User:Philomax 2

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[edit] Compétence fields

(liable to articles creations or extensions):

As a Sorbonne professor, I have a correct competence in History, Politics, and French Public Law... but, unhappily, not in English language !
So, I hope some other Wiki. users will not hesitate to ameliorate the style of my texts.

[edit] History


[edit] Second World war

  • North Africa and Vichy Régime, Opération Torch, Darlan and Giraud régimes, and de Gaulle's one).
  • France Libre (Free France).
  • German Occupation in Jersey-Guernesey.

[edit] Colonisation and Décolonisation

[edit] Political Science and International relations

  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • Balkhans

[edit] Stamp and Philately

  • Postal history.
  • Revenue Stamps.