User:Phatcat68/Myths Debunked page

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These are several myths that I have added the truth about (most of these myths are debunked using the King James Version of The Bible).

[edit] Myths & Truths

  • Truth:
  • There are no curses. Better teams and the lack of the Red Sox to put it together when necessary kept them from winning the World Series for over 80 years. Trading Babe Ruth may have kept them from winning when he was playing, but it was not a curse.

  • 2
  • Myth:
  • People are born gay, lesbian or bisexual.
  • Truth:
  • Nobody is born gay, lesbian or bisexual. It is a product of their environment. God hates homosexuality and would not bring somebody into this world in that condition.

  • 3
  • Myth:
  • Wiccans do not worship Satan.
  • Truth:
  • Either you worship the Lord (Jesus Christ) or you worship the Prince of this world (Satan). Wiccans do not worship Jesus Christ so they are worshipping Satan.

  • 4
  • Myth:
  • There are many ways to heaven (Mormons, Muslims, Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.)
  • Truth:
  • Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven (see my list of favorite things (User:Phatcat68's favorite things for verses supporting this). All other religions are false religions and will lead people to hell.

  • 5
  • Myth:
  • Hell will be one big party with everybody's friends there.
  • Truth:
  • Hell is a lonely place of torment forever and nobody who goes there will have any contact with their friends. (see my favorite things for verses supporting this)

  • 6
  • Myth:
  • It is OK for Christians to celebrate Halloween.
  • Truth:
  • Halloween is an occult celebration of things of Satan and God hates the occult. (See my favorite things for verses supporting this)

  • 7
  • Myth:
  • UFO's, Bigfoot, Nessie, aliens, etc. exist and have supernatural power.
  • Truth:
  • These things do exist but they are demons/devils in disguise to deceive people from the saving power of Jesus Christ.

  • 8
  • Myth:
  • Satan is as powerful as God.
  • Truth:
  • Satan was created by God and is already defeated by God. He will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity at the end of this world. (See my favorite things for verses to support this)

  • 9
  • Myth:
  • There are good and bad witches.
  • Truth:
  • Withcraft is of the occult and God hates the occult. Satan can transform into an angel of light so all witchcraft is evil. (See verses in my favorite things to support this)

  • 10
  • Myth:
  • Some people are too bad to get saved and follow Jesus.
  • Truth:
  • We are all sinners but Jesus died for all of our sins. Nobody is too bad to be saved because of God's mercy and grace. If not for His mercy and grace, none of us could be saved but He is so full of grace and mercy that anybody can be saved.

  • 11
  • Myth:
  • Jesus was just a great prophet.
  • Truth:
  • Jesus was God in the Flesh and is still alive in heaven sitting on the right hand of God. He will be back to judge the world and to take all Born-again Christians to heaven with him forever. (See my favorite things for verses supporting this).

  • 12
  • Myth:
  • People can work their way to heaven.
  • Truth:
  • (See #10's answer)

  • 13
  • Myth: People who do homosexual acts in porn movies but claim to be straight are not homosexual.
  • Truth:
  • God hates homosexuality and anybody who does it for a movie is doing enough for God to hate what they are doing whether they stay straight away from their career or not.

  • 14
  • Myth: People like me saying that homosexuality is sin is a hate crime.
  • Truth: People like me saying that homosexuality is sin is following what God tells us to do. God has said in The Bible that He hates it and we are to proclaim it. People who parade around with signs like "God hates fags" are committing hate crimes because God does not hate anybody...he only hates the sins that we do and will be forced by our actions to judge us accordingly because He can have no sin in His glorious, holy, perfect presence.

  • 15
  • Myth: Everybody who claims to be a Christian is a Christian.
  • Truth: Only those who follow Jesus Christ and His teachings in The Bible are really Christians. Jesus said Himself that not all that make that claim really are. He also said we are known by our our actions.

  • 16
  • Myth: Psychis, fortune tellers, tarot card readers, channellers, etc. have a supernatural power to see the future and can predict some things and can know things without being told.
  • Truth: Those people do have supernatural power behind them...demons/devils can see and know things and tell these people so that they can deceive the people who are paying them for their future. Demons can also predict future events because they know people's behaviour patterns and they can manipulate unsaved people into doing things. Many times, they end up being wrong but the few times that they are right needs to be debunked here. Also, these things are of the occult and God hates the occult.

  • Truth: Not all people from WV are hicks/hillbillies. I do not have an accent and have lived in WV all of my life. I went to New York City several times and people even said that I do not have an accent. Television shows like to focus on our hicks to make us look like the whole state is like that.

I will add more as time permits

[edit] Insight

  • This is not a self glorification page, it is a God glorification page!