short and small, and feature currents that differ between seasons. In winter, most rivers run dry, but in summer, waterfalls pick up fast currents. The water current reaches 1.45 m³/s in dry season, but up to 1,500 m³/s in the rainy season. Quảng Ninh’s sea borders upon the Gulf of Bắc Bộ. It is large and protected by the ranks of islands, so the wind is quieter and the water smoother. The gulf’s current runs from north to south. It is Vietnam’s coldest sea, with the temperature sometimes dipping below 13 °C.

Climate: Quảng Ninh’s climate is symbolic of the climate of North Vietnam; featuring all four seasons. In summer, it's hot, humid and rainy, while monsoons flourish. In winter, it's cold, dry, and sees little rainfall.

The average heat radiating during a year is 4,828 MJ/m². The average temperature is over 21 °C, while the average humidity is 84%. Annual rainfall totals between 1,700 and 2,400 mm, and there can be between 90 to 170 rainy days in a year. These are mainly concentrated in the summer (more than 85%), and especially in the months of July and August. In winter, rainfall only reaches between 150 and 400 mm.

In comparison to other provinces in the north, Quảng Ninh has been more under the influences of north-eastern monsoons. The wind blows strongly and the temperature drops to between 1 and 3 °C. During a north-eastern monsoon, high mountainous regions such as Bình Liêu and Hải Hà, Ðầm Hà sometimes see the temperature drop below 0 °C. Storms have a large influence on the province, mainly in June, July and August. The intensity can be extremely strong, especially in island and coastal regions.

Due to differences in terrain, the climate of sub-regions vary. The border area of the Móng Cái District is colder and rainy, with an average temperature of around 22 ºC and rainfall reaching 2,751 mm. In the Yên Hưng District, the most southern area, the average temperature is 24 °C and sees an average rainfall of 1,700 mm. The high mountainous region of Hoành Bồ, and Ba Chẽ districts, has 20 days of frost a year, and is subject to little rainfall. In the Bình Liêu District there is heavy rain (2,400 mm) and winter lasts for six months. The offshore island region is not the wettest area, with only 1,700 to 1,800 mm of rainfall per year, but winter is often accompanied by thick mists.

Currently, many factories have been setup - and this may be source of bad for climate of Halong

[edit] Water and Mineral Water

Water resources in the province of Quảng Ninh are abundant and distinct.

The largest rivers are: the Ka Long (the natural national border between China and Vietnam), Hà Côi, Ðầm Hà, Tiên Yên, Phố Cũ, Ba Chẽ, Diễn Vọng, Trới, Míp, Uông, Ðạm and Cầm rivers. The provincial border is the Kinh Thầy River which joins the Ðá Bạch River and runs into Bạch Ðằng. The total static capacity is estimated at 175.106 m³ of water. Out of the 72 lakes and dams, there are 28 large lakes with a total of capacity of 195.53 million m³ of water. The largest is Yên Lập Lake, which blocks the Míp Estuary. Its water volume is 1.18 million m³. Other lakes include: Khuất Ðộng, Trúc Bài Sơn, Khe Táu, Ðoan Tĩnh, Khe Uơn, Khe Chếnh, Yên Trung, Bến Châu, Trại Lốc, Rộc Cả and An Biên.

Underground running water is also abundant, and can even be found on some of the larger islands. According to prospective data, 13 urban and industrial areas make use of 64,388 m³ water/day. In the province there are natural bottle water points in Quảng Hanh (Cẩm Phả), Khe Lạc (Tiên Yên) and Ðồng Long (Bình Liêu). Mineral water is concentrated in the village of Quảng Hanh. Presently, there are 15 exploration holes, and according to preliminary results, capacity could be 1,004 m³/day. Quảng Hanh mineral water is clear and colourless, with mineral content varying from 3.5 to 5.05 g/l.

[edit] Fauna and Flora

Quảng Ninh, because of its varied terrain, climate and soil, features a diversified and abundant environmental system.

Fauna: There are the regular domestic animals: cattle, pigs, poultry, cats, dogs, and rabbits. Cattle breeding has developed well in the mountainous regions, while the Móng Cái pig is now famous for its especially lean meat. In eastern districts, swans hybridized with ducks, called cà sáy by locals, are also becoming popular. Numerous foreign cattle are imported as well: buffaloes from India, milk cows from the Netherlands and India and horses, sheep and goats from Mongolia.

Wild animals: Formerly, as with the rest of Vietnam, there were once numerous wild animals. In more remote times, there were elephants, rhinoceros, tigers, leopards and bears roaming the area. Today, there are monkeys, deer, pheasants, eagles, wild boars, various birds and tortoises (which unfortunately are less abundant than they once were).

Aquatic fauna: In Quảng Ninh aquatic fauna is very abundant, both fresh and sea water. There are large schools of fish swimming in the Gulf of Bắc Bộ. In addition, there are special products such as pearl mussels, stockfish, sea turtles and lobsters, while along the coastline, oysters and edible seaweed abound. These numerous fruits of the sea have always been an important source of income for the residents of Quảng Ninh.

Flora: Quảng Ninh’s floral strong point has always been forestry. Agricultural land is narrow and unfertilized, so the production of rice, maize and sweet potatoes is poor. Making up for this is high productivity from fruit trees, lumber trees and industrial plants. The area for fruit trees in the Ðông Triều District totals around 30 km². Formerly in Quảng Ninh, there was diverse and high-quality wood available, in particular ironwood and teak trees. Presently, there are mainly pine trees. In mountainous areas, there are some very diverse trees and plants, providing spices and traditional medicines.

In general, Quảng Ninh is a province having good and abundant geography which create great potentials to develop the economy in all fields. Because of its great tourism potentials, Quảng Ninh now becomes a centre, one of the important locations of the master plan in developing the economy of the whole country.

[edit] External link

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