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Talk:Pes Fran - Wikipedia

Talk:Pes Fran

From Wikipedia


[edit] Nupela toktok

Halo. Nau Tok Pisin Wikipedia i gat 292 pes. Plis kamapim nupela pes.

  • Sapos yu save grama bilong Tok Pisin plis halivim raitim buk i skulim Tok Pisin, long Wikibooks.
  • Plis tu, raitim nupela tok long Wiktionary

[edit] Olpela toktok

Taim mi statim dispela Wikipedia mi laik mekim Wikipedia long Tok Pisin wantaim Tok Inglis, tasol narapela man o meri ol i tok dispela i nogut. Em nau, mi abrusim dispela pasin. Nau mi raitim nupela pes long tok Pisin tasol.
--Milaiklainim 14:22, 29 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Toktok i bin stat olsem:

  • Bilong wanem i mas raitim ol pes lg TP na Tok Inglis tupela wantaim ? (Why have both Tok Pisin and English on the pages?)

They are some (many ?) people in the world with an interest in Tok Pisin. By comparing it with English, they will get a fast grasp of the language. Also it will make easier for the better speakers to correct the parts written by semi-speakers or beginners.

I do not think this is a good idea. Do you do it on Bislama?

By using English alongside Tok Pisin, you are calling into question the status of Pisin as a separate language. As with all Wikipedias, beginners in a language are welcomed and invited to edit. But with one single exception (that being simple english), NO Wikipedias are meant to be tools for learning a language by reading it alongside English. If people want to learn Pisin, they should buy a textbook, or go to wikibooks, or find a website that teaches it. If they still want to use Wikipedia to learn Pisin, they can do this WITHOUT English text.

Got that.

Note that it can be a good idea for all less-active Wikipedias : by presenting their less-widely-used language next to English or to another reference langage, they could be more easily promoted : not as encyclopedias (which they are in fact not until a large number of quality articles are edited) but as language resources for students and teachers.

This is not the purpose of Wikipedia. The purpose of Wikipedia is to offer a free, online encyclopedia to people who can already speak a language. If a Wikipedia doesn't yet have many articles, it nonetheless is meant to serve this same purpose. People will eventually come and build it up. IT IS NOT, however, meant to be a "language resource" for students and teachers. It can be used that way and it will be welcomed, yes, but we should make NO ACCOMMODATIONS for learners of a language. If you really want, you can start a new Wikipedia for learners of Tok Pisin, like we have Simple for learners of English.
Got that.
  • Tasol TP bl yu i nogut tru ! (But your Tok Pisin is terrible !)

Of course ! I am a complete beginner ! But that's all the fun of it. Please do not hesitate to correct all texts as you wish. And if you are a native speaker of English... please correct my English too !

  • Kamapim nupela tok i gut, or nogat ? (Is it OK to invent words ?)

Well, let us try not to; but I guess it is impossible to prevent it completely, especially if we beginners are trying to use the language. So maybe we could just try not inventing words; skilled speakers may also replace new words by more appropriate one as they correct TP sentences. === External link === The problem of standardization of TP: http://www.pca.uni-siegen.de/doc/10/10.pdf

  • Bilong wanem yu raitim lg, bl lg halivim long, bilong? (Why write lg, bl instead of long, bilong ?) ==

Because those are the two most common words in TP and they are quite long to type.

So I suggest you always write them in full because to do otherwise is an abomination unto the language.
  • Encyclopedia, not a textbook

Hi, I don't know if anyone is still working on this Wikipedia but I'm a bit worried about how much it looks like a textbook rather than an encyclopedia. Pages like wik would probably be better as part of the Wikibooks language bookshelf. I agree with the comments made by the anonymous user above that this site should not be a language learning tool. I don't see the English sections as particularly appropriate, although I know other languages like Nahuatl have tried adding English text, but it seems to be less dominant and more temporary there than it is here (see nah:Atl for example). I don't think the split page template which always includes the English text should be encouraged. Angela 21:33, 24 May 2004 (UTC)

Got that.
  • Plis, mipela laikim tanim "Fundraising Drive notice" igo long tok Pisin.

[edit] Mun

Mi kamapim Template:Mun long Mun bilong yia. Plis yusim em long pes bilong mun.
(I've made Template:Mun for months. Please use is on pages of months.) --WurdBendur 20:00, 14 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Tankyu long halivim. Plis kamapim planti nupela pes, na planti nupela template.
よろしくお願いいたします。--Milaiklainim 14:39, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Ido links on the main page

Hi, this is mithridates from the Ido Wikipedia. Someone just came to our Wikipedia to complain about an Ido link being put on the front page. I just checked to see who put the Ido link on and it seems to be someone in Spain. I'm in Korea and the other two sysops are in Canada and Finland so it wasn't one of us. I did notice that this main page has a lot of problem with spam though - I suggest that one of the sysops here protect the main page and write the whole thing within a template like they do on the Danish Wikipedia. Actually I'll just do it for you myself to show what I mean (I can't protect the page though, someone else will have to do that). Mithridates 23:18, 12 November 2005 (UTC)

There. Now if you protect this you will be safe from spam robots but anybody will still be able to modify the front page just by going into the template.

[edit] Protected

I have just protected this page. It has had too much vandalism of late. If anyone wants to edit it, please contact me at Danny Danny 15:58, 11 December 2005 (UTC)

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