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Iyengar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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For the yoga style founded by B.K.S. Iyengar, see Iyengar Yoga.
Total population about 600,000
Regions with significant populations Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Delhi, USA
Language Tamil
Religion Vishishtadvaita Hinduism
Related ethnic groups Madhva, Iyer

Iyengar (or Aiyangar) is the name of a community of Tamil Brahmins of South India whose members subscribe to the Visishtadvaita philosophy codified by Ramanuja. The word Iyengar (Anglicised from the Tamil ஐயங்கார்(Aiyaṅkār)) literally means "people characterized by Five Components", referring to the five parts of Divine worship that Sri Vaishnavas who have had pancha samskara under a qualified guru perform.(Also see [1]). Experts in historical linguistics observe however that the appellation 'Iyengar' is similar in formation to other historically known appellations such as 'appangar', 'annangar', 'ammangar' - all of which are constituted of two terms viz., a kinship term denoting 'elder' and the Telugu honorific 'garu', a term of respect - appropriately contracted to 'gar' in spoken Tamil. This is lent credence by history - the term 'Iyengar' is known only from the 15th century onward when Telugu rule was already established over all of modern Tamilnadu.

The most common spelling is "Iyengar", but "Aiyangar" is also seen. Sometimes although rarely "Iengar" is also used .

Traditionally Iyengars have been found in the state of Tamil Nadu, with large communities in the neighboring states of Karnataka (popularly known as Mysore, Hebbar, Mandyam, Kalkunte, Hemige Iyengars); and Andhra Pradesh. There is also a sizeable community of Iyengars in the Purulia district of West Bengal who had migrated from Tamil Nadu by invitation of the King of Bengal around 1100 CE. Today iyengars are widely spread all over the world and are distinguished not only for their knowledge of the vedas and divya prabandham, also known as Tamil Veda, but also for excellence in various fields such as science, technology, law etc.

Most Iyengars speak Tamil. However, Iyengars in Karnataka speak a dialect descended from medieval Tamil, which has a significant Kannada substrate. Iyengars in southern Andhra Pradesh speak both Tamil and Telugu.

Iyengars are followers of the Vaishnava tradition of the scholar-saint Ramanuja. This tradition is known within the community as Ubhaya or twofold Vedanta, referring to use of both the Sanskrit Vedas and Tamil Vedas, i.e., Divya Prabandham of the Alvar saints in religious life. Today, Iyengars are divided into two sects, known as Thenkalai , or "Southern Descention", and Vadakalai, or "Northern Descention", with subtly different philosophical and ritual interpretations of Ubhaya Vedanta. Scholarly opinion is mixed as to the origin of the two names. Some believe that the terms Southern and Northern refer to differing regional developments, the Southern or Thenkalai predominating in the south of the Tamil country and the Northern or Vadakalai predominating in the north. Others argue that they reflect the importance or primacy given to Tamil Scripture, Divya Prabandham, by the former and of the Sanskrit Vedanta by the latter. Despite these differences, however, both traditions uniformly revere the same teachers from the Alvars down to Ramanuja and largely agree in their core philosophies. The differences seen today stem primarily from social conflicts stemming from rivalries at large temples dating from the 18th century.


[edit] Origin

The word "Iyengar" is a relatively new name and was not used in any medieval works or scriptures. The word "Sri Vaishnava" would therefore be the right word to describe them, though all of them could be called as Sri Vaishnava Brahmins. The word Iyengar itself, meaning one who is characterized by five attributes (Aindu angangal), is independent of the person's Varna or caste. Rather, it indicates the philosophical affiliation of the adherent. However, in current day practice, the term is taken to indicate brahminical roots.

All Iyengars accept Narayana / Vishnu as the Supreme Being (Paramatma), and subscribe to a monotheistic philosophy of a Supreme Being who is the primal, substantive and supportive cause of the manifest and unmanifest universe. They also recognize all other gods such as Brahma, Indra, Shiva, Agni in the Hindu pantheon as subservient to Narayana and amongst the jeevatmas (sentient souls, chit) whose existence is dependent upon the will of the Supreme Being.

The community started taking shape a 1000 years ago, and traces its philosophical origins to Nathamuni, a Sri Vaishnava Acharya, who lived around 900 CE. Nathamuni, who was exposed to the divine outpourings of Nammazhwar and other Azhwars (Sri Vaishnava Saints from Southern India) introduced the philosophy of Azhwars into temple worship. Nathamuni's efforts were formalized into a religious system of lifestyle, practice and worship by Ramanuja, one of the most well known humanist acharyas amongst the triad who gave the famous three systems of vedantic philosophy (Advaita - Shankara, Dvaita - Madhwa and Visishtadvaita). Ramanuja showed that the mystic insights of the Azhwars were the same truths enshrined in the vedas, and created a group of people whose identity as servants of Narayana focussed on the fact that all sentient beings were 'equal' being children of the same Supremet Being, and that outward bodily differences in terms of varna and caste were unimportant in terms of one's relationship to the Supreme. Ramanuja had Srivaishnava (Iyengar) disciples spanning the social gamut, including well known non-brahmin saints such as pillai uranga villi dasar (before becoming Ramanuja's disciple, he would have been termed as a Shudra) and Tripura-devi, a lady disciple well known for her unwavering devotion to Ramanuja.

In course of time, the community divided into two sects, called then-kalai (southern descention) and vada-kalai (northern descention). Thenkalais held the philosophy of Azhwars on par with the vedas and gave the divine outpourings of the Azhwars in Tamizh a place of primacy in every day worship. The thenkalais, led by the insightful philosophical commentary of Pillailokacharya and Azhagiya manavalapperumal nayanar, subscribe to the idea that human liberation stems from the uninstigated grace of the Supreme. The Vadakalais, who trace their philosophical origins to Vedanta Desika, asseverate primacy to Sanskrit and Vedas, and believe that human effort is a contributory factor to liberation, as is Divine grace.

The community has always looked upon itself as a rival to the other brahmin community of Tamil Nadu - Iyers, in spite of the fact many different iyengar families have shared a common origin with the Iyers. Two of the Iyer sects vadamas and chozhiars have joined the Iyengar movement in large numbers. The former are more found among vadakalais and the latter are found more among tenkalais. A lesser known truth is that while all Iyers have to be brahmins, the Iyengar in itself does not connote a brahminical affiliation, and that the term smartha, as Iyers are commonly called, would also be applicable to Iyengar Brahmins by virtue of the their adherence to the Smruthi texts.

[edit] Religion

SIX PRINCIPLES OF VISISTHADVAITA: Lord of Kanchi (Sri Varadaraja Perumal) told these six statements to Sri Ramanuja through Sri Thirukachi Nambi

1. Sriman Narayana is the supreme self; unparalleled and unsurpased - Ahameva Param Tatvam.

2. The lord has all the insentient and sentient as his body, and He is the soul of everything - Darsanam Bhedam Eve Cha.

3. The way to get salvation is surrendering to the feet of the Lord - Upayeshu Prapatisyaat.

4. There is no need to adopt contemplation on the Lord during our final breath - Anthima Smruthi Varjanam.

5. After the soul departs from the material body, it gets salvation if he/she adopted the means of surrender (saranagathi) - Dehaavasaane Mukthisyaat.

6. One should approach a fully qualified Vaishnava acharya and get enlightened - (Poorna)achaaryam Samaasraya.

Sri Vaishnavam is believed to be a true religion of the Vedas drawing authority from the Prastana Thraiyam, namely, Upanishads, Brahmma Sutra, and Bhagavath Geetha.

In addition to the Prastana Thraiyam, Sri Vaishnavas consider the Tamil hymns of twelve saints called Azhvars as equal in authority to that of the Vedas. These hymns are called the Dhivya Prabhandham. The teachings found in Dhivya Prabhandham are completely consistent with the teachings of the Prastana Thraiyam. Therefore, Sri Vaishnavas consider the Dhivya Prabhandhams to be equal in status to the Vedas. For this reason, Sri Vaishnavas are called '''Ubhaya Vedantis'''.

The central idea of Visishtadvaita is this: there exists an Ultimate Reality, an Absolute Being that is the source and substratum of all that exists (Saguna Brahman). This immanent spirit is the inner guide and controller of the whole universe with all its diverse animate and inanimate elements. Ramanuja, in his seminal work gadya traya (three prose works), reiterates the idea of Azhwars that liberation or Moksha from the cycle of birth and death Samsara, is possible only due to the uninstigated Grace of this gracious, omnipotent Supreme Being. Such communion is attainable simply through self-surrender and a recognition of the jeevatma's total dependence on the Supreme Being.

The Vaishnavite tradition began in the Puranic period. Most Iyengars follow an unbroken lineage of Acharyas. After the period of the Tamil Saints called Azhvars, the Dhivya Prabhandham was lost. During the 9th century C.E., Sri Nathamuni retrieved them by the grace of Nammazhvar and re-established Sri Vaishnavam. For this reason Sriman Nathamuni is considered the first Acharya of the modern era. In the line of Acharyas that followed, Sri Ramanuja is considered the greatest. Among his many achievements the commentary he wrote for Brahma Sutra, called Sri Bhashyam is considered by many to be the best.

Among the Acharyas after Sri Ramanuja, Sri Vedantha Desika and Sri Manavalamamuni are considered preeminent. After the time of these two great saints several Sri Vaishnava religious orders were established for the purpose of following the teachings of the great line of Acharyas. Among the organizations that follow Sri Vedantha Desika as the torch bearer of Sri Ramanuja's teachings are Sri Parakala Matam, Srimad Ahobila Matam, Sri Powndareekapuram Andavan Ashramam, and Sri Srirangam Andavan Ashramam. Among these the oldest is Sri Parakala Matam founded by one of the disciples of Swami Sri Desikan. Sri Ahobila Matam is the second oldest in this line.

The objects of worship are the images of Vishnu and His incarnations and the saligramas - small stone pebbles of different colors (predominantly black) recovered from the bed of the river Gandaki in Nepal at Mukti Kshetra. Saligramas are foss

[edit] Iyengars Today

Iyengars today have diversified into a variety of fields—their strengths particularly evident in the fields of law, mass media, science, engineering, mathematics and computer science. However even today, a few Iyengars choose to pursue the vocation of priesthood. Iyengars have been active in the cultural field too. Music has always been integral to the Iyengar community; Carnatic music has a great tradition within the community. Apart from vocal music, instruments such as mridangam, naadaswaram, veena, ghatam, etc., Bharatanatyam were also patronized. Carnatic music and Bharatanatyam together enjoy a rich patronage in the cultural festivities in and around Chennai during the months of December and January. A large numbers of Iyengars also work in the movies, particularly the Tamil movie industry in southern India. Some famous Iyengar actors are Kamal Hassan, Hema Malini ,Vyjayanti Mala , Jayalalitha and R. Madhavan.

[edit] Famous Iyengars

Due to education and a progressive outlook, Iyengars have progressed in many fields and have made remarkable contributions, especially in science, bureaucracy (Indian civil services) and more recently industry.

[edit] Science and Technology

  • Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan - world renowned Mathematician
  • Sir K. S. Krishnan - Physicist, Fellow of the Royal Society, Director of National Physical Laboratory. He along with Sir C.V.Raman discovered the Raman Effect
  • C S Seshadri - Director, Chennai Mathematical Institute and Trieste Awardee
  • Raja Ramanna - Nuclear Scientist
  • Dr S Rajappa, Former Deputy Director, National Chemical Laboratories, Pune
  • Dr Rangaswamy Srinivasan - Former Scientist, IBM Research Labs, NY and inventor of LASIK laser surgery
  • Dr. V.K. Aatre- Former Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister of India (replaced Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Oceanographic scientist, Fmr. Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister of India and Fmr. head of the DRDO
  • Prof S Sadagopan - Founder Director, International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore, India.
  • Mandyam V Srinivasan - Robotics and Biology
  • Professor S.R. Srinivasa Varadhan - Mathematician & Fellow of the Royal Society
  • Professor Mudumbai Narasimhan - Mathematician & Fellow of the Royal Society (1996)
  • Professor Madabusi Raghunathan - Mathematician & Fellow of the Royal Society (2000)
  • Professor Conjeeveram Seshadri - Mathematician & Fellow of the Royal Society (1988)
  • Professor Mandyam Srinivasan - Fellow of the Royal Society (2001)
  • Professor Cadambathur Tiruvenkatacharlu Rajagopal - Mathematician, Ramanujan Institute of

[edit] Mathematics

  • Professor Chidambaram Padmanabhan Ramanujam - Mathematician, TIFR
  • Professor Ramanuja Vijayaraghavan - Physicist, TIFR
  • Ravi Iyengar- Indian neuroscientist, pioneer in G protein studies.
  • T.S.Vijayaraghavan - Eminent Mathematician.
  • Dr. K Kasturirangan - Head of Indian Space Research Organisation (India's Space Agency)
  • P. K. Iyengar - Former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission
  • M. R. Srinivasan - Former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission
  • Sanjeet Rangarajan - Tissue Engineering Scientist at Vanderbilt University
  • Dr.Rajan K. Sampath - FAO Consultant Head of Economics Dept, Colorado State University and Former Director of ISARD.
  • Dr. S. Rangachari - Renowned physician
  • Dr. P.Vasudevan- Renowned Urologist in the US after whom the Dr Vasudevan Wellness Center at the University of Arkansas at Helena, Arkansas is named.
  • Dr. Srinidhi Varadarajan - Renowned Computer Scientists, Director of Terrascale Computing Facility at Virginia Tech and leader of the team that built the world's cheapest and seventh fastest super computer.
  • Dr. R. N. Iyengar - Director, Central Building Research Institute, KSIIDC Chair, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
  • Amar Iyengar - Discovered half man-half aligator in the Florida Everglades in 1993.
  • Dr. Kotur S. Narasimhan - Former Director, Central Fuel Research Institute, (CSIR) Dhanbad, Bihar
  • Dr Thirumalachari Ramasami- Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India, New Delhi

[edit] Social Sciences / Literature

  • Lakshmi Narayanan - Chief Executive Officer, Cognizant Technology Solutions
  • Vasudha Narayanan - President Elect, American Academy of Religion and Professor of Religious Studies, University of Florida
  • Indira Parthasarathy - Playwright, Author, Saraswathi Samman Awardee
  • A. K. Ramanujan - Chair of Department of South Asian Studies at the University of Chicago, Padma Shri Awardee and MacArthur Fellow
  • T. S. Parthasarathy - Musicologist and music critic for The Hindu
  • Chikkupadhyaya - Kannada Literature, Minister and Teacher of His Royal Highness Sri Chikka Devaraja Wodeyar
  • Masti Venkatesha Iyengar - Kannada Literature
  • Gorur Ramaswamy Iyengar - Kannada Literature
  • Dr. G.P. Rajarathnam - Kannada Literature
  • P.T. Narasimhachar - Pu.Thi.Na - Kannada Literature
  • Sujatha Rangarajan - Fiction & Film Writer & Visionary
  • K.S.Varadachariar-Eminent Sanskrit Scholar.
  • Mahavidwan R. Raghava Iyengar - Tamil and Sanskrit Scholar
  • M N Srinivas - Pioneering Sociologist
  • S. M. S. Chari - Author of books on Sri Vaishnavism
  • D. Lakshminarasimhachar - Kannada Literature
  • G. Srinivasa Desikachar - Sanskrit/Kannada Scholar, Asthana Vidhwan - "Sri Abhinava Ramanuja" title conferred in 2006 by Governor of Karnataka
  • Madabushi Gopalachari - author, playwright, freedom fighter

[edit] Music

  • Ariyakkudi T. Ramanuja Iyengar - Renowned Carnatic musician
  • Mysore Doreswamy Iyengar - Veena Maestro
  • T.N.Krishnan - Renowned Carnatic musician
  • Madurai T.N. Seshagopalan - Carnatic music maestro
  • Chitraveena Ravi Kiran - Chitraveena maestro & Child Prodigy
  • Guitar Prasanna - Carnatic Guitar pioneer and Jazz fusion composer
  • Annamacharya - Vaishnava Saint and Carnatic Music Composer.
  • Tiger Varadachariar - Renowned Carnatic Music Exponent.
  • T.B.Narasimhachar - aka 'Saragrahi', renowned Carnatic Music Critic and Sabha organiser
  • Vasundara Das - Musician

[edit] Journalism

  • S. Kasturiranga Iyengar - Proprietor and Editor of "The Hindu" (1905)
  • N. Ram - Editor-in-Chief, The Hindu.
  • TCA Srinivasa-Raghavan - Columnist, Business Standard of India
  • Seshadri Chari - Editor, The Organiser, periodical of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
  • Sreenivasan Jain - Of iyengar heritage and correspondent for NDTV
  • Madhan - Cartoonist
  • T. S. SreenivasaRaghavan - Correspondent, The Times of India
  • Seetha Parthasarathy - Journalist and Author of The Backroom Brigade: How a Few Intrepid Entrepreneurs Brought the World to India
  • Vai. Mu. Kodainayaki Ammal - First woman editor in Tamil, Jaganmohini, Tamil monthly, and novelist(1903-1960)

[edit] Industry

  • T.V. Sundaram Iyengar - Founder of T.V.S. group (automobile and finance)
  • Ravi Parthasarathy - Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, IL&FS Ltd.
  • Kuppuswamy Vijay Raghavan - Ex-Chairman, Engineers India Limited, Chairman, premier explosives Limited and President, EID Parry Limited
  • N S Raghavan - Co-Founder of Infosys
  • R. Seshasayee - President of Confederation of Indian Industry and CEO of Ashok Leyland, part of the Hinduja group.
  • N. Vaghul - Chairman of ICICI and Director of Mittal Steel
  • G. R. Gopinath - CEO and Co-Founder of Air Deccan
  • N Sampath Kumar - Executive Director, Finance, IndusInd Bank Ltd.
  • Shyam Ramanna - CEO of Crest Communictions, a famous animation firm and son of Dr Raja Ramanna
  • Sridar Iyengar - Director of Infosys and President of TiE (The Indus Entrepreneurs) in Silicon Valley.
  • P Ragunathan - Senior Vice-President, IndusInd Bank Ltd.
  • Vidyadharini - Former Business Development Manager of Covansys, Sanjose now Business Head Innova Inc CA.
  • Dr. Krishna Bharat- Principal Scientist, Google Inc,.
  • Raj Srikanth - Managing Director, Deutsche Bank Alex Brown Securities, New York
  • Parthasarathy Vangal Srinivasan - Senior Program Manager, Microsoft.
  • Ramanujam Sridhar - Author and CEO of Brand-Comm, a prominent Brand consulting firm.
  • Uday Garudachar - Managing Director and Promoter of Garuda Group, the group which owns Garuda Mall in Bangalore.
  • Balaji Sreenivasan - Founder & CEO, [Aurigo] Software Technologies Inc.
  • Srinivas Vijayaraghavan - Chief Executive Officer of LoanPro, Head of Banking unit at iGATE Global Solutions
  • Madhavan Sridharan- Application Developer of i|Nautix Technologies India Private Limited
  • Raghavan Srinivasan - Management Consultant, Diamond Management and Technology Consultants
  • Shailesh Ayyangar - Managing Director, Aventis Pharma Ltd

[edit] Diplomacy, Bureaucracy and Politics

  • Rajaji - Freedom fighter, national leader, the first Governor General of Independent India and also the Chief Minister of State of Madras.
  • C V Ranganathan - Former Indian Ambassador to China
  • TCA Srinivasavardan - Former Home Secretary, Government of India.
  • Dr.K.Sreenivasan - Former DGP & IGP of Karnataka State.
  • L N Rangarajan - Indian Ambassador to Norway, Professor at Manchester University, UK and author of an English translation of Arthasastra
  • H V R Iyengar - (Late) ICS, Home Secretary, RBI Governor, Secretary to the Constituent Assembly etc among various positions in the administrative services in both pre and post independence India.
  • Vijay Rangarajan - Acting British Ambassador to Mexico
  • N Gopalaswami - Election Commissioner, Government of India.
  • G. Parthasarathy - Former Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan, Cyprus and Australia.
  • S. Ramaswamy - Former Director General of Technical Development, Ministry of Industries, Govt.of India.
  • N. Rangachary - Director, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), India.
  • C.V. Narasimhan - Under Secretary General of the UN.
  • C. Rangarajan - Former Governor of Reserve Bank of India and governor of Andhra Pradesh, India
  • M Ananthasayanam Ayyangar - First speaker of the Indian Parliament.
  • K. Santhanam- An attorney, Gandhian, 1st Railway Minister in Free India, Governor of Vindhya Pradesh, Chairman of Santhanam Committee on Corruption, authored several books (1895-1980), including a critical edition on the Jallianwallah Bagh massacre.
  • K Parasaran - Attorney General of India for Indira Gandhi
  • Ashok Parthasarathi - Scientific Adviser to Indira Gandhi
  • Sir Bhashyam Iyengar-Eminent Lawyer and one of the first Indian Judges of the Madras High Court
  • T.T. Krishnamachari - Industrialist, Minister of Finance for Jawaharlal Nehru
  • J. Jayalalithaa - Former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu
  • K N Govindacharya - RSS Idealogue
  • Gopalkrishna Gandhi - Of iyengar heritage (mother Laxmi was daughter of Rajaji and wife of Devadas Gandhi) and was Governor of West Bengal and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Rajmohan Gandhi - Brother of Gopalkrishna Gandhi and popular author
  • R K Raghavan - Director of Central Bureau of Investigation
  • T Narasimha Iyengar - Renowned Criminal Vakil who was a member of the jury investigating the Arbuthnot Crash and grandfather of Rangaswamy Srinivasan and P Ragunathan
  • Sr. Advocate Embar Varadha Iyengar- Renowned Criminal layer
  • N Kannan - Head, Civil Affairs, U.N Mission in Cyprus
  • Justice .M. Srinivasan-Judge, Supreme Court

[edit] Sports

  • MJ Gopalan - Cricket & Hockey Player
  • S. Venkataraghavan - Cricketer
  • Krishnamachari Srikanth - Cricketer
  • Sadagopan Ramesh - Opening Batsman, Indian Cricket Team
  • M. Chinnaswamy - Cricket administrator
  • Sudararajan Kidambi - International Chess Master
  • T A Sekar - Cricketer & Chief Coach at the MRF Pace Foundation, Chennai

[edit] Film

  • R. Madhavan -- Tamil actor
  • Raghuvaran--Tamil actor
  • Vyjayantimala Bali - Tamil/Hindi Actress
  • Meenakshi Seshadri - Tamil/Hindi Actress
  • Vaali - Tamil Lyricist
  • "Nizhalgal" Raviee -- Tamil actor
  • Srinivas - Playback singer
  • B.S.Ranga - Veteran producer and director of Kannada, Telugu and Tamil films with more than 70 movies to his credit, winner of 2 President's Awards, Rajotsava Awardee
  • Kamal Haasan - Actor
  • "Crazy" Mohan - Scriptwriter and dramatist
  • M.S.Sathyu - Kannada and Hindi Film Director
  • Sandeep Prasad- Actor
  • Aathreya - Telugu lyricist
  • Sadagopan Venkatesh - Former DJ of New Jersey FM, actor and stage performer
  • Yashoda Ranganathan - Indo-Canadian Actress
  • Blaze - playback singer and rapper
  • Sabrina Setlur - German rapper Of Iyengar heritage (Father Iyengar)
  • Chithralaya Gopu - Tamil Playwright and Film Director
  • Srikanth - Tamil actor
  • Vasundara Das - Actor (Kannada,Tamil And Hindi Movies)

[edit] Army and Police

  • Gen. K. Sundarji - Former Chief of the Indian Army
  • General Sundararajan Padmanabhan - Former chief of the Indian Army
  • Dr.K.Sreenivasan - Former DGP & IGP of Karnataka State.
  • S. Parthasarathi Ayyangar - Former Commissioner of Police in Madras Presidency
  • Lt Gen C R Sampath Kumar - Military Secretary to Shankar Dayal Sharma, President of India.
  • B. N. Garudachar - Director-General and Inspector-General of Police Karnataka
  • K. R. Srinivasan - Director-General of Police Karnataka
  • P. S. Ramanujan - Director-General of Police Karnataka

[edit] Miscellaneous

  • Deepa Geethakrishnan - Creative Director, Lowe (Advertising)
  • B.K.S. Iyengar - Yogi and founder of Iyengar Yoga
  • Srinivasa (Hal)Iyengar - Chief Structural Engineer of the Sears Tower, John Hancock Tower and Spain's Guggenheim Museum
  • Dr. C. Sethumadhavan - Renowned mathematics teacher
  • Dr. K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar - Former Vice Chancellor of Andra University, who pioneered Indian writing in English
  • Dr. Nisha Sreenivasan - leading radiologist in Bangalore.
  • Dr Vijayaraghavan- A leading neurosurgeon based in Bangalore. Well known for his complex surgical cases.
  • Venugoplan Vasudevan - world renowned Software Engineer
  • Abishek Narayanan - Grand Master kunk fu, kuala lampur.
  • Seshadri Kaliyur Raman - A Humble Person, known for his Genorisity.

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