2006 Israel-Gaza conflict casualties timeline

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This is the account of casualties suffered by Israelis and Palestinians during the 2006 Israel-Gaza conflict, from June 25 to November 15.


[edit] Late June, early July

[edit] June 25, 2006

  • Palestinian militants from Gaza dig through a tunnel and enter Israel, where they attacked an army base. Two Israeli soldiers were killed and 5 were wounded, including Corporal Gilad Shalit, who was kidnapped. At least two militants were also killed.

[edit] June 30, 2006

  • IAF helicopter fired upon and critically wounded an Islamic Jihad militant who tried to launch a rocket at Israeli forces. The man, 25-year-old Abdel Rael, later died of his wounds.
  • An IAF missile targeted a car with four Islamic Jihad militants traveling in Gaza City, causing an enormous explosion, Palestinian reports indicated three were wounded, one seriously. They were able to flee because the Israeli missile missed the car but hit nearby. They apparently launched several Qassam rockets and had numerous rockets in the vehicle, hence the extraordinary explosion.
  • IDF troops in southern Gaza noticed several Palestinian militants approaching an IDF position with an anti-tank rocket launcher. Troops fired at the group, causing them to flee. According to the IDF, two of the attackers were believed to be wounded, but all managed to escape.[1]

[edit] July 2, 2006

  • In Gaza City a Hamas militant, Shaaban Manoun, was killed in an Israeli air strike attack on a warehouse facility used by militants; another was wounded.[2]
  • IAF targeted and killed one Hamas militant in the northern Gaza town of Jabalya.[3]
  • Three Palestinian militants were killed near the Dahaniyeh airport in southern Gaza, where Israeli soldiers are stationed, after they opened fire at troops from the Golani Brigade. Troops identified the militants approaching an outpost and opened fire. The army said explosive belts were found strapped to the bodies of two of the gunmen, indicating they had planned to carry out a suicide attack.[4]

[edit] July 3, 2006

  • IDF soldiers fired on two armed Hamas militants, killing 30-year old Abed el-Rahim. The IAF later attacked from the air, killing the second militant.[5][6]
  • Israeli aircraft fired missiles at Hamas militants carrying explosives near the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip, killing one.[6]

[edit] July 4, 2006

  • In the early morning, an Israeli airstrike in Beit Hanoun killed a 19-year-old Hamas activist, Ismail al-Masri. Two other Palestinian militants were critically wounded in the IAF strike.[7]

[edit] July 5, 2006

  • The Israel Air Force struck the main post of the Palestinian naval police in Sudaniya, killing Hussam Hijazi and Rami Abu Hashem. Eight others were injured.[8]
  • Hamas activist Abdullah Zomer was killed in an IAF strike on a North Gaza beach.[8]
  • Two Islamic Jihad members killed when a bomb they were working on prematurely exploded in Gaza City.[9]
  • A car carrying a crew from the Arabic satellite TV channel Al-Jazeera came under fire from Palestinian gunmen, wounding two, according to one of the reporters in the car, Wael Dahdouh. He said the gunmen apparently thought the reporters were Israeli undercover agents.[10]

[edit] July 6, 2006

  • An Israeli soldier, Yehuda Bessal, was apparently killed in a friendly fire incident during fierce clashes with militants. The IDF is currently investigating.[11]
  • Two gunmen were killed by troops while trying to fire an anti-tank missile at IDF forces.[6]
  • Nine people, mostly gunmen according to Israeli sources, were killed and 20 more people wounded when an Israel aircraft fired a missile and two shells at a group of armed militants in Beit Lahia.[12]
  • According to Palestinian reports at least four people were killed, and 15 wounded in an IAF strike in Khan Younis. The IDF confirmed it had carried out the airstrike, saying that Islamic Jihad terrorists, who had fired anti-tank rockets and a Qassam rocket at troops operating near the Kissufim Crossing to uncover underground tunnels, were the target.[6]
  • A Palestinian was killed in a shootout between the IDF and militants in Beit Lahiya.[6]
  • Five gunmen were killed in an Air Force attack in northern Gaza. Three other gunmen were injured in the attack, two of them critically.[13]

[edit] July 7, 2006

  • Israeli air strike killed one Hamas gunman and wounded three others near Beit Lahiya. The IDF said an aircraft had opened fire on a group of four gunmen.[14][15]
  • Two militants were killed in an IAF strike on the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahia.[16]
  • One militant was killed in an IAF airstrike on Jabalya.[16]
  • Three Israelis were injured when a barrage of Qassam rockets landed in the western Negev from the Gaza Strip. At least 11 Qassam rockets were shot in total.[16]
  • Three gunman were killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers in the Northern Gaza Strip. [17]
  • Two Palestinians were killed in an IAF airstrike on armed militants. [18]

[edit] July 8, 2006

  • IAF fired missiles at a group of militants gathered at the outskirts of Shajaiyeh and injuring at least two people.[19]
  • One Palestinian militant was killed when the IAF bombed a tunnel that Palestinian operatives had dug beneath the Karni crossing. The entrance to the tunnel had been concealed inside a chicken coop. [20]
  • Israeli soldiers identified a cell of three gunmen approaching forces. Soldiers opened fire on the gunmen, killing two of them. [21]
  • A Palestinian policeman was killed in a firefight. [22]
  • A six-year old girl, her elder brother and her mother were killed in a mysterious explosion near their home. The IDF denied involvement. The IDF confirmed, however, that the Air Force had targeted a group of armed Palestinians in the Beit Hanoun area some 10 kilometers to the north, apparently wounding some of them.[23] [24]

[edit] July 9, 2006

  • Four Israeli civilians were wounded when a Qassam rocket, launched from the northern Gaza Strip, landed in a house in Sderot. [25]
  • Israeli aircraft targeted militants in western Gaza City, firing a missile at them and wounding four, one seriously; Palestinian hospital officials said. [26]
  • An IAF airstrike missed a car carrying members of a Hamas rocket squad and killed a bystander instead, Palestinian health officials said. [27]

[edit] Mid July

[edit] July 10, 2006

  • An Israel Air Force air strike killed a Hamas militant and wounded two others in the Gaza Strip. The IDF said it had fired at a group that was firing rockets into Israel. [28]
  • Two Islamic Jihad militants were killed in a strike in Khan Yunis. Six others were wounded. [29]
  • A Palestinian gunman was killed in the northern Gaza Strip. The armed man was spotted about 200 meters from the Israel-Gaza security fence before being killed by an IAF missile. [30]
  • A 10-year-old Palestinian girl was seriously injured when an errant Qassam rocket that was fired by militants toward Israel hit her family home in Beit Lahiya. [31]
  • Three Palestinians were killed when an IAF missile struck Qassam rocket launchers near a soccer field. [32]

[edit] July 11, 2006

  • One militant was killed by the IAF when he and his group were retrieving Qassam rockets from a vehicle in order to fire at Israel. [33]
  • A group of gunmen that were about to launch Qassam rockets with three Qassam launchers already set up were hit with an IAF missile, moments before the rockets were to have been launched. Two were critically wounded. [34]
  • Israeli aircraft blasted a house and killed at least six people in Gaza City early Wednesday during a high-level meeting of Hamas commanders. Apparently Israel's most wanted man, Mohammed Deif, was wounded in the attack. [35]

[edit] July 12, 2006

  • The IAF fired at armed Palestinian militants near the Kissufim crossing, killing two, Zaka reported Wednesday.[36]
  • Israeli ground troops on Wednesday opened fire on three armed Palestinians, killing two of them and wounding the third in this central Gaza town, Palestinian medical officials and the army said.[37]

[edit] July 13, 2006

  • An an elite unit force killed a cell of five militants traveling in the southern Gaza Strip near Deir al-Balah. Palestinians said five of the cell's members were killed where Kfar Darom once stood. The other six gunmen were wounded, according to Palestinians.[38][39]

[edit] July 14, 2006

  • IDF soldiers fired a tank shell at a vehicle in Gaza, killing a Palestinian and wounding another, Palestinian medics said. The IDF said troops had shot in the air as the vehicle approached, then fired a tank shell at it when it drove within 30 metres of the forces. [40]

[edit] July 15, 2006

  • Three Hamas gunmen were killed and four were wounded in IAF missile strikes in Beit Hanun. The army said it opened fire on a group of men spotted carrying an anti-tank grenade launcher.[41]
  • The IAF killed Latif Obeid, 20, and Maher Atallah, 19, both member of the Salah Ed Deen Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Resistance committees, as they were preparing a bomb to use against Israeli tanks.[42][43] At least four others were wounded.

[edit] July 17, 2006

  • Five IDF soldiers were lightly wounded in fighting in Gaza – two during morning operations and three during an evening operation.

[edit] July 19, 2006

  • Five Israeli soldiers were injured when a grenade was hurled at them; the forces returned fire, killing two militants in the Mughazi refugee camp. [44]
  • Four more gunmen and two civilians were killed in the same refugee camp. [45]

[edit] Late July

[edit] July 20, 2006

  • Five armed Palestinians were killed in an exchange of gunfire with IDF forces in the central Gaza Strip.[46]

[edit] July 21, 2006

  • Mohammed Harara, 26, a Hamas militant and four of his relatives were killed in an explosion in a house in Gaza City. The Israeli army said it fired at two gunmen who were on a balcony because they were preparing to launch an anti-tank weapon at the forces. Palestinians said the house was hit by an Israeli tank shell.[47] [48]

[edit] July 24, 2006

  • Israeli shells killed six people and wounded several others in Beit Lahiya. Three were apparently civilians, and the other three were gunmen. [49]

[edit] July 25, 2006

  • Qassam's, fired from Southern Gaza hits Western Negev. One man is wounded. As in a response, the IAF destroys houses in Rafah and wounds 7 Palestians. In Gaza-city the IAF destroys a building, used by the Islamic Jihad as a depot. 4 Palestians were wounded. [50]

[edit] July 26, 2006

  • IDF kills 23 people in Northern Gaza, 16 militants, 3 civilians, and 4 unknown. At least 76 people were injured, 16 critically. [51]

[edit] July 27, 2006

  • Three civilians in Gaza were killed in IDF operations. [52]
  • Three militants and an old woman were killed in Gaza-city by IDF operations. 25 people were injured. [53]

[edit] July 28, 2006

  • Nine people were wounded by the IAF in the city Khan Younis. The IAF bombed a house, used as a weapon depot. [54]

[edit] July 30, 2006

  • One woman was wounded by a Qassam rocket, Sderot. The rocket was fired from Gaza. [55]
  • A man critically injured three days before in an attack over the city of Beit Hanoun, dies of his injuries. [56]

[edit] Early August

[edit] August 1, 2006

  • Two Palestinians were killed in an airstrike, eyewitnesses said that an Israeli aircraft fired one missile at a Palestinian militants' car near al-Nadda Towers neighborhood north of the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahia. [57]

[edit] August 3, 2006

  • In the Rafah region, at least eight Hamas militants were killed by an airstrike, and shortly after, an eight-year old boy was killed by an artillery shell. PNA sources report that 29 people were injured, including a four-year old girl. [58]
  • Another IAF strike on Rafah kills two Palestinian militants, seriously wounding a third. [59]

[edit] August 4, 2006

  • In Southern Gaza, 3 Hamas-militants and a baby were killed by IDF strikes. [60]

[edit] August 5, 2006

  • Two Hamas militants and three civilians were killed in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. [61]

[edit] August 6, 2006

  • Three Palestinian children and two militants have been killed by Israeli fire in the Gaza Strip, as the Israeli military pressed an incursion in the southern city of Rafah[62].

[edit] August 8, 2006

  • A three-month-old Palestinian baby and a 25-year-old man were injured after an Israeli tank shell hit their house in Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza Strip [63].

[edit] August 9, 2006

  • An Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile into a Palestinian militant training camp in the Gaza Strip, killing two militants and one civilian.[64]

[edit] Mid August

[edit] August 13, 2006

  • Three Palestinians were killed afterthe Israeli military struck Gaza after militants fired a Grad-rocket at the Israeli town of Ashkelon. The IDF said it struck the militant launchers. The Palestinians say one of the dead was the launcher, and the two others were civilians. [65]. Other sources claim that the 3 killed were all civilians, and that the militants had left the area prior to the Israeli attack[66].

[edit] August 14, 2006

  • One Israeli civilian is treated for a shock, because Palestinian rocket launchers fired a Grad-rocket at the Israeli town of Ashkelon. [67].
  • An Israeli airstrike destroyed a house, injuring at least eight people. Many of the wounded were bystanders, though the house's owner, his wife and children were all outside the building when the attack occurred and were wounded also[68].
  • One Palestinian rocket laucher is killed by the IDF, 4 other rocket launchers wounded near Beit Hanoun. [69].

[edit] August 16, 2006

  • An Israeli air strike killed a militant and another man in the Gaza town of Khan Younis. At least four people were also wounded in the attack[70].
  • A Hamas activist, who was preparing an explosive which exploded, is injured, together with 3 bystanders in Gaza-city. [71].

[edit] August 18, 2006

  • The IDF opens fire at a group of Palestinians near Gaza's border with Israel, killing a Islamic Jihad member and a shepherd near Beit Lahiya. [72].

[edit] Late August

[edit] August 20, 2006

  • IDF tank fire wounded four members of a Qassam rocket cell near border fence separating Israel and the Gaza Strip on Sunday night. [73].

[edit] August 22, 2006

  • Israeli troops shot and killed three militants from the Islamic Jihad group near the Israel-Gaza border on Tuesday, as soldiers conducted house-to-house searches and made arrests elsewhere in the coast strip.[74].

[edit] August 28, 2006

  • The IDF hits a journalists' car with 2 missiles in Gaza City. A journalist and a cameraman was wounded in the attack.[75]
  • Three Hamas militants carrying a anti-tank missile, were attacked by the IAF. All were killed [76]
  • A boy died as the result of an explosion of a Palestinian dud. His brother was injured. [77]
  • Two members of the Presidential Guard were killed in an IDF raid, together with 2 Hamas-members. [78]
  • A Palestinian civilian was killed by sniperfire near the crossing at Rafah [79]

[edit] August 29, 2006

  • Four Palestinian militants were killed in an IAF airstrike on central Gaza. The four men were standing on a street in the Shajaiyeh neighborhood of Gaza City when a missile hit them. The IDF said that the militant opened fire on soldier before the airstrike. [80]
  • An IDF soldier was lightly wounded on Monday night by an anti-tank rocket that was fired at his unit operating near the Karni crossing in the Gaza Strip. [81]

[edit] August 30, 2006

  • Israeli aircraft fired missiles at groups of Palestinian gunmen who tried to fire anti-tank missiles at ground troops, killing four. The attacks also wounded 26 people, at least 10 of them militants, security and hospital officials said. [82]
  • An Israeli tank fired a cannon shell at Palestinians gathering in the area after daybreak, killing an 8-year-old boy and wounding three people. [83]
  • Three more dead were brought to the hospital, but they were not believed to be militants, medics said. [84]
  • 5 Qassam rockets were fired at Sderot, lightly injuring one Israeli woman after a period of relative calm. [85]
  • Raad Hanaal, the leader of the Salah al-Din Brigades is said to be killed anonymously in Northern Gaza. The Salah al-Din Brigades are the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees. [86]

[edit] Early September

[edit] September 2, 2006

  • Two Palestinians identified as a 55-year-old man and his 23-year-old son were killed during clashes. The IDF said both men were Hamas operatives. Two women from the same family were wounded during the fighting.[87][88]
  • The Israeli army said it had shot a man near the Kisufim border crossing in central Gaza overnight. They said the man looked like he intended to infiltrate Israel.[89]

[edit] September 5, 2006

  • Two Hamas militants, Ahmed A'ashur and Ahmen Arkan, were killed and ten passers-by were wounded after an IAF missile hit their car. It followed other explosions wounding several bystanders, indicating that there were explosives in the vehicle, which the Palestinians confirmed. Palestinian sources said that the two were apparently on their way to fire rockets at Kibbutz Nahal Oz in southern Israel.[90] [91]
  • Approximately two hours later, IAF missiles hit a car carrying two Hamas men killing them on the spot. They were named as Aiyd al-Basiti and Ali Nashaf. [92]

[edit] September 6, 2006

  • Before daybreak, an Israeli helicopter strike targets gunmen approaching border fence the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis, killing one and wounding two, witnesses and hospital officials said. [93]

[edit] Mid September

[edit] September 12, 2006

  • An Israeli soldier is killed by sniperfire. Popular Resistance Committees and al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claim responsibility for shooting. The IDF soldier was Bedouin resident of the Negev. [94]
  • An Palestinian boy is injured in his leg because of an Israeli shell. Earlier, two militants were wounded when a missile destroyed their house, which was used as a weapon warehouse. [95]

[edit] September 17, 2006

  • An 80-year old resident of Sderot is injured because of a Qassam rocket fired from the Gaza strip. 2 more people were treated for a shock. [96]

[edit] September 20, 2006

  • Two teenage Israeli Arab shepherds were moderately wounded by two Qassam rockets fired from Gaza.[97]
  • A Palestinian is killed near a Qassam launcher, which was earlier this day used by militants. The IDF says the man was trying to launch a Qassam rocket. [98]

[edit] September 21, 2006

  • A Palestinian civilian woman and a militant were killed in an Israeli raid. 2 militants were wounded in the attack, carried out by special forces. It happened in Rafah, when the special forces entered a house, which is property of a government member of Hamas. [99]
  • In Northern Gaza, Israel killed three teenagers. Israel says they were carrying a Qassam rocketlauncher, Palestinians say they were shepherds. Earlier this day, 2 rockets were launched from this area, damaging a Israeli building [100]

[edit] Late September

[edit] September 27, 2006

  • In Rafah a 14-year old girl is killed and wounded seven more. The IAF bombed a house of a terrorist with two missiles, and made a call phone 15 minutes before the bombing. The terrorist left, but didn't call his neighboors to leave. [101]

[edit] September 29, 2006

  • Two Palestinian gunmen were killed by missiles, fired from Israeli helicopters. It happened in an neighboorhood in Beit Hanoun. Earlier Qassam-rockets has been fired from this area. Israel says the Palestinians were collecting Qassam rocket launchers. Although, Palestinian sources say the people were cycling civilians. [102]

[edit] September 30, 2006

  • The IAF fired missile at vehicle carrying Tanzim operatives in Rafah, killing two, three others injured. Earlier, Palestinian sources in northern Gaza reported that an IDF aircraft fired a missile at a rocket launcher south of the town of Beit Hanoun. No injuries were reported in the incident. [103]

[edit] Early October

[edit] October 2, 2006

  • Palestinians reported that a fisherman was shot and killed by gunfire from an Israeli patrol boat on his boat off the coast of Khan Yunis. The man was identified as Hani a-Najar from the Shati refugee camp But the Israeli military said it was unaware of any shooting incident involving its navy. [104]

[edit] October 3, 2006

  • Israeli missiles struck a car carrying Islamic Jihad militants and wounded two of them, Palestinian witnesses and medics said.
  • Another missile hit a nearby vehicle and wounded three members of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades inside.

Both incidents took place in Beit Hanun, near the border with Israel. [105]

[edit] October 4, 2006

  • An Israeli air strike on a car killed two Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants, on a road between the towns of Khan Younis and Rafah. [106]
  • Israeli soldiers shot and killed an armed Palestinian placing a bomb near the security fence close to the Kissufim crossing. The Islamic Jihad identified the man as Yussef Kabalan, 21. [107]

[edit] October 9, 2006

  • An IAF missile killed a militant, Mahmoud Abu Nasser, 23, who had a rocket launcher as he approached a field in northern Gaza. Five others were wounded in the strike. [108]

[edit] Mid October

[edit] October 10, 2006

  • Israeli soldiers opened fire on two gunmen spotted advancing towards troops operating in the area. One gunman was killed, Ayman Sifi, 22. [109]
  • IAF aircraft fired two missiles at a Palestinian car in the Gaza Strip occupied by a wanted Aksa Martyrs' Brigades member. He survived with moderate wounds. [110]

[edit] October 11, 2006

  • Israeli soldiers killed a militant who tried to infiltrate Israel from the northern Gaza Strip with an explosive belt. The militant was shot shortly after crossing the border fence south of the Karni crossing. [111]

[edit] October 12, 2006

  • Israeli soldiers operating in Gaza, under the cover of night, killed five members of the same family in a fierce gun battle. Four of them were armed Izz al-Din al-Qassam operatives, the fifth member of the family was a 13-year-old teen. At least 15 people were injured, including four who sustained serious wounds. The killed were identified as Abed Rahman Kadiah, 25, Salah Kadiah, 25, and Naeel Kadiah, 22, Adal Kadiah, 40, and Suhaib Kadiah, 13. [112] Hamas announces revenge and shoots six make-shift rockets into Israel.[113][114]
  • Another gunman, Mohammed Barakha, 23, was killed later Thursday as clashes raged into the afternoon. IDF troops opened fire on Barakha as he advanced toward them under cover of a large crowd. Gunmen opened fire at advancing troops and fired antitank missiles at IDF armored vehicles and tanks.

[edit] October 13, 2006

  • Three Hamas militants were killed while driving in a vehicle. The vehicle was hit by a single missile of the IAF, followed by a big explosion. This cell was responsible for firing Qassam rockets on Sderot a few days earlier this happened in the area of Beit Lahiya.
  • A woman was hit by a bullet while standing on her balcony. The IDF deny responsibility.


  • Three residents of Sderot are wounded by a Qassam rocket, 2 of them sustain light injuries, the other has moderate injuries. [116]

[edit] October 14, 2006

  • Four Hamas militants were killed when a house they were hiding in was hit by a series of Israeli missiles, security sources said. A fifth later died of his wounds. Three others were killed in separate raids. All seven were Hamas militants. At least 10 were wounded. The IDF said the incident began when an anti-tank missile was fired at an Israeli bulldozer. Troops responded with fire from the air and the ground. [117] [118] [119]
  • A gunman of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades was killed when IAF missiles struck the car in which he was travelling. Another gunman in the car was critically wounded and two passersby were also hurt, they said. An official said the two men had launched rocket attacks on Israel.[120][121] Israel says the offensive is designed to track down the kidnapped soldier and to stop militants firing rockets into Israel. A spokesman for Hamas's military wing issued a statement vowing "we will bombard and strike everywhere" in response to the attacks in Gaza. "Our reaction will be strong," spokesman Abu Ubaida said.
  • The home of a prominent Palestinian militant was destroyed by an Israeli air strike in Rafah on the border with Egypt. The IDF issued a warning before the strike and no one was killed or injured. An Israeli army spokeswoman told the French news agency AFP that the house "hid a tunnel used for arms smuggling."[122]

[edit] October 16, 2006

  • A Qassam rocket hits Sderot in the evening, one person is lightly injured. On the rocket in written in Hebrew Al-Qud's. An Islamic spokesman said they are dissatisfied Israel calls all rockets Qassam's, a name identified by the Izz ad-din al-Qassam brigades, but Islamic Jihad wants the credits for the attack, they said. .[123]

[edit] October 18, 2006

  • Two Hamas gunmen are killed by the IDF as they arrive at the Rafah crossing, just a few meters away from the Philadelphi Route, the route used by militants to smuggle weapons. One of the killed militants is Ashraf al-Muashar, he is said to be involved in the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit.[124][125]

[edit] Late October

[edit] October 20, 2006

  • One resident of Sderot is lightly injured with shrapnel wounds in the chest because of Qassam rocket that fell in his garden. One other Qassamrocket fell outside the town. .[126]
  • Just one day after Israeli Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer brought up Israel's complaints about smuggling of weapons from Egypt into the Palestinian territory during his talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo on Thursday, Egyptian police arrest three men and seize 195 crates of automatic weapons and ammunition destined for Gaza.[127]

[edit] October 21, 2006

  • The IDF said early Saturday that a Palestinian man killed during an operation in the Gaza Strip had been an armed gunman, and his death was the result of a clash between soldiers and terror operatives. Palestinians claim the IDF killed a civilian, 50, in a clash between the IDF and Palestinian gunmen in Southern Gaza, near the Sufa Crossing.[128]
  • Palestinians fire four Kassam rockets at Israel. All the rockets landed in open areas, however one landed near a high school in Ashkelon.[129]

[edit] October 23, 2006

  • 9 Palestinians are killed in Beit Hanoun. The IDF killed approximately 4 Palestinian gunmen in a mourning tent, other Palestinian gunmen in the tent thought the gunfire came from a neighbooring house and they began shooting at it. Later they realized they made a mistake and began firing at the IDF. Then a gunbattle followed. When the smoke cleared, 7 Palestinians (6 identified gunmen, other not known) were killed. Another died the next day of his wounds[130], as well as a woman 5 days later.[131] One of the killed (who witnesses say was the prime target) was Atar Shinbari, senior commander from the Popular Resistance Committees (and leader of its rocket-launching unit), a militant group that claimed joint responsibility for a cross-border raid on June 25 in which two Israeli soldiers were killed and one seized. A spokeswoman of the IDF said they shot at least 10 gunmen, but did not know their condition. [132][133] Two dozen Palestinians were wounded. Both Hamas and Fatah leaders dubbed the incident to be a "massacre" and swore revenge. Commander Guy Biton of the IDF Givati battalion operated in northern Gaza Strip says of incident in regards to the statements of Abbas and Haniyeh: "The Palestinians like to exaggerate reality, and in this case the operation went smoother than ever and only gunmen were hit."[134] [135]

[edit] October 26, 2006

  • A Palestinian policeman opened fire on Israeli troops operating in southern Gaza, moderately wounding a soldier. Troops fired back, killing the policeman (a member of the National Security force) and wounding a second person. A Palestinian farmer in Beit Hanoun was killed.
  • A third man dies in the Gaza-strip, near the security fence. The man had breached the proximity limit to the security fence, and the IDF had requested identification and warned him with shots in the air before shooting. The man did not respond, and as a result forces executed the response protocol.[136]
IDF officials said the Gaza operations are aimed at reducing the terrorists’ Qassam rocket-launching capabilities and prevent the digging of additional weapons smuggling tunnels. Reserves Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Omri Bar-Davi mentioned that during the activity weapons were found and 10 Palestinians suspects were detained and taken in for questioning.[137]

[edit] October 27, 2006

  • Armed Palestinians in the Gaza Strip kidnapped an Israeli-Arab and wounded his wife. The couple was visiting the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahiya for the Muslim holiday of Id al- Fitr, when the armed men got out of two cars and opened fire on the couple as they were making their way back to Israel. Palestinians identified the abducted man as Riyadh al-Louh. His wife, Khatima al-Louh, was shot in the foot during the attack. Palestinian Interior Minister Said Siam was informed of the incident.[138]
The kidnapping appeared to have been related to a family feud, security officials said. Defense Minister Amir Peretz last week had granted permission to Arab Israelis with relatives in Gaza to enter the Strip during celebrations of Eid al-Fitr; indeed, about 3,000 Arab-Israelis have visited the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the holiday. The kidnapping is of a series of similar incidents recently in the Palestinian territories.[139]
  • Overnight, IAF aircraft bombed the home of a Hamas operative in the Jabaliya refugee camp that was being used as a weapons warehouse; the occupants received 15 minutes' warning and no one was wounded.

[edit] October 29, 2006

  • Palestinian security forces opened fire on residents near the unused Gaza airport in Rafah who were trying to steal equipment from the area. The gunfire sparked a shootout with nearby Israeli forces. Musa Abu Sneina, 30, who had been trying to steal equipment, was killed in the shootout. Palestinian security sources claim the militant was shot by Israeli soldiers.[140]
  • A Hamas militant in northern Gaza was seriously wounded in a mysterious explosion that rocked the Jabaliya refugee camp. Palestinian sources admit the explosion did not involve the Israeli army.

[edit] October 30, 2006

  • A Palestinian, Mazen Abu Udah(20) is killed as an IDF shell hits his private house in Beit Hanoun. 3 others were injured. The IDF denies involvement. [141]

[edit] October 31, 2006

  • Israel Defense Forces troops killed Three Hamas militants in a battle in Khouza, a village east of the Khan Younis refugee camp that borders Israel, Palestinian security officials and Hamas sources said. Three other Palestinians have been wounded in the fighting. The IDF claim they fired on armed men that appeared to be planting a bomb in the area and identified hitting several gunmen. Six Palestinians, including two militants, were wounded [142]

[edit] Early November

[edit] November 1, 2006

  • As militants in Gaza pelted the western Negev with Qassam rockets, the IDF strikes the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanoun (where the IDF estimates 300 rockets have been fired at Israel from the town since the start of the year). Several anti-tank missiles were fired by Palestinians, a weapon used frequently by Hezbollah in the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah conflict. The IDF Home Front Command ordered the closure of most schools in the western Negev due to the rocket fire. The IDF carried out three aerial attacks against armed gunmen approaching the forces and planting explosives in the area. In one incident, forces fired at two gunmen who had fired anti-tank missiles at the soldiers. A second strike targeted an armed gunman who was approaching the IDF troops, and another targeted a group of armed militants who were placing an explosive device near the troops. Fourteen Palestinian militant groups took responsibility for attacking IDF troops. [143]

Total: 9 Palestinians, 1 Israeli killed [144]

  • An Israeli soldier, Staff Sgt. Kiril Golenshein (Golanshin), 21, was killed by Hamas gunmen in Beit Hanoun during an operation against rocket launchers, the IDF fired back killing two members of the cell that fired on them.
  • Four more militants (Hamas and Islamic Jihad) are killed by the IDF.
  • One Palestinian policeman (National Security) is killed by an IAF airstrike.
  • Two Palestinian civilians die in clashes between gunmen and soldiers.
  • At least 35 Palestinians are wounded throughout the day, who except for a woman and a boy, were almost all armed militants, according to Palestinian hospital officials.
  • At least 9 rockets have been fired from the Strip this day. Three of the rockets landed in Sderot, spraying shrapnel and wounding a young boy. A young woman was also wounded by a Qassam rocket.[145]

[edit] November 2, 2006

Five Kassam rockets hit Sderot and the western Negev. One of the rockets scored a direct hit on a house in Sderot. A fire broke out as a result of the explosion, while two other people suffered light wounds. Seven people were reportedly suffering from shock.

In a second day of military operations called Operation Summer Clouds, 7 Palestinians are killed by the IDF.

  • In Beit Hanun, Israeli forces wounded three Palestinians as they were preparing to fire an RPG missile.
  • Four militants are killed in various clashes in Beit Hanun. Three were identified as Palestinian Resistance Committees member Yusef Aqel, 23, and Bassam al-Jamal, 21, one of Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh's bodyguards.
  • Three civilians are killed during clashes. The three civilian fatalities were identified as Diya Basyuni, 65; Masada al-Hawihi, 40; and Issam Abu-Uda, 29.
  • Two IDF soldiers who received shrapnel wounds during the military operation in Beit Hanoun were evacuated to hospital. The two soldiers were wounded several days ago but that the forces were unable to evacuate them from the field safely at the time. [146]
  • In Beit Hanun, Israeli forces wounded three Palestinians as they were preparing to fire an RPG missile.
  • Elsewhere in Gaza, IDF forces shot and captured an armed Palestinian. In addition, Israeli soldiers destroyed a Kassam rocket launcher that was reportedly armed and ready for action.
  • The IAF fired missiles at a group of over 10 armed Palestinians who gathered at the center of the town of Beit Hanun just before dawn. [147] [148]
  • Army forces arrested three Palestinians in the region; they also uncovered a large weapons cache inside a house, seizing optical scopes and anti-tank missiles, among other arms. +
  • Palestinians reported that a Palestinian woman was killed by IDF fire in Beit Hanun while protesting the army's activities in northern Gaza, as clashes between IDF soldiers and Palestinian gunmen continued throughout the day. Palestinians reported that two gunmen and a 75-year-old man were killed. [149] [150]

[edit] November 3, 2006

17 Palestinians were killed in Gaza.

  • An Israeli air strike on a vehicle in Gaza City killed four Hamas members, including Ammar Mushtaha, a Hamas commander who had survived previous assassination attempts. Among the dead was also a bodyguard for one of the ministers in the Hamas-led government. [151]
  • A four-year old Palestinian boy from Beit Hanoun was declared dead on Friday after being wounded on Thursday by a tank shell.
  • An IAF air strike in the town of Jabalya had critically wounded two gunmen. An Israeli military spokesman said the attack had targeted armed gunmen planting explosives they intended to detonate against Israeli troops.
  • An Israeli soldier is lightly wounded due to shrapnel wounds. Palestinians shot an antitank missile at an IDF post in Southern Gaza [152]
  • A Hamas gunman is killed during clashes between the IDF and Palestinian in Beit Hanoun [153]
  • IDF troops exchanged fire with sixty gunmen holed up in a mosque. Some militants had given themselves up; Palestinian sources said most of the militants managed to escape unharmed. The gunmen included militants involved in rocket attacks.
  • 2 Palestinian women killed and 10 injured. During the standoff of a Gaza mosque, Palestinian radio urges women to commit themselves to help the gunmen. One of the women said they had brought in clothing to disguise the militants as females. Ten women who served themselves as human shields for militants (mostly Hamas) during the siege on the mosque were shot at by Israeli soldiers, killing two and injuring about 10 others. [154][155] [156]
  • 2 Palestinian gunman from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade are killed when a missile hit their vehicle in the evening, near Jabalya, Palestinian sources said [157]
  • A Hamas member who was laying explosives in the area, was killed by a single missile by the IAF. Close to him stood a local mosque, which is damaged by the aerial strike. Eyewitnesses and Palestinian sources say also 3 civilian worshippers were wounded in the attack. [158]
  • Three militants and two Palestinian ambulance crews killed in an IAF strike in the Jebaliya refugee camp. [159]

The three-day offensive altogether has claimed the lives of an Israeli soldier, and 20 Palestinians (including at least thirteen militants).

[edit] November 4, 2006

Eleven Palestinians are killed. Two Israeli soldiers are wounded. [160]

  • The IAF fired a missile towards a car in which four Hamas operatives were riding. Two militants were killed, including a top Hamas rocket maker Louay al-Borno, one militant was seriously wounded. The operatives were members of the Hamas special security unit, Abu Obeida, spokesman of Hamas confirmed all men were members of the Ezzedeen al Qassam Brigade, the military wing of Hamas. Residents said also a civilian was killed in his house due to the aerial strike.[161]
  • The IAF killed three militants including two brothers in Jabaliya who were members of Hamas' armed wing the Izz a-Din al-Qassam Brigades. The militants were identified as Ibrahim al-Basiani, 19, Ali Na'uk, 18, and Isa Na'uk, 23 [162]
  • Ahmed al-Mad'un, a paramedic who was seriously wounded in yesterday's IAF strike dies of his wounds.[163]
  • An IDF soldier was seriously wounded in Beit Hanoun after militants detonated an explosive device near soldiers, and a gun battle ensued.[164]
  • A 46-year-old resident of Beit Hanun, Marwan Abu Arbid, was killed when the wall of a building he was located in collapsed, apparently due to an Israeli shell.
  • A 12-year-old girl, Isra Nasser, was killed by an Israeli sniper. An Israeli army spokesman said a sniper had spotted an armed militant and had fired at him but that apparently the girl was killed as the armed man got out of the line of fire, and expressed regret at the killing. .[165]
  • Another man, said to be a 38-year-old civilian was also shot dead by sniper fire, local residents said. An Israeli army spokesman said troops identified hitting an armed man who tried to approach soldiers in the area.
  • A gunman was killed in battles with Israeli soldiers backed by tanks near Beit Hanoun.
  • Three militants wounded in the fighting since the offensive began on Wednesday also died of their wounds
  • A second IDF soldier is wounded.

[edit] November 5, 2006

  • Two militants were killed in a battle with the IDF, Palestinians identified the dead militants as 23-year-old Mahdi al-Hamadin of Hamas and Wissam Obayed of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. A third Palestinian gunmen was seriously injured.
  • Today 9 Qassam rockets have been fired from the Strip at Israel. One resident of Kibbutz Erum is lightly hurt (shrapnel) as a Qassam rocket explodes close to him. One Qassam rocket landed near the Sderot market and could have caused many casualties.[166]
  • An Israeli air strike killed a Hamas militant. Palestinian witnesses said a missile struck a date tree near where several Hamas militants had been standing. The attack wounded several others. [167]
  • A Palestinian policeman was killed in battle with the IDF. [168]
  • A Hamas militant near Jabalya was killed by an Israeli air stike.[169]

Palestinian medical officials have said Israeli forces have killed at least 48 people, more than half of them gunmen, during the latest five-day operation in northern Gaza.

[edit] November 6, 2006

  • An IAF missile was fired in Jabalia, striking a group of teens walking to school, and at least two youths are killed and 9 chidren are wounded. Residents say the target were militants, who gathered near a kindergarten, but none of them were hurt and were able to escape. However, the army said they launched a ground offensive in the area and shot members of a Qassam launching cell, killing a 17 year old militant and wounding others .[170].[171]
  • Three Hamas militants, Muhammad Taah, 25, Alla Seeam, 20 Mahmoud al-Kafarna, 20, are killed in gunfire between the IDF and Palestinian gunmen. Two other militants were wounded in the clash. [172]
  • A woman approached IDF soldiers near a temporary checkpoint. When the soldiers called her to stop, she blew herself up with a explosive belt in Beit Hanoun. One soldier was lightly hurt and the suicide bomber killed. The woman, Marvat Masud was affiliated with the Islamic Jihad. [173]

[edit] November 7, 2006

  • The home of a Hamas-lawmaker, who organised the woman-human-shield on November 3 was destroyed after tanks fired 2 shells at his house. The sister-in-law of the lawmaker was killed, as well as including Mahmoud Abu-Khabel, a important member of Hamas' military wing. Another gunman later died. The 4th is still unidentified. The IDF said they didn't hit a specific house, but fired back when armed gunman fired with RPG's at them. [174]
  • 2 gunman were killed by an Israeli elite unit. They were members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.One of the gunman was the son of the leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Khaled al-Batash[175]
  • 3 Al-Aqsa Martyr's brigade operative are killed in Beit Lahiya by IDF forces [176]

[edit] November 8, 2006

  • At 5.30 a.m local time Israeli tanks bombarded a civilian neighborhood in Beit Hanoun for 15 minutes. This demolished at least 4 houses, killing at least 19 (including 4 women and 9 children) and injures more than 40, all civilians. Four hospitals are treating the casualties. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and PM Ismail Haniyeh condemned this attack, and called it "a massacre". Abbas said this attack "destroyed all chances of peace" and that Israelis do not want peace at all. Hamas and Islamic Jihad promises revenge. An Israeli army spokesman promised investigation to this incident.[177][178][179][180][181]
  • 2 Hamas militants are killed when their vehicle is bombed by the IAF, including the head of the Qassambusiness of Hamas, Ahmed Ouad, who was responsible for manufacturing and shooting of Qassams. [182]
  • 2 members of Hamas's Qassam are killed in Northern Gaza as they're trying to launch Qassams. 4 more are wounded by the IDF. The dead were identified as Nimer Abu Al-Nadi, 17, and Iyad Swilan, 23. [183]

[edit] Mid November

[edit] November 15, 2006

  • A resident of the Negev Town of Sderot is killed by a sophisticated Al-Quds rocket. Beside the death of the 57-year old woman, a 24 year old man's legs were cut in half. The man is a body guard of Defense Minister Amir Peretz, who resides in Sdereot. The Al-Quds Brigade, military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, claimed responsibility and said this was the revenge for the occupation of the West Bank and in response to the recent Israeli shelling that killed 18 in Beit Hanoun. The past weeks, Qassam fire has been increased and IDF sources say a large-scale operation is therefore coming in the next weeks. The Qassamrocket(Al-Quds rocket) was fired from Beit Hanoun, next to the cemetery. [184]
  • Another teenager is badly injured due to a Qassamrocket. 3 others were lightly injured. [185]
  • Israeli airstrikes have hit the homes of several senior Palestinian militants in Gaza, wounding at least one person.

Israeli Defence Minister Amir Peretz said Palestinian militants would pay a heavy price for the attacks. An Israeli military spokeswoman said the militants' homes were hit because they were being used to store weapons and to hold terrorist meetings. The first Israeli helicopters struck the Shathi refugee camp outside Gaza City at just before midnight on Wednesday, hitting the home of a prominent member of the Popular Resistance Committees. Shortly afterwards, similar attacks hit the homes of senior Hamas militants in the Jabaliya refugee camp and in Rafah. In each case, the Israelis phoned the homes and warned the occupants, and only one injury was reported.

  • Israeli police said six rockets fell in and around Sderot, near the Gaza border. At least three rockets were later fired at Ashkelon. [3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ "IAF gunships hit Ismail Haniyeh's office in Gaza City", Jerusalem Post, 2006-06-30.
  2. ^ "Israel strike hits Palestinian PM's office", Associated Press, 2006-07-02.
  3. ^ "Two Hamas operatives killed in further air strikes", Haaretz, 2006-07-02.
  4. ^ "3 gunmen killed by IDF in south Gaza", Ynetnews, 2006-07-02.
  5. ^ "IDF troops kill two Palestinian militants in northern Gaza", Haaretz, 2006-07-03.
  6. ^ a b c d e "Hamas member killed in IAF strike", Jpost, 2006-07-03.
  7. ^ "Gaza: IAF strike kills Hamas member", Ynetnews, 2006-07-04.
  8. ^ a b "IDF forces enter north Gaza", Ynetnews, 2006-07-05.
  9. ^ "2 Palestinians killed in Gaza explosion", Ynetnews, 2006-07-05.
  10. ^ "Israeli Forces Push Into Northern Gaza", FoxNews, 2006-07-05.
  11. ^ "Killed IDF soldier probably died from friendly fire", Jpost, 2006-07-06.
  12. ^ "Gaza: 9 gunmen killed in IAF strike", Ynetnews, 2006-07-06.
  13. ^ "5 gunmen killed in IAF strike", Ynetnews, 2006-07-06.
  14. ^ "One dead in IAF strike in Gaza", Jpost, 2006-07-06.
  15. ^ "Israel kills militant in Gaza as troops dig in", Reuters, 2006-07-07.
  16. ^ a b c "IDF: 40 militants killed since start of operation in Gaza Strip", haaretz, 2006-07-07.
  17. ^ "IDF:Israel kills 7 in Gaza", Reuters, 2006-07-07.
  18. ^ "Reports: IDF opens eastern front in Gaza", Jpost, 2006-07-08.
  19. ^ "Reports: IDF opens eastern front in Gaza", Jpost, 2006-07-08.
  20. ^ "Reports: IAF aircraft destroy tunnel at Karni crossing in Gaza", Jpost, 2006-07-08.
  21. ^ "Reports: IDF kills 2 Palestinians near Karni", ynetnews, 2006-07-08.
  22. ^ "Reports:Blast in Gaza home kills three; IDF denies involvement", Jpost, 2006-07-08.
  23. ^ "Blast in Gaza home kills three; IDF denies involvement", Jpost, 2006-07-08.
  24. ^ "Toll rises as ceasefire fails", Herald Sun, 2006-07-08.
  25. ^ "Reports:Kassam rocket strikes Sderot home, four wounded", Jpost, 2006-07-09.
  26. ^ "Reports:Israel rejects Hamas' bid for cease-fire", Associated Press, 2006-07-09.
  27. ^ "Reports:Israel vows offensive until soldier freed", Associated Press, 2006-07-09.
  28. ^ "Reports:IDF: Operation in the Gaza Strip to intensify, likely to continue for at least two more months", Haaretz, 2006-07-10.
  29. ^ "Reports:IDF: PM 'determined' to implement West Bank pullout, says Israel not interested in toppling Hamas", Haaretz, 2006-07-10.
  30. ^ "Reports:IAF foils Islamic Jihad attack", Jpost, 2006-07-10.
  31. ^ "Palestinian girl critically injured by errant Qassam", Ynetnews, 2006-07-10.
  32. ^ "IDF strike kills 3 Gaza teens", Ynetnews, 2006-07-10.
  33. ^ "IAF targets Qassam launching cell, kills one, wounds four", Haaretz, 2006-07-11.
  34. ^ "IDF: We foiled rocket launching attempt", Ynetnews, 2006-07-11.
  35. ^ "Israelis kill 6 in attack on Hamas meeting", Associated Press , 2006-07-12.
  36. ^ "Report: IAF kills two armed Palestinians in Gaza", Jpost, 2006-07-12.
  37. ^ "IDF kills three Palestinians in central Gaza", Associated Press, 2006-07-12.
  38. ^ "IAF hits terrorist cell near Kfar Darom", Jerusalem Post, 2006-07-12.
  39. ^ "IDF troops pull out of Beit Hanun, ending 2-day incursion", Haaretz, 2006-07-13.
  40. ^ "Armed Palestinian killed in IAF strike in central Gaza Strip", haaretz, 2006-07-12.
  41. ^ "Israel widens Gaza offensive", Reuters, 2006-07-15.
  42. ^ "Five Palestinians killed in Beit Hanoun, Sunday", IMEMC, 2006-07-16.
  43. ^ "IAF bombs PA Foreign Ministry", Ynetnews, 2006-07-16.
  44. ^ "IDF tanks enter central Gaza, kill 7", Ynetnews, 2006-07-19.
  45. ^ "IAF: 8 gunmen killed in central Gaza", Ynetnews, 2006-07-19.
  46. ^ "IAF: IDF kills 5 armed Palestinians in central Gaza", Jerusalem Post, 2006-07-20.
  47. ^ "IAF: Israeli shell kills Hamas man, 4 kin in Gaza-medics", Reuters, 2006-07-21.
  48. ^ "IAF: Five killed in Gaza City explosion", Jerusalem Post, 2006-07-21.
  49. ^ "IAF: Five Israel kills six in Gaza, hits rocket factories", Reuters, 2006-07-24.
  50. ^ "Qassam fired from south Gaza wounds man in Negev town", Haaretz, 2006-07-25.
  51. ^ "Gaza's deadliest day", associated press, 2006-07-26.
  52. ^ "Israeli attacks kill three in Gaza Strip", Reuters, 2006-07-27.
  53. ^ "IDF troops pull out of north Gaza, aircraft pound southern Strip", Haaretz, 2006-07-27.
  54. ^ "IDF troops pull out of north Gaza, aircraft pound southern Strip", Haaretz, 2006-07-27.
  55. ^ "Hamas vows to avenge Qana deaths with attacks, even bombings", Haaretz, 2006-07-30.
  56. ^ "Another dead Palestinian in the Gaza Strip, this time due to three day old injuries", Palestine News Network, 2006-07-30.
  57. ^ "Israeli airstrike on northern Gaza Strip kills two", Xinhua, 2006-08-01.
  58. ^ (Hebrew)"An eight year old boy and at least seven Hamas militants killed in a wide IDF operation in the Rafah region", Haaretz, August 3, 2006
  59. ^ "Two Palestinian killed, one wounded in IAF strike on Gaza", Haaretz, August 3, 2006
  60. ^ "Baby, three Hamas men said killed in south Gaza IDF strikes", Haaretz, 2006-08-04.
  61. ^ "Israel kills 5 in Gaza: medics", Reuters, 2006-08-05.
  62. ^ "Five Palestinians killed as Israel presses Gaza offensive", Yahoo! News, 2006-08-06.
  63. ^ "Baby, man injured in Gaza Strip as Israeli tank shell hits house; IPU calls for release of Palestinian lawmakers", Arab Times, 2006-08-09.
  64. ^ "Israeli air strike on Gaza militant camp kills 3", Reuters, 2006-08-09.
  65. ^ "Israeli response kills 3 in Gaza", Reuters, 2006-08-14.
  66. ^ "Three Palestinian Civilians Killed and 3 Others Wounded in North Gaza", ElectronicIntifada, 2006-08-15.
  67. ^ "Grad rocket hits Ashkelon", YnetNews, 2006-08-14.
  68. ^ "Israeli airstrike injures 8 in Gaza", Yahoo, 2006-08-14.
  69. ^ "IDF attacks cell of rocket launchers near Beit Hanoun; armed man killed", YnetNews, 2006-08-14.
  70. ^ "Israeli strike on Gaza kills two", BBC News, 2006-08-16.
  71. ^ "Gaza explosion was caused by Hamas work accident", YnetNews, 2006-08-16.
  72. ^ "Gaza: Islamic Jihad member, shepherd killed by IDF", YnetNews, 2006-08-18.
  73. ^ "IDF tank fire wounds four members of Qassam rocket cell in Gaza Strip", Haaretz, 2006-08-20.
  74. ^ "Israel kills 3 Palestinians near Gaza border", USA Today, 2006-08-22.
  75. ^ "Gaza: IDF strike hits journalists’ vehicle, wounds 5", YnetNews, 2006-08-28.
  76. ^ "[IDF strikes in Gaza kill four militants, wound 6-year-old boy IAF hits 3 armed terrorists in Gaza]", Associated Press, 2006-08-28.
  77. ^ "Palestinians: Boy killed by dud in Gaza", YnetNews, 2006-08-28.
  78. ^ "Palestinians: 2 members of presidential guards killed in IDF strike", YnetNews, 2006-08-28.
  79. ^ "Palestinians: 18-yr-old youngster killed by IDF fire in Rafiah", YnetNews, 2006-08-28.
  80. ^ "IDF kills Aqsa operative in Ramallah", Jpost, 2006-08-29.
  81. ^ "Soldier injured from anti-tank missile in Gaza", Ynetnews, 2006-08-29.
  82. ^ "Israeli Troops Raid South Gaza; 8 Killed", Associated Press, 2006-08-30.
  83. ^ "Israeli Troops Raid South Gaza; 8 Killed", Associated Press, 2006-08-30.
  84. ^ "Israeli Troops Raid South Gaza; 8 Killed", Associated Press, 2006-08-30.
  85. ^ "5 Qassams fired at Sderot", YnetNews, 2006-08-30.
  86. ^ "Report from Gaza: Salah al-Din Brigades leader killed anonymously", YnetNews, 2006-08-30.
  87. ^ "IAF destroys home of Hamas operative", Jpost, 2006-09-02.
  88. ^ "Israeli army kills 3 Palestinians in Gaza", Reuters, 2006-09-02.
  89. ^ "Israeli army kills 3 Palestinians in Gaza", Reuters, 2006-09-02.
  90. ^ "[Three killed in Gaza car explosions Three killed in Gaza car explosions]", Associated Press , 2006-05-02.
  91. ^ "Helicopters strike gunmen in south Gaza", ynetnews, 2006-05-02.
  92. ^ "IAF kills 4 Hamas militants in two Gaza airstrikes", haaretz, 2006-05-02.
  93. ^ "Helicopters strike gunmen in south Gaza", ynetnews, 2006-05-02.
  94. ^ "Soldier killed in Gaza clash", ynetnews, 2006-09-12.
  95. ^ "Report: Palestinian youth injured by shell near Beit Layhia", ynetnews, 2006-09-16.
  96. ^ "Sderot: Man injured in Qassam attack", ynetnews, 2006-09-17.
  97. ^ "Palestinians Fire 2 Rockets at Israel Town", Associated Press, 2006-09-20.
  98. ^ "Israeli air strike kills Palestinian in Gaza", Reuters, 2006-09-20.
  99. ^ "Israel kills 5 in Gaza; Hamas welcomes Quartet move", Reuters, 2006-09-21.
  100. ^ "Israel kills 5 in Gaza; Hamas welcomes Quartet move", Reuters, 2006-09-21.
  101. ^ "Report: IAF strike kills 14-year-old girl in Gaza", Ynetnews, 2006-09-27.
  102. ^ "Two Palestinians killed in Gaza", Ynetnews, 2006-09-29.
  103. ^ "Rafah: 2 Palestinians killed in IDF strike", Ynetnews, 2006-10-30.
  104. ^ "Hamas, Fatah clash, pull back", baltimoresun, 2006-10-2.
  105. ^ "Witnesses: IAF air strike wounds five militants in northern Gaza", Haaretz, 2006-10-3.
  106. ^ "Israeli air strike kills 2 militants in Gaza", [[ Reuters ]], 2006-10-4.
  107. ^ "IDF kills three Islamic Jihad operatives in Gaza", jpost, 2006-10-5.
  108. ^ "Israeli strike kills Palestinian militant", [[The Associated Press ]], 2006-10-9.
  109. ^ "IDF kills Palestinian in southern Gaza", Ynetnews, 2006-10-10.
  110. ^ "Report: Aksa member hurt in IAF strike", Jpost, 2006-10-10.
  111. ^ "Terrorist carrying explosive belt shot dead", Ynetnews, 2006-10-11.
  112. ^ "Report: IDF kills 5 Palestinians in Gaza clashes", Ynetnews, 2006-10-12.
  113. ^ [1]
  114. ^ [2]
  115. ^ "1 moderately hurt in Sderot rocket attack", Ynetnews, 2006-10-13.
  116. ^ "3 terrorists, woman killed in Gaza", Ynetnews, 2006-10-13.
  117. ^ "Seven Palestinians killed in airstrikes in Gaza Strip", AP, 2006-10-14.
  118. ^ "Israeli forces kill eight Gaza gunmen", Reuters via Yahoo! News, 2006-10-14.
  119. ^ "Gaza airstrikes kill 7 Palestinian terrorists", AP via Yahoo! News, 2006-10-14.
  120. ^ "Eight gunmen killed in IAF missile strikes in Gaza", Haaretz, 2006-10-14.
  121. ^ "IDF targets terrorists involved in the launching of rockets at Israel", IDF, 2006-10-14.
  122. ^ "Israel kills six Hamas militants", BBC News, 2006-10-14.
  123. ^ "New: Qassam rockets with Hebrew captions", Haaretz, 2006-10-16.
  124. ^ "IDF nears Philadelphi route, kills Hamas members", Haaretz, 2006-10-18.
  125. ^ "Israelis kill 2 Palestinians in Gaza", Associated Press , 2006-10-18.
  126. ^ "Qassam hits Sderot; 1 hurt", YnetNews, 2006-10-20.
  127. ^ {{cite news|url= http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2006-10/21/content_5230849.htm| publisher= Xinhua|title= Large arms shipment seized in Egypt near border with Gaza|date= 2006-10-21
  128. ^ "Israeli forces kill Palestinian in Gaza raid", YnetNews, 2006-10-21.
  129. ^ "Four Kassams rockets strike Negev", Jerusalem Post, 2006-10-20.
  130. ^ "Israel to Carry Out More Gaza Operations", Washington Post, 2006-10-24.
  131. ^ "Woman Dies of Wounds in Beit Lahiya", WAFA, 2006-10-28.
  132. ^ "Israel kills 7 in Gaza battle: Palestinian officials", Haaretz, 2006-10-23.
  133. ^ "At least seven Gazans killed in clash between IDF, militants", Haaretz, 2006-10-23.
  134. ^ "http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3318666,00.html", Ynetnews, 2006-10-23.
  135. ^ Seven dead in 'Israeli gaza raid', [BBC]
  136. ^ "Khan Younis: 3rd Palestinian killed since Thursday morning", Ynetnews, 2006-10-26.
  137. ^ "Commander: We met stiff terrorist resistance", Ynetnews, 2006-10-26.
  138. ^ "Israeli-Arab abducted in Gaza Strip", Jerusalem Post, 2006-10-27.
  139. ^ "Report: Arab-Israeli kidnapped in Gaza", Ynetnews, 2006-10-27.
  140. ^ "Palestinian shot and killed in Gaza Strip", Jerusalem Post, 2006-10-29.
  141. ^ "Gaza: Beit Hanoun: Palestinian killed, 3 injured", YnetNews, 2006-10-30.
  142. ^ "Reuters", Reuters, 2006-10-10.
  143. ^ "IDF soldier, 6 Palestinians killed in north Gaza raid", Haaretz, 2006-11-1.
  144. ^ "Israeli strikes kill 9 Palestinians", Reuters, 2006-11-1.
  145. ^ "2 Qassams land in Sderot", Haaretz, 2006-11-1.
  146. ^ "2 wounded soldiers evacuated to hospital", YnetNews, 2006-11-2.
  147. ^ "Kassam hits Sderot house; IDF operation continues", Jpost, 2006-11-2.
  148. ^ "IDF kills 4 Palestinians in Beit Hanoun", YnetNews, 2006-11-2.
  149. ^ "Kassam hits Sderot house; IDF operation continues", Jpost, 2006-11-2.
  150. ^ "IDF kills 4 Palestinians in Beit Hanoun", YnetNews, 2006-11-2.
  151. ^ "Israeli air strike kills four militants", Reuters, 2006-11-3.
  152. ^ "9 Palestinians killed as IDF raid in Gaza goes into third day", Haaretz, 2006-11-3.
  153. ^ "9 Palestinians killed as IDF raid in Gaza goes into third day", Haaretz, 2006-11-3.
  154. ^ Israeli troops kill Palestinian woman
  155. ^ [http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,,1939300,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12 Israeli troops fire on women in mosque siege]
  156. ^ "Women acting as human shields aid escape of Palestinian militants", Los Angeles Times, 2006-11-03.
  157. ^ "Palestinians: 2 gunmen killed by IDF gunfire in northern Gaza", YnetNews, 2006-11-3.
  158. ^ "IAF strike hits mosque", YnetNews, 2006-11-3.
  159. ^ "Palestinians: IAF strike in Jebaliya kills five", The Jerusalem Post, 2006-11-3.
  160. ^ "Saturday death toll rises to 11; IDF: Only few are civilians", Ynetnews, 2006-11-5.
  161. ^ "21 Palestinians killed in IDF raids in West Bank, Gaza", Haaretz, 2006-11-4.
  162. ^ "Gaza: Soldier seriously hurt", Ynetnews, 2006-11-4.
  163. ^ "Gaza: Soldier seriously hurt", Ynetnews, 2006-11-4.
  164. ^ "Gaza: Soldier seriously hurt", Ynetnews, 2006-11-4.
  165. ^ "Israel kills 8 in Gaza, briefly eases grip on town", Reuters, 2006-11-4.
  166. ^ "4 Qassam fired at Negev", Ynetnews, 2006-11-5.
  167. ^ "Israeli air strike kills Gaza militant-doctors", Reuters, 2006-11-5.
  168. ^ "Israel presses on with Gaza offensive", Reuters, 2006-11-5.
  169. ^ "Israel presses on with Gaza offensive", Reuters, 2006-11-05.
  170. ^ "IAF missile kills 16-year-old, wounds several others in Gaza", Haaretz, 2006-11-6.
  171. ^ "Gazan teen killed in IDF attack", Haaretz, 2006-11-6.
  172. ^ "Palestinians: Hamas member killed in IDF Gaza attack", Haaretz, 2006-11-6.
  173. ^ "Gaza: Suicide bomber blows herself up near IDF force", Ynetnews, 2006-11-6.
  174. ^ "Palestinians: 6 killed in Gaza", YnetNews, 2006-11-7.
  175. ^ "Palestinians: 6 killed in Gaza", YnetNews, 2006-11-7.
  176. ^ "Gaza death toll rises to 9", YnetNews, 2006-11-7.
  177. ^ Israeli shells hit Gaza town, killing 18, AP
  178. ^ Israeli tank fire kills sleeping families, Al Jazeera.net
  179. ^ Israel destroyed all chances of peace: Abbas, AFP
  180. ^ Israeli shelling kills 18 in Gaza, BBC
  181. ^ Children among 19 killed by Israeli tank fire, The Guardian (UK)
  182. ^ "IDF: We killed top Qassam-maker.", YnetNews, 2006-11-8.
  183. ^ "19 Palestinians killed in IDF shelling in northern Gaza", Haaretz, 2006-11-8.
  184. ^ "Sderot: Woman killed, Peretz bodyguard hurt", YnetNews, 2006-11-15.
  185. ^ "Sderot: Qassam seriously hurts teen in Sderot, hours after deadly strike", Haaretz, 2006-11-15.