User talk:

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[edit] Stop Blogging

To the new IP address (under the name El Jigue), please stop blogging up the 'talk pages'. the 'Talk Pages' aren't for speculation/observations/conversations on article-related current events. The 'Talk Pages' are for discussing, what should/could be added to the Article, or removed from the Article. GoodDay 22:41, 6 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Administrator warning

The purpose of article talk pages on Wikipedia is to discuss how to edit particular articles. These are not bulletin boards for tangential conversations. The Internet has many other sites that offer such services, if that is what you seek, but continued misuse of Wikipedia's talk pages can and does lead to administrative editing blocks. Please work on building an encyclopedia if you choose to participate here. DurovaCharge! 02:17, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

Durov: why don't you "ban" me again that way there will be less challenge to Castro's propaganda, that some seem to think is a source of "verifiable fact."..El Jigue 11-7-06


El Jigue, please become a registered user. That way we can converse about Cuban related events (on your registered personal 'talk page'). In the memory of Jose Marti, please register. GoodDay 04:35, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

Thank you, but no thank you....there is need of challenge to data presented as "verifiable fact" by the Cuban government. El Jigue 11-7-06

Hi, I wonder what do you mean by this: challenge to data presented as "verifiable fact"?--Constanz - Talk 15:41, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

Constanz an example is being placed on discussion page El Jigue 11-7-06

[edit] 2 week block

You have been blocked for 2 weeks for violations of WP:POINT, WP:NOT, WP:CIVIL, and vandalism. Particularly troubling was this edit. DurovaCharge! 14:39, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

I disagree with the block, I don't think it helps wikipedia in the long run. EJ's long association with wikipedia and some of his invaluable contributions are too important to be discarded. I have always viewed EJ's more unorthodox activities in light of Wikipedia:Ignore all rules. If EJ registered, would that mean that this block would become null and void? If not, what I may do is set up an rfc in support of El Jigue, a centralised area where various editors can have their say and some of the history of this business can be aired. And hopefully we can resolve this issue to everyone's satisfaction. I understand user Good day's sentiments, but as far as I am aware, Good day's contributions to Cuban related articles only began very recently and have been minimal. The views of users with long records of editing Cuban related articles, bringing them to good article and featured article status with EJ's invaluable help should be considered. I believe the Che Guevara article to be the best article on a controversial subject wikipedia (or any other wiki) has produced, this wouldn't have been possible without EJ's assistance. --Zleitzen 15:09, 9 November 2006 (UTC)
I express similar opinion.--Constanz - Talk 18:17, 9 November 2006 (UTC)
El Jigüe, we shall miss your contributions on the CG Talk page. May kindness and reason prevail.

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love."

-- Polaris999 17:40, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

I'd consider reducing the block if EJ pledged to enter Wikipedia:Adopt-a-user and abide by site policies. Registration is recommended but not essential; what I really want to see is those blog-like posts moved offsite; he's welcome to post a link to the new blog location from his user page. Additional factors that weighed against him were his defiant response to feedback and his vandalism of another user's talk page. I treated this investigation with kid gloves until that point, but any user who calls an administrator's repeated warnings mere difference of opinion and literally invites a block is going to get one. DurovaCharge! 17:52, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

Thank you kind folk. However, I chose to stand on my principals (e.g to sit down (:>)). My rationale is that when there is severe control and internal censorship of a country by the authorities of that country then with that kind of news blackout/and or distortion of that countries history by authorities of that country, all Wikipedia information on this matter needs to be evaluated in open debate. In this circumstance actions to limit debate are obstacles to any approximation of "truth," and objectivity. There are many who view Cuba, the Castro Brothers, Che Guevara etc. in an uninformed and naive way; to these individuals the harsh reality of life under controlling one party rule come as a surprise that not all can handle. (For parallels one can view the movie "Goodbye, Lenin! [1]. In other context, there were such as very talented poet Ezra Pound ( "I sat on the Dogana's steps/For the gondolas cost too much, ...) and his ill founded admiration of Mussolini ("the trains run on time"); and who ended his life is pseudo-madness and disgrace. Then there was Herbert Matthews whose admiration of Castro was continual and even the New York Times finally had to let him go..... El Jigue 11-9-06

There isn't any principle at stake here. I've already outlined how you can both remain active at Wikipedia and gain a far broader audience than you already have. You would probably become a very successful blogger and you're probably a good enough researcher and writer to publish articles in reputable magazines which you may then quote in Wikipedia articles. Those actions would do far more for the cause you profess to support. I hope you'll reflect on this and decide to cooperate because all of the steps I've asked you to take would help you achieve those goals. DurovaCharge! 19:09, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

Sigh, this whole situation is rather silly and unnecessary, I would agree with a previous statement regarding El Jigue's valuable contributions and his gentle prodding to folks in an effort to present both sides of the Cuba story. I have never seen this user behave in a spiteful manner. I understand some users taking issue of posts on the discussion pages that aren't 100% directly related to furthering articles but, rather discussions on the subject however, that in no way demands a 2-week block. I disagree with the block.

PS: That sentence of mine: "I understand some users taking issue of posts on the discussion pages that aren't 100% directly related to furthering articles but, rather discussions on the subject however, that in no way demands a 2-week block." was a doozy and a slap in the face of the English language - please forgive me Mr. Mulvey (high school English teacher).

Hope that brings some levity.


Goatboy95 20:28, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

Warmest Regards, Goatboy95 20:26, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

No one has offered an explanation of why it wouldn't be perfectly acceptable - and even preferable - for EJ to open a Blogspot account. His following here is limited to the users who frequent a few talk pages. Nor has anyone offered a reason why he shouldn't publish articles in mainstream magazines. If you respect him that much then help him move up to the next level. DurovaCharge! 20:57, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

An objective observer might conclude that this "offer" of Durova (the fact that this pseudonym is a Russian Woman Hero's name has not passed unobserved) is a mere sham. First it is condescending for I already have almost a hundred articles in different press publications and a good number of others on line. Second there seems no evidence Durova has contributed anything I know of to Cuba or Cuba related articles in Wikipedia, thus one could conclude he/she is a novice in this area. Third she/he does not contribute anything to the consideration that in a closed society reliable factual sources are hard to find and government data is very unreliable; thus there needs to be discussion of every point. Fourth such an offer could set up a circumstance when it is possible to block any contribution that I might make if it runs contrary to Durova's unsubstantiated and apparently very uninformed opinion on the Cuban circumstance. Thus, I cannot accept this reprehensible solution, where the righteously uninformed repress the thoughts of those better informed merely based on self-interpretation of Wikipedia rules and enforced aggressive insertion into this field. El Jigüe 11-9-06

If you really think I've acted improperly then here's what you can do about it: put a request for block removal template on this user page. You seem to be suggesting my Russian username implies a political sympathy toward Cold War communism that compromises my objectivity? Along with your block request, post any page diffs from my edit history to support that or any other relevant theory. Another administrator will review the evidence and decide whether to overrule me. Or as an alternative, you might entertain the possibility that I'm telling the truth. DurovaCharge! 03:16, 10 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Jmabel comments on the situation

Please see User_talk:Zleitzen#El_Jig.C3.BCe. -- Polaris999 23:51, 10 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Block reset to 2 weeks starting today

Per WP:SOCK for block evasion on another IP address. DurovaCharge! 23:21, 12 November 2006 (UTC)

I completely support & agree with this latest block. The disruptive anon-user continues to stubbornly go against Wikipedia policy. He's being selfish. GoodDay 00:25, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
Keep it civil, please. DurovaCharge! 06:29, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
Alright, I'll cool down. I guess I'm letting 'El Jigue' get under my skin. GoodDay 22:27, 13 November 2006 (UTC)

Perhaps Durova is not aware she has blocked a public use University Account. I suggest that she evaluate her draconian tactics or at least be a little more descriminating as to what she blocks. What she has done merely brings wider attention to her censorship. Buendia's agreement with this circumstance only makes it worse, and helps support my thesis that Wikipedia is subject to politically motivated control. El Jigue 11-16-06

Now the good Colonel Buendia, 'winning victories further and further way from the capital' (see a paraphrase in A Hundred Years of Solitude) is busy "blogging" endlessly on Raul Castro as the first "Vice president or just vice president," or Raul Castro an "able administrator" (given the present state of the Cuban economy Raul as an administrator compares to Roman Emperor Nero as a musician) see as if it made any real difference at all. Meanwhile factual errors such as confusing battle sites at Central Estrada Palma in the western foothills of the Sierra Maestra is still being confused with "Palma Soriano" on the plains far further east, have not been addressed. El Jigue 11-19-06

EJ, I adore Gabriel García Márquez and, believe me, there's nothing politically motivated about this particular block. Earlier you speculated about the origin of my username. Here's the actual background: Nadezhda Durova was the first female officer of the Russian army. She served about a hundred years before their revolution and had nothing to do with communism. However, she was nearly unique in having published her wartime memoirs before women normally had the opportunity to serve in the military.
I hadn't expected to join the armed forces or go to war until 9/11. My nearest relative was one of the last people to escape from the World Trade Center - he survived the attack from a high floor, watched his boss die before his eyes, and saw body parts fall from the sky moments after he fled the building and took refuge in a subway entrance. So when I went out on deployment I wasn't serving my country so much as serving my uncle. When I got out to the most dangerous part of my unit's mission I volunteered to stand double the usual number of armed watches. I'm glad I never had to fire that weapon - instead my command saved over 100 civilian lives - and although I'm not an exile from my country I probably share with you the experience of having been profoundly affected by historic events.
I never edit World Trade Center or 9/11. I simply couldn't be objective there. There's a lot I could say - more than the above suggests - but the best parts of my knowledge wouldn't fit within Wikipedia's mission. I'd run into conflict with editors who hold opinions that I consider absurd (but whether I like it or not those opinions have been published in encyclopedic sources). I hold myself to that standard, which doesn't mean I would hold you back from editing pages you care about, but does mean you should observe site policies wherever you do edit. Probably more than most administrators I think I've earned the right to say that. Whether or not you agree, I hope you can respect my reasons. DurovaCharge! 04:50, 21 November 2006 (UTC)

Durova interesting cover story however far more details are required before it becomes credible and I can "respect" your reasons. Otherwise I would be tempted to think that it is rooted in a combination of the George C. Merino account [2] and the nonsense proposed by the World Socialist Web site [3], and surely you would not want that. Your rationale that eye witness experience denies rational factual evidence is a sophism and flies in the face of historic accounts such as that of Josephus [4]. As to Gabo, he like Ezra Pound before him, has become the house intelectual of a tyranny in return for massive public relations campaigns. By the way Gabo, even if his writing is excellent, is far from being the first Latin American writer of "Magical Realism." There were excellent writers of this genera before him such as: Julio Cortázar, Alejo Carpentier, Jorge Luis Borges and the seminal writer of this approach, Arturo Uslar-Pietri, author of the 1931 Venezuelan novel Lanzas Rojas [5]. El Jigue 11-22-06

Cover story? Thank you for the chuckle. You're kidding, right? DurovaCharge! 03:02, 24 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Cuban prisons

With incredible nerve the Cuban government is holding a conference on penal science see the laughter at [6]. It reads:

Cuba, Model of Dignity and Resistance

Kiev, Nov 22 (Prensa Latina) Cuba represents for Ukraine an example of dignity, humanism, resistance and hope that a better world is possible, said Vasily Tereshuk, vice president of the Cuba-Ukraine Friendship Association.

Tereshuk added that Cuba proved that eliminating misery and underdevelopment are not a utopia but attainable goals via humanitarian missions like those involving Cuban specialists.

Cuba help the peoples develop not by exporting revolutions but because it proposes a better world with an experience that changes the human condition at any country.

The head of the Group of Friends of Cuba in Parliament recalled that Cuba has implemented internationalism and unconditional humanism in Pakistan, Guatemala, Bolivia, and Africa.

Tereshuk also recalled that Cuba's 16-year program of free medical aid to Ukrainian infants victims of the nuclear accident in Chernobyl has over 20,000 beneficiaries.

Hundreds of youth live thanks to this Cuban specialized assistance Tarara center and enjoys broad recognition in Ukraine regardless of political of ideological trend.

It proved that neither friendship nor human rights must not be negotiated.

Ukraine's Friendship Association groups since 1993 the Che Guevara Youth League, the Association of Cuban Internationalist military from the October Crisis and the mothers of Chernobyl children.

ef emw Oda


of course I am banned (excuse me blocked) for pointing out such arrant nonsense, El Jigue 11-22-06

[edit] ==

Thanx for Ukraine commies' stuff. Cuba represents for Ukraine an example of dignity, humanism, resistance and hope that a better world is possible, said Vasily Tereshuk(also [7]) - as we know, in the very Ukraine this so-called 'better world' lasted (by the support of rifle barrels) for about 70 years. For some reason, people replaced this paradise with the damned 'Capitalist hell' as soon as they were allowed choose.
Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you have any comments on the recent Nicaraguan election? Some years ago, one wouldn't have expected this 'Cold War hero' to once more gain presidency. All in all, it seems that the Latin American countries have been taking another left-wing shift for some years?Constanz - Talk 10:17, 27 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Durova blocks El Jigue again for another two weeks

Durova: I notice that you renewed the block, thus your continuing blocking suggests far more than your denial of ulterior motive. One wonders if it is your intent to continually deny me access, and thus providing new information and or evaluation of circumstance until the Cuban situation reaches a more "manageable" state. In my humble opinion this "manageable" state is unlikely to happen until both Castro's are gone from the scene. El Jigue 11-24-24

BTW The following post from Castro's Prensa Latina, is such a flight of fantasy that it could be taken to suggest that desperate pro-Castro propagandists are exceeding even their own previous efforts:

"Cuba Looks at Penal Sciences

"Havana, Nov 21 (Prensa Latina) Nearly 200 delegates from 30 countries have confirmed their attendance at the 8th Congress on Penal Sciences, to be held from Tuesday through Friday in this capital."

"Among participants are lawyers, judges, attorneys, forensic experts, prison center staff, criminologists, victimologists, sociologists, psychologists, university professors and related students."

"Miguel Angel Garcia, from the Organizing Committee, told Prensa Latina that the aim of this forum is to foster exchange of experiences on the world development of penal sciences."

"According to the jurist, the Republic's Attorney General Juan Escalona Reguera will open the Congress, in which he will analyze reiterated international problems like the application of justice and the Cuban experience about this issue."

"The situation in jails, role of legal medicine and forensic psychiatry, criminology and other law sciences, organized crime, international drug and people smuggling are among issues to debate in this encounter."

"Also on the list is post-modernity penal law, the attorney's role in the modern penal process, trial in the modernization process, criminal investigation, prison treatment and social rehabilitation and more."

"Congresses related with this law branch have taken place uninterruptedly in Cuba every two years since 1992, attended by outstanding experts worldwide."

One imagines that these "outstanding experts" are merely being rained on by something it would be impolite to mention here. El Jigue 11-24-06

Your block log is available right here:[8]. I haven't blocked you since 12 November. Wikipedia's software can automatically extend a block against a user who attempts to edit during a block period. I've given you a list of recourses in case you think I've acted improperly in any way. If there really is any meritorious argument against my actions, these steps would get me desysopped pretty quickly. Some of them are also stated through the disclaimer link at my user talk page:
  • Post a request for unblock template to this page.
  • Read Category:Administrators open to recall. I am one of 58 administrators (out of over 1000) who have volunteered to stand for reconfirmation if six editors request it.
  • Open a user conduct WP:RFC against me. Post all the evidence you have against me there (or e-mail it to someone who can post it on your behalf).
DurovaCharge! 16:47, 25 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] The source of all this confusion

I believe I know what caused EJ to think that Durova had extended his block by another two weeks when in fact this was not the case (I hope). I, too, got that impression when I saw a posting Durova had made to this Talk page a few days ago, in the section entitled "Block reset to 2 weeks starting today". Because she posted her message to EJ re Gabo et al. inside that section, rather than beginning a new section for it, on the watchlist and history page her contribution shows up as:
04:50, 21 November 2006 Durova (Talk | contribs) (→Block reset to 2 weeks starting today)
which certainly gives the initial impression that she has extended EJ's block for another two weeks, although this is fortunately not the case. I also don't see any evidence that some mysterious Wikipedia "software" has extended EJ's block (see above). Therefore, if everyone can remain calm over the next few hours, the block on EJ contributing to WP should expire on the 26th or 27th of November. In the meantime, might I invite you both to join me for a nice cup of tea? -- Polaris999 20:09, 25 November 2006 (UTC)
Follow-up: I found the exact information re when EJ's block will expire -- here it is (bolding is mine):
23:21, 12 November 2006, Durova (Talk | contribs) blocked (contribs) (expires 23:21, 26 November 2006, anon. only, account creation blocked) (resetting per WP:SOCK: user evaded block on another IP address)
EJ, when you start editing again, would you please take a look at the La Coubre explosion Talk page? I posted a message there for you re Father McKniff a while back ... -- Polaris999 03:20, 26 November 2006 (UTC)
Very good catch, Polaris. The tea is delicious too. Regards, DurovaCharge! 03:47, 26 November 2006 (UTC)

Apparently the block has not been lifted El Jigue 11-26-06

[edit] TV stations in Cuba

It might be wise to mention that most of these stations existed before Castro reached power, he merely changed their names......El Jigue 11-24-06

Beardo As you may now Durova has blocked my access again for another two weeks, and probably will keep on doing that. Of course I could circumvent the block but for now I prefer to let things stand, yet "Eso no se queda así, eso se hincha." Eventually somebody who can do something will notice her continual embarrassment to Wikipedia, since by now what ever the original pretext proposed such action amounts to political censorship of scholarship. As to TV at present in Cuba my statements seem to be correct (see citations below), yet I have no direct knowledge and was writing from memory of almost 50 years ago. Common TV signals have a short range, and I cannot go to Cuba of course since I will be arrested there. Wow Durova could ban me for ever for that charging that I would be “a criminal in Cuba." (;>).

TV arrived in Cuba early [9], Manuel A. Alvarez writes [10] "Television was inaugurated in October 1950 and expanded rapidly through the island. In 1958, 23 television stations were operating in the territory, composing of 3 national networks and 7 independent local stations in Havana and Camaguey Province. One of them a full color television station, Telecolor Channel 12 in Havana (3rd in America). One in 18 inhabitants had a television set."

"In 1959, the Marxist government of Cuba started the process of seizing radio and television stations, a process that ended in late 1960 with all radio and television channels under the control of the government. That was the end of freedom for the radio and television industry in Cuba." El Jigue 11-25-06

[edit] Venezuelan Government denies Castro is swindling them

It is a common saying in politics that an official denial is often a confirmation of fact:

"He (Minister of Energy and Petroleum Rafael Ramírez) dismissed remarks earlier this week by former Pdvsa directors Humberto Calderón and José Toro Hardy, who claimed that Cuba demanded a USD 339 million payment from Venezuela even though Caracas this year has shipped almost 100 million bpd of crude oil to the island -which exceeds USD 2.2 billion" [11]

One of the matters in discussion in official circles in Washington DC is when, after the Castros leave the scene, will the succeeding Cuban government be responsible for the Castros' vast foreign debts (in excess of 40 billion dollars). One of the factors is that if the Castros' can be considered foreign agents (e.g. given Raul Castro's training in the Eastern Block countries, and Fidel Castro's speech at the funeral of Fabio Grobart etc) then the 1898 Treaty of Paris applies, and the Cuban people are thus absolved of any responsability for this debt. El Jigue 11-24-06

[edit] Sources on La Coubre

Still no access so posting some sources here; some benighted soul has been black listing the URL some of these sources, so the URL's have been modified in a way that can be read manually.

Anonymous 1999-2006 (last accessed 8-19-06) John J. McKniff, O.S.A. Augustinian Missionary and Pastor of the Poor. [12]

Ball, Ann 2001 Rogelio "Francisco" Gonzalez Corzo 1932 – 1961 Cuba. In : Faces of Holiness II: Modern Saints in Photos and Words Our Sunday Visitor Publishing. Division, Huntington, Indiana ISBN 0879734094 pp. 222-229.

Bertuccioli, Marie-Dominique 2004 (accessed 9-27-06) La Coubre : un bateau français victime du terrorisme contre contre Cuba [13]: “Orlando Garcia Diaz, est aujourd'hui retraité… Ils avaient fait une pause, toutes les caisses de balles avaient été déchargées de la cale qui nous occupait. C'était le tour des caisses d'obus. Au hangar 2, j'ai demandé à des camarades de rester pour donner un coup de main, charger un autre camion de caisses de vis. ”

Beruvides, Esteban M. 1999 (last accessed 8-18-06) Recuento Histórico: El porque el PCC ordenó volar el barco "La Coubre." Guaracabuya. ttp://

Castillo Bueno, Maria De Los Reyes, Daisy Rubiera Castillo, Anne McLean (Translator) 2000 Reyita: The Life of a Black Cuban Woman in the Twentieth Century. Duke University Press, Durham NC. ISBN 0822325934 pp. 95, 99, 102, 119-121, 137-138 Anselmo “Monín" Rubeira, Reyita's son, died in this explosion he had been a rebel soldier whom warned by a “guardia” known as Peruchín, fled Bayamo and Batista Army Capitán Morejón Chief of that garrison, to the Castro rebel camp of Capitán Bárzaga where his other brother Nené was stationed in la Sierra Maestra. (I either did not know him by that name or did not know him at all.....)

Calderón Nelson Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 10:18:58 EST To: From: Subject: ^?SO-8859-1?Q? La Coubre (me lo contó mi abuelito) Por Carlos A. Galindo? Distributed by: INFORMACION NEWS AGENCY Nelson Calderón - Editor in Chief P.O. Box 4432 Clifton, NJ 07012-0996 Fax: (201) 692-1273 Off: (201) 692-1891 Email: A HREF="ttp://">WWW.WELCOME.TO./INFORMACION.NEWS </A> or: ttp:// "Me lo contó mi abuelito" -Transcurría el año 1959 (sic) era a mediados de año y no recuerdo exactamente la fecha, ese día me encontraba leyendo el periódico en el portal de mi casa cuando de repente una gran explosión lo estremeció todo, como si algo sumamente grave hubiera ocurrido...Minutos mas tarde dieron la noticia, pero sin proporcionar grandes detalles que un barco atracado al Puerto de la Habana había hecho explosión. .Se trataba de LA COUBRE barco de bandera francesa que transportaba armas y municiones para las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias Cubanas. Dicha explosión produjo daños significativos entre muertos y heridos que fué una cifra alta aunque imposible de dar con datos exactos.....Aproximadamente como dos horas mas tarde se produce un boletín para todos los cubanos que estuvieran atentos pues el comandante Fidel Castro haría uso de la palabra en los próximos minutos......Cuando Castro tomo los micrófonos de las radioemisoras que se encontraban en Cadena Radial y a través del Frente Independientes de Emisoras Libres que sus siglas eran F.I.E.L y su lema Fiel a Cuba, Fiel a la Revolución y que su máximo dirigente era Carlos DeMan conocido comentarista y animador de televisión el cual había organizado a aquellas pequeñas radioemisoras en esa asociación.....Una vez Castro instalado frente a las cámaras y micrófonos empezó a fustigar a USA de ser el responsable directo de ese sabotaje y textualmente dijo..." Agentes terroristas , entrenados, financiados y desembarcados en playas cubanas han volado el barco La Coubre produciendo centenares de victimas entre la población " y as siguió su perorata por horas dando detalles de todas las pruebas que según l tenia en contra de USA...(Tiempo mas tarde se supo que dicho sabotaje había sido perpetrado por ARGELINOS los cuales sospecharon que ese envío de armas iba a LA LEGION EXTRANJERA que era el ejercito que tenia acontanodo Francia en Argelia y cual era comandado por el General "Roul Salam" el cual algún tiempo después encabezó un intento de golpe de estado que se produjo en Argelia cuando el presidente francés Charles De Gaulle decide dar la independencia a Argelia..) Este hecho marco el inicio de los ataques de Castro en contra de su vecino del Norte......Pero una voz, se alzó en contra de los argumentos de Castro y ese fué.. "Arturo Artalejo " que desde su pequeña emisora radial..."Radio Capital Artalejo" "dijo que el gobierno se estaba comportando de una forma irresponsable pues no tenia evidencias para acusar a ningún país extranjero de ser el autor de tamaño crimen y que debería de investigarse profundamente antes de llegar a una conclusión para llevarlos a los organismos competentes en las cuales pudieran juzgar ese hecho dentro de un marco estrictamente jurídico."...

No se hizo esperar la reacia El Frente Independiente de Emisoras Libres lanzo un ataque en contra de "Artalejo" y lo acusó de " estar vendido a USA y de ser un peón al servicio de los peores intereses reaccionarios."...

Seria conveniente para una mejor comprensión de estos hechos que se hiciera un poco de historia sobre el origen de este llamado "Frente de Emisoras Libres."...Originalmente el Sr. Carlos DeMan trabajaba en Radio Capital Artalejo en un programa que se llamaba Con la Manga al Codo y en la cual participaban, Arturo Artalejo, Carlos DeMan y Justo Méndez , mas conocido como " El Preguntón." ..Este programa trataba sobre temas generales, pero su platillo fuerte eran sus comentarios sobre "La Farándula." Al parecer Artalejo y DeMan tuvieron alguna disputa y ambos se separaron sin que pueda decirse con exactitud la índole del problema.....Tiempo mas tarde Carlos DeMan inaugura su propia Emisora Radial la cual se llamó "Radio Codazos" que tenia como lema..." Dediquenos un Boton en la Radio de su Auto."...Pues encabezados por esta emisora y el F.I.E.L fustigó de una forma implacable a "Artalejo" y se incitó a la población que concurriera masivamente a dichas instalaciones para demostrar el repudio a sus expresiones vende patrias.....Muy pronto Artalejo se vio rodeado de turbas enardecidas que querían su cabeza y milagrosamente pudo escapar y buscar asilo en una embajada...Hasta aquí la historia de este valeroso hombre el cual se le debe de render tributo el día que Cuba sea libre, pues fu, el primero que con una valentía fuera de lo común se enfrento al Tirano...Nota: Los datos que, en este escrito aparecen , han sido proporcionados por mi abuelo..!! recuerdos que quedaron marcados en su mente con una huella indeleble .....Su nombre es: Arturo Galindo y cuenta con la edad de 70 años posee una memoria prodigiosa y están basados en hechos de la vida real y acontecimientos que ocurrieron en Cuba....Carlos Alberto Galindo. CUBA-L Mailing list: ttp://

Castro, Fidel 1960 (accessed 8-27-06) -Speech on:“the Revolution will not stop.” Revolucion (Revolution), Havana, 7 March 1960 ttp:// Fragment from introduction: “Dr Fidel Castro made it quite clear that the evidence collected excludes the possibility of an accident and that this must therefore have been sabotage although the actual sabotage action was not performed on the shore of Havana.” Fragment of speech: “…first of all, we conclude that this was sabotage and not an accident. And that I am sure of; nobody should doubt that because – what else could have caused it? Millions of tons of explosives are transported all over the world each year and we have no reports about ships being exploded (This is obviously false L.D.); here, in Cuba, we have been shipping and handling explosives for many years and we have never had any news of any kind of explosions. Of course, we remember the Maine whose mysterious explosion nobody has ever been able to explain perfectly well; this turned into a cause of war because the nation to which that ship belonged arrived at the conclusion that this must have been an act of hostility on the part of the supporters of Spain; this was true even though that country could not carry out any investigations here, even though they could not do what we did here, even though they could not interrogate anybody and talk to the workers or crew members; they could not conduct…” (I have a list of major explosions of this kind L.D.)

Davies Catherine 2002 review of María de los Reyes Castillo Bueno, Reyita: The Life of a Black Cuban Woman in the Twentieth Century, as told to her daughter Daisy Rubiera Castillo, translated by Anne Mclean, (Durham: Duke University Press; London: Latin American Bureau, 2000) Reviews / Comptes Rendus. ttp:// “the story stops in 1960, when Reyita is 53, shortly after the death of her son, a member of the July 26th Movement. He was killed in the explosion of the ship La Coubre in 1960.”

Lamot, Paul 1999 Encinosa, Enrique. (1994, second edition, 1995. Cuba en Guerra. Historia de la Oposicion Anti-Castrista 1959-1993. The Endowment for Cuban American Studies. Cuban American National Foundation. p. 36-37 ISBN: 1-884619-00-2) states that the ship La Coubre de Le Havre (that makes it Belgian) blew on March 3, 1960. The Polvorin de Punta Blanca, in Luyano, blew on June 27 of the same year. > PL Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 19:27:01 -0400

Padilla, Heberto 1984 La muerte y la brujula. Nuevo Herald, El (Miami, FL) July 26, 1984 final edition, editorial section. p. 7 My notes I never knew or heard of Luis Lorenzo Gonzalez I read that he a simple self taught country folk and a fighter in the struggle against Batista, I did not know him then. He was sentenced to twelve years of imprisonment by the Castro government at the time of La Coubre explosion, and later to more jail time as he was accused of being a smuggler since a police search turned up a compass and two oars and the Cuban government under foreign pressure for repression wanted to portray the resistance as mere common criminals. Luis Gonzalez was fascinated by the 1931 novel on the Venezuelan War of Independence “Las lanzas coloradas” (Red lances) by Arturo Uslar Pietri. For that reason Luis Gonzalez always wanted to go to Venezuela. Finally in the 1980í when many political prisoners were released he arrived in that country to die of a worn out heart at about age 45, however he died free but sad because his wife and child were still held in Cuba."

Regalado, Tomas 1985 La Coubre: 25 anos después. Nuevo Herald, El (Miami, FL) March 6, 1985 Final edition, ED section page 5. What the Cuban people were not told all safety rules were waived, there were no safety inspections, that most experienced dockworkers were replaced by rebel soldiers, unloading was done directly at the docks no lighter barges were used, and after the first explosion nobody, stopped the crowds of militias and rebels running to the rescue. However, Castro had horrendous photographs of mangled bodies and over a hundred coffins to parade and an excuse to blame the US and turn to the Soviets.

El Jigue 11-26-06

[edit] El Coubre research as my block continues

Will check on El Coubre but there seems no point except to gather data to polish a chapter of mine, since Durova keeps blocking my access. Still I have been chasing many details some of which refer to the notoriously hardnosed Abakuá who apparently they either were withdrawn or refused to unload (this may or may not related to concurrent immediate executions) and replaced with rebel soldiers many of whom died in the explosion, e.g.:

Regalado, Tomas 1985 La Coubre: 25 anos después. Nuevo Herald, El (Miami, FL) March 6, 1985 Final edition, ED section page 5. which reads in part "What the Cuban people were not told all safety rules were waived, there were no safety inspections, that most experienced dockworkers were replaced by rebel soldiers, unloading was done directly at the docks no lighter barges were used, and after the first explosion nobody, stopped the crowds of militias and rebels running to the rescue. However, Castro had horrendous photographs of mangled bodies and over a hundred coffins to parade and an excuse to blame the US and turn to the Soviets."


"Routon, Kenneth 2005 Unimaginable Homelands? "Africa" and the Abakuá Historical Imagination Journal of Latin American Anthropology, November 2005, 10, (2) 370-400 Posted online on January 11, 2006. [14]“La identificación abakuá con Africa sugiere que aún cuando exista una conciencia de pertenencia a la diáspora africana, ella responde no tanto a una nostalgia por un pasado mítico como a la necesidad actual de legitimizar una identidad de grupo y reivindicar una autonomía religioso-ritual frente al estado revolucionario cubano."

I still cannot find a list of names of the dead, just scattered details such as in:

Castillo Bueno 2000 Reyita: The Life of a Black Cuban Woman in the Twentieth Century, as told to her daughter Daisy Rubiera Castillo, translated by Anne Mclean, (Durham: Duke University Press; London: Latin American Bureau, 2000) this book has only a brief mention of the loss of her son, Anselmo “Monín" Rubeira, a rebel soldier in the explosion.

As to the good father McKniff you can find details in:

Anonymous 1999-2006 (last accessed 8-19-06) John J. McKniff, O.S.A. Augustinian Missionary and Pastor of the Poor. [15]

Cancio Isla, Wilfredo 2000 El cura se `La Coubre' a un paso de la canonización. El Nuevo Herald December 18, 2000 final edition, panorama section p. 15 A.

and a reference I have mislaid by Ann Ball who also wrote: Ball, Ann 2001 Rogelio "Francisco" Gonzalez Corzo 1932 – 1961 Cuba. In : Faces of Holiness II: Modern Saints in Photos and Words Our Sunday Visitor Publishing. Division, Huntington, Indiana ISBN 0879734094 pp. 222-229. [16]

El Jigue 11-26-06

[edit] "blacklisting" tests

[17] This pro-Castro sites passes black list filter

[18] This Cuban exile site passes list (for now (:>))

[19] This university archive piece (a Castro speach) also passes list

ttp:// This Cuban exile source giving data on La Coubre source is black listed as "spam" "The spam filter blocked your page save because it detected a blacklisted hyperlink. You may have added it yourself, the link may have been added by another editor before it was blacklisted, or you may be infected by spyware that adds links to wiki pages. You will need to remove all instances of the blacklisted URL before you can save." This results in a post being blocked. There is no apparent indication of how or why this site was blocked.

[20] This site put together by a French communist and which follows the official Cuban line is not blocked.

[21] This Cuban-exile site is not blocked (yet (:>)

Well live and learn El Jigue 11-26-06

My access to editing is still blocked El Jigue 11-26-06

The block was implemented at 23:21 GMT on 12 November and the most recent posts to this page were made around 22:00 GMT on 26 November. You should be free to edit now. I'll unblock manually just to make certain (in case the block timer got auto-reset in the final hours). Post again if there's any further problem. DurovaCharge! 00:46, 27 November 2006 (UTC)

Can't wait for the next excuse to block me (¿ Que van a inventar ahora ?), still until then as a good Jigue should, I will splash and play in this forest pool for perhaps some willing and wanting, naked and nubile Taina will wander by as is their legendary want. El Jigue 11-26-06

As long as you observe site policies you have nothing to fear from me. Given your knowledge of the subject I hope no other block will be necessary. I do wonder about your research skills, considering some of the allegations you've made about me. But there's nothing personal in this - just doing my best to maintain site standards. Respectfully, DurovaCharge! 20:16, 27 November 2006 (UTC)

Thank you, i appreciate it for in your view you are correct. However, from my point of view the way you see this matter readily can be taken to suggest a mind set and a life view which could be interpreted to raise some quite interesting inferences. El Jigue 11-27-06

One of Wikipedia's cornerstone policies is to assume good faith. Don't worry, I'm not raising this point as a buildup to blocking you, rather I'm explaining something. You helped raise one article to FA and have essentially blogged on four talk pages. Suppose every editor who was a major contributor to a featured page did the same thing: if we suppose that each featured article has 2 or 3 major contributors and round off the number of featured articles to 1000, then 10,000 Wikipedia talk pages would become blogs. Obviously that would set an untenable precedent for the rest of the encyclopedia since many of those blogs would be on featured articles or good articles and it would be basically unenforceable to write a policy stating only FA contributors could do this. So either I make a special exception for you and only you - damaging my own reputation for fairness and objectivity - or else I enforce an equal standard. As far as I'm concerned you're welcome to edit in accordance with policy, but I'll block again if your actions merit it, and if you woke up tomorrow morning with a change of heart and sung Fidel Castro's praises it wouldn't make one whit of difference. DurovaCharge! 00:53, 28 November 2006 (UTC)

Durova, go ahead.... since you define "blogging" as contributing data you disagree with.. such actions will only make Wikipedia look bad. BTW your time stamp seems to place you in Eastern Europe, you should change that since it looks bad in this context..... El Jigue 11-27-06

Please stop blogging the CUBA, FIDEL CASTRO & RAUL CASTRO talk pages. Furthermore, why are you adressing me as Buendia and why are you continuing to suggest Administrator Durova has communist sympathies? GoodDay 22:04, 28 November 2006 (UTC)

Hi EJ, I'm a bit confused - are you referring to me as "Giles?" If so, who is "Giles" and why the source of confusion? Cheers.

Goatboy95 22:48, 28 November 2006 (UTC)

Giles is an alusion to "Giles Goat-Boy" by John Barth. Giles ends up by being "shafted" in a dramatic way. This is an excellent reference on academic infighting. Buendia is an reference to "El coronel Buendia" one of the Gabriel Garcia's Marquez's Magic Realism characters.. The good Colonel instead of being defeated wins battles further and further away from the capital. This cite refers to sophistry in writing history. El Jigue 11-29-06

I see. Thus, you believe I have presented some sort of fallacious argument somewhere down the line?

EJ, you certainly have a unique sense of humour. Colonel Buendia? I'd prefer the nickname GD. GoodDay 21:09, 29 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] the Obelisk

EJ, you should add the Obelisk fact to the Fidel Castro article, as you have varifiable sources to back it. PS- personally Castro doesn't deserve an Obelisk; hopefully when democracy comes to Cuba (and it will), the obelisk will be destroyed. GoodDay 20:53, 29 November 2006 (UTC)

Alright, we'll waint until the obelisk is built. GoodDay 21:50, 29 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] History of Cuba

(Taken from La Coubre explosion) page

Please see History_of_Cuba#Cuba_under_attack, where I've written a section on the British capture of Havana in 1762 if you are interested.--Zleitzen 16:53, 1 December 2006 (UTC)

Thank you will read again for more detail. Some consider the resistance to the English by the Mayor of Guanabacoa "Pepe" Antonio as a starting point for Cuban Independence thought. I also have a chapter that deals with some of that, apparently the Spanish did not have enough muskets at the time to give them to the militia. It gets very detailed. BTW there is a famous rhyme from that time which reads:

"Las Muchachas de la Habana no tiene temor de Dios and andan con los Ingleses en los bocoyes de arroz?"

Did not see if you mentioned that most of the English and troops from the English Colonies in North America died of yellow fever. Dunno why so many died for mortality is normally far from 100% but apparently the treatments must have aggravated the disease or these troops were particularily susceptible. El Jigue 12-1-06

I briefly mention that disease ravaged Edward Vernon's earlier attempts to build a colony at Cumberland bay. I also remember reading somewhere about the extreme level of prostitution between the British troops and local women going on at the time, perhaps from yourself on one of your monologues in the past, I don't remember. I haven't added much detail, it is simply an overview, but in time the History of Cuba page - which needs a huge amount of work will splinter off and a lot more detail can be explored. As for the diseases, it should be remembered that the British, though conquerors of a huge empire by methods yet to be truly comprehended, still need inoculations to leave the house. And perhaps more than any people in the world are utterly useless in temperatures higher 65 degrees Fahrenheit - I once fell asleep on a Canary island beach in my younger days, and needed to be treated for severe burns before being released back into society. Where I was stared at by disbelieving locals who uttered "El diablo" under their breath at the shocking sight of my scarlet face.--Zleitzen 08:13, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

Z: not sure that prostitution is the correct word, any more than a modern single woman may accept a good meal and a nice evening, the line is blurred. The Taino and Guajiro traditions expect sexual encounters as a normal part of life. As to the virulence of yellow fever among the English such things could relate to scurvy and lack of vitamin C to fight off disease.....El Jigue 12-2-06

Perhaps they were the first generation of jineteras? -- Polaris999 17:47, 4 December 2006 (UTC)

Polaris: Not really, such had existed for a long time before in Cuba (as well as elsewhere), in the first saga written in Cuba there is mention of the forest "nymphs" coming out to greet the victors of Bayamo after they defeated a pirate (:>). One can also note that prostitution continues even in the most advanced and prosperous societies. One also notices that Madelyne is still a favorite name for women, El Jigue 12-4-06

[edit] Venezuela

Have you got any idea why so many communist, socialist groups (incl hardline ones, according to corresponding wikipedia articles) have supported the centre-right opposition?[22] Just some personal hatred between different commies and Chavez, or...? Constanz - Talk 16:12, 4 December 2006 (UTC)

Constanz "dunno" there are always more radical movements wanting overthrow even the most radical communist government. There is another factor to consider "puritanism" the Chavez government is quite corrupt, and this offend many including those on the extreme left. And yet this corruption is probably a reason (aside from the price of oil) why the Venezuelan economy has not completely collapsed. If you are corrupt you do not want a Pol Pot type to arise and take all you have stolen from you, and thus honest private commerce can exist in the shade of these "protectors." El Jigue 12-4-06

[edit] Hemmingway

Thanks very much for your link to Larry Daley's piece on Hemmingway, EJ. One question I would have to ask - if Castro viewed Hemmingway so poorly, why did he keep a picture of them together in his office for so many years? Castro, a man known for harsh denouncements of those he doesn't like, spoke well of Hemmingway throughout his life. Much food for thought.--Zleitzen 01:08, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Talk:Fidel Castro

Hello, EJ. You should check the 'edits history' of the Fidel Castro discussion page. An anon user(or users), are using your moniker. The IP address of the anon-user in question is GoodDay 01:45, 14 December 2006 (UTC)