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Hunigbēo - Wikipedia


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Template:Taxobox subordo entry

Rīce: Animalia
Stefn: Arthropoda
Gefērscipe: Insecta
Hād: Hymenoptera
Cnēoris: Apidae
Underhīred: Apinae
Folc: Apinini
Cnōsl: Apis

A. mellifera — westernu hunigbēo
A. florea
A. dorsata
A. cerana — ēasternu hunigbēo

Þis gewrit hæfþ wordcwide on Nīwum Englisce.

Sēo hunigbēo is landbūendlicu pīe þe is oft gefreoðod, gefeormod, and geferod fram bēoceorlum.

Hunigbēon hordiaþ hunig (þe is of mildēawe gemacod) in hira hȳfum, which provides the energy for flight muscles and for heating during the winter period, and pollen which supplies protein for bee brood to grow. Through centuries of selective breeding, honeybees can produce far more honey than the colony needs. Beekeepers, also known as "apiarists", harvest the honey and supply sugar for the winter.

Hunigbēon sind underdǣl bēona þe feallaþ in þǣm Hāda Hymenoptera and Underhāda Apocrita. Of þǣm ymbe 20,000 cūðum cynnum bēona, sind endleofen cynn wiþinnan þǣm cynde Apis, þāra eall cennaþ and hordiaþ hunig be sumum dǣle. Fēower cynn wǣron getilod stǣrlīce oþþe hlōðiaþ huniges fram menniscum: Apis mellifera (Westerne hunigbēo), Apis florea (Dweorfhunigbēo/lȳtlu bēo), Apis cerana, and Apis dorsata. Hīe wǣron getemod forhwǣga siþþan þā Egyptisce pyramidas wǣron getimbrod.

  • Apis florea and Apis cerana sind smalla hunigbēon sūðernes and sūþēastes Asian þe weorðaþ getilod for hunige in a similar fashion to Apis mellifera. Their stings are often not capable of penetrating human skin, so the hive and swarms can be handled without protection.
  • Apis dorsata, the giant honeybee, is native to south and southeastern Asia, and usually makes its colonies on high tree limbs, or on cliffs, and sometimes on buildings. It is wild and can be very fierce. It is robbed of its honey periodically by human honey gatherers, a practice known as honey hunting. Its colonies are easily capable of stinging a human being to death when provoked.


[ādihtan] Other honey collecting insects

Other non-Apis species of honeybees have been cultured or robbed for honey:

  • Melipona beecheii, known as the stingless bee, is native to south-eastern Mexico and northern Central America. This bee has long been cultivated by the Maya peoples. The bee and its culture are dying out due to deforestation, pesticides, and the labor intensivity of its honey production. This bee is in some danger of becoming extinct.
  • Ten species of genera Trigona and Austroplebeia in Australia produce and store honey. Australian Aborigines have used this as a source of food. More recently, these bees (called "native bees") in Australia have been cultivated on a small, "cottage industry" scale. The most important species for this industry are Trigona carbonaria and Trigona hockingsi.

[ādihtan] Fruma and distribution þæs cyndes Apis

See movie of bee at work collecting pollen. Requires an Ogg Theora enabled player, such as VideoLAN.
See movie of bee at work collecting pollen. Requires an Ogg Theora enabled player, such as VideoLAN.
Bee collecting pollen.
Bee collecting pollen.

Honeybees probably originated in Tropical Africa and spread from South Africa to Northern Europe and East into India and China. The first bees appear in the fossil record in deposits dating about 40 million years ago during the Eocene period. At about 30 million years before present they appear to have developed social behavior and structurally are virtually identical with modern bees.

Apis mellifera, the most commonly domesticated species, is native to Europe, Asia and Africa. It is also called the Western honeybee. There are many sub-species that have adapted to the environment of their geographic and climatic area. Behavior, color and anatomy can be quite different from one sub-species or race to another. The sub-species Apis mellifera mellifera were brought to the Americas with the first colonists to Virginia in 1622, and numerous other occasions later. Many of the crops that depend on honeybees for pollination have also been imported since colonial times. Escaped swarms (known as wild bees, but actually feral) spread rapidly as far as the Great Plains, usually preceding the colonists. The Native Americans called the honeybee "the white man's fly." Honeybees did not naturally cross the Rockies; they were carried by ship to California in the early 1850s.

[ādihtan] Bēobewitung

Beekeepers often provide a place for the colony to live and to store honey in. There are seven basic types of beehive: skeps, Langstroth hives, top-bar hives, box hives, log gums, D.E. hives and miller hives. Most U.S. states require bekeepers to use moveable frames to allow bee inspectors to check the brood for disease. This allows the Langstroth, top-bar and D.E. hives, but other types of hives require special permitting, such as for museum use. The type of beehive used significantly impacts colony health, and wax and honey production.

Modern hives also enable beekeepers to transport bees, moving from field to field as the crop needs pollinating and allowing the beekeper to charge for the pollination services they provide.

In cold climates, some beekeepers have kept colonies alive (with varying success) by moving them indoors for winter. While this can protect the colonies from extremes of temperature and make winter care and feeding more convenient for the beekeeper, it can increase the risk of dysentery (see the Nosema section of diseases of the honeybee) and can create an excessive buildup of carbon dioxide from the respiration of the bees. Recently, inside wintering has been refined by Canadian beekeepers who build large barns just for wintering bees. Automated ventilation systems assist in the control of carbon dioxide build-up.

Queen (The yellow dot on the thorax was added by a beekeeper to aid in finding the queen. She was probably born in 1997 or 2002; see the Queen article for an explanation of the color)

[ādihtan] Hunigbēon līfryne

Like other eusocial bees, a colony generally contains one breeding female, or "queen"; a few thousand males, or "drones"; and a large population of sterile female workers. The female workers mature from nurse bees to become foragers. The foragers die usually when their wings are worn out after approximately 500 miles of flight. Honeybee wings beat at a rate of 12,000 beats/minute.

The population of a healthy hive in mid-summer can average between 40,000 and 80,000 bees. The workers cooperate to find food and are widely believed to use a pattern of "dancing" (known as the bee dance or waggle dance) to communicate with each other.

[ādihtan] Products of the honeybee

[ādihtan] Bēobrēadgehwierfung

Image:Pumpkin pollination4365.jpg
Bēohȳfe gesett for bēobrēadgehwierfunge

The honeybee's primary commercial value is as a pollinator of crops. Tō bisene, in Californian, the pollination of almonds occurs early in the growing season, before local hives have built up their populations. Almond orchards require twā hȳfe for ǣlcum æcere (2,000 m² for hȳfe) for maximum yield and so the pollination is highly dependent upon the importation of hives from warmer climates.

[ādihtan] Hunig

Hēafodgewrit: Hunig

Hunig is þæt andtimber gemacod hwonne þæt meledēaw and swēta ālecgunga of plantum weorðaþ gegædrod, gemetgod, and gehordod in þǣre hunigcambe fram hunigbēom.

[ādihtan] Bēoweax

Hēafodgewrit: Bēoweax

Wyrcendbēon of sumre ielde onsendaþ bēoweax of getæle cyrnela on hira būce. Hīe brūcaþ þæt weax tō gehīwienne þā weallas and þā cæppan þǣre cambe. Hwonne hunig is gegaderod, cann þæt weax bēon gebrocen in syndrigum weaxtūdrum swā candella and inseglu.

[ādihtan] Bēobrēad


Bees collect pollen in the pollen basket and carry it back to the hive. In the hive, pollen is used as a protein source necessary during brood-rearing. In certain environments, excess pollen can be collected from the hive. It is often eaten as a health supplement.

[ādihtan] Bēolīm

Main article: Bēolīm

Bēolīm is gescapen of trēowteorwum and trēowsapum. Hunigbēon brūcaþ bēolīm tō behlīdenne þynne brycas in þǣre hȳfe. Bēolīm is ēac gecīept for his gesægdum hǣlþe behēfum.

[ādihtan] Hazards to honeybee survival

  • North American and European honeybee populations were severely depleted by varroa mite infestations in the early 1990s. Chemical treatments saved most commercial operations and improved cultural practices and bee breeds are starting to reduce the dependency on miticides (acaracides) by beekeepers. Feral bee populations were greatly reduced during this period but now are slowly recovering, mostly in areas of mild climate, owing to natural selection for varroa resistance and repopulation by resistant breeds.
  • Crop dusting insecticides and pesticides also deplete bees.
  • Africanized bees have spread across the southern United States where they pose a small danger to humans, although they may make beekeeping (particularly hobby beekeeping) difficult and potentially dangerous.
  • As an invasive species, feral bees have become a significant environmental problem in places where they are not native, including Australia. Imported bees compete with and displace native bees and birds.
  • Various bee pests and diseases are becoming resistant to medications (e.g. American Foul Brood, Tracheal Mites and Varroa Mites).

[ādihtan] Honeybee Communication

See also: Bee learning and communication

A honeybee swarm.

Honey bees are an excellent animal to study with regards to behavior because they are abundant and familiar to most people. An animal that is disregarded every day has very specific behaviors that go unnoticed by the normal person. Karl von Frisch studied the behavior of honey bees with regards to communication and was awarded the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine in 1973. Von Frisch noticed that honey bees communicate with the language of dance. Honey bees are able to direct other bees to food sources through the round dance and the waggle dance. The round dance tells the other foragers that food is within 50 meters of the hive, but it does not provide much information regarding direction. The waggle dance, which may be vertical or horizontal, provides more detail about both the distance and the direction of the located food source. It is also hypothesized that the bees rely on their olfactory sense to help locate the food source once the foragers are given directions from the dances.

Another signal for communication is the shaking signal, also known as the jerking dance, vibration dance, or vibration signal. It is a modulatory communication signal because it appears to manipulate the overall arousal or activity of behaviors. The shaking signal is most common in worker communication, but it is also evident in reproductive swarming. A worker bee vibrates its body dorsoventrally while holding another honey bee with its front legs. Jacobus Biesmeijer examined the incidence of shaking signals in a forager’s life and the conditions that led to its performance to investigate why the shaking signal is used in communication for food sources. Biesmeijer found that the experienced foragers executed 92.1% of the observed shaking signals. He also observed that 64% of the shaking signals were executed by experienced foragers after they had discovered a food source. About 71% of the shaking signal sessions occurred after the first five foraging success within one day. Then other communication signals, such as the waggle dance, were performed more often after the first five successes. Biesmeijer proved that most shakers are foragers and that the shaking signal is most often executed by foraging bees over pre-foraging bees. Beismeijer concluded that the shaking signal presents the overall message of transfer work for various activities or activity levels. Sometimes the signal serves to increase activity, when bees shake inactive bees. At other times, the signal serves as an inhibitory mechanism such as the shaking signal at the end of the day. However, the shaking signal is preferentially directed towards inactive bees. All three types of communication between honey bees are effective in their jobs with regards to foraging and task managing.

[ādihtan] Sources

  • Biesmeijer, Jacobus. "The Occurrence and Context of the Shaking Signal in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) Exploiting Natural Food Sources". Ethology. 2003.
  • Kak, Subhash C. "The Honey Bee Dance Language Controversy". The Mankind Quarterly. 2001.
  • Schneider, S. S., P. K. Visscher, Camazine, S. "Vibration Signal Behavior of Waggle-dancers in Swarms of the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Ethology. 1998.

[ādihtan] Lēoht

  • Hunigbēon sind ān swīðe fēawra hweorfanbānhæbbenda in þǣm þe slǣplic gebǣre, gelīc sȳcedēorlicum slǣpe manigra þinga, is cūþ tō gestandenne
  • Hira hunig, as well as their propolis, have antibiotic properties
  • Honeybees are one of the very few invertebrates that produce a sort of "milk" for their young, royal jelly , which is the only food the larvae will eat early in development
  • Like other social insects, they have an advanced immune system
  • They have specially modified hairs on their body that develop a static electricity charge which attract pollen grains to their bodies
  • They have a well developed time sense (circadian rhythm)
  • They navigate by using a combination of memory, visual landmarks, colors, the position of the sun, smell, polarized light and magnetic anomalies
  • Their aging is controlled by a hormone which regulates the production of a protein called vitellogenin
  • The honeybee was a prominent political symbol in the empire of Napoleon Bonaparte, representing the Bonapartist bureaucratic and political system.

[ādihtan] Gemiercod rīces pīe

[ādihtan] Sēo ēac


[ādihtan] Ūtanwearde bendas

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