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Delhi Sultanate

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The Delhi Sultanate (دلی سلطنت), or Sultanat-e-Hind (سلطنتِ هند) / Sultanat-e-Dilli (سلطنتِ دلی) refers to the various Muslim dynasties that ruled in India from 1206 to 1526. Several Turkic and Pashtun dynasties ruled from Delhi: the Slave dynasty (1206-90), the Khilji dynasty (1290-1320), the Tughlaq dynasty (1320-1413), the Sayyid dynasty (1414-51), and the Lodi (1451-1526). In 1526 the Delhi Sultanate was absorbed by the emerging Mughal Empire.

During the last quarter of the twelfth century, Muhammad of Ghor invaded the Indo-Gangetic plain, conquering in succession Ghazni, Multan, Sindh, Lahore, and Delhi. Qutb-ud-din Aibak, one of his generals, proclaimed himself Sultan of Delhi and established the first dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, the Slave or Mamluk dynasty (mamluk means "slave") after Muhammad's death in 1206. The territory under control of the Sultans expanded rapidly. By mid-century, northern India from the Khyber Pass to Bengal was under control of the Sultanate, although the northwest was contested with the Mongols. Iltutmish (1210-35), and Balban (1266-87) were among the dynasty's most well-known rulers. Faced with revolts by conquered territories and rival families, the Mamluk dynasty came to an end in 1290.nbn

The Khilji or Khalji dynasty, who had established themselves as rulers of Bengal in the time of Muhammad Ghori, took control of the empire in a coup which eliminated the last of the Mamluks. The Khiljis conquered Gujarat and Malwa, and sent the first expeditions south of the Narmada River, as far south as Tamil Nadu. The Delhi Sultanate rule continued to extend into southern India, first by the Delhi Sultans, then by the breakaway Bahmani Sultanate of Gulbarga, and, after the breakup of the Bahmani state in 1518, by the five independent Deccan Sultanates. The kingdom of Vijayanagar united southern India and arrested the Delhi Sultanate's expansion for a time, until its eventual fall to the Deccan Sultanates in 1565.

In the first half of the 14th century the Sultanate introduced a monetary economy in the provinces (sarkars) and districts (parganas) that had been established and founded a network of market centers through which the traditional village economies were both exploited and stimulated and drawn into the wider culture. State revenues remained based on successful agriculture, which induced Sultan Muhammad bin Tughluq (1325-51) to have village wells dug, offer seed to the peasants and to encourage cash crops like sugar cane (Braudel 1984, pp 96f, 512ff).

The Delhi Sultanate is the only Sultanate to stake a claim to possessing one of the few female rulers in India, Razia Sultan (1236-1240). While her reign was unfortunately short she is regarded well in the eyes of historians. The Princess Raziah Sultanah was very Popular and more Intelligent than her Brothers. She was the very First Queen of the Muslim World in the Early Muslim History of Sub-Continent. She ruled from the east Delhi to the west Peshawar and from the North Kashmir to the South Multan. The Rebels of her Government killed her and her Husband Malik Altuniya.

The Sultans of Delhi enjoyed cordial, if superficial, relations with other Muslim rulers in the Near East but owed them no allegiance. The Sultans based their laws on the Qur'an and the sharia and permitted non-Muslim subjects to practice their religion only if they paid jizya or head tax. The Sultans ruled from urban centers--while military camps and trading posts provided the nuclei for towns that sprang up in the countryside. Perhaps the greatest contribution of the Sultanate was its temporary success in insulating the subcontinent from the potential devastation of the Mongol invasion from Central Asia in the thirteenth century.

The Sultanate ushered in a period of Indian cultural renaissance. The resulting "Indo-Muslim" fusion left lasting monuments in architecture, music, literature, and religion. The Sultanate suffered from the sacking of Delhi in 1398 by Timur (Tamerlane), and soon other independent Sultanates were established in Awadh, Bengal, Jaunpur, Gujarat and Malwa. The Delhi Sultanate revived briefly under the Lodhis before it was conquered by the Mughal emperor Babur in 1526.

Note: Islamic Empires in India (part of the History of South Asia series) has more information in its section on the Delhi Sultanate.


[edit] Sultans of Delhi

[edit] Slave Dynasty (1206 - 1290)

[edit] Khilji (Khalji) Dynasty (1290 - 1321)

[edit] Tughlaq Dynasty (1321 - 1398)

[edit] Lodi Dynasty

  • Daulat Khan (1413 - 1414)

[edit] Sayyid (Syed) Dynasty (1414 - 1451)

  • Khidr Khan (1414 - 1421)
  • Mubarrak Shah II (1421 - 1435)
  • Muhammad Shah IV (1435 - 1445)
  • Aladdin Alam Shah (1445 - 1451)

[edit] Lodhi (Lodi) Dynasty (1451 - 1526)

1526-1540: Mughal rule

[edit] Suri Dynasty (1540 - 1555)

  • Sher Shah (1540 - 1545)
  • Islam Shah (1545 - 1553)
  • Muhammad V (1553 - 1554)
  • Firuz ( 29 April - 2 May 1554)
  • Ibrahim III (1554 - 1554/5)
  • Sikander Shah (1554/5 - 1555)

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] Literature

  • Fernand Braudel The Perspective of the World, vol. III of Civilization and Capitalism (Harper & Row), 1984.
  • Peter Jackson The Delhi Sultanate. A Political and Military History (Cambridge) 1999
  • Majumdar, R. C. (ed.), The History and Culture of the Indian People, Volume VI, The Delhi Sultanate, (Bombay) 1960; Volume VII, The Mughal Empire, (Bombay) 1973.
  • Nizami, Khaliq Ahmad Some Aspects of Religion and Politics in India in the Thirteenth Century (Delhi) 1961 (Revised Edition Delhi 2002)

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