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User:Izwalito - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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[edit] Izwalito

As I'm often considered as a space alien, I've chosen Izwalito as a nickname. The name Izwalito has been inspired to me by a game I played on my Atari ST: Captain Blood. This game is a space adventure where you meet some alien species among which are the Izwals. The suffix "-ito" comes from the spanish language and means "son of", "little" or "baby". Izwalito is the portmanteau made from Izwal and the suffix "-ito". The following excerpt from the Atari ST version Captain Blood manual and describes the Izwals as "Peaceful and generous beings that looks almost human. Very cultured. Masters of science."

[edit] About the Captain Blood trilogy

Captain Blood is a unique videogame due to its particularly immersive athmosphere, and creativity. Directly related to science fiction, Captain blood is the first game of a trilogy which includes Captain Blood (1988), Commander Blood (1994) and "Big Bang" Bug: The Return of Commander Blood (1996).

[edit] External links

[edit] Despair Inc

site officiel news /.

[edit] Business As Usual

  • Apathy [1] : If We Don't Take Care of the Customer, Maybe They'll Stop Bugging Us.
  • Consulting [2] : If You're Not a Part of the Solution, There's Good Money to be Made in Prolonging the Problem.
  • Demotivation [3] : Sometimes the Best Solution to Morale Problems Is Just to Fire all of the Unhappy People.
  • Discovery [4] : A Company That Will Go to the Ends of the Earth for its People Will Find It Can Hire Them for about 10% os the Cost of Americans.
  • Disservice [5] : It Takes Months to Find a Customer, but Only Seconds to Lose One... The Good News is that We SHould Run Out of them In No Time.
  • Flattery [6] : If You Want to Get to the Top, Prepare to Kiss a Lot of the Bottom.
  • Get to Work [7] : You Are'nt Being Paid to Believe in the Power of your Dreams.
  • Meetings [8] : None Of Us Is As Dumb As All Of Us.
  • Nepotism [9] : We Promote Family Values Here Almost as Often as we Promote Family Members.
  • Retirement [10] : Because You've Given so Much of Yourself to the Company that You Don't Have Anything Left We Can Use.

[edit] Entropic Expressions

  • Adversity [11] : That which Does Not Kill Me Pospones the Inevitable.
  • Change [12] : When the Winds of Change Blow Hard Enough, The Most Trivial of Things can turn into Deadly Projectiles.
  • Despair [13] : It's Always Darkest just Before it goes Pitch Black.
  • Hazards [14] : There Is an Island of Opportunity in the Middle of Every Difficulty. Miss That, Though, and You're Pretty Much Doomed.
  • Misfortune [15] : While Good Fortune Often Eludes You, This Kind Never Misses.
  • Mistakes [16] : It Could Be that the Purpose of Your Life Is Only to Serve as a Warning to Others.
  • Problems [17] : No Matter how Great and Destructive your Problems May Seem Now, Remember, You've Probably only Seen the Tip of Them.
  • Regret [18] : It Hurts to Admit When You Make Mistakes But When They're Big Enough, the Pain Only Lasts a Second.
  • Trouble [19] : Luck Can't Last a Lifetime Unless You Die Young.

[edit] Failure to Succeed

  • Defeat [20] : For Every Winner, There Are Dozens of Losers. Odds Are You're One of Them.
  • Failure [21] : When Your Best Isn't Good Enough.
  • Futility [22] : You'll Always Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take, And, Statiscally Speaking, 99% of the SHots You Do.
  • Humiliation [23] : The Harder You Try, the Dumber You Look.
  • Ineptitude [24] : If You Can't Learn to Do Something Well, Learn to Enjoy Doing It Poorly.
  • Losing [25] : If at First You Don't Succeed, FAilure May Be Your Style.
  • Risks [26] : If You Never Try Anything New, You'll Miss Out on Many of Life's Great Disappointments.
  • Stupidity [27] : Quitters Never Win, Winners Never Quit, But Those Who Never Win AND Never Quit Are Idiots.

[edit] Idiotic Insights

  • Cluelessness [28] : There Are No Stupid Questions, But There Are A LOT Of Inquisitive Idiots.
  • Delusions [29] : There is no Greater Joy than Soaring High on the Wings of Your Dreams, Except Maybe the Joy of Watching a Dreamer who has Nowhere to Land But in the Ocean of Reality.
  • Dreams [30] : Dreams Are Like Rainbows. Only Idiots Chase Them.
  • Dysfunction [31] : The Only Consistent Feature of All of Your Dissastifying Relationships is You.
  • Idiocy [32] : Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups.
  • Incompetence [33] : When You Earnestly Believe You Can Compensate For A Lack Of Skill By Doubling Your Efforts, There's No End To What You Can't Do.
  • Insanity [34] : It's Difficult to Comprehend How Insane Some People Can Be. Especially When You're insane.

[edit] Megalomaniacal Maxims

  • Arrogance [35] : The Best Leaders Inspire By Example. When That's Not An Option, Brute Intimidation Works Pretty Well, Too.
  • Elitism [36] : It's Lonely At The Top. But It's Comforting To Look Down Upon Everyone At The Bottom.
  • Goals [37] : It's Best to Avoid Standing Directly Between a Competitive Jerk and his Goals.
  • Intimidation [38] : No One Can Make You Feel Inferior without your Consent, But You'd be a Fool to Withhold That from your Superiors.
  • Overconfidence [39] : Before You Attempt to Beat the Odds, Be Sure You Could Survive the Odds Beating You.
  • Power [40] : Power Corrupts. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. But it Rocks Absolutely, Too.
  • Pretension [41] : The Downside of Being Better than Everyone Else is that People Tend to Assume You're Pretentious.

[edit] Pessimistic Visions

  • Agony [42] : Not All Pain Is Gain.
  • Bitterness [43] : Never be Afraid to Share your Dreams with the World, Because There's Nothing the World Loves More Than the Taste of Really Sweet Dreams.
  • Change [44] : It's a Short Trip from Riding the Waves of Change to Being Torn Apart by the Jaws of Defeat.
  • Doubt [45] : In the Battle between You and the World Bet on the World.
  • Fear [46] : Until You Have the Courage to Lose Sight of the Shore, You Will Not Know the Terror of Being Forever Lost at Sea.
  • Individuality [47] : Always Remember that You Are Unique. Just Like Everybody Else
  • Loneliness [48] : If You Find Yourself Struggling with Loneliness, You're Not Alone. And Yet You Are Alone. So Very Alone
  • Pessimism [49] : Every Dark Cloud has a Silver Lining, But Lightning Kills Hundred of Peopls Each Year Who Are Trying to Find It.
  • Strife [50] : As Long as We Have Each Other, We'll Never Run Out of Problems.

[edit] Teambreakers

  • Blame [51] : The Secret Of Success Is To Know Who To Blame For Your Failures.
  • Burnout [52] : Attitudes Are Contagious. Mine Might Kill You.
  • Dare to slack [53] : When Birds Fly in the Right Formation, They Need only Exert Half the Effort. Even in Nature, Teamwork Results in collective Laziness.
  • Disloyalty [54] : There Comes a Time When Every Team Must Learn to Make Individual Sacrifices
  • Ignorance [55] : It's Amazing How Much Easier it is for a Team to Work Together When No One Has Any Idea Where They're Going.
  • Irresponsibility [56] : No Single Raindrop Believes it is to Blame for the Flood
  • Planning [57] : Much Work Remains to be Done before We Can Announce Our Total Failure to Make Any Progress
  • Sacrifice [58] : Your Role may be Thankless, but if You're Willing to Give it Your All, You Just might Bring Success to Those Who Outlast You.

[edit] Underachievers

  • Conformity [59] : When People are Free to Do as They Please, They Usually Imitate Each Other
  • Indifference [60] : It Takes 43 Muscles to Frown and 19 to Smile, but it Doesn't take Any to Just Sit There with a Dumb Look on Your Face
  • Laziness [61] : Sucess is a Journey, Not a Destination. So Stop Running.
  • Limitations [62] : Until you spread your wings, You'll have no idea how far you can walk.
  • Mediocrity [63] : It Takes a Lot Less Time and Most People Won't Notice the Difference Until It's Too Late.
  • Procrastination [64] : Hard Work Often Pays Off After Time, but Laziness Always Pays Off Now.
  • Underachievement [65] : The Tallest Blade of Grass is the First to be Cut be the Lawnmower.

[edit] Positive Negations

  • Achievement [66]: You Can Do Anything You Set Your Mind to When You Have Vision, Determination, and an Endless Supply of Expendable Labor.
  • Ambition [67] :The Journey of a Thousand Miles Sometimes Ends Very, Very Badly.
  • Leaders [68] : Leaders Are Like Eagles, We Don't have Either of them Here.
  • Motivation [69] : If A Pretty Poster And A Cute Saying Are All It Takes To Motivate You, You Probably Have A Very Easy Job. The Kind Robots Will Be Doing Soon.
  • Persistence [70] : It's Over Man, Let Her Go.
  • Potential [71] : Not Everyone Gets To Be An Astronaut When They Grow Up.
  • Success [72] : Some People Dream of Success, While Other People Live to Crush those Dreams.
  • Teamwork [73] : A Few Harmless Flakes Working Together Can Unleash An Avalanche Of Destruction.

[edit] My contributions

some of these are very small contributions (though not all of my small contributions), but fixing typos and adding internal links does not appear in this list.

[edit] wikipedia

Perpetual motion, The Brothers Grimm, Tideland, Jean Rochefort, Angelo Mariani, John Pemberton, Eric Chahi

[edit] wikiquote

Futurama Douglas Adams

[edit] wikitravel

Anjuna Beaches in Goa

[edit] french wikipedia

I used to contribute on the french version of wikipedia till a french very motivated wikipedian decided to proove himself worthy of giving me a lesson of french attitude. As others I just quit contributing there.

[edit] videogames

[edit] related to videogames

[edit] Emulation

[edit] about India

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