2006 ISSF World Shooting Championships

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The 49th ISSF World Shooting Championships were held in Zagreb, Croatia from July 22, 2006 to August 5, 2006.

Medal count - World records - Men's rifle events - Women's rifle events - Men's pistol events - Women's pistol events
Men's shotgun events - Women's shotgun events - Men's running target events - Women's running target events - References

[edit] Medal count

Pos Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 Flag of People's Republic of China China 32 14 8 54
2 Flag of Russia Russia 24 19 16 59
3 Flag of United States United States 6 2 6 14
4 Flag of Germany Germany 5 7 6 18
5 Flag of France France 4 5 5 14
6 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 3 6 5 14
7 Flag of Norway Norway 3 4 4 11
8 Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 3 2 0 5
9 Flag of India India 3 1 2 6
10 Flag of Poland Poland 3 1 1 5
11 Flag of Italy Italy 2 8 5 15
12 Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 2 6 4 12
13 Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 2 4 6 12
14 North Korea 2 4 4 10
15 Flag of Belarus Belarus 2 3 1 6
16 Flag of Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro 2 1 2 5
17 Flag of Austria Austria 1 3 3 7
18 Flag of Hungary Hungary 1 2 3 6
19 Flag of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 1 1 2 4
20 Flag of Denmark Denmark 1 0 3 4
21 Flag of Canada Canada 1 0 0 1
Flag of Estonia Estonia 1 0 0 1
Kuwait 1 0 0 1
24 Flag of Sweden Sweden 0 3 4 7
25 Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 0 2 0 2
26 Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 0 1 3 4
Flag of Thailand Thailand 0 1 3 4
28 Flag of Israel Israel 0 1 1 2
Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 0 1 1 2
30 Flag of Croatia Croatia 0 1 0 1
Flag of Romania Romania 0 1 0 1
Flag of Spain Spain 0 1 0 1
33 Flag of Australia Australia 0 0 2 2
34 Flag of Finland Finland 0 0 1 1
Flag of Japan Japan 0 0 1 1
Mongolia 0 0 1 1
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 0 0 1 1
United Arab Emirates 0 0 1 1

[edit] World records

A total of 15 world records were bettered or equalled during the championships.

Event Score Competitor Nationality
Men's individual world records
300 m Rifle Three Positions 1181 Espen Berg-Knutsen Flag of Norway Norway
10 m Running Target Mixed 391 (Equalled) Lukasz Czapla Flag of Poland Poland
Women's individual world records
300 m Rifle Three Positions 588 (Equalled) Charlotte Jakobsen Flag of Denmark Denmark
50 m Rifle Prone 597 (Equalled) Olga Dovgun Flag of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
Junior Men's individual world records
10 m Running Target Mixed 386 Dmitry Romanov Flag of Russia Russia
Junior Women's individual world records
Men's team world records
300 m Rifle Three Positions 3517 Flag of Norway Norway
25 m Rapid Fire Pistol 1743 Flag of People's Republic of China China
Skeet: 365 Flag of Italy Italy
10 m Running Target Mixed 1158 (Equalled) Flag of People's Republic of China China
Women's team world records
300 m Rifle Prone 1776 Flag of United States United States
Skeet 211 Flag of United States United States
Junior Men's team world records
10 m Air Pistol 1726 (Equalled) Flag of People's Republic of China China
Skeet 348 Flag of United States United States
Junior Women's team world records
10 m Running Target 1116 Flag of Germany Germany
10 m Running Target Mixed 1105 Flag of Russia Russia

[edit] Rifle events

[edit] Men

Pos Individual Team Junior Junior Team
Men's 300 m Rifle Three Positions
Gold Espen Berg-Knutsen Flag of Norway Norway 1181 Flag of Norway Norway 3517
Silver Vebjørn Berg Flag of Norway Norway 1178 Flag of Austria Austria 3514
Bronze Mario Knoegler Flag of Austria Austria 1178 Flag of Sweden Sweden 3503
Men's 300 m Rifle Prone
Gold Lubos Opelka Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 599 Flag of Norway Norway 1792
Silver Peter Sidi Flag of Hungary Hungary 599 Flag of Sweden Sweden 1790
Bronze Rajmond Debevec Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 598 Flag of Australia Australia 1787
Men's 300 m Standard Rifle
Gold Thomas Farnik Flag of Austria Austria 586 Flag of Belarus Belarus 1749
Silver Per Sandberg Flag of Sweden Sweden 584 Flag of Norway Norway 1747
Bronze Vebjørn Berg Flag of Norway Norway 584 Flag of United States United States 1741
Men's 50 m Rifle Three Positions
Gold Artem Khadjibekov Flag of Russia Russia 1273.5 Flag of Russia Russia 3498 Cao Yifei Flag of People's Republic of China China 1158 Flag of People's Republic of China China 3451
Silver Stevan Pletikosić Flag of Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro 1269.1 Flag of Austria Austria 3482 Vaclav Haman Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 1156 Flag of Germany Germany 3435
Bronze Zhang Lei Flag of People's Republic of China China 1268.4 Flag of United States United States 3482 Daniel Brodmeier Flag of Germany Germany 1155 Flag of United States United States 3431
Men's 50 m Rifle Prone
Gold Sergei Martynov Flag of Belarus Belarus 702.1 Flag of United States United States 1786 Matthew Thomson Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 593 Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 1764
Silver Youri Sukhorukov Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 700.9 Flag of Austria Austria 1779 Daniel Brodmeier Flag of Germany Germany 592 Flag of United States United States 1759
Bronze Marco De Nicolo Flag of Italy Italy 700.6 Flag of Hungary Hungary 1779 Stefan Raser Flag of Austria Austria 592 Flag of Germany Germany 1759
Men's 10 m Air Rifle
Gold Abhinav Bindra Flag of India India 699.1 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1783 Navanath Bhanud Faratade Flag of India India 596 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1769
Silver Alin George Moldoveanu Flag of Romania Romania 698.3 Flag of Russia Russia 1783 Petar Gorsa Flag of Croatia Croatia 595 Flag of Italy Italy 1767
Bronze Zhu Qinan Flag of People's Republic of China China 697.9 Flag of Austria Austria 1782 Cao Yifei Flag of People's Republic of China China 593 Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 1766

[edit] Women

Pos Individual Team Junior Junior Team
Women's 300 m Rifle Three Positions
Gold Charlotte Jakobsen Flag of Denmark Denmark 588 Flag of France France 1723
Silver Tatsiana Kasiantsova Flag of Belarus Belarus 580 Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 1717
Bronze Isabelle Grigorian Flag of France France 578 Flag of Denmark Denmark 1713
Women's 300 m Rifle Prone
Gold Solveig Bibard Flag of France France 595 Flag of United States United States 1776
Silver Marina Giannini Flag of Italy Italy 594 Flag of France France 1773
Bronze Charlotte Jakobsen Flag of Denmark Denmark 593 Flag of Denmark Denmark 1757
Women's 50 m Rifle Three Positions
Gold Lioubov Galkina Flag of Russia Russia 684.3 Flag of Russia Russia 1739 Zhang Yi Flag of People's Republic of China China 582 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1729
Silver Sylwia Bogacka Flag of Poland Poland 683.8 Flag of Germany Germany 1738 Kristina Vestveit Flag of Norway Norway 582 Flag of Germany Germany 1725
Bronze Sonja Pfeilschifter Flag of Germany Germany 683.4 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1734 Ratchadaporn Plangsangthong Flag of Thailand Thailand 580 Flag of Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro 1714
Women's 50 m Rifle Prone
Gold Olga Dovgun Flag of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 597 Flag of Germany Germany 1766 Valentina Protasova Flag of Russia Russia 592 Flag of Russia Russia 1764
Silver Hanne Skarpodde Flag of Norway Norway 596 Flag of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 1761 Daria Vdovina Flag of Russia Russia 589 Flag of Israel Israel 1752
Bronze Varvala Kovalenko Flag of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 594 Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 1761 Danielle Roth Flag of Israel Israel 589 Flag of Norway Norway 1750
Women's 10 m Air Rifle
Gold Du Li Flag of People's Republic of China China 502.1 Flag of Germany Germany 1192 Zhang Yi Flag of People's Republic of China China 399 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1183
Silver Katerina Kurkova Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 501.8 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1190 Lee Sena Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 397 Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 1179
Bronze Olga Dovgun Flag of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 500.9 Flag of Russia Russia 1187 Yuriko Kaizuka Flag of Japan Japan 396 Flag of Germany Germany 1178

[edit] Pistol events

[edit] Men

Pos Individual Team Junior Junior Team
Men's 50 m Pistol
Gold Tan Zongliang Flag of People's Republic of China China 667.1 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1685 Pu Qifeng Flag of People's Republic of China China 560 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1641
Silver Vigilio Fait Flag of Italy Italy 662.8 Flag of Russia Russia 1668 Ventsislav Savov Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 554 Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 1630
Bronze Vladimir Isakov Flag of Russia Russia 662.7 Flag of Italy Italy 1667 Lee Daemyung Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 552 Flag of Germany Germany 1629
Men's 25 m Rapid Fire Pistol
Gold Zhang Penghui Flag of People's Republic of China China 786.6 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1743 Christian Reitz Flag of Germany Germany 575 Flag of Russia Russia 1711
Silver Liu Zhongsheng Flag of People's Republic of China China 781.7 Flag of Russia Russia 1736 Philipp Wagenitz Flag of Germany Germany 575 Flag of Germany Germany 1708
Bronze Sergei Alifirenko Flag of Russia Russia 778.9 Flag of Italy Italy 1721 Dmitry Brayko Flag of Russia Russia 573 Flag of France France 1676
Men's 25 m Center-Fire Pistol 25 m Pistol
Gold Liu Yadong Flag of People's Republic of China China 587 Flag of Russia Russia 1746 Leonid Ekimov Flag of Russia Russia 580 Flag of Russia Russia 1721
Silver Mikhail Nestruev Flag of Russia Russia 585 Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 1741 Thibaut Sauvage Flag of France France 580 Flag of France France 1715
Bronze Michael Hofmann Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 585 North Korea 1740 Ivan Stoukachev Flag of Russia Russia 576 Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 1694
Men's 25 m Standard Pistol
Gold Liu Guohoi Flag of People's Republic of China China 577 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1715 Park Kyusang Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 559 Flag of Russia Russia 1651
Silver Kim Jong Su North Korea 575 Flag of Russia Russia 1711 Leonid Ekimov Flag of Russia Russia 558 Flag of France France 1645
Bronze Jakkrit Panichpatikum Flag of Thailand Thailand 575 Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 1706 Thibaut Sauvage Flag of France France 557 Flag of Thailand Thailand 1588
Men's 10 m Air Pistol
Gold Pang Wei Flag of People's Republic of China China 683.8 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1747 Pu Qifeng Flag of People's Republic of China China 580 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1726
Silver Jakkrit Panichpatikum Flag of Thailand Thailand 683.0 Flag of Russia Russia 1745 Lee Daemyung Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 578 Flag of Russia Russia 1717
Bronze Vladimir Gontcharov Flag of Russia Russia 681.1 Flag of France France 1733 Mai Jiajie Flag of People's Republic of China China 578 Flag of India India 1716

[edit] Women

Pos Individual Team Junior Junior Team
Women's 25 m Pistol
Gold Chen Ying Flag of People's Republic of China China 792.8 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1740 Zorana Arunović Flag of Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro 577 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1715
Silver Fei Fengji Flag of People's Republic of China China 790.4 Flag of Belarus Belarus 1735 Yu Lu Flag of People's Republic of China China 576 Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 1710
Bronze Gundegmaa Otryad Mongolia 785.2 Flag of Germany Germany 1730 Alena Suslonova Flag of Russia Russia 575 Flag of Russia Russia 1708
Women's 10 m Air Pistol
Gold Natalia Paderina Flag of Russia Russia 486.9 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1154 Brankica Zaric Flag of Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro 384 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1139
Silver Hu Jun Flag of People's Republic of China China 485.2 Flag of Belarus Belarus 1140 Liu Weiwei Flag of People's Republic of China China 384 Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 1132
Bronze Viktoria Chaika Flag of Belarus Belarus 485.1 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1138 Harven Srao Flag of India India 382 Flag of Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro 1130

[edit] Shotgun events

[edit] Men

Pos Individual Team Junior Junior Team
Men's Trap
Gold Manavjit Singh Sandhu Flag of India India 143 Flag of Russia Russia 362 Abdulrahm Alfaihan Kuwait 117 Flag of Italy Italy 344
Silver Erminio Frasca Flag of Italy Italy 142 Flag of India India 360 Carl Exton Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 117 Flag of Spain Spain 341
Bronze Bret Erickson Flag of United States United States 142 Flag of United States United States 359 Daniele Resca Flag of Italy Italy 116 Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 339
Men's Double Trap
Gold Vitaly Fokeev Flag of Russia Russia 190 Flag of United States United States 414 Mikhail Leybo Flag of Russia Russia 131 Flag of Russia Russia 384
Silver Hu Binyuan Flag of People's Republic of China China 189 Flag of People's Republic of China China 414 Simone Camerini Flag of Italy Italy 129 Flag of Italy Italy 382
Bronze Roland Gerebics Flag of Hungary Hungary 187 Flag of Russia Russia 403 Ahmad Dhadi United Arab Emirates 129 Flag of United States United States 365
Men's Skeet
Gold Andrei Ineshin Flag of Estonia Estonia 148 Flag of Italy Italy 365 Lawrence Collier Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 121 Flag of United States United States 348
Silver Valeri Shomin Flag of Russia Russia 147 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 361 Wesley Wise Flag of United States United States 120 Flag of Italy Italy 346
Bronze Tore Brovold Flag of Norway Norway 147 Flag of Norway Norway 360 Jesse Louhelainen Flag of Finland Finland 119 Flag of France France 344

[edit] Women

Pos Individual Team Junior Junior Team
Women's Trap
Gold Susan Nattrass Flag of Canada Canada 90 Flag of People's Republic of China China 201 Qin Wen Flag of People's Republic of China China 68
Silver Chen Li Flag of People's Republic of China China 89 Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 201 Marina Sauzet Flag of France France 67
Bronze Chae Hye Gyong North Korea 88 Flag of Russia Russia 196 Emma Eagles Flag of Australia Australia 64
Women's Double Trap
Gold Son Hye Kyoung Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 106
Silver Li Yuxiang Flag of People's Republic of China China 104
Bronze Lee Bo Na Flag of South Korea Republic of Korea 103
Women's Skeet
Gold Erdzhanik Avetisyan Flag of Russia Russia 95 Flag of United States United States 211 Emily Blount Flag of United States United States 71
Silver Chiara Cainero Flag of Italy Italy 94 Flag of Russia Russia 209 Albina Shakirova Flag of Russia Russia 68
Bronze Danka Bartekova Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 94 Flag of Italy Italy 209 Angelina Mishchuk Flag of Russia Russia 67

[edit] Running target events

[edit] Men

Pos Individual Team Junior Junior Team
Men's 50 m Running Target
Gold Lukasz Czapla Flag of Poland Poland 593 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 1753 Tomas Caknakis Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 590 Flag of Russia Russia 1744
Silver Miroslav Janus Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 592 Flag of Sweden Sweden 1742 Dmitry Romanov Flag of Russia Russia 588 North Korea 1740
Bronze Peter Pelach Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 587 Flag of Russia Russia 1739 Norbert Kocsis Flag of Hungary Hungary 587 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 1717
Men's 50 m Running Target Mixed
Gold Lukasz Czapla Flag of Poland Poland 395 Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 1165 Jo Yong Chol North Korea 392 North Korea 1156
Silver Peter Pelach Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 393 Flag of Russia Russia 1165 Tomas Caknakis Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 390 Flag of Russia Russia 1151
Bronze Bedrich Jonas Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 391 Flag of Sweden Sweden 1164 Dmitry Romanov Flag of Russia Russia 388 Flag of Poland Poland 1150
Men's 10 m Running Target
Gold Niu Zhiyuan Flag of People's Republic of China China 584 Flag of Russia Russia 1722 Dmitry Romanov Flag of Russia Russia 573 Flag of Russia Russia 1686
Silver Alexander Blinov Flag of Russia Russia 581 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1716 Pak Myong Won North Korea 572 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 1683
Bronze Miroslav Janus Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 581 Flag of Sweden Sweden 1715 Tomas Caknakis Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 569 North Korea 1681
Men's 10 m Running Target Mixed
Gold Lukasz Czapla Flag of Poland Poland 391 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1158 Dmitry Romanov Flag of Russia Russia 386 Flag of Russia Russia 1134
Silver Gan Lin Flag of People's Republic of China China 387 Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 1142 Roman Marchenko Flag of Russia Russia 383 North Korea 1114
Bronze Niu Zhiyuan Flag of People's Republic of China China 387 Flag of Sweden Sweden 1136 Pak Myong Won North Korea 381 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 1111

[edit] Women

Pos Individual Team Junior Junior Team
Women's 10 m Running Target
Gold Audrey Corenflos Flag of France France 385 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1135 Anne Weigel Flag of Germany Germany 382 Flag of Germany Germany 1116
Silver Sun Aiwen Flag of People's Republic of China China 382 Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 1115 Bianka Keczeli Flag of Hungary Hungary 376 Flag of Russia Russia 1096
Bronze Viktoriya Zabolotna Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 380 Flag of Russia Russia 1108 Tetyana Yevseyenko Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 371 Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 1060
Women's 10 m Running Target Mixed
Gold Audrey Corenflos Flag of France France 385 Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 1131 Bianka Keczeli Flag of Hungary Hungary 371 Flag of Russia Russia 1105
Silver Galina Avramenko Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 383 Flag of People's Republic of China China 1126 Oksana Danilenko Flag of Russia Russia 370 Flag of Germany Germany 1074
Bronze Sun Aiwen Flag of People's Republic of China China 381 Flag of Russia Russia 1121 Olga Stepanova Flag of Russia Russia 370 Flag of Ukraine Ukraine 1071

[edit] References

[edit] External links

ISSF World Shooting Championships
1897 | 1898 | 1899 | 1900 | 1901 | 1902 | 1903 | 1904 | 1905 | 1906 | 1907 | 1908 | 1909 | 1910 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 | 1914 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | 1931 | 1933 | 1935 | 1937 | 1939 | 1947 | 1949 | 1950 | 1954 | 1958 | 1962 | 1966 | 1970 | 1974 | 1978 | 1982 | 1986 | 1990 | 1994 | 1998 | 2002 | 2006

Shotgun only: 1934 | 1936 | 1938 | 1950 | 1959 | 1961 | 1965 | 1967 | 1969 | 1971 | 1973 | 1975 | 1977 | 1979 | 1981 | 1983 | 1985 | 1987 | 1989 | 1991 | 1993 | 1995 | 1997 | 1999 | 2001 | 2003 | 2005

Airgun only: 1979 | 1981 | 1983 | 1985 | 1987 | 1989 | 1991

In other languages