2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division

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HHC, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division Regimental insignia
HHC, 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division Regimental insignia

The United States 2nd Cavalry Brigade (The Black Jack Brigade) is a cavalry unit of the United States Army based in Fort Hood, Texas and currently serving in Iraq.

[edit] History

The history of the 2d Blackjack Brigade can be traced back to 29 August 1917, when it was constituted in the Regular Army as Headquarters, 2d Cavalry Brigade. The brigade's first service was patrolling the Mexican border and constant training. On 20 August 1921, the brigade became a member of the 1st Cavalry Division as the Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 2nd Cavalry Brigade. At that time, subordinate units consisted of the 2d Machine Gun Squadron, 7th and 8th Cavalry Regiments.

In February 1943 2nd Brigade was alerted for an overseas assignment as a dismounted infantry unit assigned to the Pacific theater. The brigade participated in many Pacific campaigns to include Leyte, Luzon and Los Negros, and culminated its participation in World War II as part of the army of occupation in Japan in 1949. Converted and redesignated as the 2d Constabulary Brigade, it was moved around the world as an element of the United States Constabulary Brigade in Germany. The brigade served in Germany until it was inactivated in 1951.

On 15 July 1963, the 2d Brigade was converted and reactivated in Korea where it served until its colors were transferred to Fort Benning, Georgia. There it became the 2nd Brigade of the 1st Cavalry Division and went to Vietnam in 1965 as part of the Army's first airmobile division. Within 90 days, the 2d Brigade was back in combat as a part of the first fully committed division of the Vietnam War.

In September 1965, the 2d consisted of three infantry battalions, the 1st and 2d Battalions, 5th Cavalry and 2d Battalion, 12th Cavalry. The brigade's combat participation continued with such major battles as "Operation Paul Revere II" and "Operation Toan Thang II" in late 1968.

In 1971, the 2d Brigade returned with the 1st Cavalry Division from Vietnam to its current home at Fort Hood, Texas. In October 1986 the brigade was organized under the Combined Arms Maneuver Battalion Concept with its current set of subordinate battalions.

In October 1990, the 2d Brigade arrived in Saudi Arabia as part of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. On 20 February 1991, the brigade launched the first ground strike into Iraq with "Operation Knight Strike".

In August 1995, the Blackjack Brigade Combat Team (BCT) deployed to Kuwait on 48 hours' notice for "Operation Intrinsic Action" in response to aggressive actions by Iraq. The BCT returned to Fort Hood following coalition training in November 1995.

From 1995 to 1998 the Blackjack Brigade deployed to four NTC Rotations and Foal Eagle 97 where, as the first fully modernized brigade in the Army, it was the first U.S. Army unit to deploy the M1A2 tank and the M88A2 (Hercules) recovery vehicle outside the continental United States.

In March 1999, the brigade deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina as part of SFOR Five. The brigade conducted a relief in place with the 1st Iron Horse Brigade in order to maintain peace and stability in Bosnia-Herzegovina. During a critical period involving the Brcko Implementation Decision and the air war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, brigade soldiers maintained peace and stability. In October 1999, the brigade returned to Fort Hood.

In Nov 2001, the Black Jack Combat Team (BCT) deployed to Kuwait as a participant in "Operation Enduring Freedom." The BCT expanded the base of operations from one to three Kabals. The BCT returned to Fort Hood on 4 April 2002.

[edit] Operation Iraqi Freedom

The Black Jack Combat Team deployed to Iraq for a year long tour of duty in early 2004.

Elements of Bravo Company, from the 91st Engineering Battalion, 2d Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, supported by a squad of Iraqi Civil Defense Corps soldiers, raided a house in the Bachrea neighborhood of Ghazalyia early March 16th. Their intent was to capture the Al Kartani brothers and disrupt the underground network of arms, money and transportation the brothers have set up to support terrorists working in this area. Around midnight, a five-vehicle convoy stopped at a local gas station and attempted to distract the attendants working there. These local gas merchants were suspected of tipping off the Al Kartani brothers to military movement in the area. Once the lookouts were detained, a second attack convoy swept into the neighborhood and took up offensive positions along the street outside the suspects' house. After the area was secure, and the outer cordon teams were in place, soldiers entered the domicile and apprehended three individuals including Mohammed, Ahmid, and Hamid Al Kartani. A fourth person of interest, whose name was not discovered, was not present. No weapons or explosives were found, but information about a recently purchased farm used to hide illegal equipment was learned. A follow-on raid at the newly discovered farm yielded little other contraband but U.S. forces feel they have successfully unplugged a key piece of the terror network in this area.

Soldiers from Alpha Company, 1-5 Cavalry Battalion, 2d Brigade Combat Team, lined up their vehicles on a quiet side street of the sleepy town, Abu Ghurayb, just before initiating a cordon and search mission late 17 March 2004. This time though, they were part of a huge, division-wide operation called "Iron Promise" designed to catch insurgents, former regime sympathizers and foreign fighters or at least put them all on the run. As Alpha Company rolled out to their destination, elements of all 2nd BCT's battalions as well as 1st Armor Division assets also moved into position. In all, over 3000 soldiers from the 2d BCT marched the streets and raided Iraqi homes. Supplies for improvised explosive devices and other contraband weapons were found.

[edit] References