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User:Indeterminable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


WikiNews logo which I like
WikiNews logo which I like

Date and Time: Saturday 16th 12, 07:15


Firstly, an important message about Firefox

Firefox logo
Firefox logo

Hey, look! I use Mozilla Firefox! :D Now where did that Firefox logo go again? Oh yea, here!

Yea yea yea, whatever, as long as I don't modify it, it isn't high-res and stuff I can use the firefox logo(yipee!) :P Oh yea, Get firefox here... where, what? link? Oh, I don't know where to get it :P

Who I am

Australia's Coat of Arms
Australia's Coat of Arms

I am a random person from a random place from a random time. Actually, you can know about me in the userboxes that:

- I live in Australia
- I live in New South Wales

and that (you don't know):

- I... i'unno
- second point here, if you can think of one, somebody, please?


en This user is a native speaker of English.
de-1 Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse.
zh-yue 哩個用戶嘅母語粵語
zh-3 該用戶能以熟練中文進行交流。
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
ja-1 この利用者は少しだけ日本語を話すことができます。
Search user languages
My little opinion
This user thinks that the communists ruined the beauty of Chinese characters by simplifying them.
AU This user uses Australian English.
AIM-Able This user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not use it. Ever.
ALL This user is a fan of all kinds of comedy.
php-3 This user is an advanced PHP programmer.
vb-2 This user is an intermediate Visual Basic programmer.
vb.net-4 This user is an expert Visual Basic .NET programmer.

Other programming languages
css-3 This user is an advanced Cascading Style Sheets user.
html-4 This user is an HTML expert.
js-2 This user is an intermediate JavaScript coder.
mysql-3 This user is an advanced MySQL programmer.
vbs This user can program in VBScript.

and overall...

prog-3 This user is an advanced programmer.

actually, I dont' really know my programming skills because I can code but no-one actually told me what to code ;)

Grammary stuff(is grammary a word? no)
snkt This user says sneaked.
infinitive This user has no opinion about split infinitives.
by This user has no opinion about the passive voice.
... in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which this user will not put.
to / too
/ two
Too many people have no idea how to use words they should have learned in grade two.
who This user prefers using who for both the object and subject case. Who does it hurt to simplify things?
their / there / they're This user knows that there, their, and they're are not the same word.
. The This user does not put two spaces after a full stop.

I think that's enough

Mmm, hello!
@ This user can be reached by email at makgerald@hotmail.com.

Ways to contact me... not that you would like to... would you?
This user's AOL Instant Messenger screenname is geraldmak.
This user's Google Talk screenname is geraldmak@gmail.com.
This user uses Windows Live Messenger and his/her e-mail address is makgerald@hotmail.com.
This user has a website, which can be found here.
Other other stuff...
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user uses Windows Live Mail as a primary email service.
This user uses LimeWire
This user uses µTorrent
Browser (preference)
This user is using a web browser.
This user contributes using
Internet Explorer 7.0

sorry... not that anyone cares... except for some ie-haters i think

This user contributes using Microsoft Windows.
About my computer
w/l This user has a dual boot configuration.

Actually tri-boot...

This user contributes using a PC.
Image:Ipod_ds.png This user had an iPod before you even knew what one was.

that is why I have an ipod Mini, discontinued

iTS This user uses the
iTunes Store.

not often though

Other other other stuff...
This user comes from Australia.
This user is Australian.
This user comes from New South Wales.
This user comes from Hong Kong.
Emoticons anybody?
:( This user likes to wink a lot, usually by the combination of a parentheses and semicolon, but sometimes with a pretty graphic.
This user is happy.
My reason
:( This user provides information using user boxes because he or she is bored.

Actually it's just because... no reason

The end
END This user has no more userboxes.

or is it?

This is a Wikipedia user page.

This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Indeterminable.

And now I have an article I wrote a long time ago that's on my Weblop agia(cross breed of webpage and blog)

Please note I do not have a thing against Microsoft or Apple or anything mentioned in this article

A Hard Drive
A Hard Drive

You know, I am using Windows Vista right now to type this page. Why aren't I using MS-DOS when it can do practically the same thing but at a fraction of the memory and the CPU? Windows Vista has "nice visuals."

That is what Microsoft has been using to attract people to use not only Windows but to other products as well like Internet Explorer (7).

Microsoft calls Windows 95 a huge "upgrade" from it's previous versions because it has the "windows classic" view. I figured out that Windows 95 is famous just because it crashed in the Windows 95 preview conference? They tried plugging in a printer or something and hello sexy Blue-Screen-Of-Death(BSOD).

There is a definite fact here, "Windows XP" is a huge step forward from "Windows ME" and Windows 2000" because it has the "Luna" theme(you know, the one which you can choose between olive green, blue and gray). For Microsoft, it's all about visuals. In my opinion, they shouldn't be bothered counting how many bugs are in Windows. They should just call it quits and say there's an unlimited amount. Ever heard of someone with a guest account deleting all other accounts and making themselves administrator? I've heard of it, and I've even done it! It's soooo easy.

In "my" opinion, they shouldn't call Windows XP "Windows XP", instead they should call it "Windows Easy-to-hack".

You know Windows Vista? Of course you know, the next version of Windows after Windows XP. It uses almost triple the RAM and triple the CPU yet some people still want to test it and really want to buy it. Why? It has "nice visuals."

The same goes with some iPod users. Why do they upgrade from the iPod Mini to iPod 5G or iPod nano? Not because it has those really cool functions like movies, games and stuff and not because it is smaller than the iPod mini. It is because it has "nice visuals" aka a colour screen. Notice I used "colour" and not "color" as I am not American, I am Australian. I just hope I haven't misspelt anything else on your standards. Well, back to iPods, how about linux like ubuntu?

Ubuntu, in my opinion, is great... except that it doesn't support NTFS, it has some shitty themes, and that's all... I would be using Ubuntu full time if it supported NTFS because it has all those free programs licensed under that GNU license or whateveryacallit. It also has gnome! Anyone heard of KDE? Not many of you have, I guess, and I don't know what it is either, but I like the interface. So these are the suggestions I make to the ubuntu development team:

- Include support for NTFS (beg Microsoft if needbe)
- Rename Kubuntu Ubuntu and Ubuntu Gubuntu.

You know why they should rename it? Kubuntu has more "nice visuals" than Ubuntu in my opinion, which is not always correct. Oh yea, NTFS, Microsoft's nice invention, is nice ;)

Okay, that's the end of another great (and somehow useless page to express my opinion) page that I wrote during my spare time. Thank you for reading all of this. Actually, who would want to actually read this? LOL

Meaning of Life

What EXACTLY is the meaning of life? Let me tell you:

The meaning of life is a movie. Search for it

The meaning of life is a question humans might ask themselves at some point.

The meaning of life is to enjoy yourself.

The meaning of life is to live until you die.

The meaning of life is to find true love.

The meaning of life is to have fun.

The meaning of life is to find something to believe.

The meaning of life is to follow instructions from God.

The meaning of life is to find out the meaning of life.

The meaning of life is to accumulate wealth and increase in social status?

The meaning of life is to produce offspring

The meaning of life is a living being

The meaning of life is to explore.

The meaning of life is to learn

The meaning of life is life

The meaning of life is to love God.

The meaning of life is to love your neighbour

The meaning of life is something you think about

The meaning of life is birth.

The meaning of life is a monty python film.

The meaning of life is this weird thing

The meaning of life for me: To live (and to follow God)

So, what is YOUR meaning of life? I don't know mine :P


This is the page I put my small pieces of opinion because they're too small to put on one page each. You might be asking(though most chances are you aren't asking) why this page is called "birthdays and other things" then when it's about my opinion and not about birthdays. Well, the answer is that I wanted to make this page ever since I went to Blair:The Person's birthday party and I only now got to it. You know, I am a really lazy person... Oh, why did I say that?!?!?!?!? Anyways, here's here:

- What I like:

Ubuntu Kubuntu Windows My Music "Spaceballs" the movie The Simpsons!!!!!! Other stuff I forgot to put here Designing this website

- What I don't like:

Xubuntu Edubuntu A Windows version which takes up all of my CPU and RAM and leaves only 1GB of harddrive space.

- What I absolutely hate:

Mac ads that aren't true Macs iTunes 7 (the buggy version) Apple releasing stuff early L33t Forums with no-one on them Seeing crappy websites

- My Opinion on Microsoft:

You know, they're actually not as bad as people say they are. You know Leah P. from the Windows Live Messenger development team? She's leaving :( Well, when she was still there I contacted her with a problem that was unusual, and she was like investigating all of it. Woow, geez! Well, what I hate about Microsoft is that they charged $100 for my VB .Net 2003 and yet they released VB .Net Express 2005 for free forever! I couldn't believe it! You suck, Microsoft. Also, stop hogging so much ram and cpu and disk space!

- My Opinion on Macs and Apple:

You should really not use degradation as a formula to get more people using macs instead of pc. I just wished you was just a bit bigger a company, then the european union and america could come after you accusing you of using market monopoly and everything like that. I hate you for your iTunes 7 which is sooo buggy that it doesn't even install the latest firmware onto my iPod properly and when I want to buy a movie from the new music store I get a not responding area and then you encountered an error. Thank you for making your user's lifes miserable, that is why I never used a mac, am not using a mac and will never use a mac! (unless you bribe me and pay for my mac which will be super duper ;)

- My Opinion on Ubuntu Linux:

I like it except that it doesn't support anything! Not my harddriver, not my... err... ok, i was exaggerating when i said that it doesn't support anything.

- My Opinion on Birthdays:

I like bowling parties, home parties, technology parties, wireless internet parties, parties while watching a movie, parties at greater union, parties while on the internet, parties in the car, zone3 parties, and yea. Also, I would appreciate it if Mr Prime Minister will actually pay for presents I give out instead of me and I would REALLY appreciate it if Mr Prime Minister will give me a birthday present I really wanted on my Birthday. Please note that there is only a 0.0000000000000001% chance of that happening and you should not look forward to that date.

- My Opinion on Spam:

Anybody like to eat some spam ham? I have no idea what it is! On the other hand, I like spam in my email as it makes my inbox looks "bigger"

- My Opinion on MSIE:

Microsoft should really redesign their operating system so that Internet Explorer could be removed. That's what I call dumb! If they removed Internet Explorer from Windows, then when you first get windows how in the world would you be able to browse the web to firefox.com and download the Mozilla Firefox browser? Oh, you want to remove it after Mozilla Firefox is installed? Then Don't bother using MSN Messenger to communicate with your friends, don't bother with game websites that only support Internet Explorer, don't bother.

- My Opinion on Smiley Central and other sites that force you to install software to get smileys or a free spyware scanner which is actually spyware itself:


Hong Kong International Airport

I like Hong Kong International Airport, so I placed an image here of it(not that it was taken by me)


This is a Wikipedia user page.

This is not an encyclopedia article. If you find this page on any site other than Wikipedia, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikipedia itself. The original page is located at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Indeterminable.

Also, this is "licensed under the GFDL"(required) as seen below: Copyright (c) 2006 Gerald Mak Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

Copy of license here

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